Interracial couple denied marriage license

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Interracial couple denied marriage license in Louisiana

WTF? Cafferty is right leaning, so he could have ulterior motives. Does anyone have another source for this?

My wife saw this the other day and show me, BS is what I say. I would sue the hell out of that county. Besides going over his head. The racist asshat should be fired

Stuff like this makes seeker highly pisseed

The judge is an idiot. I saw the story on Chris Matthews last night and it was reported just about the same.

Next thing you know, they won't allow gnomes and hobgoblins to marry either.

CourtFool wrote:

Interracial couple denied marriage license in Louisiana

WTF? Cafferty is right leaning, so he could have ulterior motives. Does anyone have another source for this?

I saw this article late last night. I think its ridiculous. It is does not matter what he believes. He only gets paid to sign a paper, not to decide whether or not it should be signed.

Its actually on a few websites. I checked on google.

Dark Archive

That is utter crap. The judge should not have a job any more.

"I have piles and piles of black friends."

Really? Still?

'Piles' strikes me as an odd word to use in the context. I am sure I am just looking for something more to read in this. Still.

Dark Archive

Piles really is an odd word to use in that context. However, it is Louisiana

Scarab Sages

I think the man should and probably will lose his job. I am happy that we have largely moved to a place as a society where many people rarely think much about interacial marriage one way or the other.

Just as a caution though, the man very likely does not think of this as racism (and might even be a proponent of equality in other areas of life) and I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't some blacks in his community that agree with him. I was visiting at a church in Miami, Florida, the minister there invited me and the wife home with him and the subject of interracial marriage came up. The minister there, who was black and older, was quite vocal on his opinion that those who married in such situations were quite foolish and misguided. I politely disagreed and suggested that society was reaching a place where both the couple and the children would suffer little or no stigmation but he couldn't see it.

Scarab Sages

I was sad to read this, but not suprised. I grew up in that state, and know that discrimination like this goes on.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Somebody on another blog pointed out that some of those poor, confused biracial kids the guy claims to be protecting go on to be become president. Can Obama do marriages? That'd be freakin' awesome if he stepped in and married the couple.

CourtFool wrote:
WTF? Cafferty is right leaning, so he could have ulterior motives. Does anyone have another source for this?

Yep. It's real. Sadly, if not all that surprisingly. When David Duke ran for governor of Louisiana, he'd have won if it was only up to the white people. Of course that was 1991; this is now.

The judge's excuse is pretty much the same one used to defend legal bans on interracial marriage until the Supremes threw 'em out. It's also one of the main ones for foes of gay marriage who want to downplay the white-hooded Jesus angle.

I saw this on another site earlier today. The justice is a P.O.S. and should lose his position because he is not doing his job. No matter how he feels about a given couple he cannot refuse to marry them if they are legally entitled to do so.

This proud miscegenator is tempted to send pictures of our kids to him if we ever decide to have any.

Dark Archive

He should be tarred and feathered! There is no room for asinine behavior in our times.

Silver Crusade

CourtFool wrote:

Interracial couple denied marriage license in Louisiana

WTF? Cafferty is right leaning, so he could have ulterior motives. Does anyone have another source for this?

I read about it on Huffington Post, so I can't help with the "unbiased source" bit.

But yeah, I can't imagine what this guy was thinking. He has to know how illegal that is.

Silver Crusade

CourtFool wrote:

"I have piles and piles of black friends."

Really? Still?

'Piles' strikes me as an odd word to use in the context. I am sure I am just looking for something more to read in this. Still.

BTW, did you read the rest of the quote? Again, my source is the Huffington Post, so take that how you will...

Huffington Post wrote:
"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

Emphasis mine.

Nothing says "I'm not racist" like imagining people would care who s!*&s on your toilet.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Nothing says "I'm not racist" like imagining people would care who s~@!s on your toilet.


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Can't wait until some of these old bigots die off.

Liberty's Edge

It's a little amazing that this sort of thing still happens. It doesn't take a time machine to go back to the 50s, I guess. . .

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:
Can't wait until some of these old bigots die off.

