The Fantastic Failing Familiar

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Dark Archive

I wish to address multiple problems that I have had with Pathfinder's (and 3.5 and 3ed) familiars. While these have been pretty bad problems, and now it is more important than ever to address these problems with the witch's familiar.

I love that the witch's familiar holds their spells. But that makes the damn thing particularly valuable. If your familiar dies, you are out of spells until you get a new one. At early levels, this can be quite expensive. At higher levels, you'll be at a diminished spell capacity (the familiar comes back with less spells, at least, it seems so). And this is a problem because...

Familiars are very, very squishy. They receive half of the witch's hit points. Now, this can be better than what an animal of the same level receives, but it still isn't enough to save the familiar from a few good hits or a few bad saving throws. Personally, I think they should get as many hit points as their master. Or give them hit dice! I don't see it being that overpowering to give them magical beast hit dice. Sure as shot, they should be getting the saves for magical beasts as well.

And why of why is there such a restriction on familiar/witch communication? Why can't they talk to each other at first level? How on earth is that a powerful ability? And why can't the familiar talk to the rest of the party either?

Just a few thoughts. What are your opinions on this?

Dark Archive

Ravens can speak common. Its not a good fix but it does allow for interactions.

As for the squishy part, I'm not particularly certain what could be done about it. IF the GM wants to go after it, he will do so. One answer is to make it something small and non-intrusive, so it can be lost in the fog of battle.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dissinger wrote:

Ravens can speak common. Its not a good fix but it does allow for interactions.

As for the squishy part, I'm not particularly certain what could be done about it. IF the GM wants to go after it, he will do so. One answer is to make it something small and non-intrusive, so it can be lost in the fog of battle.

Actually it hasn't been made clear yet if the Witch's Raven speaks common like a Wizard's does. Nowhere in the playtest document is it mentioned.

Dark Archive

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Actually it hasn't been made clear yet if the Witch's Raven speaks common like a Wizard's does. Nowhere in the playtest document is it mentioned.

Thank you!

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