Council of Thieves Obituaries

Council of Thieves

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Deidre Tiriel wrote:
It was disappointing for me.

Well, things can go downhill quickly when he gets the suprise round and manages to hold people for a while. They had also decided to press on instead of resting, choosing to do the entire Knot in one run and wound up hurting for resources. At the time of the Outcast King's death the monk was disabled at zero and bleeding, the fighter was practically propping himself up on his sword, the cleric was fretting for dear life, and the wizard was in the back considering retreat at the top of every round. Only one of them may have died but the fear of god was put into the rest and I consider that alone a job well done for any monster.

Also, I am aware of my avatar's irony :P

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

--player deaths--
The bastards of Erebus: 10
The sixfold Trial: 27
What lies in Dust: 24
Infernal syndrome: 5
Mother of flies: 4
Twice damned prince: 2

Total PC deaths: 72

--Cohort/companion deaths--
The bastards of Erebus: 0
The sixfold Trial: 0
What lies in Dust: 0
Infernal syndrome: 3
Mother of flies: 0
Twice damned prince: 0

Total NPC deaths: 3

Most kills: Virgil with 8

Deadliest Creature: Troll skeleton
Deadliest book: The sixfold trial
Sixfold trial and what lies in dust are way ahead of the other books at this point. The TPK from Jezza put the troll skeletons in a healthy lead.

Turin the mad wrote:
I prefer to think of it as a "favorable sign of the yellow variety ... "

Speaking of yellow signs

Attention my players, reading this spoiler will guarantee a disjunction specialist in your future.:
To fill the time between CoT and Serpents skull I will be continuing my groups adventures past the end of the books, I figured that since the city has gone through a lot of chaos recently and with the acting community in the city it was time for a cult of Hastur to move in and attempt to perform a large scale version of ‘The king in yellow’

Name: Par
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Ranger 6/Wizard 1
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Nessian Spiral
Catalyst: Dominated Party Member

Name: Unknown (Brand New Character, forgot his name :P )
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 1/Monk 6
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Nessian Spiral
Catalyst: Dominated Party Member

The Gory Details:
Ummm, ya. Never mention that you're suspicious of a dominated member of the party in their presence and not follow up on it. Killed in their sleep. Bodies disposed of in the second chamber with all the other bodies. Looted the Magic Items and later sold them. Ya, not smart. For more, see Is the Morrowfall Overpowered thread.

That Guy With the Fox wrote:

Name: Par

Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Ranger 6/Wizard 1
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Nessian Spiral
Catalyst: Dominated Party Member

Name: Unknown (Brand New Character, forgot his name :P )
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 1/Monk 6
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Nessian Spiral
Catalyst: Dominated Party Member

The Gory Details:
Ummm, ya. Never mention that you're suspicious of a dominated member of the party in their presence and not follow up on it. Killed in their sleep. Bodies disposed of in the second chamber with all the other bodies. Looted the Magic Items and later sold them. Ya, not smart. For more, see Is the Morrowfall Overpowered thread.

^_^ Guess they should've tried ... whispering... Great stuff!

Finally have two deaths

Name: Dragar
Race: Dwarf
Classes/levels: Barbarian 2/Fighter 2
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: The Asmodean Knot
Catalyst: Flanking Shadows

Name: Pautrick
Race: Tiefling
Classes/levels: Oracle 4 of Nature
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: The Asmodean Knot
Catalyst: A Hard Surface

The Gory Details:
The party entered the rooms where the shadows spawn and begin moving up the staircase. Soon, the shadows spawn and approach them from the opposite direction. The shadows gain flanking on the dwarf (the only one with a magical weapon) and in one hit take his 21 Strength down to a 10. The next round, he loses it to -1 and falls. They do manage to kill the first two shadows and grab the dwarf's morningstar, but then two more shadows come from behind right before the dwarf spawns into a shadow. Everyon runs, my sorcerer and summoner back to the howler hall. Pautrick decides to try to jump to the hall of guests. My party is not the most physical party in the world; the dwarf was the only one with a Strength above 10 (oh the irony). Anyway, Pautrick fails the jump, begins to fall, loop, and pick up speed. After six rounds of falling (accumulating 2d6 of falling damage per round), he finally makes the reflex save to land. The ground meets him hard.

The summoner just failed her last save with the Runecurse, so I have a feeling that after the next session, I'll have a new entry to make.

Name: Max
Race: Human
Class/Level: DMPC Carrier of Heavy Objects & Wielder of Improvised Weapons
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Walcourt's Treasury
Catalyst: Attracting the guardian's undivided attentions for two full rounds.

The Gory Details:
While the aforementioned guardian initially went after the paladin/arcane archer for daring to play with "its" carpet of flying, Max made the 'mistake' early on of confirming a critical hit with his 30' coil of mithral chain. Determined not to get hit that hard again, the guardian dropped the torchbearer into his lowest 25% hp 'bracket' before being grappled by the monk. Sadly, the guardian then unleashed its 14d6+14 electrical damage energy blast, against which the torchbearer failed his Reflex saving throw, and died on the spot.

