Summoner + Eidolon can solo The Tarrasque

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

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Jagyr Ebonwood wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
However when you respond in a playtest forum saying 'i dont like this class because of x,y and z, the implication is that you want x,y, and z, to be changed.

Meh. Must be a case of connotation lost to text-based communication.

I've never inferred that sentiment when reading Spacelard's posts. I've always read it along the lines of "I don't like playing wizards because they can't wear full-plate" meaning that they prefer to play heavily armored characters, not that they think wizards should be able to wear full-plate.

Its hard to determine in text, and in a playtest forum, the connotation is you are providing feedback that you want to impact the final result of the class. If it were in general discussion, go right ahead and tell me what you dont like about wizards, summoners or dwarves, but in the playtest forum we are trying to communicate with paizo staff on what we want from the class.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Hey there Everybody,

This thread has turned into a real mess. There are some valid concerns here, but they are really getting lost in the back and forth, topic changing argument going on.

Folks... the class is not perfect yet. That is why we are having a playtest. I want to see feedback from posters, but do not assume it is your job to criticize the rules use cited by the playtester. I am more than capable of realizing these issues myself and adjusting my intake from the playtest personally.

As for the other issue... if you feel the need to start up a separate thread to discuss them, feel free to do so. This thread is just too much of a mess...

This thread is locked

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Kolokotroni wrote:

I realize you are less adement the most about the 'not liking' the class. However when you respond in a playtest forum saying 'i dont like this class because of x,y and z, the implication is that you want x,y, and z, to be changed.

So no one is to post anything negative about the class then?

All those people who insinuated that an Eidolon wearing armor *and* Natural AC progression shouldn't have posted or that the Summoner spamming with SM was too much?
Both implying that x,y and z needed changing and were changed.
Well for the record Jason asked for feedback and I'll give it to him.
both the good and the bad. Its down to him if anything is changed.

Liberty's Edge

Kolokotroni wrote:
Its hard to determine in text, and in a playtest forum, the connotation is you are providing feedback that you want to impact the final result of the class. If it were in general discussion, go right ahead and tell me what you dont like about wizards, summoners or dwarves, but in the playtest forum we are trying to communicate with paizo staff on what we want from the class.

That is a very good point. From my side of the screen, though, I thought that Spacelard had been clear in separating his personal taste from his playtest observations. Apparently he was clear enough for me, but not for you :-P

Hopefully he was clear enough for Jason et al. Even if he wasn't, he has since clarified his position.

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