Things to buy after your first few adventures.

Pathfinder Society

Are you new to pathfinder society, or old but have trouble keeping your character alive? Look no further, this thread is for you. Here I'll list a few things to buy and use that help you reach your first tier 5-6 scenario.

Things to buy after your first adventure:

Some healing items. If you're sure you won't adventure with a cleric or a druid in the party, buy potions of cure light wounds. If you think there will be clerics or druids playing with you, buy one potion and a couple scrolls. The healer can't always come to your aid, and the potion might save your life. If you are a healer, buy a potion anyway. When you're the only healer, it sucks to bleed to death simply because nobody can cast a cure on you.

This is so important I'm going to say this again as simply as possible. Even if you aren't a healer, you should buy healing items. In a global campaign, you can't count on someone else to have spells and items to heal you when you get hurt.

Protip: infernal healing is a great spell for healing between combats. It heals more than cure light wounds and can be used by arcane casters in addition to divine casters. It can be found in Cheliax, Empire of Devils. If you own the book, look into it, but don't rely too much on the spell. As far as combat healing goes, it's horrible.

Get a few vials of alchemist's fire and a dozen or so pints of oil. You will encounter monsters that you can't hurt with weapons (too high DR, too high AC, swarm, etc). When this happens, don't panic. Toss an alchemist's fire on the enemy, and when he's burning, continue with oil. Oil is cheap, only 1 sp per unit. One more thing, while the rules in equipment chapter say it takes a full round action to prepare a flask of oil with a fuse, forget about it. You're not building a Molotov Cocktail out of your oil flask. You're going to break it onto your enemy so the heat from alchemist's fire can ignite the oil.

An oil of magic weapon and bless weapon might save you if you run into DR/magic or DR/Evil. These cost 50gp per oil. If you can cast these spells yourself, get scrolls instead.

While getting HP might save your character's life, getting ability damage back can make a difference for your party. Lesser restoration helps here. If you need to use the spell in a battle, drink a potion. Don't use a scroll, a wand or cast the spell yourself. Drinking the potion is a standard action, but casting the spell takes three rounds.

Protip: Buy your lesser restorations from paladins. Paladins get the spell at 1st spell level and sell them dirt cheap. A scroll costs 25gp and a potion/oil costs 50gp.

While we're talking about paladins and their spell lists, rangers deserve a special mention. If you need resist energy cheaply, look there. Their resist energy is cast as a 1st level spell, thus making potions, scrolls, and wands cheaper than those made by clerics and druids. Actually, after you have been on a few adventures, you might want to invest in a few scrolls, just in case.

If an adventure looks like it might have something to do with poison, get a vial of antitoxin.

After this you should save to buy your combat gear like armor and weapons, if you use any. Remember to have a few weapons so you can do all three kinds of damage (bludgeoning, piercing and slashing). Also, get a weapon made of cold iron and another made of silver. These will help you get through any DR your enemies might possess.

cheapskate tip: Club costs nothing, does 1d6 bludgeoning damage for medium creatures and can be thrown.

When you've accumulated your first 9 prestige points, you can move from scrolls to wands. When you do, don't sell the scrolls.

Wands are cheaper than scrolls per charge, and thus cure light wounds, infernal healing, lesser restoration and resist energy wands will most likely be of some use to you. Resist energy and lesser restoration might be used too rarely for some characters to justify buying a wand full of them. If you think you don't need them, pack a few scrolls or potions just in case anyway. A wand of magic weapon will be pretty pointless, because you should invest in a real magic weapon instead of a wand.

If you have anything to add, feel free to do so. Help this thread keep new pathfinders alive.

Edits: OP's grammar sucks.

Lehmuska wrote:

An oil of magic weapon and bless weapon might save you if you run into DR/magic or DR/Evil. These cost 50gp per...

All 1st level paladin potions/oils cost 100gp per the revised list...

lostpike wrote:
Lehmuska wrote:

An oil of magic weapon and bless weapon might save you if you run into DR/magic or DR/Evil. These cost 50gp per...

All 1st level paladin potions/oils cost 100gp per the revised list...

Where would this revised list be found?

Also, check errata.

Edit: Actually, I'll show it to you:

Errata wrote:

Page 478

In Table 15–2: Potions, change the 1st-level potion cost for
Paladins and Rangers to 50 gp. Change the 2nd-level potion
costs to 400 gp. Change the 3rd-level potion costs to 1,050 gp.


I'd add a few items to the list - Sunrods if you weren't blessed with the ability to see in the dark. Tanglefoot bags if you want to turn a hard/near impossible encounter into a trivial one.
Probably a bit bias, but these two specific items have turned more than one difficult encounter into a much more manageable situation.

Lehmuska wrote:
If an adventure looks like it might have something to do with poison, get a vial of antitoxin.

You might also consider a (ranger-crafted) potion of Delay Poison for the same reason.

I second the vote for tanglefoot bags. Very useful.

Dark Archive

Can I get a page reference for Infernal Healing?

I have been looking through the pdf of Cheliax: Empire of Devils and can't seem to find it!



Just to see if I understand this correctly, if you find access to a wand of Cure Light Wounds you can purchase it with 2 Prestige Awards before you have a maximun PA of 9?



pedr wrote:

Can I get a page reference for Infernal Healing?

