Adepts and 0th Level Orisons

Rules Questions

Are Adepts allowed to cast a 0th level spell at will or are they used up upon casting? I'm curious what you think.

Personally I say 'yes' they are used up upon casting simply because they do not have the class ability 'Cantrips' or 'Orisons'.

That's right you dirty Adepts... you want unlimited 0th level power get a real job!

Hartbaine wrote:

Are Adepts allowed to cast a 0th level spell at will or are they used up upon casting? I'm curious what you think.

Personally I say 'yes' they are used up upon casting simply because they do not have the class ability 'Cantrips' or 'Orisons'.

That's right you dirty Adepts... you want unlimited 0th level power get a real job!

I see it as adepts use up their 0-level spells. They dont have any class feature that clearly states they dont and all of the PC spellcasters do have explciit mention of unlimited 0-level castings.

This puts the big gap between them and Cleric-Druid-Wiazard-Sorcerer. Much like the lack of class feats seperate Warriors from Fighter in a big way. And lack of Rogue Talents seperates a Expert thief from a Rogue.

But then I am a huge proponent of: most people in the game world are NPC Classes. The average soldier is a Warrior. The average thief is an Expert. The average temple priest is either an Adept or an Aristocrat.


Liberty's Edge

yeppers, you are both right, the Adept NPC class still uses up its 0th level spells, as it does not have the class ability Orisons/Cantrips.

Peebo :D

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