A well-timed breath of life generating over 30 points of healing brought the poor guy back at -10 hp...


Turin the Mad wrote:

Name: Max

Race: Human
Class/Level: DMPC Carrier of Heavy Objects & Wielder of Improvised Weapons
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Walcourt's Treasury
Catalyst: Attracting the guardian's undivided attentions for two full rounds.

** spoiler omitted **

hehe....poor Max.

I ALMOST got the paladin with that blast, but stupid Lay on Hands let him survive...

psionichamster wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Name: Max

Race: Human
Class/Level: DMPC Carrier of Heavy Objects & Wielder of Improvised Weapons
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Walcourt's Treasury
Catalyst: Attracting the guardian's undivided attentions for two full rounds.

** spoiler omitted **

hehe....poor Max.

I ALMOST got the paladin with that blast, but stupid Lay on Hands let him survive...

Death to Paladins!! ^_^

Name: Matira
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Monk 5
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Devildrome arena
Catalyst: Too many lemures!
The Gory Details: Matira bravely volunteered to enter the devildrome to face Thrax despite the group having a dedicated conjurer among them. It was soon after the portcullis closed that the monk realized she might be in over her head. Thrax's first spell summoned the maximum five lemures which were soon speeding towards their well disciplined foe. A couple of rounds went by and another group of four lemures sloughed off to confront Matira while the monk was barely handling the first group of hastened devils. When they grouped together (mass aid another) to bullrush her against the bladed cage wall she knew she was in trouble. Despite her teammates attempts to buff (mage armor, enlarge person, etc...) or otherwise aid her, Matira fell two rounds later. The swarm of creatures surrounded her downed body to tear at and smother her like so much vicious pudding covering a twelve foot tall monk.

Thrax didn't even need to enter the arena himself to 'win'. Just goes to show you, never underestimate even the lowliest of critters.

Luther wrote:

Name: Matira

Race: Human
Classes/levels: Monk 5
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Devildrome arena
Catalyst: Too many lemures!
The Gory Details: Matira bravely volunteered to enter the devildrome to face Thrax despite the group having a dedicated conjurer among them. It was soon after the portcullis closed that the monk realized she might be in over her head. Thrax's first spell summoned the maximum five lemures which were soon speeding towards their well disciplined foe. A couple of rounds went by and another group of four lemures sloughed off to confront Matira while the monk was barely handling the first group of hastened devils. When they grouped together (mass aid another) to bullrush her against the bladed cage wall she knew she was in trouble. Despite her teammates attempts to buff (mage armor, enlarge person, etc...) or otherwise aid her, Matira fell two rounds later. The swarm of creatures surrounded her downed body to tear at and smother her like so much vicious pudding covering a twelve foot tall monk.

Thrax didn't even need to enter the arena himself to 'win'. Just goes to show you, never underestimate even the lowliest of critters.

If only one of them had put a protection from evil on her, she could've fought each lemure one-by-one... :(

Poor monk. That sounds terrible. Death by tapioca.

Indeed! Not to mention the other bonuses from it. A shame nobody thought of that.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I cannot believe lemures killed someone. Wow. With the parties help no less.

Names: Jade II, Torsin II
Race: Humans, Advanced template applied

  • Jade: Fighter 1 / Sorcerer 7 / Eldritch Knight 2
  • Torsin: Paladin 6 / Diviner 4

Adventure: The Thrice-Damned Prince
Location: The Ghivel Townhouse, room T4
Catalyst: Failing DC 22 Fortitude saving throws against petrification.

Turin the Mad wrote:


Names: Jade II, Da Cultist
Race: Humans, Advanced template applied
  • Jade: Fighter 1 / Sorcerer 7 / Eldritch Knight 2
  • Da Cultist: Cloistered Cleric 11

Adventure: The Thrice-Damned Prince
Location: The Ghivel Townhouse, room T4
Catalyst: Failing DC 22 Fortitude saving throws against petrification.

Edited for correct character deaths.

Name: Pibbi
Race: Gnome
Classes/Levels: Summoner 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: Asmodean Knot
Catalyst: After learning about the Runecurse she picked up, Pibbi declared: "I don't believe in this mumbo jumbo." Forced to flee the Knot when two members of the part were killed fighting the shadows, the Runecurse was allowed to advance an extra day. Finally, on the third day, immediately after killing the lacedons and the ghast in the Knot, the Runecurse triggered. The bone devil appeared looking soley for the summoner. He ice walled the two exits from the room and then trapped the other party members on the other side of the room. The devil killed the summoner's eidolon sensing a part of her soul in the beast, but still stayed to collect the entirety of her soul. Pibbi's only chance was that she was invisible, but she kept casting spells to help the other members of the party who the devil was ignoring. Finally, after pinpoiting a location, the devil attacked with all his attacks and only hit with his sting. Unfortunately, the bone devil poison was quite potent, and Pibbi only had a Strength score of 5. After a couple of rounds of poison, Pibbi fell to the ground and invisibility wore off. The bone devil collected her up and vanished in a puff of smoke.

