SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
BAB: +1/2
Good Saves: Will
Hit Dice: 1d6
Class Skills: Craft, Fly, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), Profession, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
The Witch also gains additional Class Skills based on which Coven Role she selects:
Maiden: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Perform
Mother: Heal, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival
Crone: Appraise, Knowledge (all), Linguistics
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Witches are proficient in the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff. The Witch is not proficient in any armor or shields.
1. Coven Role, Familiar, Witchcrafts (Hex, Incantation, Trance)
2. Witching Ward
3. Familiar Power, Magical Knack
4. Greater Witchcraft 2
5. Lesser Witchcraft 2
6. Greater Witchcraft 3
7. Familar Power, Least Witchcraft 2
8. Greater Witchcraft 4
9. Lesser Witchcraft 3
10. Greater Witchcraft 5
11. Familar Power
12. Greater Witchcraft 6
13. Lesser Witchcraft 4, Least Witchcraft 3
14. Greater Witchcraft 7
15. Familar Power
16. Greater Witchcraft 8
17. Lesser Witchcraft 5
18. Greater Witchcraft 9
19. Familiar Power, Least Witchcraft 4
20. Hag Apotheosis, Lesser Witchcraft 6
Coven Role. At 1st level, the Witch selects her Coven Role from one of the following: Charisma-based Maiden, Wisdom-based Mother, or Intelligence-based Crone.
Maidens add Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, and Perform to their list of Class Skills. Their Greater Witchcraft is Hexes, and can select between Incantations and Trances for her Lesser and Least Witchcrafts.
Mothers add Heal, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival to their list of Class Skills. Their Greater Witchcraft is Trances, and can select between Hexes and Incantations for her Lesser and Least Witchcrafts.
Crones add Appraise, Knowledge (all), and Linguistics to their list of Class Skills. Their Greater Witchcraft is Incantations, and can select between Hexes and Trances for her Lesser and Least Witchcrafts.
Familiar (Su). At 1st level, the Witch selects a familiar. Depending on the type of familiar selected, the Witch will gain additional benefits. See the table below for the different benefits granted by the different familiar types.
Witchcrafts (Spell, Sp, or Su). At 1st level, the Witch learns to use Hexes, Incantations, and Trances. She learns 1 first level Hex, 1 first level Incantation, and 1 Trance. In addition, she learns additional Witchcrafts depending on her Coven Role: Maidens learn a number of additional 1st level Hexes equal to her Charisma Bonus, Mothers learn a number of additional 1st level Trances equal to her Wisdom bonus, and Crones learn a number of additional Incantations equal to her Intelligence bonus.
At 2nd level, and every level thereafter, the Witch learns 1 additional Witchcraft from her Greater Witchcraft category, and 1 additional Witchcraft that she can choose from either her Lesser Witchcraft or Least Witchcraft. At levels 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18, the Witch can learn Greater Witchcrafts of higher levels. At levels 5, 9, 13, 17, and 20, the Witch can learn Lesser Witchcrafts of higher levels. At levels 7, 13, and 19, the Witch can learn Least Witchcrafts of higher levels.
Hex (Su). Hexes are supernatural effects that witches can cast. They are used primarily in combat to harm and hinder their foes. The Witch can cast a specific Hex against a specific creature once per day. The Witch must have a Charisma score of 10 + the level of the Hex to cast the Hex. The Save DC of a Witch's Hex is 10 + 1/2 her Witch Level + her Charisma modifier.
Incantation (Spell). Incantations are spells that witches can cast. They are primarily utilitarian in nature, but are much more versatile than either Hexes or Trances. Because they are difficult to cast, Witches often use rituals or ceremonies to cast their Incantations. To use an Incantation, a Witch must make a Spellcraft check with a DC of 20 + 3 per level of the Incantation; each additional casting of the same Incantation by a Witch increases the DC by 3. By increasing the casting time, the Witch can lower the DC of the Incantation (see the table below). The Witch must have an Intelligence score of 10 + the level of the Incantation to cast the Incantation. The Save DC of a Witch's Incantation is 10 + the Incantation level + the Witch's Intelligence modifier. Except as noted above, Incantations follow all the rules for spells and can be modified with Metamagic feats.
