Base Form Stats

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

I can't find it at the moment, but I read a post mentioning that there should be a way to get better Int, Wis, & Cha stats. I agree with this.

On top of that, I've discovered that the current stats setup means I can't design what I want, because it is impossible to qualify for the feats I want.

My example being this: I wanted to stat out a four-armed angelic eidolon (needless to say, utilizing Multi-Weapon Fighting and wing buffets for attacks). This concept is definitely based off the biped format. However, at 1st level, my eidolon does not qualify for ANY of the feats I actually want to use for him. His Dex isn't high enough to qualify for Two-Weapon Fighting (even with the Ability Increase evolution), he can't take Improved Natural Attack b/c it would be for the wing buffets the eidolon can't have yet and his BAB isn't high enough, and Two-Weapon Defense requires TWF (and the Dex my eidolon doesn't qualify for).
EDIT ADD IN: And just to clarify, the other two feats I want to use (I'd be going down the entire TWF/TWD chain) were Flyby Attack and Wingover, which I can't touch until level 5.

The quadruped form could theoretically take TWF, even if it couldn't use it. But I can't change the base form, which means the rest of my plan gets shot out the window. I know someone's going to come up and say I was just trying to min-max and that's that, but I just want to be able to make this eidolon.

At the moment, my only suggestion would be to say that the base stats for both Dex and Str were 14, and you could drop 2 points from 1 to put them in the other as you saw fit, no matter your base form.

On a vaguely related side note, I'd like to see some sort of powerful build evolution (I was hoping for all long swords, but 1Hed weapons hurt for multi-weapon fighting, and I don't have the feats for Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting), probably costing 3 or 4 points. That or a 2-point evolution that allows the Eidolon to choose an additional feat.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Being able to change feats and/or form would go a long way to making this sort of thing possible. A lot of concepts would have very heterogenous pets over their careers. Take the OP (who could summon a smaller archer cherub until he levels up to sword angel), the WOW warlock, Ash Ketchum, etc.

OK, while I stand by my initial idea on how the stats should work, I just realized that my concept is doable if I start off at small, since I can up to Medium later, even if I can't change my base form.

That said, shifting to small is way too painful overall. Of course, shifting to Large/Huge gives you a bit much, so I guess it's to be expected.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
MaverickWolf wrote:

OK, while I stand by my initial idea on how the stats should work, I just realized that my concept is doable if I start off at small, since I can up to Medium later, even if I can't change my base form.

That said, shifting to small is way too painful overall. Of course, shifting to Large/Huge gives you a bit much, so I guess it's to be expected.


DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

True....But he can't come with that insanely cool weapon even if he did. There are no bows that split into short swords that I know.

ON a side note, I figured it out, and he's sitting down in the sample eidolons topic.

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