Speed up their exit by sending them such delectable dishes as crispy pork knuckles, peking duck, crab dishes, etc.

anksanis wrote:
It's a little amazing that this sort of thing still happens. It doesn't take a time machine to go back to the 50s, I guess. . .

Not so surprising. I know more than a few people that will tell you that they aren't prejudiced at all, yet feel very strongly about interracial relationships. Most of them are are white, but there are blacks who feel that way as well.

Hell, I've seen raised eyebrows when I go out with my Hispanic sometimes-girlfriend. Normally I couldn't care less, but if someone were to deny us a marriage license, I would be pretty pissed off.

Wolfthulhu wrote:

Not so surprising. I know more than a few people that will tell you that they aren't prejudiced at all, yet feel very strongly about interracial relationships. Most of them are are white, but there are blacks who feel that way as well.

So true I have seen this to much, thats right up there with "I have nothing against gays...but it's wrong " Sad truth is people deny it from themselves

anksanis wrote:
It's a little amazing that this sort of thing still happens. It doesn't take a time machine to go back to the 50s, I guess. . .

Interracial marriage was illegal in some states (almost exactly the ones you'd expect) until 1967 when the Warren Court stepped in. It was illegal in most states prior to the Civil Rights movement.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
So true I have seen this to much, thats right up there with "I have nothing against gays...but it's wrong " Sad truth is people deny it from themselves

That's one of my personal buttons. If one has to put a but into the sentence, one has something against 'em and is probably about to spell it out.

America has largely succeeded in putting the word 'racism' beyond the pale but its enthusiasm for the practice has faded nowhere near so rapidly.

yep your right on that, your so right. I piss alot of folks off pointing out the but is something against em

Silver Crusade

Yeah, what a jackwad. Still, it's out there. What this turd needs is a biracial grandchild. It worked wonders in getting my parents to change their minds about the issue. I wanted to respond to this by defending the state of my daughter's emotional health, but the point about the US President being biracial seriously trumped that.

Grand Lodge

It being Louisiana, I'm not surprised in the slightest. I wonder if they still have that law against white people dressing up in blackface my friend told me about.

Long story short, he dressed up and went out for a lark while in theatre, and actually got escorted by the police back to his campus so he could clean up. And was told the only reason he wasn't in jail was because he was in theatre.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:

Not so surprising. I know more than a few people that will tell you that they aren't prejudiced at all, yet feel very strongly about interracial relationships. Most of them are are white, but there are blacks who feel that way as well.

So true I have seen this to much, thats right up there with "I have nothing against gays...but it's wrong " Sad truth is people deny it from themselves

No, that's really not the same thing at all.

Sheesh. Where did this fossil come from? How did he even think that this would be remotely OK? What an idiot.

The Exchange

Uhg. It's A-holes like this douchebag that cause the rest of us southerners to be veiwed by the rest of the nation as a bunch of racsist ingnorent hill billies. All I ask is that people try and remember that there are jack@$$ folks everywhere.... :/

Back when I still went to church in my hometown in CT an interracial couple joined our congregation. Just about everybody was cool with it, but I think a few older people said something to them. It isn't unique to any one place; it's just that in this case it was someone with a measure of authority to abuse.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:

Not so surprising. I know more than a few people that will tell you that they aren't prejudiced at all, yet feel very strongly about interracial relationships. Most of them are are white, but there are blacks who feel that way as well.

So true I have seen this to much, thats right up there with "I have nothing against gays...but it's wrong " Sad truth is people deny it from themselves

Critical discourse analysts call those denials "apparent denials" and note that they are quite often followed by evidence to the contrary.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:
Can't wait until some of these old bigots die off.

Yeah, when I was a missionary down in Misssissippi we went to invite a man who had once been a high ranking leader in our church but who had stopped coming to come back to church. He told us that he would com back when "They stopped letting them __________________ come to church." We never bothered with him again. I say let the racists rot.