Standard to Full Round Action: -2
Full Round Action to 1 minute: -5
1 minute to 10 minutes: -10
10 minutes to 1 hour: -15
1 hour to 8 hours: -20
Trance (Sp). Trances are spell-like abilities that Witches can use. They are primarily used to heal the body or gain knowledge beyond the normal ken. A Witch can use each Trance she knows a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom bonus (minimum 1). Trances cast as the spells they are named after, however, if the Trance is to target someone other than the Witch, she must add 1 round to the casting time as she brings the target into the trance with her. The Witch must have a Wisdom score of 10 + the level of the Trance to cast the Trance. The Save Dc of a Witch's Trance is 10 + the Trance level + the Witch's Wisdom modifier.
Witching Ward (Su). Beginning at 2nd level, the Witch gains the Witching Ward, a magical protection based on her Coven Role. Maidens add their Charisma bonus to their Constitution modifier for the purpose of hit points. Mothers add their Wisdom bonus to their Dexterity modifier for the purpose of determining their AC. Crones add their Intelligence bonus to their Saving Throws.
Magical Knack (Su). Beginning at 3rd level, the Witch can choose one of the following magical knacks.
Sixth Sense. The Witch adds her Wisdom bonus as an insight bonus to initiative checks.
Skill Knack. The Witch chooses a single class skill and gains an insight bonus to skill checks of the selected class equal to her Intelligence bonus.
Witch's Edge. The Witch adds her Charisma bonus to the hit point damage caused by her magic powers, be they Hexes, Incantations, or Trances.
Familiar Power (Su). At levels 3, 7, 11, 15, and 19, the Witch gains additional power from her familiar, as detailed in the table below.
Hag Apotheosis (Ex). At 20th level, the Witch gains some of the qualities of the Night Hag. She becomes an Outsider (native, augmented humanoid (or whatever type she was before)). She is immune to Charm, Fear, and Sleep Effects, has Cold Resistance 20, Fire Resistance 20, and gains DR 10/cold iron and magic.
Bat. +3 to Fly.
3. Swift Fly 3/day
7. Fly 3/day
11. Overland Flight 3/day
15. Wind Walk 3/day
19. Dark Discorporation 3/day
Cat. +3 to Stealth.
3. Doom 3/day
7. Bestow Curse 3/day
11. ???
15. ???
19. ???
Hawk. +3 to Perception in bright light.
3. See Invisiblity 3/day
7. Clairvoyance 3/day
11. True Seeing 3/day
15. Greater Scrying 3/day
19. Discern Location 3/day
Lizard. +3 to Climb.
3. ???
7. Arcane Eye 3/day
11. Prying Eyes 3/day
15. ???
19. ???
Monkey. +3 to Acrobatics.
3. Bane 3/day
7. Bestow Curse 3/day
11. Insanity 3/day
15. ???
19. ???
Owl. +3 to Perception in shadowy illumination.
3. Superior Low-Light Vision
7. Darkvision 60 feet (or increase existing darkvision by 60 feet)
11. Blindsense 60 feet
15. See in Magical Darkness
19. Blindsight 30 feet
Rat. +2 to Fortitude Saves.
3. Command Undead 3/day
7. Animate Dead 3/day
11. Create Undead 3/day
15. Create Greater Undead 3/day
19. Wail of the Banshee
Raven. +3 to Appraise.
3. Brew Potion as a bonus feat, and she can brew potions of spells she doesn't know by making a successful Craft alchemy skill check with a DC of 20 + the caster level.
7. Minor Creation 3/day
11. Brew Potent Potion. The Witch can brew potions of spells of upto 5th level; this increases by 1 spell level every 2 Witch levels.
15. Fabricate or Major Creation 3/day
19. ???
Viper. +3 to Bluff.
3. Ray of Enfeeblement 3/day
7. Poison 3/day
11. ???
15. ???
19. ???
Toad. +3 hit points.
3. Alter Self 3/day
7. Polymorph 3/day
11. Baleful Polymorph 3/day
15. Polymorph Any Object 3/day
19. Shapechange 3/day
Weasel. +2 to Reflex Saves.
