Describe a Summoner or a Witch....

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

...but in "fluff" terms, no meta-game stats.

How does your summoner "see" his eidolon? Friend, Pet or Slave?

Where does your witch think her powers come from? Whispers in the dark? Guardian Angel? Her familiar?

Describe a 1st level Summoner who just summoned her Eidolon for the first time.

Did your 1st level witch find his familiar or did it find him?

What role does a 20th level Summoner fill in the world? Hermit alone with all his "friends" or ruler using his summons to control the population.

What about a 20th level witch? Is she an avatar for a greater power or a guardian in on a great secret?

Describe them as bad guys, what sets apart a Dark Summoner from the rest and does a Dark Witch aspire to become a Hag?

Eli Korr: Summoner 2

Image: Tall, swarthy skinned bald human, covered in white tattoos across his torso, arms and face. Dark red wide cuffed breeches, sandals and an armoured kilt, armed with a scimitar.

He calls himself 'the Binder' and his disenfranchised cadre of followers (6 Commoners, an adept dressed in the same fashion as he, and a fiendish half orc warrior) call Him 'Master of bonds'.

He's a professional slaver, and formerly a slave. His relative inexperience means he's extra cautious, and considerably underhanded. He enters combat only if he must, and flees if he can before the need to fight arises.

In combat, he let's his eidolon stay close to avoid PC's. His reach ability with his tail, combined with his push ability keeps PC's away with attacks of opportunity while Eli pulls the tattoo's from his flesh to form his minions (Through his summon monster 1 ability). Spell focus and augment summonning make them particularilly deadly. If he must fight, it's with a poisoned dagger thrown into targets as they drop his lesser minions, or with his scimitar, but not until he's used demoralise to weaken foes in combat with his minions. Ideally he will escape where possible.

As a slaver, he attributes no value over the lives of others. His living minions are as expendable to him as his summoned ones (he gets his summoned minions back after a day anyway) His road to power is in the cult. His high charisma naturally lends itself to forming cult like activities. Unlike a real cultist though, he lacks actual conviction. The small cults he has formed share similiar themes, but are tailored to attract the gullible and utilise any local folklore to make it seem authentic. he has a passing knowledge of theology to aid in his ruse.

Overall he's a spineless sadist. a shallow, evil man without regard for the lives or fortune for others. His eidolon, he feels, is a representation of his inner spirit, one that he must rip from his own flesh to use, and he feels the eidolon is his true infernal nature, a manifestation of his will to dominate others. Its appearance is not only demonic looking, but has other subtle clues revealin its creator. It, no matter what its form, lacks colour, has transperant skin revealing discoloured organs: just as he shrouds himself, his eidolon lays its horrid nature bare, its black heart apparent to any who cares to look. The eidolon always has a savage and bestial mouth, regardless of any evolution, and posesses a concave belly, an echo of Eli's hunger.

Eli fears that if his eidolon should 'die' that he loses a piece of himself. despite the fact that it always returns, he quickly loses any stomach for conflict when his eidolon dies, and has a series of elaborate rituals designed to 'reinvest himself with depravity'. these rituals involve sacrafice and bloodletting, and are highly ritualised. Though unneccesary as far as his class is concerned, these rituals are a neccessary part of him.


Dark Archive

Dark Psion wrote:

...but in "fluff" terms, no meta-game stats.

How does your summoner "see" his eidolon? Friend, Pet or Slave?

Where does your witch think her powers come from? Whispers in the dark? Guardian Angel? Her familiar?

Describe a 1st level Summoner who just summoned her Eidolon for the first time.

Did your 1st level witch find his familiar or did it find him?

What role does a 20th level Summoner fill in the world? Hermit alone with all his "friends" or ruler using his summons to control the population.

What about a 20th level witch? Is she an avatar for a greater power or a guardian in on a great secret?

Describe them as bad guys, what sets apart a Dark Summoner from the rest and does a Dark Witch aspire to become a Hag?

*cracks knuckles* I feel a spurt of creative musing going on...

I'll tell you what, I will create a summoner that can serve as both pro and antagonist. Same with the witch, it just depends on the situation. If you like them enough, I'll even try to stat them out.

"Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
Stealing and cheating
Just for the kick

Jack be Tricky
Jack be clever
Jack is going
To live forever

Jack be greedy
Jack betrays
Now he suffers
Till he repays

Jack the monster
Jack the Cursed
Now he continues
To do his worst

The hour is late now
The sky is black
I hope there is someway
To save me from Jack!"

Zenon Kinis
Male Summoner

An older man Zenon was gifted at an early age with the ability to talk to his friend. His parents chalked it up to just another imaginary friend, but Zenon knew the truth, his friend Jack was real, and with time, he could possibly break the barrier imprisoning Jack. He studied long and hard, trying desperately to find ways to do so, and finally he made the proper connection, he was only 16, and that day changed his life forever.

Through sheer force of will, he used the winds of magic to tear a hole open in Jack's cage, and released his friend.

Over time Jack and Zenon had learned much from their companionship, with Zenon learning how to use his force of will for other things. As time went on he also learned a horrible truth, the world couldn't accept men like Zenon. Rather than try to change the world by force, he secluded himself within ancient ruins, a place that no sane person would care about, and took care of tomb robbers using his prodigious talents and skills.

Jack however, has become a beast of a creature. Taking on roughly the humanoid form of a man, Jack could hardly be called such. Despite his human appearance, Jack is a beast that is barely contained by Zenon. He thirsts for battle and it is this quality that made him unable to hide in normal society by Zenon's side. It has grown to the point that Zenon no longer needs to actively defend the place. Jack is allowed free reign to wander about the ruins and take out would be interlopers. Zenon rarely, if ever is forced to support Jack, who often delights in terrorizing his foes before finally putting an end to them.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've been imagining an order of Summoner's as a Dueling Order where the Eidolons are referred to as OverSouls. Every now and then they meet to decide various issues. Among the qualifications to meet are the ability to manifest the Mark of the OverSoul (my local name for the Eidolon mark), so one way of circumventing a person's vote is to challenge that person to an OverSoul duel with the intent or forcing their eidolon back to it's home plane from damage. (thus causeing the mark to vanish from the summoner's brow, robbing him of his/her ability to vote)

For this purpose all Summoners of this order get Arcane Mark as a free bonus cantrip but it can only be used to print the Mark of the OverSoul on objects.

I see the Eidolon as an idealization of the Summoner's greatest hope or darkest fear. Perhaps where they come from is the plane of Dreams.

Liberty's Edge

Lyle "Skycaller" Highhill
Summoner 1

Lyle, like many others, was fascinated by the local mages guild in his youth. But while his friends loved the flashy explosive 'evocation' spell, he aspired to join the Conjurers, the group of wizards and sorcerers who called creatures from other planes of existence to their sides. Demons or angels, animal or outsider, he desired to summon them all. But no more so than those that could fly, for he loved the very thought of soaring through the sky and in clouds. When he turned 8(the age you could take the test to enter the guild), he was horrified to learn he had failed completely, and ran to his home to barricade himself away from the world. That night, after he had cried himself to sleep, a small, silver snake wandered into his dreams and told him to stop being sad. It should him what it could become with his help. A powerful serpent, a silent shadowy snake... or a friend with which he could one day take flight.

The next morning, Lyle strode forth toward the guild and challenged one of the Conjurer apprentices to a fight. For a moment, silence pervaded the room, then laughter erupted as everyone realized what he had just done. When the laughter died down, Lyle repeated his challenge. Feeling sorry for the young halfling, the apprentice agreed.

The match started in the usual way, with the challenger summoning his first creature. Lyle hands weaved strange shapes in the air and he spoke a language no one had heard before. Not expecting anything to happen, the entire guild was surprised when the air in front of him started to cloud, and a silver snake appeared, the same one Lyle had seen in his dreams the night before. Quickly summoning a rat from the dark realms to battle the serpent, the apprentice made the first attack.

“Silver, show them they shouldn't have laughed.”
“With pleasure..”

Surprised that Lyle creature had spoken, the novice didn't notice Lyle was summoning again, and now his fiendish rat was being attacked by a celestial eagle and Silver. The match was over in seconds, and Lyle walked out of the guild with Sliver riding on his shoulder. Silver's tongue was flicked out at the stunned mages just the the gates closed.

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