Suggestions for a girl baby name.

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Liberty's Edge

Hi, well, we're having a daughter in March, and we were thinking about some names. I like Arwen (yeah, I'm a geek geek), baby mama likes Ophelia (yeah, she's a lit geek). But, we're not really decided, so I'd like y'all to suggest some names as well, keeping in mind we dig literary, mythological or similarly referential names.


No name to sub jest right now just wanted to say gratz

Liberty's Edge

Thanks :)

Your welcome. I named my girl Raven, I know so over done now days but she was named for the raven of myth not who ever popularized with that name now days

Your in for a fun ride my friend again gratz

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was always found of Zoe cause it means life.

Scarab Sages

How about Gueniviere? Lily or Lilian? Or maybe just something simple like Amy?

And, if I hadn't said it before...congratulations!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I wanted Caliope, but I got voted down and we went with Caitlin.

Dark Archive

Personally I want a "Faith", but the misses doesn't like the idea.

Of course, I would have to raise her to be a black-clad, kick-ass, tom-boy. The misses has no problem with that part.









Personally, I think you should listen to your wife, and pick Ophelia.

I called my son Merlin. If he had been a girl, I would have used Merlyn.

I am very fond of Athena as well. A great name, and very empowering.

My niece is called Rhyanna.

I dated a Boedicaeia once.

Nevynxxx wrote:

Personally I want a "Faith", but the misses doesn't like the idea.

Better to use "Reason"

Faith is just no end of problems...

The Exchange

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:

Personally I want a "Faith", but the misses doesn't like the idea.

Better to use "Reason"

Faith is just no end of problems...

Not the place.

The Exchange

Congrats again HD. We named our little girl Arden, but I kinda like how Arwen Ophelia sounds together. :)

The Exchange


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Congratulations, Houston

A personal favorite of mine, also from Tolkien but slightly less "geeky", is Elanor, meaning "sun-star" and the name of Samwise's daughter. It has the benefit of actually sounding like a real, historical name "Eleanor".

In addition, Elanor Gardner (Sam's daughter) became maid of honor for Arwen, so there's even a connection there :)

Hope you find a good name :)

Sovereign Court

How about Sansa?

I don't have any suggestions for names but I do want to gratulate you and your special lady and wish you both the best.

Liberty's Edge

Congrats man!
When we didn't know if we would have a daughter or a son, we decided, that a girl would be named NIA. We got a son, so...
We also had KIM and ZOE as possible names.

The Exchange

Dierdre is one of my favorite names. and you could always give her a nice normal name like Michelle or Teresa for a middle name.
I like Rhiannon as well, but it seems to have been used quite a bit lately.

Moorluck wrote:
Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:

Personally I want a "Faith", but the misses doesn't like the idea.

Better to use "Reason"

Faith is just no end of problems...

Not the place.


Not to mention the fact that ALL reason is based on faith.
The Exchange

Moorluck wrote:
Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:

Personally I want a "Faith", but the misses doesn't like the idea.

Better to use "Reason"

Faith is just no end of problems...

Not the place.

Very much not the place.



(I won't be so evil as to suggest Houstina)

(Ophelia is beautiful, but seems like kind of a set-up.)

Eowyn (I really like)


Dark Archive

I always liked the names Tamara or tabitha, but my wife would never let me use them. I also like Rahne, because I dated a girl with that name in high school. I also dated a girl who name was Cindel in high school. She and her parents were big Star Wars geeks.

Teela, Shanna, Leia... umm... Arcee?

ACK!! Of all days for my Name Meanings book to be three hours away.

Congratufreakilations Derek. :D

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

My sister was going to name her kid Alchemy if it had been a girl.

Some interesting suggestions given here, but remember that your daughter is the one who has to live with the name. You might think an certain name is cool, but having it might not be so cool.

Dark Archive

Uninvited Ghost wrote:
Teela, Shanna, Leia... umm... Arcee?

Chromia, Elita-1, Ariel, Bella, Tatyana, Josette?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

David Fryer wrote:
I always liked the names Tamara or tabitha, but my wife would never let me use them. I also like Rahne, because I dated a girl with that name in high school. I also dated a girl who name was Cindel in high school. She and her parents were big Star Wars geeks.

I love Tamara.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Congratulations, and prayers of good health for all involved.

I am no help at all when it comes to baby names. When my brother-in-law and sister (Alan and Mary Benes) were having their first son, I recommended "Dennis". Or perhaps "Benjamin Samuel". (To be "Ben S. Benes.") See? Not helpful at all.

Oh! But wait! Hah!

Along with such classics as "Meepo" and "Chewbacca", how about "Elminster" or "Mordenkainen"? (But really, "Orcus" and "Whispering Tyrant" are right out, 'cause babies don't whisper.) Once your lovely wife vetoes a bunch of clearly beyond-the-pale names, then she'll probably jump at anything that sounds halfway plausible.

