Alkir's Crypt of the Everflame - Pathfinder RPG Play-By-Post


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Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"Slow and steady. Let's get a feeling for the whole room. Take your time." Virgil turns and says to those behind, "Ready for anything, people."

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"More of those uneven tiles," Thorvin calls out. "There's a big iron lever to the south'a us. Carrion, if I point out the tiles to ya, can you mark them with light? And can you check whether there's any magic on them or on the lever?"

Thorvin wrote:
"More of those uneven tiles," Thorvin calls out. "There's a big iron lever to the south'a us. Carrion, if I point out the tiles to ya, can you mark them with light? And can you check whether there's any magic on them or on the lever?"

Both Carrion and Lianth inform Thorvin regretfully that the ability to create light is not within their powers this day. Carrion however, reports that he has been scanning the room for magical auras since entering and has yet to detect any.

Armed with that knowledge, the dwarf steps forward another 10 feet with his companions filing in behind him. After taking another full minute to probe the darkness, Thorvin discovers another pit and a door to the South as well as a pair of pits to the North along with another lever identical to the one found on the South wall. This lever is in the "up" position as well.

Current Map

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Hold on, lads," Thorvin calls. "Time out. The uneven tiles may be traps, may be someaught else, but what's with the levers? Anyone know anyaught of engineering?"

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"It would make sense that the levers control doors or some such. I think we should pull one of them and try to see what happens. But first, I think we should finish scouting out the room."

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Carrion casts Resistance on everyone, including himself, and will do so every minute, as needed.

"I agree with testing the levers, but we should have a plan. If the levers activate a trap, false floor tiles, blocks exits, we may have issue. If we did pull the lever, not everyone should be in the room; if one group is trapped, then the other can find aid.
OR we can not touch the lever at all, until we find it a viable option to continue into the depts of this place....."

Muffled wailing continues behind the newly discovered door to the South.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Virgil listens to the muffled cries for a moment, then shrugs "We can deal with them later. Let's finish reconnaissance on this room."

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Let's hope, then," Thorvin says slowly, "that it's baddies doing the wailing. And not innocent victims of some torment."

Shaking his head, the dwarf walks on and keeps his eyes open.

Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Survival check to notice any tracks: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14.

Moving forward another ten feet and looking about, Thorvin discovers another pair of uneven tiles that were not visible previously. This room is full of them, it would seem. You get a much better look at the door now. It is made of heavy oak planks, banded together with corroded iron. The door is devoid of knob or pull ring and no light shines from behind it only the sorrowful maddening wail issuing from the darkness.

Inspecting the floor for tracks in the dust, you notice for the first time that this room has been swept clean of the dust so prevalent in the previous room and there is no evidence of tracks remaining.

Current Map

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Is it me," Thorvin asks, "or does anyone else feel like this room is one giant trap? We haven't been sent out to serve as regular sacrifices to some crypt-spirit, have we?"

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"Something seems peculiar. I'm going to test one of these traps. Step back if you like." Virgil turns his greatsword upside-down, standing just to the side, and firmly raps it on the surface of one of the stone lids.

Virgil raps his greatsword hard upon one of the stone floor tiles indicated by Thorvin. The five foot section of floor drops away effortlessly as it splits seamlessly in the middle and swings downward upon a pair of hidden hinges to reveal a dank, rough hewn pit ten feet deep. The bottom of said pit is lined with large, overstuffed pillows identical to those found in the packs both outside and in the entry chamber.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"... Interestin'," Thorvin says. He grunts, then shuffles further into the room. "A suspicious man," he says as he continues the procedure of moving and checking the room, "might suggest someone's trying to catch intruders alive. Worrying thought, yes?"

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Lianth keeps a hand on the scruff of Roarkes neck, to keep him from wandering into one of the pit traps.

"As far as I can recall, the young people sent to fetch the Everflame have always returned without incident, so we are no sacrifices to the crypt-spirits, friend Thorvin."

Moving forward still, Thorvin has almost transversed the room from West to East. Peering about as his companions wait in anticipation he spots a third lever and yet another uneven floor tile to the North along the Eastern wall.

Current Map

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

If you don't mind me asking, AlKir, what program are you using to construct these maps? I've always been interested in trying my hand at DMing but I could never quite figure out how to make maps like yours. Does Paizo have a way to download these maps and icons? How are you doing the shadows and line of sight?

Virgil looks about, studying the room and its layout. Avoiding the uneven stone lids on the floor, he moves to the middle lever on the eastern wall. "Luck favors the bold." He pulls the lever and watches for an effect.

Virgil takes the long way around to the lever on the Eastern wall, first heading West, North, East and then South again to the lever.

"Luck favor the bold," he says and then gives the lever a firm yank. At first it is hard to move and then all of a sudden it smoothly pushes down.

A loud clank is heard in the wall behind the lever. Merely a second later a feint "click, click, click" sound can be heard issuing from the general vicinity of the Southern door. This continues for about six seconds and then the noise ceases. After which, the lever unexpectedly swings back to the up position with great force.