My party now has only one of its original members, and she nearly got killed by a sneak attack from Sian.

Dohohoho! "I don't believe in this mumbo jumbo!"

Suddenly, an Osyluth.

Famous last words...

How did she justify her skepticism in character? I'm just curious. In a world where magic is fairly prevalent, curses aren't so farfetched a concept.

Luther wrote:

Dohohoho! "I don't believe in this mumbo jumbo!"

Suddenly, an Osyluth.

Famous last words...

How did she justify her skepticism in character? I'm just curious. In a world where magic is fairly prevalent, curses aren't so farfetched a concept.

It was my wife's characters, and she's been know to play rather brash and reckless characters. Basically, the players all assumed that whatever it was, they could deal with it because there's no way a GM would through a CR 9 devil at them that can cast wall of ice at will.

This group is a pretty reckless bunch, and they're not used to me throwing difficult encounters at them (I could've dropped their sorcerer yesterday too, but I figured four deaths in two sessions might be overkill). I also played nice with the bone devil and only went after the summoner and the eidolon despite the fact the sorcerer managed to hit him with a couple of magic missiles.

Geeky Frignit wrote:
Basically, the players all assumed that whatever it was, they could deal with it because there's no way a GM would through a CR 9 devil at them that can cast wall of ice at will.

And that is the Great Flaw to typical 3e / Pathfinder game play. As a buddy of mine IRL has pointed out, one would be surprised at just how tough an encounter a group of player characters can tangle with and come out ... at least mostly not dead. ^_^

Name: "Giovanni"
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Wizard 5
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: B8 The Nautalica
Catalyst: Blasted by searing darkness

Name: Raul
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Cavalier 5
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: B8 The Nautalica
Catalyst: Gored to death

Wow... things have been brutal for my group lately.

Triceratops got the suprise round and charged through the glass, turning the surrounding area into a flurry of shards, flooding water, and angry dinosaur skeleton. A few frantic rounds in and I decided that it would be the best time to unveil its suprise ability. The wizard, being the last to provoke it and earn its ire, was the recipient of its ray. I rolled... natural 20. I rolled again... confirmed. I wound up throwing 10d8 at the poor wizard, much more than he could handle. One adventurer down. Another round goes by and it gores two characters. Turns out the cavalier was on his last leg already and being impaled by a triceratops' horn will just ruin one's day. Two adventurers down. The fight didn't last long after that.

I gathered that this was a tough fight but with two charactes being rogues it was pretty nasty.

Got another couple of deaths for you ;)

Name: "Lucia"
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/Levels: Fighter 7/Hell-Knight 3

Name: "Jimmy"
Race: Elf
Classes/Levels: Ranger 10

Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: F10. Treasury
Catalyst: Calikang

EPIC!!! Spoilers abound!:
Oh boy! This match was quite interesting. The fight started with the pathfinder savant in our group flying down the hole only to be nearly incinerated by lightning from his energy blast. Luckily, he managed to dodge the blast and flew back up. However, the elven ranger, Jimmy, decided to be epic and jump the 50 feet into the treasury...

So he makes an acrobatics check and succeeds to make one 10ft increment into nonlethal damage and willingly jumping negated another 10ft. He took 3d6 lethal and 1d6 nonlethal damage in the fall, but in the process, we allowed him to do a charge while falling. He manages to crit and does over 40 damage (two weapon fighting ranger fyi).

Fun! So the next person was our mystic theurge. The theurge did not do well on the knowledge check on the Calikang and casts a fireball in the room. The Calikang's SR negates and heals the monster and restores his energy blast. ("IMMAH FIRING MAH LAZOR!!!"). The next turn is the Calikang, full-attacks the ranger lying prone. Hits with all but 1 attack. Over 12d6 damage (not to mention a confirmed crit), we didn't even have to do the fort save for the stagger because at the end of the turn, the ranger was dead!

The theurge then says the party should hold off and plan...while the fast healing ticks on the Calikang. The plan wasn't really discussed at all, and basically is the theurge casting bless then diving into the room with his boots of levitation, halting him at the lip of the hole. This triggers the Calikang's readied action to energy blast, and the theurge blocks with the emergency force sphere from the Cheliax Companion. Sadly, we didn't roll damage for it, but basically, the party ends up lying on top of the force sphere. The theurge dismisses the spell and the two melee fall into the room (both granted charges, but also provoking AoO). The AoO lands on the fighter/hk. They deal a bit of damage, but the Calikang's turn is immediately after the Theurge...Full-Attack, fighter/hk. 2 crits with the longsword, all other attacks hit...102 damage in one turn. Dead fighter.

By this point the party was REALLY getting scared, but the pathfinder savant flies into the room and saves the day with an awesome Slow spell. The living monolith then solos the Calikang and defeats it. Most epic fight in Walcourt ever...sadly Ilnerik fell like a chump...:(

Name: Himo
Race: Elf
Classes/Levels: Rogue 6
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Bisby's Final Resting Place
Catalyst: Touching Bisby's Stuff

Curiosity will kill this cat, twice so far.
He survived 2 rounds of Bisby's wrath (failing the Will save both times but narrowly making the Fort saves) and then when the Paladin was actually close enough to grant him a fear save bonus he fails both (missing the final Fort by only 1). I granted mercy and provided a rez scroll in Bisby's loot (considering that there was no way in or out with a rampaging Triceratops standing at the top of the stairs to the lower level, I pretty much had to). I have to mention that the party missed killing the second shadow by 1 hp before Bisby's 3rd round.

