FAWTL refugee thread

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Guess what? I just got my notification that I have been accepted into the Trapper Creek Job Corps Center!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Guess what? I just got my notification that I have been accepted into the Trapper Creek Job Corps Center!


Thanks! I'm supposed to leave sometime next month.

I'd offer my congratulations, but here in FAWTL refugee thread, we don't do that. We heap scorn upon each other, not praises.

You suck, Kelsey.

Hee hee! J/k. Congrats!

Mmmmm, fresh buttered scorn-on-the-cob {drools}

Who are you and what are you doing in our thread?!?


Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
As for AP courses, well, I hear you, but if you had a good teacher, then you probably got just as much as you would from an introductory college seminar. The stuff at the higher levels is where it's at, usually because it's what the professor's actually interested in.

Yeah, I think AP courses actually teach you more than college classes on the same material. It's just that politics are fun when you know the teacher is unbiased.

S%$+ getting unbelievably real:
All these classes are getting me down. I'm behind on reading in . . . all of them. I've got a group thing to work on for Monday and Tuesday, and labs also due on both of those days. Things don't look to be letting up. I'm desperately struggling to not f#** s~%$ up. But f*$&ing s#&# up is tempting. Therefore, I'll only be paying attention to this thread and spending no more than an hour each day on Skype for quite a while. This could lead to depression, so I might break down and start another reread.

Also I guess Michael Guy Bowman and the band (including Eric "Jit" Scheele! who is my favourite musician for no apparent reason) are going to be able to go to SXSW after that crazy generous $5 donation I made. I don't know any people who live in Austin so I figured I'd just post it wherever.

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
What are you and who are you doing in our thread?!?


Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
What are you and who are you doing in our thread?!?

It's a winged horse, man, down!

Also, Gark, stop f+#&ing around and do all your homework or else you'll end up getting up at 2 in the morning and loading trucks for a living.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Etta James. :(

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Munchkin A wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

{waves back}

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Etta James. :(

I don't think I've heard her before, but I heard about it on the radio this morning. I'll listen to my faux-hipster show tomorrow night and see if they play any of her songs.

It snowed for three days and two nights. On the third night, the snow turned to rain. The rain came down for two days and two nights. On the fifth day, the rain broke. That night, it returned. The streams and creeks crested. The rain continued. Humans cowered in their homes, betrayed by their gods. The floods came. Hundreds fled.

But not me! I'm gonna try to ride my bike into town tomorrow. And then we're gonna try to drive somewhere near Philomath and plant plants. And then I'm gonna try to ride my bike back home. It'll be great! I'm kinda wondering how much water my bike can go in before it lifts up, though. Also if I should wear swim trunks (the air is f$@!ing warm! crazy!).

Also holy s@$@ that update was awesome. Let me paste my reaction.
[5:46:49 PM] Dave of Guy: THAT YUPDATE
[5:46:54 PM] Dave of Guy: HOLY
[5:46:55 PM] Dave of Guy: F+*$ING
[5:46:56 PM] Dave of Guy: S#*!
[5:47:06 PM] Dave of Guy: azgfdsfkjzskjfdskjgds,mFds'lfnkhadgkfjsh
[5:47:18 PM] Dave of Guy: agjafshyg8iqejhfkjhafhneioiogwhurgfoaishfkjdhgflkxnjkjhfsiofrhklaehgfuhuodr ghjlkfehgoiurhgiojwojpiordqrouweiorjpeioruewut8324utirhskjdhfkjdsgjhdsfklhs dkjfh
[5:47:23 PM] Dave of Guy: fdkjlahfkjldhkjglasughfaghkjdfghlafkjghkldsjgilahygu8whyoiqejfklsjxn,mhdiuf ohdwoifrhwd
[5:47:26 PM] Dave of Guy: hfsho
[5:47:31 PM] Dave of Guy: kjhjkhasfiuhufaidfsssdf
[5:47:39 PM] Dave of Guy: mmb,mb,mmbxjzkiakjjkzhadsiuraihlkhdhfiuoahglkhfdiuagfionkngkjlaiofo
[5:47:40 PM] Dave of Guy: augh
[5:47:42 PM] Dave of Guy: f!~@
[5:47:43 PM] Dave of Guy: yes
[5:48:23 PM] Dave of Guy: yes
[5:48:25 PM] Dave of Guy: hell yes
[5:48:26 PM] Dave of Guy: hell
[5:48:27 PM] Dave of Guy: f~~%ing
[5:48:28 PM] Dave of Guy: yes
When I started watching, and heard the beginning of the song I knew, I whispered, "f#$& yes." Then I basically chirped and squirred through the rest on max volume and brightness.

{waves back}

Also, because my past self apparently thinks it's okay to just favourite your post:

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Guess what? I just got my notification that I have been accepted into the Trapper Creek Job Corps Center!

CONGRADULATIONS!!1!! (congradulations=congratulations+adulations if you didn't know)


Do you guys like the Total War series? I love the games, especially Empire and Napoleon.

