Eidolon Serpentine Base Form and Changing the Free Evolutions

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

First issue involves the Serpentine Base Form granting the free evolution "Climb". I understand that each evolution has 5pts of evolutions allocated to them, but why climb? This just seems out of place. Another one-point evolution that would be more universal for those with other ideas for their serpentine summons would be "Improved Natural Armor". The evolution listing even lists 'scales' as an example.

My personal summon is modeled after Leviathan from (of course) Final Fantasy. Therefore, as some of the first points were immediately used to grant him flight, the climb evolution is just a complete waste. Which leads into my second question.

Can the free evolutions granted by your base form be changed? I think the opportunity for abuse is fairly high if so. I only really believe the option is needed if climb remains static as a free evolution for the serpentine form. All the other base forms' free evolutions are physically defining in some way: arms / legs / tails / bite / claw / etc. Climb, however, does not fit into that niche. It needs to be changed to something more general, especially for those of us (and believe me, I'm sure I'm not the only one) who plan on having flying serpents.

Lastly, a table with a short summary of all the evolutions and their descriptions, separated by point cost, would be incredibly convenient. Flipping back and forth over four pages looking at evolutions gets a bit tedious.

A friend of mine wants to swap out Climb for Swim, since it's going to be a sea serpent.

I think you should be able to swap out Claws for Simple Weapons for bipeds, and Bite for Claws on quadrupeds. More options is always nice.

I hope it would be possible to swap Limbs (legs) with Flight (winged) at 5th level, when the Flight Evolution is allowed, for quadrupedal creatures.

It would be the only combination (at the moment) to create a truly avian creature (wings and talons only); I wouldn't like to create only 'birds with arms' or 'birds with extra legs'... at worst, I would dump the extra legs without anything in return !

The Exchange

These are some very, very good points. I hope Jason takes a glance at these.

I suppose I'll bump then as these questions and ideas have at least a small margin of popularity.

I also forgot to say something in my first post. Thank you! The summoner has made me more excited about a class than any other for a long, long time. I cannot wait to play mine in our next campaign.

Grand Lodge

I've been looking at making a winged monkey which would be bipedal with wings added, but I'd like it to have a higher dex and lower strength. Oddly enough the almost idea option would be starting with serpentine and adding legs and arms and wings, but that just doesn't make sense.

The Wraith wrote:
It would be the only combination (at the moment) to create a truly avian creature (wings and talons only)

Serpentine base, add legs and wings.

Zurai wrote:
The Wraith wrote:
It would be the only combination (at the moment) to create a truly avian creature (wings and talons only)
Serpentine base, add legs and wings.

True, but it would imply a sinuous body - like that of a Lung Dragon, or a Couatl - and a long tail, which are not ideal for a 'bird-like' Eidolon (like Valefor, which is basically a Roc).

EDIT: hmm, I've taken a look at a picture of Valefor again (it has been some years I've not played to FFX) and from her long tail I think you are right, it CAN be made with a serpentine form...
But for some other Eidolons, we would have to stretch our imagination a little more.

Andrew Betts wrote:
I've been looking at making a winged monkey which would be bipedal with wings added, but I'd like it to have a higher dex and lower strength. Oddly enough the almost idea option would be starting with serpentine and adding legs and arms and wings, but that just doesn't make sense.

Drop the biped form to small. Gives it a 12 Str and a 14 Dex. Kinda handy for grabbing feats before the medium form could.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think you should have to, but it works.

I don't think that you should have any chances at least not for better. What I see is tha eidolon are way too powerful as it is. To me they should more limit things. And I don't see why people can't see that claws are secondary weapons.

liffi wrote:
I don't think that you should have any chances at least not for better. What I see is tha eidolon are way too powerful as it is. To me they should more limit things. And I don't see why people can't see that claws are secondary weapons.

Not for the biped form they're not. If you only have one type of natural attack, it becomes your primary attack form.

Pathfinder Bestiary, pg 302 wrote:
If a creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1-1/2 the creature’s Strength bonus on attack rolls. This increase does not apply if the creature has multiple attacks but only takes one. If a creature has only one type of attack, but has multiple attacks per round, that attack is treated as a primary attack, regardless of its type.

Initially, I had a very verbose post planned to define further my ideas to add more flexibility to ones' initial eidolon. I realized, however, that the idea was more complicated than I initially thought and was deserving of it's own post with a more applicable title.

Those of you who agreed (wholly or partially) with my original statement, please go here:

Revised Base-Form System

and provide any input (and bumps) that you can.

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