Name: Talex
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter/6
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: The Ossuary in Massacre House
Catalyst: Took the bait, paid the price!

The Gory Details:

It should be noted that I re-worked the Sisters of Eiseth a bit: I rearranged their stats with in the 15 point buy, Swapped out their crossbows and poisoned bolts with poisoned shuriken (well, they had them in the pictures!)and keyed their feats a little differently. I kept their bladed scarf and the flavor of the sisters with a little more punch.

Anyway... The party tipped their hand when they used a rusting grasp to get in the door to Massacre House. The sister in the crematorium raised the alarm, but was quickly dispatched along with the fire elemental from the furnace. The 2 sisters in the central room joined the other 3 in the ossuary and set up an ambush for the party.

As Talex lead the party down the stairs to the ossuary, he spotted a flash of motion from the shelving to his right. He rushed after it and was surprised by a sister hiding in an alcove that grappled him and held him while another sister used flurry of blows to pound him to a pulp.

The other 3 sisters attacked with poisoned shuriken from the opposite direction. The halfing bard, Bobbin, went down and was losing con fast; he managed to tie up one sister with hideous laughter before being struck with 2 poisoned shuriken and was having trouble making his DC 13 save. The rogue tried to sneak around to flank the sisters but ended up face to face with one. She punched and kicked him within an inch of his life and he was heading for the door, throwing the halfing over his shoulder for good measure. The cleric was healing like crazy, but the con damage was taking its toll on the party.

Name: Shila
Race: Screech owl
Classes/levels: Familiar
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: The Ossuary in Massacre House
Catalyst: Never send a familiar to a man's job...

The Gory Details:

The wizard sent his familiar to finish off the laughing monk. She did, but left herself open for a flurry of shuriken. Two in the bird and the poison did its job. The party was forced to retreat, leaving Talex in the hands of the sister to be beaten and cremated.

Name: Lucifero Scaevola Rosala
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 6/Wizard 1
Adventure: In between What Lies in Dust and The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Miratanza
Catalyst: A contracted Salikotal
The Gory Details:

After the politically intrigued and active sorcerer worte an anonymous letter to warn the mayor that saboteurs are about to bring the Nessian Spiral down, the letter got first into the hands of his mayordomo, Crosael, who we know belongs to a special faction of a major crime organization. She tracked the author of the letter and asked Avahzi the diabolist to call a salikotal to kill the nosy mage.

After the salikotal tracked the sorcerer, it executed an ambush in Miratanza against the mage (and two of his companions, a cleric of Abadar 7 and a paladin 7, as collateral victims).

Summoning four imps to effectively distract and hinder the paladin, the salikotal went invisible via mislead and distracted the sorcerer and the cleric with the fake image of itself. The cleric wasted a spiritual weapon on the fake salikotal, meanwhile the devil sneaked Lucifero thrice (dagger/dagger/tail). The cleric wasn't standing adjacent to the murdered sorcerer, so he wasn't able to bring him back to life with a breath of life on a scroll. After only 1 round (as written in the killer contract) the sorcerer raised as a zombie (who was intended by Crosael to be presented as a gift to Chammady to gain some favors and rank in the CoT). The cleric used a couple of his Alignment Channel attempts to hurt the salikotal and driving it off the starting battle scene. Just before the devil turned visible again, it cut off the zombie's head, who was shot down by the cleric with a well placed searing light the round before, and flew off to Crosael.

Now the party has a problem with raising the sorcerer - as they must afford a resurrection spell and 10.000 gp.

We'll see what will happen.

Scarab Sages

Name: Kindrus
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Fighter 3
Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
Location: During the play, Act VI
Catalyst: Torn apart by a troll skeleton

Name: Sigvald
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Inquisitor 3
Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
Location: During the play, Act VI
Catalyst: Torn apart by a troll skeleton

Kindrus (playing Larazod) and Sigvald (playing Dentris) both were trying to hold back the skeletons while their friends (Lyra the sorceress and Malcolm the oracle) could use their spells to help take them down. One of the skeletons got a lucky hit early on against Sigvald, felling him and moving onto Malcolm. Malcolm tried to cure Sigvald, but standing up provoked another attack that sent him right back down. At that point, the cleric of Asmdodeus decided to have the skeleton bite the downed Sigvald once more to finish him off, for thematic reasons (also because I knew that they'd get free raises if they won).

Right before it went down itself, the troll skeleton that Kindrus had been holding up the whole time (with his full plate and shield) finally got in enough hits to take him down to -12, exactly what it took to kill him.