As for how I'm constructing the maps, it's the hobby's best kept secret. I use MapTools created by RPTools. You can find a copy for FREE at their website. RPTools Homepage They even have tutorials. Pay special attention about the one concerning gathering an image library, since the software comes sans images. This program takes care of all the nifty lighting effects you're seeing. It even has server capability for running games in real time online.

From there, you can either open your pdf reader and take a snapshot of your map and then import it, or you can use Adobe Reader 8.0 or earlier and extract the image from the pdf sans DM marks. Personally, I just use custom generated sprites to cover things like secret doors, traps, and room numbers. Then I can delete the sprites later to reveal the information beneath.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Let me make a guess, here," Thorvin says. "Either we have to push down all the levers to get the door to open, or we have to push them down all at the same time to get the door open. And then whatever's a-wailing can come see us. Is everyone ready for that?"

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"Take the lever on the south wall, Thorvin. Lianth, can your wolf pull a lever? We might as well have two people covering the door if anything rears its head."

Thanks for the tip! I visited RPTools and was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of content and customization available. Luckily, I have nothing but time this holiday season.

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

"He's not really equipped for that sort of thing, but I can pull a lever and leave him to stand guard with whomever is by the door."

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Ver' well, then," Thorvin sighs, shaking his head. "Carrion, care to stand at my side for this one?"

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"On three. One, two, three." Virgil pulls his lever smoothly and keeps an eye on the door.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"I will gladly stand by your side, good dwarf. Oh, and that wailing, I'd prefer it be non combatants, would make things easier."

Carrion readies an action to attack anything that may appear from the possible entry points around him and the dwarf.

I've been busy, work and the holidays, I'm also moving residences. I am not taking leave, as it would be a waste, I am working on/off day schedule. The best wishes for whatever holidays traditions you may (or may not) hold.

As Thorvin and Carrion begin to make their way to the Southern lever, Lianth orders Rourke to guard him. The wolf dutifully begins following the dwarf. As Carrion leaves the light of the druid's torch, he fishes around in his pack and removes a torch of his own and lights it with a spark from his fire kit.

Lianth carefully makes her way towards the Northern lever inspecting the floor before her as she goes. As his companions and their light sources depart his position, Virgil is left peering through the dim light measuring his companions progress.

Lianth is nearly in position when quite unexpectedly, the floor beneath her feet gives way. With a startled scream she disappears from view, and after a ten foot fall lands upon a pile of large, overstuffed pillows. As she lands, burning embers from her torch fly everywhere and instantly begin smoking and smoldering on the dry pillows. 4 Non-Lethal Falling Damage.

The only thing visible at Lianths position is a bright shaft of orange torch light running from the floor to ceiling.

Current Map

Lianth's Perception Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9_Reflex Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8_Falling Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4_(Non-Lethal)

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Get her outta there, ya roaring fool!" Thorvin roars at Virgil. Putting words into action, he starts to move towards the place where Lianth fell, fishing in his pack for a rope.

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Lianth concentrates on patting out the smoldering pillows, not wanting to end up on fire, calling out as she does, "I'm alright for the moment, but a hand up would be appreciated."

Thorvin makes his way North to Lianth and fishes his rope out of his pack. The dwarf loops it around his waist and then wraps it around the closest pillar before throwing the loose end to the druid waiting below.

I'll need a climb check from Lianth.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Listening to events unfolding in the darkness, Virgil calls out "Let me know when she's back up! I'm ready at this lever." Shaking his head, he murmurs to himself, "Clumsy."

Dark Archive

Male Human

Merry holidays to everyone, whatever fashion you may or may not celebrate. Enjoy your time, I know I will.....

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Muttering an invocation to the green, to grant her the ability to climb like a squirrel Guidance, +1 to next skill check , Lianth tosses her torch up out of the pit and then grabs the rope with both hands and attempts to pull herself to safety.

Climb 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Squirrel-like, she is not...

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Shake a leg, lass," Thorvin calls down, the good-natured tone of voice belying the gruff words. "I'm not a tree stump, to stand here all day. Y'want us to try and hoist you up, otherwise?"

Merry Christmas, one and all!

With Thorvin and the aid of The Green, Lianth clambers up and out of the pit. Such a task would have been neigh impossible for the druid without the aid of the Dwarf's rope.

In short, order, everyone is in place, each near their appropriate lever.

"On three. One, two, three." Virgil pulls his lever smoothly and keeps an eye on the door as Thorvin and Lianth also pull their levers in unison.

A large thunk is heard behind the wall of each corresponding lever. Less than a second later a series of three metallic "tunk" sounds can be heard to come within the Southern door. This is immediately followed by several ticking sounds clicking away together in unison and also coming from the vicinity of the door.

