Now I have played a Summoner, thoughts and feedback

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

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Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't know why people assume you can't bring monsters to town?

Pathfinder is a fantasy universe, and a Druid with a tiger, a witch with her familiar or a Summoner with his Eidolon would be relatively commonplace. If the town guard gets uppity about your monster wandering in with you you just say the following:

"If you've got a problem with F'thglagthn of the Black Swamps of the Abyss, then you should take it up with him."

Most town guards will simply respond: "Problem? What problem? I don't have a problem. Anyone else have a problem. No. Well glad that's settled then. Enjoy your stay in Hommlet."

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