Flyby attack on a human?

Rules Questions

The Exchange

If I am a human wizard, can I take flyby attack?

I don't have a permanent flight speed, but I do have access to it through spells.

xiN. wrote:

If I am a human wizard, can I take flyby attack?

I don't have a permanent flight speed, but I do have access to it through spells.

I think RAW, the answer is no. There was a 3.5 FAQ about being able to take feats if you could meet the prereqs via items. Mostly this was in the context of stat related prereqs. But in Pathfinder, those are now permanent ability bumps, so that language isn't required.

Even so, I'd probably allow a character with a reliable means of flight to take Flyby Attack.

FarmerBob wrote:
xiN. wrote:

If I am a human wizard, can I take flyby attack?

I don't have a permanent flight speed, but I do have access to it through spells.

I think RAW, the answer is no. There was a 3.5 FAQ about being able to take feats if you could meet the prereqs via items. Mostly this was in the context of stat related prereqs. But in Pathfinder, those are now permanent ability bumps, so that language isn't required.

Even so, I'd probably allow a character with a reliable means of flight to take Flyby Attack.

I would allow a character to take Flyby Attack, but they would have to have the Fly skill first. Doesnt matter to me if they can cast a spell that grants flight all day long. If they dont have the Fly Skill I wouldnt let them take any flight-based feats.

Mind you this is house rule since as you mentioned, the RAW answer seems to be no.


The Exchange

I agree. Ranks in fly are a must of course.

I know about the FAQ. It basically said you could boost your stats to qualify for a feat (losing it temporarily when you take off the item).

So by that reasoning, which is of course from WOTC, it is possibly legal if you have an item granting flight permanently.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

If you have a fly speed, you have the Fly skill and you gain a +8 bonus to Fly checks.

Whether a DM allows someone that can cast Fly as a spell to take Fly-By is entirely in the DM's domain. There is nothing preventing it by a straight RAW perspective.

James Risner wrote:

If you have a fly speed, you have the Fly skill and you gain a +8 bonus to Fly checks.

Whether a DM allows someone that can cast Fly as a spell to take Fly-By is entirely in the DM's domain. There is nothing preventing it by a straight RAW perspective.

Where do you see that having a fly speed grants a +8 bonus to Fly checks? I am not seeing that. I see that Flight Maneuverability has a bonus/penalty, as does size, but I didn't see anything that would indicate a natural +8 (similar to the bonuses for Swim and Climb). In fact, flight works so differently, I was under the impression that was specifically not done.

Consider the Giant Eagle:

It has Average Maneuverability (+0); it is Large (-2); 4 ranks in a class skill (+7); +3 Dex (+3) = +8 (just as is listed).

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

tos_shai_hulud wrote:
Where do you see that having a fly speed grants a +8 bonus to Fly checks? I see that Flight Maneuverability has a bonus/penalty, as does size

You are right, It slipped my mind that it was based on maneuverability and not static like Climb/Swim.

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