I'm not sure where those last three names come from. And thinking of Elita-1 as the name of a baby girl makes me chuckle.

David Fryer wrote:
Uninvited Ghost wrote:
Teela, Shanna, Leia... umm... Arcee?
Chromia, Elita-1, Ariel, Bella, Tatyana, Josette?

Sovereign Court

Arwen [or Eowyn] would be pretty cool.

How about:
Esmé - J.D. Salinger
Alia - Frank Herbert
Dahlia - P.G. Wodehouse
Hermione - J.K. Rowling
Catriona - Robert Louis Stevenson
Cosette - Victor Hugo
Juliet, Bianca, Blanche, Celia, Cordelia, Imogen, Portia, Rosalind, Rosaline, Miranda, Viola, Ophelia, Emilia, Helena, Titania - Shakespeare
Athena or Persephone from mythology would be cool too.

I heartily recommend against anyone naming their child Juliet.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Congrats HD.

We named our daughter "Aislyn." If you believe the baby name guides, then it is Irish/Gaelic and means "dream." Beyond that, we just thought it sounded pretty.


Scarab Sages

If you name her Isabel, then you can annoy you're realitves by shortening it to "Izzy", or even "Iz".

Liberty's Edge

Congrats HD, i hope everything goes well for you.

My fiancee and I called our Daughter Dominica Jade, but had a lot of other names we were throwing around, and you are more then welcome to them if you want them, they are just gathering dust on a shelf in my garage at the moment.

Some of the names we were throwing about were:


So if any of these names sound good, then feel free to use them, and congrats again.

Peebo :D
AKA Ekeebe not to be confused with Peebo-T

I have no concrete suggestions, but I personally would avoid any name that sounds like a stripper stage name or that is from any high fantasy book or similar stuff unless it was originally from the real world.

In other words: No Sapphire, no Tawny, no Galadriel, no Numeria.

Another important big of information, something many people do not know: Using a hitherto unheard-of spelling of a common name isn't smart. It isn't witty. It's pure hatred of your child, forcing her to spell her name all her life.

And I know she's the cutest little thing, your precious darling, but don't forget that one day, she will be a woman. Choose a name that fits a woman as well as a child.

For cute names, there's always nicknames. Speaking of which: It might not be such a bad idea to choose a name that has its own pet name built in. That way, you can have a cutie-pie name, and if your daughter one day decides that she wants to exploit here cuteness to enthrall men, she can keep it, but if she wants to become, say, president, she'll have a serious name as well.

A final word about your kin: I'm sure your grandmother was a wonderful person. You wouldn't be who you are without her, she was always there for you, yada yada yada. Before you decide to honour her by naming your child after her, consider her name on its own merits. Does it fit a girl of the 21st century? Or was it already on its way out of style when your granny got it, being named after her nanna?

If you must appease your inner geek or something, there's always middle names.

Other than all that, I suggest Calistria or Cersei ;-)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

KaeYoss wrote:
I have no concrete suggestions, but I personally would avoid any name that sounds like a stripper stage name ...

I wanted to call my daughter 'Bliss' but my friends said that sounded like a stripper's stage name. Does it?

Tarren Dei wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
I have no concrete suggestions, but I personally would avoid any name that sounds like a stripper stage name ...
I wanted to call my daughter 'Bliss' but my friends said that sounded like a stripper's stage name. Does it?

I have a cousin who has Bliss as a middle name, but she despises it. Maybe that's why.

Venerea? (After the Roman Goddess)


Tarren Dei wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
I have no concrete suggestions, but I personally would avoid any name that sounds like a stripper stage name ...
I wanted to call my daughter 'Bliss' but my friends said that sounded like a stripper's stage name. Does it?

No more than Dazzle or Destiny ;)

Scarab Sages

And I guess Bubbles is out of the question......

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

KaeYoss wrote:
pure wisdom

Plus. One.

But if you're hell bent for leather on a fantasy geek name, Shalelu would be pretty awesome. Or Seoni. But then you'd have weird associations with your daughter's namesake.

Congrats BTW!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16


I have two daughters the first we named Griffin the second Gracen.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:
Venerea? (After the Roman Goddess)

It would take a special kind of cruelty, I mean BoVD-class cruelty, to name a daughter that.

Charlie Bell wrote:

Sha-le-lu, nur der Mann im Mond schaut zu....

Charlie Bell wrote:
Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:
Venerea? (After the Roman Goddess)
It would take a special kind of cruelty, I mean BoVD-class cruelty, to name a daughter that.

If she gets sick...

The Exchange

Make sure it fits with the middle name and if you do give her a unique name please give her a normal middle name so she can revert to that if she hates it. Or if she just turns out to be the 50th child in her class that is named Rachel or Hannah.

Dark Archive

You should name her "Gish".

If you have a son later on you should name him "Vomit Guy".

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