Thankfully, Malcolm and Lyra finished the skeletons off, Lyra using Disrupt Undead rays (at the cost of some popularity, since the torturer wouldn't have spells) and Malcolm smashing them with the +1 morningstar he had gotten from Palaveen.

The mayor greatfully raised them at the end of the fantastic play, and with some skilled diplomacy (exactly hitting the DC 25) even agreed to pay for a Greater Restoration for each.

Scarab Sages

Race: Human
Classes/levels:Oracle 1/Bard 5
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Delvehaven
Catalyst: Jair and spawn
The Gory Details:

Deep inside Delvehaven, the party was fighting the Mazeflesh Man. They were a few blows from turning him into a cloud of mist. Soren was standing back away from the fray. Unfortunately, this made him the first in the path of Jair and his spawn as they headed toward the sounds of battle, and the vampires drained his life away just before the party could get up to him.

Carl the sorcerer, the party's official coup de grace person, was for the first time in his life not excited to decapitate someone with his axe.

Name: Dario "The Damned" Segnistri
Classes/Levels: Rogue 3/Sorcerer 2 (at the time)
Location: The devil nuns' hideout.
Catalyst: Aerial entry into the frying pan.
Adventure: What lies in Dust

So, I came up with this "wonderful" plan figuring that the devil nuns wouldn't be using the furnace *ALL* the time, so going in through their fiery furnace would be fine. Even if it was on, then I could have our resident priest assist me by protecting me from the elements. Trying to be sneaky and NOT kill anyone. Killing is wrong, at least that's what I kept telling Avengen's Edge and that harpy of an Erinyes head.

Sadly, the protections weren't enough, and I met an Elemental of Fire or somesuch nonesense. I'm sure Philantinus was cackling about that. Speaking of Phil, I've got to go clean out the latrines here in Hell now, so I'll speak when I can once again.

>hugs< Dario Segnistri, Hellbred.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Marie wrote:

Unfortunately, this made him the first in the path of Jair and his spawn as they headed toward the sounds of battle, and the vampires drained his life away just before the party could get up to him.

I guess they didn't find the cache then? The one with the wand of death ward?

Name: Kanth
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/Levels: Fighter 5
Adventure: What Lies In Dust
Location: The Nautalica
Catalyst: Horrifically gored by a shadowy triceratops

The Gory Details:
After our halfling cavalier charged the skeleton on her dog, both she and her mount were incapacitated in a couple of rounds. Our slower moving fighter waited for the cleric to enlarge him and charged the triceratops taking the attention away so the halfling could get away. The triceratops began focusing its attacks on the large half-orc that was chopping him to bits. Even with a bit of healing help from the cleric, the triceratops hit the half-orc twice, once for 32 and once for 36 points of damage. It proved two hit points too many for Kanth, and he didn't even get to use his orc ferocity.

Name: Theron
Race: Elf
Classes/Levels: Rogue
Adventure: The sixfold trial
Location: The theatre(cant recall the name) and the asmodean knot

well during the play he was mauled from full to dead in one turn by the troll skeletons and after a fortuitous ressurection by the mayor he was summarily finished off by strength damage from shadows.

Name: "Jim"
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Paladin 11
Adventure: The Twice-Damned Prince
Location: The Shrine of Aroden
Catalyst: Paladin without a Perception modifier

Gory Details:

Ah yes, another one bites the dust. You may recall in my last post that a certain elf named Jimmy died. Well I forgot to mention that Jimmy had a friend named Jim...I know.../sigh. Jim is a paladin of Iomedae and was the player's original character when he started, but the player wished to switch over to a ranger around The Infernal Syndrome. With the elven ranger dead, it was time for Jim to make a triumphant return...only to be stabbed to death in his sleep...

Oh yes. Even while combat rang out in the halls, Jim found himself unable to wake up from his blissful rest. I'm sure he was dreaming of Iomedae right before a thief sliced his throat open. No, I wasn't evil. We had him roll like 4 times for perception while the battle went on. He just could never roll more than a 3 for some reason, and hearing through a wall while a sneaky rogue tiptoes into your bedroom apparently is very hard for him.

Name: Blaustein Aalfanger
Level/Class: Dwarven Monk 8
Location of Death: The Spiral Walk in the Asmodean Knot
Cause of Death: One very angry mayor and a bad case of grave dust.

Details: Mayor Vheed was quite unhappy to encounter a group of interlopers within his home and forced them to pay the price. Assuming he was a normal spellcasting Lich, the party quickly based him and tried to physically overpower him. He unleashed his vicous claw attacks (which I couldn't miss with.. rolling 15+ on every attack) and promptly took both the Monk and the Rogue/Fighter into bloodied territory. As the cleric desperately tried to mend the monks wounds with curative magic, Vheed siphoned away the spells, leaving the Monk severely wounded. When Vheed finally sub-combed to the Monk's flurry of blows, the Mayor's death throes proved to be the nail in the coffin. Blasutein failed his save against the cloud of grave-dust. and I rolled maximum on the Constitution loss. Choking to death of the Lich's dust, Blasutein was stricken dead.