3. Expeditious Retreat 3/day
7. Dimension Door 3/day
11. Teleport 3/day
15. Greater Teleport 3/day
19. Teleport Circle 3/day
Some (or most) of the above Familiar Powers are questionable. An alternative I was thinking about is associating 1 type of Familiar with 1 type of Witch magic. For example...
Bat Fear
Cat Luck
Hawk Weather & Nature
Lizard Poison
Monkey Curse
Owl Scrying
Rat Plague & Necromancy
Raven Charm & Enchantment
Viper Medicine
Toad Transmutation
Weasel Illusion
And the bonuses would be...
3. +1 DC
7. +1 CL
11. +2 DC
15. +2 CL
19. Reduce metamagic level increase by 1
But this would require "typing" all the Hexes, Incantations, and Trances to the 11 witch magic types.
And obviously, I need to do more work on designing the Hexes, Incantations, and Trances. Basically 3 different "spell" lists, each focused on their own flavor:
Hexes: Harming and hindering, but few direct-damage effects.
Incantations: Charms, Illusions, Transformations, and other utility effects, and maybe Call Lighting and the like, but mostly subtle effects that can be achieved ritualisticly.
Trances: Divinations and Healing (mostly through fast healing).
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Here is a very rough draft of what the Hexes would entail.
Level 1:
Bane (as spell)
Doom (as spell)
Damage Ability (Close, Fort negates, 2 points of ability damage, +2 per 4 witch levels)
Dazing Hex (Close, immediate action, Will negates, target is dazed 1 round)
Lesser Confusion (as spell)
Hideous Laughter (as spell)
Ranged Bull Rush (Close, CMB = CL + Cha bonus)
Ranged Disarm (Close, CMB = CL + Cha bonus)
Ranged Sunder (Close, CMB = CL + Cha bonus, damage to item is CL + Cha bonus)
Ranged Trip (Close, CMB = CL + Cha bonus)
Shaken (Close, Will reduces to shaken 1 round, otherwise shaken 1 round per CL, at 5th level frightened instead, at 10th level panicked instead)
Sicken (Close, Fort reduces to 1 round, otherwise sickened for 1 minute/CL)
Slumber (Close, Will reduces to slowed for 1 round, otherwise sleep for 1 minute/level)
Unluck (Close, immediate action, Will negates, force target to re-roll d20 roll, taking the worse result)
Witch's Curse (Close, Will reduces to 1 round, -2 to Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Saving Throws, Skill Checks, and Ability Checks for 1 round per level, increases to -4 at 7th, -6 at 13th, and -8 at 19th)
Level 2:
Bleed (Close, Fort reduces to 1 round, target takes damage equal to 1/2 the Witch's CL each round or until it is magically cured or is subjected to a DC 15 Heal skill check.
Disrupt Spellcasting (Close, immediate action, Force spellcasting target to make a Concentration check with a DC of 10 + CL + the Witch's charisma bonus + the Spell Level of the spell the target is attempting to cast)
Elemental Vulnerability (Close, Fort reduces to 1 round, target gains vulnerability to an energy type chosen by the witch for 1 minute per level)
Flatfooted (Close, Will negates, target becomes flatfooted until next turn)
Hold Person (as the spell)
Improved Unluck (Close, immediate action, Will negates, target is forced to re-roll all d20 rolls once for 1 round, taking the worse result. At 12th level, the target has to re-roll 2 times and take the worst result. At 20th level, the target has to re-roll 3 times and take the worst result.)