Liberty's Edge

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:


Do you guys like the Total War series? I love the games, especially Empire and Napoleon.

If liking it can be a thing that can be done when one knows only what is shown in this comic about Total War, then yes.

Except what I just said is now a lie because I've looked at the Wikipedia page. It looks interesting. I - the only real turn-based strategy games I've played were Warcraft (not really turn-based but actually my introduction to video games), stuff that came with Red Hat (which for some reason I associate with Tom Tomorrow?) and various other Linux incarnations, a bunch of stuff on this site (mostly ripoffs of other games, and also not very good), and another ripoff game called War of Legends which very much does not deserve a link (copy of something called Evony, and also really poorly coded). Oh! And chess and Go (which is of course awesome). And Monopoly, which I ruled like a boss at when I was younger and could ken the probabilities better. And Pathfinder and D&D? S+@! so many things can be described as "turn-based strategy games."

In Total War you recruit and move troops and manage your civilization on a turn based campaign map, but fight battles in real time. It's fun.

Also, I am currently playing the most fun Pathfinder character I've had in a long time.

Liberty's Edge

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

In Total War you recruit and move troops and manage your civilization on a turn based campaign map, but fight battles in real time. It's fun.

Also, I am currently playing the most fun Pathfinder character I've had in a long time.

Today I played my East Taldan sylph court bard of Calistria. We took down Gibbs after a tough battle (we were trying to keep from harming him). We've got him tied up now and I'm fetching help from the Pharasman church. Titu isn't very "awesome," even though he's the party's tank.

What's your fun character?

I'm playing a 4 Int, 3 Wis Lawful Good Fighter who worships Asmodeous and thinks she's a Paladin. She's currently in the middle of an epic quest to retrieve her teddy bear from a lich (she's never owned a teddy bear), and is traveling with a racist, sexist dwarven woman who's a raging prohibitionist when it comes to alcohol, Gothy McGothdark the witch, and the female Belkar Bitterleaf.

She's fun. Nobody, not even the GM, is taking this campaign seriously. We just don't feel like it. We just want to destroy Cheliax with our insane antics.

Full Metal Disney is great (Warning: NSFW do to very naughty language)

Liberty's Edge

G~@ d#%mit. Yesterday I went on one a them linky things: ". . . Ronald Weasely, Ronald McDonald House, Mario Pastega House, Mario the Plumber, Joe the Plumber . . ."

Today Mario Pastega is dead.


Liberty's Edge

That feel when your past self has already screwed your present self over and you're tempted to pass the buck to your future self.

(I.e. I'm not sure I'll be sleeping tonight.)

(A.k.a. that melancholy feel.)

You know what tastes good? Cheese curds.

You know what rocks? Getting to control the Druid player's animal companion after my Fighter died instead of sitting around doing nothing.

Liberty's Edge

Cheese curds are delicious.

Dying, not so much.

No, but getting to control the Druid's snow leopard (with the more powerful Bestiary stats so I can survive as the primary melee character until we can bring in a new character) is fun.

Liberty's Edge

Snow White.


What cartoon character was that?

Liberty's Edge

I have no idea, but it's hilarious.

Liberty's Edge

I am now posting ironically on Tumblr. I want to see how it ends.


Liberty's Edge

I think we need an obit thread around here.

This is why America is the way it is.

Liberty's Edge

So, um, what's up with ACTA? I need to know if I should be worried about it. I won't have any time for research about it until Tuesday night. Unless I stay up all night tonight. I don't know.



Mr. Controversy wrote:

That's pretty hypocritical coming from Mitt the Ripper.



Mr. Controversy wrote:




I have been watching a melange of Rome and Spartacus: Blood and Sand episodes totally out of order and mixing the shows. They totally rock.

The best hour of television that I have ever seen in my life might be the episode of S:B&S where the dominus decides to stud out Spartacus to rich women and sends him a slave girl to practice with. The poor slave tries to explain to Spart how the dominus is worried that, with lack of recent use will come lack of stamina, Spartie replies "The idea is repellent."

Hee hee!

South Africa f!+@ing rocks.

Not nearly as much as ancient Rome.

Did you see what he did?

Yeah. I have to admit that was pretty bad-ass. Spartacus would have stomped all over him, 's all I'm sayin'.

That makes me think of the Ancient Greeks for some reason.

You know what I have noticed about the Ancient Greeks? Zeus was a douchebag. Straight up. I mean, have you read up on all the crap that guy did?

Few of the figures from Greek mythology are very nice. Hestia, Hephaestus, Demeter, um, that's about it.

Exactly. It's a whole pantheon of bastards.

That gives me an idea. What about a D&D campaign where every single deity is a self absorbed, irresponsible, immature, ill tempered jerkass? Could be an interesting setting, no?

Depending on your DM, that could be any setting. But, as a pretty staunch anti-theist, I'd say go ahead, do it up!

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