A Boy and his Tiger

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Inspired by the comment that an Eidolon is your inivisible friend.

Their son had always been a bit ... odd. He prefered talking with the toy tiger his uncle had given him when he was five to speaking to other people. Even odder was the distinct feeling they got that he was being answered.

Imagine their shock when, during a trip from their village to another town to sell some goods, the toy tiger sprang to life and defended them during a goblin attack.

Level 1 Human Summoner
STR 05
DEX 13
CON 10
INT 08
WIS 08
CHA 13

AC 12 (10 + Dex Mod + Dodge); 16 (+ Mage Armor)

BAB +0 (-3 melee; +1 ranged)

HP 5

Size Small

Saving Throws
Fort +0; Reflex +2; Will +3

Disguise +0 (+1); Knowledge (Wierd Stuff aka Arcana) +1 (+3); More Wierd Stuff (Spellcraft) +0 (-2); Use Wierd Device (UMD) +0 (+2)

Dodge; Mobility; Iron Will

Deft Dodger; Dangerously Curious

Easily Distracted -2 on concentration checks

Cantrips - Arcane Mark; Daze; Mage Hand; Open/Close
1st Level (2 / day) - Expeditious Retreat; Mage Armor

Level 1 Tiger Eidolon
STR 14
DEX 14
CON 13
INT 07
WIS 10
CHA 11

AC 14 (10 + 2 NA + 2 Dex)
BAB +2 (+4 to hit)
HD: 2d10 (12 hp)

Movement 40' on all fours; 20' walking upright

Bite 1d6 + 2

Bluff +2 (+5); Diplomacy +2 (+5); Perception +2 (+5); Stealth +2 (+7)

Power Attack set up for Improved Bull Rush later

Base Form Quadruped Evolutions
Bite (f); Limbs - Legs x2 (f); Limbs - Arms double as forelegs (2); Pounce (1)

Traits & Flaws
Cute and Fuzzy +2 CHA vs females
Easily Distracted by cute females (CHA 12 or higher)

Calvin and new friend Hobbes had many adventures over the next 5 years, saving their village from various threats. They gained allies, one of whom was his neighbor, Susie Derkins, an aspiring cleric.

They also gained enemies, such as the brutish half-orc Moe.

Level 5 Human Summoner (Age 11)
STR 08
DEX 13
CON 10
INT 10
WIS 08
CHA 14

AC 14 (10 + Dex Mod + Dodge + Shield Ally); 18 (+ Mage Armor) parents still won't let him get a cool suit of chainmail armor

BAB +3 (+2 melee; +4 ranged)

HP 28

Size Small

Saving Throws
Fort +1; Reflex +3; Will +5

Disguise +2 (+4); Knowledge (Wierd Stuff aka Arcana) +3 (+5); More Wierd Stuff (Spellcraft) +3 ; Use Wierd Device (UMD) +2 (+5)

Dodge; Mobility; Iron Will; Eschew Material limited allowance; Arcane Strike

Special Abilities
Cantrips; Eidolon (Hobbes); Life Link; Summon Monster I; Bond Senses; Summon Monster II; Shield Ally; Summon Monster III

Deft Dodger; Dangerously Curious

Easily Distracted -2 on concentration checks

Cantrips - Arcane Mark; Daze; Mage Hand; Open/Close; Read Magic; Resistance
1st Level (5 / day) - Daze Monster; Endure Elements; Expeditious Retreat; Mage Armor
2nd Level (3 / day) - Invisibility; Protection from Arrows; Slow

Level 5 Tiger Eidolon
STR 15
DEX 15
CON 13
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 11

AC 18 (10 + 6 NA + 2 Dex)

BAB +5 (+7 to hit)

HD: 5d10 (33 hp)

Movement 40' on all fours; 20' walking upright

Bite 1d6 + 2

Bluff +5 (+8); Diplomacy +5 (+8); Perception +5 (+8); Stealth +5 (+15)

Power Attack; Improved Bull Rush; Combat Reflexes

Base Form Quadruped Evolutions (8 pts)
Bite (f); Limbs - Legs x2 (f); Ability Increase - Int (2); Claws (1); Limbs - Arms double as forelegs (2); Pounce (1); Skilled - Stealth (1); Trip (1)

Special Abilities
Darkvision; Link; Share Spells; Evasion

Traits & Flaws
Cute and Fuzzy +2 CHA vs females
Easily Distracted by cute females (CHA 12 or higher)

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