Nauseate (Close, Fort reduces to 1 round, target is nauseated for 1 round per CL)
Weapon Magnet (Close, Fort reduces to 1 round, target takes a penalty to AC equal to 1/2 CL for 1 minute per CL)
Level 3:
Bestow Curse (as spell)
Blindness/Deafness (as spell)
Crushing Despair (as spell)
Drain Ability (Close, Fort negates, subject takes 2 points of ability drain, from any ability the Witch chooses. The drain increases by 2 at levels 10, 14, and 18)
Friendless (Close, Will negates, subject suffers penalty on Diplomacy checks equal to the Witch's CL for 1 hour per level. The initial attitude of NPCs meeting the subject is penalized by 1 category, +1 category for every 6 CLs above 6th level)
Greater Unluck (as Improved Unluck, except re-rolls suffer a penalty equal to the Witch's Charisma bonus)
Halt (Close, immediate action, Will negates, subject ceases movement immediately)
Shield Self (Medium, Will negates, subject takes half of the damage the Witch suffers from any source as long as the subject remains in within range)
Slow (as the spell)
Spiteful Health (Close, Fort negates, subject receives 1 negative level and the Witch gains temporary hit points equal to her CL)
Stunning Hex (Close, Fort negates, subject is stunned 1 round)
Truthteller (Close, Will negates, subject cannot lie or use the Bluff skill for 1 hour per CL)
Vampiric Touch (as the spell)
Level 4:
Automatic Counterspell (Close, Immediate Action, no save, the spell the target was casting is automatically countered)
Block Teleport (Medium, Immediate Action, Will negates, the subject cannot use any Conjuration (teleport) effects for a number of rounds equal to the Witch's Charisma bonus)
Confusion (as the spell)
Hinder (Close, Immediate action, Will negates, subject loses the action it was about to take)
Hold Monster (as the spell)
Improved Damage Ability (Close, Fort negates, 4 points of ability damage to two abilities of the Witch's choice, +2 per 4 witch levels)
Improved Bleed (Close, Fort reduces to 1 round, subject takes damage equal to the Witch's CL each round until healed magically or with a DC 15 Heal skill check)
Level 5:
Baleful Polymorph (as the spell)
Reduce Spell Resistance (Medium, Fort negates, the target's Spell Resistance is reduced by 2, plus 2 for every 2 levels above 10th the Witch has)
Retributive Casting (Medium, Will reduces to 1 round, for 1 round per CL, whenever the target casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, it suffers 2 points of damage per spell level)
Steal Ability (Medium, Fort negates, subject takes 2 points of ability drain from any ability of the Witch's choice, and the Witch gains an inherent bonus to that ability for 1 hour per CL)
Level 6:
Eyebite (as the spell)
Steal Spell (Medium, immediate action, Will negates, when the subject of this hex casts a spell, the Witch takes control of the spell, determining all variable aspects of the spell based on the orginal spellcaster's caster level)
Level 7:
Improved Retributive Casting (Medium, Will reduces to 1 round, for 1 round per CL, whenever the target casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, it suffers 5 points of damage per spell level)
Insanity (as the spell)
Mass Hold Person (as the spell)
Reverse Gravity (as the spell)
Repulsion (as the spell)
Song of Discord (as the spell)
Level 8:
Hexing Chant (as Blasphemy, Dictum, Holy Word, etc., but w/o alignment)
Finger of Death (as the spell)
Maze (as the spell)
Irresitable Dance (as the spell)
Level 9:
Disjoin (Close, Will reduces to 1 round, the target cannot use any spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability for 1 round per CL, and all magic items on the target cease to function for 1 round)
Drain Life (Close, Fort reduces to 1 round, the target gains 1 negative level per round for 1 round per CL of the Witch, the Witch gains 5 hps per level drained)
Greater Retributive Casting (Long, Will reduces to 1 round, for 1 round per CL, whenever the target casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, it suffers 10 points of damage per spell level)
Steal Physical Abilities (Close, Fort reduces to 1 round, for 1 round per 2 CL, the Witch drains 2 from the target's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution and adds the amount drained to her Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for 1 hour per CL)
Steal Mental Abilities (Close, Will reduces to 1 round, for 1 round per 2 CL, the Witch drains 2 from the target's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma and adds the amount drained to her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma for 1 hour per CL)
Wail of the Banshee (as spell)
Weird (as spell)
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I like the idea of the 3 alternate ideas for the witch & makes witches with more variety - like the ranger either being a ranged or 2WF
I didnt like the witch as prsented but I know many others who do - this would suit my style better
Thanks. I thought the Witch as presented in preview is too much like the wizard, only with some weak powers instead of bonus feats, and familiar powers instead of school powers. It's much more like a wizard with alternate class features than a brand new class.
