Spell lists and backwards compatability

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

I love the new classes and can't wait to play-test them, but the extremely limited spell lists is worrying to me. My players love to skim the rulebooks for obscure spells and as written the summoner and witch only have spells from core.

I propose a system where you can switch spells on your list for other thematically appropriate spells, say only conjuration (summoning) and transmutation spells for the summoner and only conjuration, enchantment, necromancy, divination and transmutation (polymorph)spells for the witch. They could also get an ability similar to the advanced learning ability of the warmage and beguiler to add more spells to their list.

Adding other spells is the realm of the GM. Paizo can not help what others company's made. You will just have to house rule that

Agreeing with Seekerofshadowlight.

While a feat allowing you to add a spell to your class list might be a good idea, ultimately, when it comes to adding stuff from 3rd party sources, DM is king. I wouldn't have a problem with adding a spell to a limited spell list, if it makes thematic sense, but Paizo can't really do it for me.

Dark Archive

Jason has said there will be guidelines for what is acceptable to add to the witch's spell list so when spells pop up later you can freely add them. However, as always GM discretion is the rule we play by.

Rule 0, keeping GM's sane since the dawn of time.

I would still like to see some sort of official system for this, as I am pretty sure my players will just ignore these classes otherwise. Of course my players are a blatant bunch of power-gamers so perhaps it's good to leave some things out of their hands.

Dissinger wrote:

Jason has said there will be guidelines for what is acceptable to add to the witch's spell list so when spells pop up later you can freely add them. However, as always GM discretion is the rule we play by.

Rule 0, keeping GM's sane since the dawn of time.

That's a good start. I hope that future Pathfinder sourcebooks also include spells for the APG classes. Even if they don't have unique spells, it would be a great boon to just add "Witch 2" or "Summoner 2" to the spell level line, along with the bard/cleric/druid/ranger/paladin/wizard spell levels.

Obviously, that won't help with existing 3e spells, like in the 3.5 spell compendium, but it'll help make future Pathfinder books more compatible with the APG classes.

Atlatl Jones wrote:
Dissinger wrote:

Jason has said there will be guidelines for what is acceptable to add to the witch's spell list so when spells pop up later you can freely add them. However, as always GM discretion is the rule we play by.

Rule 0, keeping GM's sane since the dawn of time.

That's a good start. I hope that future Pathfinder sourcebooks also include spells for the APG classes. Even if they don't have unique spells, it would be a great boon to just add "Witch 2" or "Summoner 2" to the spell level line, along with the bard/cleric/druid/ranger/paladin/wizard spell levels.

Obviously, that won't help with existing 3e spells, like in the 3.5 spell compendium, but it'll help make future Pathfinder books more compatible with the APG classes.

I'm pretty sure future products will support these classes, but I was hoping for some rule, ability or feat to allow spells from old non-paizo 3.5 supplements, something like the advanced learning class feature of the warmage and beguiler or the ability to swap a spell for another thematically appropriate spell of the same level.

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