As an Asatru, I Celebrate the Yuletide on the 20th. It was a very good year for me, my Family and Kin and I wish the same to all of you. Happy Holidays one and all!"

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"There appears to be a timer, so we should move to the southern passageway now, it may open soon. Upon entry, of course, we may well be trapped there, but we will have continued further in this place.

Who would have thought gaining the everflame would be this difficult."

What is Asatru? I can look it up, but I prefer it directly from the source. I have no affiliations, I am Spiritual (relgious science).

Dark Archive

Carrion Hawthorne wrote:
What is Asatru? I can look it up, but I prefer it directly from the source. I have no affiliations, I am Spiritual (relgious science).

Asatru, literally means remaining true to the Ases or Asir, the ancient Gods of Germanic Folklore. It is a re-constructionist religion as only a few carved stones and woodcarvings exist into the modern age describing our sacred rites and observances after the Christian cleansing during the early part of the last millennium. I prefer to view myself as a modern day barbarian, embracing the technology and ways of the present while still honoring the traditions and beliefs of my ancient ancestors. For more information venture Here.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Makes me wish I'd bought some alchemist's fire before leaving town," Thorvin grunts as he rewinds and stows the rope. "At least then we could blast our ways out if we become trapped. Anyway, weapons out, people." Putting action to word, Thorvin readies his axe as he strides through the open door. "Stay behind me," he advises. "If there's anything in the dark, I'll see it first."

As Thorvin makes his way to the door, please describe what path he takes to the door and in what manner you move there.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thorvin moves to the door cautiously, avoiding the uneven tiles. If he has to backtrack across the room to do so, he does so. And just to be on the safe side, he whacks the tiles he is about to step on with the handle of his axe before putting his weight on them.

Proceeding carefully, backtracking around the room to avoid the uneven tiles and tapping the tiles in front of him with the handle of his axe before proceeding (half normal movement), Thovin is a little over a third of the way to the door from the Southern lever when the ticking sounds from beyond the door stop and all three levers snap into their original upright positions. Reaching the door, the Dwarf finds it firmly locked without any visible keyhole.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Don't say it," Thorvin warns Virgil. "I'm a dwarf, we don't do 'fast'. Carrion, lad, now we know how it works, would you be the one to pull the lever then run by the route I just took?"

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"Sure, let's see if we can put a rush on this, so to speak."

Carrion mans the lever, waiting on the others to do the same.
When it is time, Carrion will PULL THE LEVER

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Virgil hefts his greatsword onto his shoulder with one hand, shifts his weight to one foot with his hips cocked, and casually rests the other hand on the lever. He nods to Carrion and Thorvin, "Cupcake. Shortstack. Ready when you are."

On Carrion's mark, Lianth, Virgil, and Thorvin pull their respective levers. The sorcerer, torch in hand, then takes off like an Olympic runner, sprinting towards the door and it's omnious clicking sounds. As he makes his final turn towards the door his momentum causes him to skid and he nearly lands in the pit to the left of the door. Luckily he shifts his balance at the last minute and throws himself against the iron door to avoid tumbling down the hole. Frantically the sorcerer tugs on the door and without resistance it swings open revealing a complex mechanism involving no less than three deadbolts! A dark hall junctions beyond the door stretching off to the East and West. The Eastern corridor turns South after only a few feet and stretches into darkness.

Current Map

Carrion Acrobatics check to run precisely and avoid pits: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9_Reflex Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike
Virgil hefts his greatsword onto his shoulder with one hand, shifts his weight to one foot with his hips cocked, and casually rests the other hand on the lever. He nods to Carrion and Thorvin, "Cupcake. Shortstack. Ready when you are."

To Virgil: "The interminably arid one speaks again"

Carrion will then do the full sprint action, yar

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Jam the mechanism if you can, lad!" Thorvin shouts to Carrion as he barrels towards the open door.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

What do the deadbolts look like, can I get a picture of some kind? Could I jam the torch or my grappling hook (though I really don't wish to lose it) into the gears or will they shred anything within them? Does the steel (assuming it to be) appear hardened or could it be weakened easily, via Acid Splash repeatedly?

The deadbolts are about 2" in diameter spaced near the top, bottom and middle of the door. They are recessed into the door's jamb when Carrion opens it. After only a few seconds the deadbolts spring out of the jamb a full 4" as the levers about the room spring upward. Currently, the extended deadbolts will prevent the door from closing completely.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"Onward and upward, as they say. Let's get into formation and see what there is to see." Virgil holds his greatsword ready and edges forward into the newly opened hall.

Falling back into marching order, Virgil leads the troupe down the Southern hall. After a few feet it splits East and West. A partially obscured door is partially visible at the end of the Western hall, while the Eastern hall turns sharply South. What might be an alcove is visible in this hall near its end, which terminates in a clearly visible door. The continued wailing seems to be coming from somewhere down the Eastern hall.

Current Map

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"Anyone having hunches? I would say West but I'm not especially attached to the idea."

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