Witch's Charm Ability

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Given an INT of 18, a Witch can duplicate a successful Diplomacy check for 24 seconds???

This seems a little on the week side . . . recommend at least Class Level + INT modifier, or perhaps an effect that lasts until the Witch stops + a number of levels equal to the Witch's INT modifier (similar to Bard-type abilities).

Great concept though . . .

kindredspirit wrote:

Given an INT of 18, a Witch can duplicate a successful Diplomacy check for 24 seconds???

This seems a little on the week side . . . recommend at least Class Level + INT modifier, or perhaps an effect that lasts until the Witch stops + a number of levels equal to the Witch's INT modifier (similar to Bard-type abilities).

Great concept though . . .

I agree. The ability really is too brief to accomplish much.

Unless, of course, that the effect is so subtle that onlookers can't notice that it happened. In this case, it's absolute gold. Basically in every discussion you make your conversation partner spills the beans at one point because he finds you trustworthy for a moment. If it can't be detected, it's a must-have in diplomatic campaigns.

Dark Archive

Sean FitzSimon wrote:
kindredspirit wrote:

Given an INT of 18, a Witch can duplicate a successful Diplomacy check for 24 seconds???

This seems a little on the week side . . . recommend at least Class Level + INT modifier, or perhaps an effect that lasts until the Witch stops + a number of levels equal to the Witch's INT modifier (similar to Bard-type abilities).

Great concept though . . .

I agree. The ability really is too brief to accomplish much.

Unless, of course, that the effect is so subtle that onlookers can't notice that it happened. In this case, it's absolute gold. Basically in every discussion you make your conversation partner spills the beans at one point because he finds you trustworthy for a moment. If it can't be detected, it's a must-have in diplomatic campaigns.

I have the impression (I have to take another look at the ability when I get home) that it works *exactly* like a successful Diplomacy check? I may remember it wrong, though...

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