Change to Cavalier's Challenge.

Round 1: Cavalier and Oracle

I've been away from my computer for over a week now, and no internet access. So, I'm a little behined on the new classes playtest.

Anyway, right now the cavalier's challege seems a little problematic, so, I have a suggestion. Change the prone to flanking down side to -2 to hit any other opponent then the target of your challenge.
Basically this would better represent the cavalier having to focus on a single target, and still not have to worry that a wayward rogue might just happen by and see the cavalier as ridiculously easy prey.

Any thoughts?

Edit: I also would like to start a petition to change the iconic cavalier to a female halfling. Why, cause it's just a great idea, nuff said.

Guess no one likes it. :(


I like female halflings

There are already several established, bigger, threads covering discussions on the Cavalier, and the Challenge ability in particular. You might like to read a couple of those threads, and maybe post your thoughts somewhere like the Cavalier first impressions thread (*link*) if you feel that nobody has actually given them the sort of consideration that you'd like to see, or just join in with any one or more of the pre-exisitng debates.

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