I was hoping for something with a new magic system, like the warlock, binder, shadowcaster, or truenamer.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
You had a chance to check out 4 winds version? If not I recommend it. They have different types of witches that work sorta like sorc blood lines a bit. plus rites which are nice, they are sorta like hex's a bit.
No, I don't have access to that book. I like the idea of Hexes or Curses for combat, Incantations or ritual magic for utility stuff outside of combat, and Trances or whatever for before and after combat (divinations and healing).
Atlatl Jones |
I like the witch as it is, but you have some wonderful ideas in here that could be added to the playtest witch.
I especially like this one as a capstone:
Hag Apotheosis (Ex). At 20th level, the Witch gains some of the qualities of the Night Hag. She becomes an Outsider (native, augmented humanoid (or whatever type she was before)). She is immune to Charm, Fear, and Sleep Effects, has Cold Resistance 20, Fire Resistance 20, and gains DR 10/cold iron and magic.
I love the idea of a witch becoming an Outsider at 20th level, with the qualities of a hag. It's especially good if it makes the witch count as a hag for the purpose of forming a Coven. I don't think the energy resistances are necessary though. You should also add the following, cribbed from the Monk's Perfect Self capstone: "Unlike other outsiders, the witch can still be brought back from the dead as if he were a member of his previous creature type."
Coven Role. At 1st level, the Witch selects her Coven Role from one of the following: Charisma-based Maiden, Wisdom-based Mother, or Intelligence-based Crone.
Maidens add Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, and Perform to their list of Class Skills.
Mothers add Heal, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival to their list of Class Skills.
Crones add Appraise, Knowledge (all), and Linguistics to their list of Class Skills.
I really like having different "builds" for witches, since the witch encompasses many different archetypes. Crones really should have Bluff and Disguise as class skills though, and maidens shouldn't have disguise. The quintessential western crone is the sleeping beauty witch, who uses disguises and trickery. The witch in Stardust is also a manipulative, disguise-wearing crone.
I would probably also change the titles, to be more gender-neutral. Enchanting Witch, Wise Witch, and Cunning Witch would be better terms IMO.
You could also give them additional bonuses to certain spell types. Enchanting witches could add +1 to the save DCs of their enchantment spells, and cunning witches could gain the same for their necromancy and transmutation spells. Wise Witches could be better at healing and divination.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I was thinking of Lad, Father, and Geezer for male versions of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Probably need work on the male-Crone name...
I wanted to keep the Int, Wis, and Cha abilities focused between the 3 different versions.
Glad you like Hag Apotheosis. I'm not married to the energy resistances.
I also think there should be a Jonah Hex that gives the Witch a scarred face and amazing gunfighting skills. ;-)
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I like the idea. I've advocated for 3 paths in several other threads. Would need to see, as said above, more of the specifics on the hexes/etc. The sample list above is a decent start.
Yeah, I've been a little busy, so I don't have a full list or complete write-up of the Hexes, Incantations, and Trances. But in general they should go as follows....
Hexes are Supernatural combat abilities that hinder opponents, but rarely cause direct damage. They're relatively short-ranged, and kind of necromantic, with a focus of curse-like abilities. A creature can only be subjected to a specific Hex once a day.
Incantations are usually used outside of combat for relatively utilitarian uses. Incantations are cast as spells and require a relatively difficult skill check (Spellcraft) that increases by 3 every time the same incantation is used by the same witch the same day. Increasing the casting time decreases the DC; adding additional casters to the casting via Aid Another increases the skill check. Incantations should be charms, utilities, weather and nature-related, long-term curses, etc. I'm also thinking it might be neat to create some feats that allow a witch to increase the CL, range, etc., by increasing the Spellcraft DC or through the use of Coven Magic (Aid Another).
Trances are usually used before or after combat, to either predict what will happen or deal with what DID happen. Trances are spell-like effects that focus on divinations and healing. They take a little longer to cast on another because the target creature also has to enter the trance with the witch guiding them. Each trance can be used a number of times per day equal to the witch's Wisdom bonus. Healing trances should be kind of gradual, more Fast Healing, less Cure Light Wounds.