Summoner: Controlling / Commanding Eidolon

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

I suspect that the answer to this question is buried somewhere in the Core Rulebook, but i'm not sure if it would really be applicable. In any case: How does a summoner control an eidolon? specifically, is it a standard? Free? Seems fishy if the summoner can command the eidolon to move and attack, move, and cast one of his summon X spells all in one turn.

jude vais wrote:
I suspect that the answer to this question is buried somewhere in the Core Rulebook, but i'm not sure if it would really be applicable. In any case: How does a summoner control an eidolon? specifically, is it a standard? Free? Seems fishy if the summoner can command the eidolon to move and attack, move, and cast one of his summon X spells all in one turn.

That's pretty much the way summoned creatures work in Pathfinder. The Eidolon, so long as it understands what the Summoner is telling it (and since it understands the Summoner's languages, it would be hard for him not to be able to communicate with it), can do whatever it needs to to to fulfill the commands.

"Go kill those orcs while I deal with the Shaman," would be a free action.

Eidolon's are allies and have an INT of 7 (similar to many fighters or barbarians in organized play or the average burger kind clerk). The summoner would direct his eidolon verbally as a free action or they would act reasonably intelligently without direction.

Eidolons actually have the Link ability, which allows them to communicate mentally back and forth with their Summoner at any range as long as they're on the same plane. It's simply a free action to think a command and the Eidolon follows through on it. Usable out of turn, even, since it's a form of speech.

Zurai wrote:
Eidolons actually have the Link ability, which allows them to communicate mentally back and forth with their Summoner at any range as long as they're on the same plane. It's simply a free action to think a command and the Eidolon follows through on it. Usable out of turn, even, since it's a form of speech.

I don't see any indication there is a telepathic bond...

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

It's Link, under the Eidolon progression table.

Dennis da Ogre wrote:
Zurai wrote:
Eidolons actually have the Link ability, which allows them to communicate mentally back and forth with their Summoner at any range as long as they're on the same plane. It's simply a free action to think a command and the Eidolon follows through on it. Usable out of turn, even, since it's a form of speech.
I don't see any indication there is a telepathic bond...
Playtest PDF wrote:
Link (Ex): A summoner and his eidolon share a mental link that allows for communication across any distance (as long as they are on the same plane). This communication is a free action, allowing the summoner to give orders to his eidolon at any time.

Ahh, there it is. Thanks

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