Pathfinder playtest on RPoL

Round 1: Cavalier and Oracle

I've started a new game on RPoL to playtest the new classes and pathfinder as a whole. Come and take a look!

Sovereign Court

yishaysho wrote:

I've started a new game on RPoL to playtest the new classes and pathfinder as a whole. Come and take a look!

I posted my interest, but I'm warning you my goal is to see how variable the class is to alternate concepts basically I want to create an arabian horse lord as a cavalier, He'll either ride a horse or camel, be lightly armored and focused on mobility, use a longspear as a lance, and when in melee two weapon fight with a saber and short sword.

lastknightleft wrote:
yishaysho wrote:

I've started a new game on RPoL to playtest the new classes and pathfinder as a whole. Come and take a look!

I posted my interest, but I'm warning you my goal is to see how variable the class is to alternate concepts basically I want to create an arabian horse lord as a cavalier, He'll either ride a horse or camel, be lightly armored and focused on mobility, use a longspear as a lance, and when in melee two weapon fight with a saber and short sword.

That is an ambitious idea and sounds more than a little feat heavy. I'd love to see the build once you get it worked out.

Sovereign Court

Cainus wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
yishaysho wrote:

I've started a new game on RPoL to playtest the new classes and pathfinder as a whole. Come and take a look!

I posted my interest, but I'm warning you my goal is to see how variable the class is to alternate concepts basically I want to create an arabian horse lord as a cavalier, He'll either ride a horse or camel, be lightly armored and focused on mobility, use a longspear as a lance, and when in melee two weapon fight with a saber and short sword.
That is an ambitious idea and sounds more than a little feat heavy. I'd love to see the build once you get it worked out.

Heh thinking about it, I think he'll be better served with Vital Strike than TWF, since I want him to be so mobile. well for first level he would take an oath of loyalty, be human, so he would have two feats, those being dodge/mobility, and he'd be order of the cockatrice. I'm thinking I'd really like to go Camel for his AnCo, and its first level feat would be dodge, I'd combat train it and give it perform as its bonus trick. Max ranks in handle animal, and ride, dex being the biggest stat and strength being second biggest.

At second level I would get mounted combat and the camel would get mobility.

At 3rd I'd get ride by attack.

5th would be Spirited charge while the Camel (who i would put his 4th level ability score increase into intelligence) would take nimble moves.

6th would be Vital Strike

7th would be Weapon Finesse (my dex at this point will probably have a good lead on my str)

8th would be acrobatic step for the camel.

9th I'm thinking wind stance

10th is a non-build feat something that we'll see how the game is going and plug in what is needed. The camel gets spring attack (so that he can spit on people as he charges towards them).

11th is improved Vital Strike.

That's about where I'm gonna stop planning cause I'll take where the game leads me from there.

The fun thing being I'm always gonna end the round with the camel spitting in someone's face lol

lastknightleft wrote:

Arabian Horse Lord...

I really like this. I'd love to hear how it works out!

By the way I think you had your camel take Nimble moves twice at 5th and 8th so you should be able to get Acrobatic Steps at 8th and another feat at 10th!

Sovereign Court

Tangible Delusions wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:

Arabian Horse Lord...

I really like this. I'd love to hear how it works out!

By the way I think you had your camel take Nimble moves twice at 5th and 8th so you should be able to get Acrobatic Steps at 8th and another feat at 10th!

Hey thanks for the catch (even if we disagree on other threads :D) changes have been made.

Yeah I seriously wish I was a player in a weekly game instead of a DM (violently opposed to the notion of DMPCs) I don't really care for play by posts usually, but if it's the only way to show that this class is capable of more than just your standard medieval knight, like people seem to shoehorn it into, then I'll go at it with gusto and have a blast while it lasts.

lastknightleft wrote:

Yeah I seriously wish I was a player in a weekly game instead of a DM (violently opposed to the notion of DMPCs) I don't really care for play by posts usually, but if it's the only way to show that this class is capable of more than just your standard medieval knight, like people seem to shoehorn it into, then I'll go at it with gusto and have a blast while it lasts.

Same situation here, I DM a weekly game and play a monthly/every 6 weeks game. We are way too far into it for me to change characters, though one player was already playing something similar to cavalier and is going to try it out.

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