I have been looking through the pdf of Cheliax: Empire of Devils and can't seem to find it!


Small wonder. Its in Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods and Magic, page 7.


remellon wrote:

Just to see if I understand this correctly, if you find access to a wand of Cure Light Wounds you can purchase it with 2 Prestige Awards before you have a maximun PA of 9?


I dont even think you need to encounter it to be able to purchase it, you just use your 2 prestige points to buy anything 750 gp or less.

As for Infernal Healing, its pretty awesome for out of combat healing, as an upside (ok...probably a downside for just about everyone but me) only followers of Asmodeus may prepare it...but it would be an interesting way for a sorc/wiz to act as healers.


remellon wrote:

Just to see if I understand this correctly, if you find access to a wand of Cure Light Wounds you can purchase it with 2 Prestige Awards before you have a maximun PA of 9?


If you find access, you may buy that item and for two mods after. This is separate from from what you are allowed to purchase via prestige.

Page 22 of the Guide to organized play under the heading Other Items.
Beyond the gear noted above your character is restricted to purchasing additional items from either his current and last two chronicle sheets, or through his prestige total with his faction.

Without finding access you would indeed have to spend the 2 prestige or have a total maximum of 9.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Note: for Infernal Healing, the caster needs access to devil's blood. I'm not sure how many scenarios include a devil, available for your bloodletting, but I'm pretty sure that devil's blood isn't a common or readily available substance.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Chris Mortika wrote:
Note: for Infernal Healing, the caster needs access to devil's blood. I'm not sure how many scenarios include a devil, available for your bloodletting, but I'm pretty sure that devil's blood isn't a common or readily available substance.

Needs access to devil's blood? I'm not so sure these material components, which don't even have a listed price, are subject to such. Already if you look at all the spell descriptions, the spell component pouch includes all kinds of ridiculous, odd things.

Also, a quote from PRD.

PRD wrote:
Spell Component Pouch: A spellcaster with a spell component pouch is assumed to have all the material components and focuses needed for spellcasting, except for those components that have a specific cost, divine focuses, and focuses that wouldn't fit in a pouch.


Devil's blood:

RAW, it isn't an issue due to the spell component pouch previously listed, so its a non-issue. But, if you wanted to DM it that way, thats your perogative. Of course, someone who was a devout following of Asmodeus probably deals with devils pretty commonly (compared to other people), furthermore, the follower would probably have no problem working out a deal (read: contract) with a particular devil for a steady supply of devil's blood.

Um, in an effort to put this thread back on track:
Everyone loves a good grappling hook!

Lehmuska wrote:
lostpike wrote:
Lehmuska wrote:

An oil of magic weapon and bless weapon might save you if you run into DR/magic or DR/Evil. These cost 50gp per...

All 1st level paladin potions/oils cost 100gp per the revised list...

Where would this revised list be found?

Also, check errata.

Edit: Actually, I'll show it to you:

Errata wrote:

Page 478

In Table 15–2: Potions, change the 1st-level potion cost for
Paladins and Rangers to 50 gp. Change the 2nd-level potion
costs to 400 gp. Change the 3rd-level potion costs to 1,050 gp.

That's because they changed Paladins' caster level from 1/2 class level to class level - 3.


Even if your DM is anal about material components, scrolls, potions and wands don't use them, so you should have no problems with them.

While we're speaking of spell components, I don't think this has been mentioned here before.

Spell component pouches, holy symbols and holly & mistletoe are cheap, but if you lose them, some of your spells can't be cast anymore. Buy one or two extra just in case. Having a back up holy symbol not only increases your spell selection if your normal holy symbol gets broken, but speeds up play when you don't have to go through all your spells to see which ones require divine focus to cast.

Liberty's Edge

Oil of Magic stone. It is just too good vs undead, and is still good against other opponents.


Just to emphasize...WAND OF CURE LIGHT WOUNDS :). As soon as you get access to it (Either for having it on a current/last 2 campaign sheet), or having 9 permanent PA...spend 2 temporary PA and get one of these suckers. It's about the best "GP effect per PA spent" you can get at 375gp per PA, and even if you can't use it yourself, someone in your party is almost certainly going to be able to. (Without even getting into UMD, Paladins, Rangers, Bards, Clerics, and Druids can all use these, starting from level 1).

While you can't trade items between PCs character sheets, there's nothing stopping you from lending it to him mid mod, and then taking it back and recording the charges used on your own sheet afterwords.

Not only are wands the cheapest "bang for buck", you're not even paying real bucks for this sucker...and since most equipment you're going to be wanting to buying is either a significant amount LESS than 750gp (MW weapon, armor, level 1/2 potions....), or more (And you can't combine the PA with regular gold to get over that cap) (+1 armor, etc.)....really the only reason not not spend your 2PAs on these level 1 wands is to save them f

or 'emergancies', the need to have more expensive spells cast on you. And having multiple people with this sucker around will make it much less likely that your party will face said problems. And as long as you earn 2 PA in however many mods it takes you to burn through 50 charges, you can always have one on hand.....great for bringing people up between encounters. God I can't wait for my level 2 cleric to get 2 more PA so I can have one of my very own... :).

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