Scarab Sages

Mactaka wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Actually, they did find it:
In fact, they made a conscious decision not to use it, because the duration of 1 min/lvl was "too short", and they don't have a cleric in the party.

They knew the wand had 1-10 charges, since for high spellcraft rolls I indicate 1-10, 11-39, and 40-49 charges as well as empty and full. To be fair, the people in my group assume 1-10 with any non-full wand anyway, so in general this makes them more inclined to use wands rather than less.

The whole Mazeflesh fight I was thinking, "C'mon Soren, stop standing far away from everyone else in the party next to 3 unexplored rooms. Move closer." Sigh.

The party's having him resurrected, with some help from Soren's close friend Ailyn.]

Marie wrote:
Mactaka wrote:


The fact that they actively chose not to use one of the best defensive spells in the game when they knew they were going up against vampires makes me not feel so bad for him anymore.

Name: Solarion
Race: Elf
Classes/Levels: Wizard5/Rogue1
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Delvehaven
Catalyst: Trying to steal Bisby's treasures

The Gory Details:

The curious elf tried to take on of the items at Bisby's feet. The head floated up and began shouting "Thieves, Thieves, Thieves." The elf saw a Rhemoraz appear behind him, screech out, and then it came down and bit his head off. The rest of the party just saw the elf go wide-eyed, and then he slumped over dead.

This is the player's third death. First death was a raging barbarian killed by Strength damage, second was a mithral full armor clad fighter gored to death by a triceratops skeleton, third was a wizard who failed a will save to phantasmal killer.

The guy is starting a paladin2/rogue4 next, so we think a trap will do him in next.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Name: Vincenzio Ignacio Arkona
Race: Tiefling
Class: Rogue 10
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Walcourt, second floor
Catalyst: Goddamn wizards

The Gory Details
My only PC death so far occurred as the party rogue, Vincenzio, kept the rest of the party far behind him as he tried to open the locked door to Sandor the Strange's bedroom. He spent enough rounds fumbling with the lock for Sandor to get all of his buffs up, and opened the door just in time to take a disintegrate spell. Which was a critical hit.

Vincenzio's dusty demise was avenged, however. Sandor the Strange found himself polymorphed into a mouse by Felicia the witch and fed to her snake familiar. And the scroll of resurrection they had recently obtained from the Mother of Flies was put to good use.

Name: Elanor
Race: Human
Class: Sorceror 6
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Aberian's Folly Ruins - Plaza
Catalyst: Caught in the crossfire.

The Gory Details:

Isavenda the erinyes easily spotted the group on their first foray into the plaza and battle commenced. Throughout the fight I grew increasingly aware on how badly equiped the party was at handling a ranged encounter. In order to give them a chance I had her swoop down to grapple with the pretiest human male in the party, the fighter. She won the grapple and decided to drag him through one of the pillars of fire. Page 23 stated this is how Lozendi died, it seemed like a winning strategy with the erinyes' immunity to fire. Elanor, however, decided it would be a great idea to grab onto the fighter to try and weight the erinyes down. Elanor didn't count on the fact that she was fairly light and did little to encumber the devil at all. They were both pulled through before she could let go, killing neither but wounding them gravely. Even diving the ensuing full attack from the erinyes' bow on the next rounds, the arrows that landed were enough to kill Elanor.

Scarab Sages

Name: Merisel
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Witch 5
Adventure: What Lies in Death
Location: Massacre House
Catalyst: Downed by a Sister and then finished off by a missed throw by the party Alchemist.

Name: Soomack
Race: Halfling
Classes/Levels: Rogue 2
Adventure: The Bastards of Erebus
Location: The Ramble Gardens
Catalyst: Yellow Musk Creeper
The Gory Details: The party ran across this thing in the Ramble Gardens while tracking a rabbit whom they wanted the Gnome Sorceror to Speak with Animals with to determine the location of the 'Goblin King' Whitechin of whom they have heard rumours. As part of a series of terrible rolls for the party, and amazing rolls for the creature, the Musk Creeper immobilised the low will rogue with its Pollen Spray for a full six of d6 rounds. Soomack rolled a one on the DC14 will save, the Creeper plunged it's tentacles into the brain of Soomack, dealing a full four of d4 INT damage for three consecutive rounds, during which the all the parties efforts to save him failed abysmally. Poor Sommack only had 12 INT, he's now a Yellow Musk Zombie in the Ramble Gardens.

Scarab Sages

Name: Mephisto
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Illusionist 5
Adventure: What Lies in Death
Location: Massacre House
Catalyst: Made the mistake of exploring the basement by himself. He found something.... A fistful of Monk.

Dark Archive

Name: Artty Mack
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Rogue 1
Adventure: The Bastards of Erebus
Location: Childrens Hiding Den
Catalyst: Accusing Morosino of being a a spy
The Gory Details: After accusing Morosino of being a traitor to the group shortly after the sewer chase Janiven lost her temper and began grilling him. At this point he accused all of the leadership of incompetence for them being chased down the sewers. Next thing he knows her hand is on his face and the back of his head against the wall. A few three letter words later and the back of his skull is being bashed into a coathook. The character is not technically dead but pronounced brain-dead and catatonic.

