Gen Con Oz 2009 - Announcements

Product Discussion

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

mdt wrote:
brock wrote:

I'm now picturing James hugging his knees, rocking back and forth, and quietly sobbing "Why won't they stop?"

I doubt that. He's a big boy, he can handle it.

A little of column A, a little of column B.

I could deal with Incarnate

James Jacobs wrote:
mdt wrote:
brock wrote:

I'm now picturing James hugging his knees, rocking back and forth, and quietly sobbing "Why won't they stop?"

I doubt that. He's a big boy, he can handle it.
A little of column A, a little of column B.

does it help that we all think you are a genius?

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Zurai wrote:
So has Oracle.

Divine Oracle != Oracle

Anburaid wrote:

ooooooooooo incarnate is good, then someone could be Strength Incarnate or Fire Incarnate! me like

Seriously? The same thing occurred to me, but was followed by the thought that it would be one of the cheesiest plays on words ever in gaming. Really.

That's almost as bad as naming a class 'Exemplar', which is defined basically as 'a good example', which is why it evokes images of gold star stickers and checkmarks by your name in elementary school.

Edit: not to be mean, but man, come on...

Dark Archive

hogarth wrote:
The rogue class is going to be renamed to "pickpocket".

Hallelujah! Finally, I will be spared seeing posts like 'Help me optimize my Rouge!' and 'Are Rouges broken?'

And I like 'Lama.' My first clerics will be a pair of brothers named Fernando Lama and Lorenzo Lama.

For the younger crowd, we can even have optional names;

Thief - Stabby McStabberson
Wizard - Blasty McBoomstick
Fighter - Grunt ChoppinStuff
Cleric - Healin' McBuffy

Oracle sounds good to me. I couldn't find a better name for a guy who recieves divine revelations and power over miracles paying the price with some curse.
The blind guy seeing you or the one speaking only in some ancient tongue while having something important to say, these guys are oracles

James Risner wrote:
Zurai wrote:
So has Oracle.
Divine Oracle != Oracle

Sure it does.

And going by that logic, Exemplar hasn't been used, either; there's a Mythic Exemplar in Complete Champion, but that's it.

Sovereign Court

Zurai wrote:
James Risner wrote:
Zurai wrote:
So has Oracle.
Divine Oracle != Oracle

Sure it does.

And going by that logic, Exemplar hasn't been used, either; there's a Mythic Exemplar in Complete Champion, but that's it.

Complete Adventurer had an Exemplar PrC, and so did the Scarred Lands Player's Guide to Monks and Paladins (d20 OGC I think).

Dark Archive

Twowlves wrote:
Complete Adventurer had an Exemplar PrC, and so did the Scarred Lands Player's Guide to Monks and Paladins (d20 OGC I think).

Scarred Lands also had an Incarnate (Druid PrC that turned into past-life forms from previous incarnations, instead of just animals).

It's hard to find a name that hasn't been used somewhere (and doesn't suck)!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Heladriell wrote:
The blind guy seeing you or the one speaking only in some ancient tongue while having something important to say, these guys are oracles

Blind guys who still see you and guys dispensing wisdom in ancient tongues are mystics. So are lots of other archetypes that aren't related to the popular image of an oracle.

Oracle: A blind woman sitting in a cave, dispensing prophecies.

Mystic of the Knowledge Domain: A blind woman sitting in a cave, dispensing prophecies. An oracle.

Oracle of Animals: ?

Mystic of the Animal Domain: An animal-whisperer who learns the truths of nature by communing with various beasts. Not an oracle.

Oracle of Earth: ?

Mystic of the Earth Domain: A fringe scholar who sees hints of the divine in the arrangement of ancient standing stones. Not an oracle.

Oracle of Strength: ?

Mystic of the Strength Domain: a yogi master who seeks enlightenment through the perfection of the human body. Not an oracle.

Oracle of Travel: ?

Mystic of the Travel Domain: a ley-line walker who discovers the truths of the universe by visiting far-flung places of power. Not an oracle.

EDIT: Not that I don't see ways that the oracle class mechanics could be modified to better fit the name "oracle," but the Paizo folks have been pretty clear about not wanting this process devolving into design by committee. (And I certainly agree with them on not wanting that.)

Dark Archive

Is this the thread where I can complain about the name PFRPG as opposed to PRPG ?

And while were at it ... who thought up the name 'grave knight' ? Come on guys !! That just makes me think of the stern cavalier !


; P

; P

; P

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Zurai wrote:
James Risner wrote:
Zurai wrote:
So has Oracle.
Divine Oracle != Oracle

Sure it does.

And going by that logic, Exemplar hasn't been used

Exemplar was used in Complete Adventurer and again Divine Oracle != Oracle.

James Risner wrote:
Exemplar was used in Complete Adventurer and again Divine Oracle != Oracle.

Right. Because it's explicitly using divine power (though, IIRC, it's available to arcanists, too...). But it's still much more like the classic image of the oracle (divination focused) than this new class may be. I definitely like mystic a whole lot better. *shrug* I'll be curious to see what the "summoner" class winds up being named. I'm all for Pokemon Master, myself, but I suspect it'll be called the "haberdasher" or something ill-fitting instead ;)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I've removed a post. Obscenity and personal attarks are unnecessary.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

And while were at it ... who thought up the name 'grave knight' ? Come on guys !! That just makes me think of the stern cavalier !

HA! Nice:)

Disciple of Sakura wrote:
James Risner wrote:
Exemplar was used in Complete Adventurer and again Divine Oracle != Oracle.
Right. Because it's explicitly using divine power (though, IIRC, it's available to arcanists, too...). But it's still much more like the classic image of the oracle (divination focused) than this new class may be. I definitely like mystic a whole lot better. *shrug* I'll be curious to see what the "summoner" class winds up being named. I'm all for Pokemon Master, myself, but I suspect it'll be called the "haberdasher" or something ill-fitting instead ;)

I like haberdasher

But hummm A haberdasher may not fit. We will not speak of just how I know what that word is, but I know Shudder

Dark Archive

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
But hummm A haberdasher may not fit. We will not speak of just how I know what that word is, but I know Shudder

Zippers can be pretty nasty, eh?

Set wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
But hummm A haberdasher may not fit. We will not speak of just how I know what that word is, but I know Shudder

Zippers can be pretty nasty, eh?

Have you seen There's Something About Mary?

MerrikCale wrote:
Set wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
But hummm A haberdasher may not fit. We will not speak of just how I know what that word is, but I know Shudder

Zippers can be pretty nasty, eh?

Have you seen There's Something About Mary?

We've got a bleeder!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Disciple of Sakura wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
Set wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
But hummm A haberdasher may not fit. We will not speak of just how I know what that word is, but I know Shudder

Zippers can be pretty nasty, eh?

Have you seen There's Something About Mary?
We've got a bleeder!

Franks and beans! Franks and beans!

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