Scarab Sages

Just a quick note:

As previously stated, I find this distasteful. That being said, not every white person in Louisiana is a bigot or racist, as some people here seem to think. Please don't ascribe one set of beliefs to an entire segment of the population based on just a few bad apples.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Aberzombie wrote:

Just a quick note:

As previously stated, I find this distasteful. That being said, not every white person in Louisiana is a bigot or racist, as some people here seem to think. Please don't ascribe one set of beliefs to an entire segment of the population based on just a few bad apples.

You have to admit, though, the irony of assigning people beliefs based on where they were born, or even where they live now, in a thread about how prejudice is bad, m'kay, is rather delicious.

Sovereign Court

Set this sixty years back, and suddenly you'd have a large proportion of the populace supporting this judge.

Change the gender of one of the people involved in this, and suddenly you'd have a large proportion of the populace supporting this judge today.

Think about it.

If a justice of the peace tried to do this with me and my girlfriend I would be pressing racism and discrimination charges with the cops with the hour.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
ArchLich wrote:
If a justice of the peace tried to do this with me and my girlfriend I would be pressing racism and discrimination charges with the cops with the hour.

While distasteful, I'm not sure racism is a crime. Where you can file complaints is when government offices or officials refuse or provide sub-standard service on the basis of "race, religion, gender or sexual orientation." I think a lot of companies that do business with the government have to agree to the same terms. Even then, though, I don't think it is technically "criminal." Nobody goes to jail for being a racist jacka**. It can be tagged on to other crimes at sentencing time, though, I think.

Plus, who says the cops don't agree with him? That's why the Federal government has to get involved. The office of civil rights that handles this stuff was pretty inert during the Bush administration - I think it file one case ... one the behalf of a White guy (Hey, I'm a White guy, and I know we can be discriminated against, but I find it hard to believe that the only act of racism that rose to the level of "criminal" in the previous 8 years was against one of my people).

Samnell wrote:
The judge's excuse is pretty much the same one used to defend legal bans on interracial marriage until the Supremes threw 'em out.

Yes, I too enjoyed when those judges said "Stop ... in the naaaame of love!" .... (I do apologize ... I just couldn't hold it back ... the urge was overwhelming!)

But, seriously, I am saddened that people such as this are in positions of power, but glad that it is becoming more fringe as the years go on. Most of my students now have no real understanding of why racial issues exist. That's not to say that it's been stamped out of their generation, but it is far less prevalent and far less acceptable.

CourtFool wrote:

"I have piles and piles of black friends..."

...buried in his backyard, maybe.

A clarification: He is a Justice of the Peace, not a Judge. And as far as I can tell, he was elected (though JoP laws are different in every state), so yes he can be as racist as he wants. He, like anyone else, CAN refuse service.

As for his reasoning(supposedly we all know it's B.S.), yes biracial people do often (though obviously not always) face more predjudice from both whites and blacks, but just because someone might suffer doesn't mean they shouldn't be born (though what makes him think that not getting married is going to stop from having kids?)

And Mosaic, I respectfully disagree, we have handed too much over to Federal Agencies already, this is a county matter and should be resolved on that level. And asking the president to intercede on a minor matter (again) is ridiculous, he has too much to do.

Vorbis wrote:
A clarification: He is a Justice of the Peace, not a Judge. And as far as I can tell, he was elected (though JoP laws are different in every state), so yes he can be as racist as he wants. He, like anyone else, CAN refuse service.

So it's OK if this JoP refuses to marry my hypothetical opposite-sex fiance and me, 'cause: "Well, you know, you Catholics aren't born-again, so any children you might have will go to Hell."? Or if we were Jewish: "Well, Jewish kids will get discriminated against in the South."?

Wolfthulhu wrote:
No, that's really not the same thing at all.

It is the very same thing.The judge was fine with black folks he says but mixing was...just wrong

See very same thing. When you deny someone the way of life you enjoy based on life partner you find wrong, it is the very same thing

Scarab Sages

I kinda feel sorry for the judge. Only slightly, though. What he did was completely illegal and he knew it. The thing is, he's right in part of his argument. It's still frowned and looked down upon.