Name: Ragnar the Ranger
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Ranger 6
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Bottom Level of Delvehaven
Catalyst: The elusive stabilize check
The Gory Details: Facing off against V the vamp when the healers of the party are on the other side of a silence and obscuring mist. Ragnar takes a couple of good hits and falls to -8, luckily Himo the rogue is there to distract V from draining and turning Ragnar. Alas Ragnar is unable to make the stabilization check to stop the bleeding (he did however roll a 19 on the turn after that would have helped) and so slowly fades into oblivion. To add insult to injury, Alek the Sorcerer falls unconscious and bleeding shortly after and in a little OOC banter, Rangar taunts and says lets see you stop bleeding to which Alek rolls a nat 20 on the first turn.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Name:Quiler Ghan
Adventure: What lies in Dust
Catalyst: Nasty skewering by big lizard's horns
The Gory Details:

Cavalier was already unconscious, and hafling sorcerer were invisible, helping the cavalier. Quiler has already took some damage, and bam. 38 points of damage, killing instantly. Luckily, Arael had scroll of raise dead. One only.

Not technically dead, but practically. My entire group, minus the druid (who was absent and we didn't have her character sheet, so she had likely just left).
Names Duncan (cleric of Cayden Cailien), Sebastian (rogue), Borgi (half-orc ranger), Grizby (Abyssal bloodline sorcerer)
Level 10
Adventure Mother of Flies
Location Maggot Tree
Catalyst Sticky fingers
The Gory Details After several forays into the Hagwood to gather allies and a long series of battles (and several sessions in real time) the PCs fended off the beseiging Council of Thieves army. After being handed a parcel of potions, wands and a handy scroll of resurrection and the information needed to finish the campaign and save Westcrown from shadow monsters, they took umbrage to being told to essentially "get out and don't come back". So the party rogue decided to shake hands with the old girl and take her ring. On a tie, he got the ring but she noticed him grabbing it. The ultimatum: give back the ring and leave or face the consequences.

The party voted: face the consequences.

Thus, the redcaps turned on them, swarms of biting flies and spiders descended from the Maggot Tree and the Mother of Flies rained down spells from afar. The PCs held out for a pretty long time, but despite my prodding to maybe surrender, that they were far more valuable to her alive rather than dead, they continued. Grizby was driven insane, then Duncan was turned to stone, followed in short order by the Borgi. Sebastian almost succumbed to phantasmal killer, but survived only to be turned to stone moments later, alongside the sorcerer.

The campaign could easily be salvaged if the players want to go on; I could imagine Arael, Janiven and the druid character paying some sort of ransom and turning the party back to flesh. But for now, the Maggot Tree has some new lawn gnomes.

Though we did get a particular gem: since Duncan was the first to get turned to stone, Grizby took the opportunity to badmouth clerics, writing "Clark Sucks" across Duncan's breastplate. His player DID say 'Clark' not 'Cleric', so we did figure out that Grizby's rare learning disability was the cause of his acting out the entire campaign...
Sebastian: "Who the hell is Clark and why does he suck?"

Name: Drake Ravenscroft (Here's his pretty face at the time before death)
Classes/levels: Cleric 6
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Delvehaven
Catalyst: Vulnerabilty to Triceratops attack....
The Gory Details:

Sadly the party didn't spot the triceratops and though Drake did notice the insane creature approach it was just way too fast for him. First attack did something like 31 points of damage. Next round, instead of cast invisibility to undeads, that he did consider casting, he went forr Enlarge Person, his all-time favorite that usually does it for him, but now the thing was able to make a full attack on him... First attack hit, dropping him to 0, second attack did a "pitiful" 26 points easily killing him.

It proceeded to almost wipe the floor with the paladin. Now the thing was slowed, so that helped enormously. Still it hit the paladin Vahan Goodwyn pretty hard. The bard tried to tend to the paladin via a wand of cure serious wounds but rolled miserably. Next attack connected with the paladin again, this time a crit. 54 points of damage, dropping him to -2. Cure Serious Wounds again, swift lay on hands and though he laid prone on the floor he succeeded to land some soloid blows on the thing and finally taking it out.

Long story short: They left that accursed place with their dead cleric friend over their shoulders and got him reincarnated as a half-orc. The cleric player thought that fitting ;)

Well this is the big one. TPK and finisher of the Council of Thieves adventure.

Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Rasdovain Gatehouse
Catalyst: Himo trying to escape the Lemures. (at least this is who the party wants to blame)

In order of deaths.

