About Lianth of Mist LakeAbilities
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10
[3 + 7 + 5 + 0 + 10 + 0 = 25, +2 bonus to Wisdom, round up Dex to 16] Current Status:
Lianth of Mist Lake
Init +3; Senses Perception +8 DEFENSE
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14 Traits Sacred Touch (stabilize with a touch), Wild-Caller (+2 CL for the duration of one Conjuration - summoning spell per day, same as Genie-Caller (Qadira Companion trait) or Master of Pentacles (Organized Play Chelaxian trait)) Feats Point-Blank Shot (B), Spell Focus (conjuration) Skills (4 +1 (human), +1 (favored class)) Climb (Str) 0 (+1), Craft (alchemy) 0 (-), Craft (armorsmith) 1 (+4), Craft (weaponsmith) 0 (-), Fly (Dex) 0 (+1), Handle Animal (Cha) 1 (+4), Heal 1 (+8), Knowledge (geography) 0 (-), Knowledge (nature) 1 (+6, +2 for nature sense), Perception 1 (+8), Profession (-) 0 (-), Ride (Dex) 0 (+1), Spellcraft 0 (-), Survival 1 (+10, +2 for nature sense), Swim (Str) 0 (+1); armor check penalty 0 Languages Common (Taldane), Druidic SQ spontaneous summons, orisons, nature sense (+2 to knowledge (nature) and survival checks), nature’s bond (animal companion), wild empathy (1d20+1) Load 47.5 lbs (shortbow) or 45.5 lbs (longbow); Lt 0-50 lbs., Med 51-100 lbs, Hvy 101-150 lbs. Combat Gear
2d6x10 gp (70 gp)
Racial +2 Wisdom, +1 Feat, +1 skill point / level, Favored Class: Druid (bonus taken for skill points), bonus Weapon Proficiency (longbow) taken in place of Multitalented quality Rourke, male Wolf Companion
Medium Animal
HD 2d8+4 (13 hp), AC 16 (+2 natural armor, +2 armor, +2 Dex), Bite +2 melee (1d6+1 P +plus trip), Spd 50 ft., BAB +1, CMB +2, CMD 14 (18 vs. trip), Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Perception 1 (+5), Stealth 1 (+6), Survival 0 (+1, +5 when tracking by scent), Armor Proficiency (light), Link (+4 to handle animal or wild empathy checks with companion, can command it as a free action or ‘push’ it as a move action), Share Spells, Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6, Scent Worn: Leather barding (+2 AB, 20 gp, 15 lbs, 0 ACP) Tricks: Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Track, Heel Feat advancement: Toughness, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor?, Improved Natural Attack?, Endurance, Diehard, Iron Will Appearance
Tall, gangly and extremely pale-skinned, with a smattering of freckles on her upper body and cheeks, Lianth has long unkempt red hair and bright blue eyes. Her hair is decorated with bits of freshwater shell, brightly colored feathers, small polished stones and animal parts, as is some of her gear, including her prized bow. She prefers to wear only armor that she has crafted herself, and looks forward to the day when she can craft he own weapons from what the forest provides. She also forages for her own food, as much as possible. Backstory
Born to a fairly unremarkable parents, both woodcrafters, skilled in both carpentry (her father, Breon) and fletching (her mother, Sylvane), Lianth was an odd child, displaying neither the brown eyes nor the black hair of her parents, so much so that the neighbors sometimes whispered that she was a changeling child. (Her father’s Ullfen mother looked very much like she does, however, and there was never a question at home as to her paternity.) Despite her parent’s acceptance, the other children her age still whispered their whispers, and Lianth found herself increasingly spending time alone, tending horses or hounds, or, in the most exciting discovery of her youth, hawks, as an Andoran trader passed through, seeking falcon chicks to return to his native lands.
The awakening of her magical potential was subtle, and she unconsciously used her arts to avoid becoming lost, or to mend damaged goods for some time in the practice of her duties, unaware that she was using magic. It was only when her favorite hound, one with a game leg who had been given to her because of its unsuitability to hunt, was injured by a falling log, that she discovered power through her tears, as the bleeding of the wounded dog stabilized, and she was able to sustain its life long enough to bring it home. She agonized over telling her parents of the miracle, and doubted it ever happened, as the wounded dog died of infection a few days later anyway, but finally told them what had happened. Her mother brought her to a local ‘wise woman,’ whose adept arts were sufficient to determine that Lianth had potential that lay on a different path, and sent her in turn to consult with ‘the Witch of Mist Lake,’ a hermit that the other children thought of as a local boogeyman, who would catch and drown them if they disturbed her secret place. Lianth had many preconceptions shattered that day, first learning that the ‘Witch of Mist Lake’ wasn’t immortal, and was in fact the third to use that name, being an eccentric older woman named Olmira Treesong, who lived in a cave next to the pond the locals called Mist Lake. The old woman tutored her in the druidic arts, between assigning her many mundane chores. She would spend every day working a half shift with her parents, and then walk the long walk down the winding river branch to Mist Lake, where her tutor waited with yet more tasks, some perplexing and seemingly nonsensical. It has been years, but she has learned many secrets of the living world, how to forage for food, to cure hides and carve bone, to sustain growing things, and to safely use fire to clear away growth that is harmful. A year ago, her tutor greeted her with a wolf cub with blue eyes like her own, and told her that her next task was to bond herself with it, so that her magics would echo within its skin, as they did within her own. Such a simple-sounding task, but it took her many months to complete, and now she sometimes feel like one soul in two skins, even as she knows that her new companion, who she calls Rourke (after the sound of his playful bark), is his own creature, worthy of respect in his own right. Common Knowledge
Lianth was sometimes teased for being a 'changeling child,' as she looked nothing like her darker-complexioned parents, having pale freckled skin, bright blue eyes and red hair. Growing up, she was a loner because of this, and spent more time hanging around the local kennel-man and working with his hounds. In her early teens, she was discovered to have a spark of magic about her, as she stopped the bleeding of an injured animal with just a touch of her hand, and was soon after apprenticed to the 'Witch of Mist Lake,' a crazy old hermit who lived in the woods, near a perpetually foggy pond. She still lives with her parents, but now dresses differently, in crudely-made patchwork leather armor that she appears to have made herself, and is accompanied by a sleek grey wolf with blue eyes like hers. Spoiler:
If no Craft - Add Short bow w/ 20 arrows (1d6 P/x3, 60 ft. range, 31 gp, 5 lbs), Healer's Kit with 5 uses (25 gp, 1 lb), Sickle (1d6 S/x2, trip, 6 gp, 2 lbs)
46 + 56 = 108 gp 7 gp remaining |