When I was dating my ex-wife no one had much of a problem with it. (I'm white, she's african american.) But once we got serious and we got engaged...nearly all of my african-american friends turned on me. Which really confused us because they were the ones who introduced us. It got worse when we married. The worse offenders were the african-american males who were themselves involved in interracial relationships. I've had them threaten to beat me up and we've received a couple death threats. And this occured in sunny, liberal San Diego.

When we moved here to Virginia, we ran into the same problems. I got kicked out of the unemployment office because a guy hit me in the ribs when I was holding the door open for her. It's not just limited to me.

I've seen the same thing happen with a co-worker. But it was so much worse for her and her boyfriend. They've had their truck keyed and one night we had to call the cops because a bunch of guys tried to fight her boyfriend.

I understand his sentiment about the interracial couple. It's sad, but it's true.

Sanakht Inaros wrote:
...I understand his sentiment about the interracial couple. It's sad, but it's true.

It may be currently true. But that changes when people get more exposed to it, so they feel less threatened by it, and then the next generation grows up thinking nothing of it.

That's now you fight ignorance and racism.

ArchLich wrote:
If a justice of the peace tried to do this with me and my girlfriend I would be pressing racism and discrimination charges with the cops with the hour.

You are undead, you can't get married. (Although you can still vote in many places). And your girlfriend should be ashamed-filthy necrophiliac.

Sanakht Inaros wrote:

I kinda feel sorry for the judge. Only slightly, though. What he did was completely illegal and he knew it. The thing is, he's right in part of his argument. It's still frowned and looked down upon.

When I was dating my ex-wife no one had much of a problem with it. (I'm white, she's african american.) But once we got serious and we got engaged...nearly all of my african-american friends turned on me. Which really confused us because they were the ones who introduced us. It got worse when we married. The worse offenders were the african-american males who were themselves involved in interracial relationships. I've had them threaten to beat me up and we've received a couple death threats. And this occured in sunny, liberal San Diego.

When we moved here to Virginia, we ran into the same problems. I got kicked out of the unemployment office because a guy hit me in the ribs when I was holding the door open for her. It's not just limited to me.

I've seen the same thing happen with a co-worker. But it was so much worse for her and her boyfriend. They've had their truck keyed and one night we had to call the cops because a bunch of guys tried to fight her boyfriend.

I understand his sentiment about the interracial couple. It's sad, but it's true.

I am so sorry to hear about that. I am white and my wife is black. We have been together for six years and have never run into any difficulties like that. Occasionally, she will notice people starring at us but that is it. (My perception scores are in the negatives so I rarely ever notice it.) Perhaps I should stop complaining about living in NJ. This is something we think about when we consider moving to another state.

On the issue of children, most people say to us "Oh, your children will be beautiful."

Bill Lumberg wrote:
ArchLich wrote:
If a justice of the peace tried to do this with me and my girlfriend I would be pressing racism and discrimination charges with the cops with the hour.
You are undead, you can't get married. (Although you can still vote in many places). And your girlfriend should be ashamed-filthy necrophiliac.

I'm pretty sure there is nothing in most state marriage laws that limits "marriage" to only the living. If you can give consent, sign the paperwork, and get bloodwork verifying you are disease free, then you're in.

Dark Archive

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
...I understand his sentiment about the interracial couple. It's sad, but it's true.

It may be currently true. But that changes when people get more exposed to it, so they feel less threatened by it, and then the next generation grows up thinking nothing of it.

That's now you fight ignorance and racism.

I had a friend growing up. I used to date his sister. They were African-American and her parents had no problem with her dating me, a white boy. He wanted to date an African-American girl and his parents had an absolute fit because she was too dark for them. I never understood that.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I'm pretty sure there is nothing in most state marriage laws that limits "marriage" to only the living. If you can give consent, sign the paperwork, and get bloodwork verifying you are disease free, then you're in.

That is probably true. But it is simple common sense that certain things should not be allowed. Obviously I believe people should be allowed to marry people that are a different color. I think gays should be allowed to marry. I have no objection to multiple marriages. As long as it is between consenting adults, all is fine with me.

But the undead and living presents a problem. How will you word the vows? "Until"

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