Name: Ragnar
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Ranger (archer) 7

Name: Omir
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Paladin of Iomedae 7

Name: Patcher Pete
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: NPC Cleric of Sarenrae 5

Name: Himo
Race: Elf
Classes/Levels: Rogue 7

Name: Alek Trition
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/Levels: Sorcerer (Elemental Air) 7

The Gory Details: The party went to explore the "devilish activity" at the gatehouse. The burst in and are greeted by some Advanced Lemures. Himo heads off by himself to the far corner and then as the lemures enter the room he gets beaten down pretty badly (10hp left). His next action he attempts to opens the door to the office and discovers Nyxervex is in there (I even made him roll a 50/50 to see which side he was on). The next round an invisible Nyxervex teleports into the room. It kind of all goes downhill from then. Nyx full attacks Himo and then uses quickened invisibility to hide himself again. Ragnar and Alek were outside the main doors and had drawn one of the Lemures with them. Nyxervex's next action involved him casting a Wall of Ice across the doors so the Ragnar and Alek were trapped outside with the Lemure. Omir charged and smited at the first opportunity and actually critted doing 48 points of dmg to Nyx. Ragnar was the first to fall as he had a face full of Lemure and wasn't able to use his bow due to AoOs from reach (and only having 10hp) so drew his axe and swung away. Next round the Lemure hit with both claws and did max dmg (26) to him, killing him outright. Omir and Nyx were locked in a very serious back and forth battle with Omir finally falling to -8 after a vicious round of attacks. Omir was revived by Pete (to 1hp) and then took a last ditch swing at the wounded Nyx missing horribly and then was greeted by a full round of attacks fomr Nyx (with the prone bonus against him) sending him the other side in a hurry. Pete was next taking a full round of attacks from Nyx that sent him down. Himo was so close to getting away, backing into a corner and able to draw his potion of Gaseous Form (but unable to drink on that turn). Having 41hp remaining he took 42 dmg from Nyx and a Lemure and fell unconscious. Alek disposed of the Lemure outside and then using his potion of Gaseous Form came into the gatehouse. Next turn he attempted to use an empowered Magic Missile against Nyx (which probably would have killed him) but rolled a 1 on the SR check and so failed. He was then sealed into a room via Wall of Ice with both Nyx and the remaining Lemure. Casting invisibility and then blasting Nyx with Scorching Rays (electrical) he killed Nyx and left himself open for a charge attack from the Lemure which was a confirmed crit leaving him at 0hp. His next action provoked and he was sent to the abyss by the Lemure.
Looks like it was a little much for the party. I think the biggest problem for the party was there lack of massive damage potential, they just couldn't get rid of the enemies fast enough. (and Omir never seemed to remember to cast Bless Weapon to overcome the DR of the devils).
The option was put out to pick up where we left off with new members of the Guardians of Cheliax but instead they have decided it is time for a fresh start and so we will be starting Kingmaker at the next session.

Scarab Sages

A) If Omir *smited* the devil, he should have bypassed all DR. bless weapon is good for the others in the party.

B) I think it was the fact that the rogue opened a door into an area yet to be explored. My Nyxervex waited in the room while the lemures beat them down, using resources.

He eventually trapped himself in with the paladin with the wall of ice but was creamed.

Deidre Tiriel wrote:
A) If Omir *smited* the devil, he should have bypassed all DR. bless weapon is good for the others in the party.

A) Omir did *smite* Nyxervex and was doing quite well against him but was mostly ineffectual against the Lemures and their DR5/good or silver. He only did 1d8+3 with his longsword so take off 5 on every swing and he is doing 1d8-2 per hit.

Scarab Sages

Ah, sorry. I think I've forgotten how tough those lemures were, since my group usually slaughters the lemures without them doing much, if any, damage.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Name: Khangar
Race: Half-orc
Classes/levels: rogue 7
Adventure: Infernal Syndrome
Location: Outside the Ruins of Aberian's Folly
Catalyst: Erinyes Focus Fire
The Gory Details: The erinyes attacked in concert with her summoned bearded devils while the party tried to cross the crater. The mage and the barbarian succumbed to the fear effect despite the paladin's courage aura and while stuck in melee, the erinyes rained fire arrows down on the party. She focused on Khangar since the rouge was having the best luck/success against the devils on the ground. Two volleys of fire arrows later, Khangar was a burning husk on the ground even with the heals of the priest.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Name: Sleeping Bear
Race: human
Classes/levels: barbarian 7
Adventure: Infernal Syndrome
Location: Nessian Spiral
Catalyst: Avahzi Serafian and Novankia
The Gory Details: The group triggered three encounters as they allowed the Thieves in the Guardroom to open both the doors their fellow thieves and the cerberi to bring reinforcements into the battle. While Sleeping Bear and Seras (Lvl 8 human Paladin of Iomedae) pursued the thieves in one direction, Tanner (Lvl 8 dwarf barbarian), Faerith (1/2 elf, 7/1 wizard/priest) and Ghim (dwarf 8 priest) had to contend with the three-headed beasties on the flank. The thieves nickel&dimed the Six-Fold Trial Survivors as they retreated to allow Avahzi into the fray. Sleeping Bear became isolated and was attacked from all sides by thieves, Avahzhi's spiritual weapon and Novankia's sting. Eventually, the imp dropped him and as the others approached the room, a hellfire channel destroyed the dying barbarian while severely injuring the other party members.

**The scary thing is that Avahzi still can hellfire and now Seras, Ghim, and Tanner are in range...all very hurt. It might be a TPK since it will be Avahzi's turn when we reconvene.

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