Any ideas for a dragonborn conversion?


even though 4th ed has the 'base' stats for playing a dragonborn, the format given in 3.5 was much better done, since it gave players an option of what they started out with. however, how would they fit into the world of golarion though, since bahamut isn't presented? further more, could the dragonborn also be a starting 1st level class? has anyone done anything yet?

I'm not sure what kind of conversion you would need, other than crossing out "Bahamut" and writing in "Apsu" (the good dragon deity in Golarion).

true i guess... i'll pull something together for it, and i'll put it up in a few days

Umm... oh snap... wrote:
even though 4th ed has the 'base' stats for playing a dragonborn, the format given in 3.5 was much better done, since it gave players an option of what they started out with.

Dragonborn in 4th Edition are their own race. They did not "start out" as anything else. The reborn aspect of 3rd Edition dragonborn is not part of the lore behind dragonborn in 4th Edition.

I'd previously written up a short article on suggestions for incorporating dragonborn into the world of Golarion. You can find it at Tales from the Rusty Dragon.

Scott Betts wrote:
Dragonborn in 4th Edition are their own race. They did not "start out" as anything else. The reborn aspect of 3rd Edition dragonborn is not part of the lore behind dragonborn in 4th Edition.

also true... i'll have to figure in trying to make them their own race... that'll be the tough as hell part... all in a dm's job though, right? lol

Sovereign Court

Why not just have them be a particular tribe of dragon-worshiping lizardmen or something of that sort?


The ways to convert them are pretty simple:

1. For the 3.5 dragonborn, just change "Bahamut" to "Apsu" and leave as written.

2. To retrofit 4e dragonborn back to 3.75 Pathfinder, simply make some medium size kobolds and give them the same relative status as humans versus halflings, or else just declare lizardmen a draconic race and let them take whatever draconic feats you're also wanting to import. This will give you intelligent dragon people with tails, rather than the strange hornytoadfolk that are 4e dragonborn.

The Exchange

The 3.5 dragonborn gains a +2 Con, -2 Dex modifier. In Pathfinder, most races have two +2 ability modifiers, and one -2 ability modifier. Should it remain as written, or should another ability gain +2? The given modifiers are both physical stats, but my player was arguing that if another gain is added, perhaps the additional +2 should go to Charisma instead of Strength. Opinions?

Also, his character started out as a human sorceror with draconic (blue) bloodline. Although the bloodline is gained as a class feature, it is technically a racial aspect, so would he lose his blue dragon bloodline altogether? Or have it changed to a metallic dragon bloodline by Bahamut/Apsu? Or just leave it as-is and say that Bahamut/Apsu will accept a chromatic bloodline into his fold?

Sovereign Court

Check the Dragonomicon a release from 3.5. On page 150 they have what 3.5 called the Dragonborn the Dragonkin (much better IMO). There is a table for making them PCs. Of course you will need to do the conversion to Pathfinder but shouldn't be too difficult.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well I agree with those that said cross out Bahamut and write in Apsu, but to add to this discussion, couldn't the Pathfinder dragonborn be the results of Mengkare's "experiments" on the Isle of Hermea?

Perhaps leave them as written in the v.3.5 races of the Dragon (and I'd agree with someone (not sure who) that suggested the add'l +2 stat goes to Charisma)... but I'd also be inclined to have these dragonborn be their own race, not a transformative (wasn't that the word the used in RotD) race.

All in all... fairly simple and straight-forward... yes?


I've made this conversion in a campaign I'm GMing. The fluff about Bahamut goes scrapped (unfortunately) so I've made them an unknown ancient race whose ancestors fought against evil dragons for ages, drinking their blood, transforming them into their current form over the ages.


Dragons’ Blood: Dragonborn are creatures of the humanoid type. They have the Dragonblood subtype.

Dragonborn Racial Adjustments: +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity

Size: Medium (no special size bonuses or penalties)
Base Land Speed: 30 Ft

Defensive Training: Dragonborn gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the Dragon type.

Hatred: Dragonborn gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the Dragon type.

Draconic Bravery: Dragonborn have a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against Fear spells and effects. They are also immune to the Frightful Presence some creatures of the Dragon type possess.

Platinum Breath (Su.): Dragonborn characters have a Breath Weapon. It comes forth as bright, shining line that coruscates with every metallic colour. The line’s length is 5 ft per Hit Die the Dragonborn character possesses, up to a maximum of 100 ft at 20 HD. The breath weapon deals 1d8 points of damage, plus and additional 1d8 points for each 3 HD the Dragonborn character possesses. Half of the damage is fire, and the other half is pure energy. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the Dragonborn’s HD + his Constitution modifier) halves the damage. A Dragonborn can use his breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds.

Blood of Dragons (Ex.): Dragonborn are immune to paralysis and magical sleep effects.

Draconic Senses (Ex.): Dragonborn characters have Darkvision out to 60 ft, Low-Light Vision that allows them to see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light and Blindsense 30 ft. They have a +2 racial bonus on all Perception skill checks.

Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic
Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages, such as Druidic)

Mihenvel Hallow wrote:

I've made this conversion in a campaign I'm GMing. The fluff about Bahamut goes scrapped (unfortunately) so I've made them an unknown ancient race whose ancestors fought against evil dragons for ages, drinking their blood, transforming them into their current form over the ages.


Dragons’ Blood: Dragonborn are creatures of the humanoid type. They have the Dragonblood subtype.

Dragonborn Racial Adjustments: +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity

Size: Medium (no special size bonuses or penalties)
Base Land Speed: 30 Ft

Defensive Training: Dragonborn gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the Dragon type.

Hatred: Dragonborn gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the Dragon type.

Draconic Bravery: Dragonborn have a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against Fear spells and effects. They are also immune to the Frightful Presence some creatures of the Dragon type possess.

Platinum Breath (Su.): Dragonborn characters have a Breath Weapon. It comes forth as bright, shining line that coruscates with every metallic colour. The line’s length is 5 ft per Hit Die the Dragonborn character possesses, up to a maximum of 100 ft at 20 HD. The breath weapon deals 1d8 points of damage, plus and additional 1d8 points for each 3 HD the Dragonborn character possesses. Half of the damage is fire, and the other half is pure energy. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the Dragonborn’s HD + his Constitution modifier) halves the damage. A Dragonborn can use his breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds.

Blood of Dragons (Ex.): Dragonborn are immune to paralysis and magical sleep effects.

Draconic Senses (Ex.): Dragonborn characters have Darkvision out to 60 ft, Low-Light Vision that allows them to see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light and Blindsense 30 ft. They have a +2 racial bonus on all Perception skill checks.

Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic
Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages, such as Druidic)

Seems a tad over powered. Personally I ALWAYS chose flight as my dragonborn trait in 3.5.

I would make it a +1 CR template. Almost a lesser half-dragon, if you want to keep the transformation aspect. Otherwise I think people are wise to change the background.

Would removing the Breath weapon drop it to a 0 CR?

Bwang wrote:

Would removing the Breath weapon drop it to a 0 CR?

Blind Sense seems rather powerful as well.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


Dragonborn are draconic humanoids with the heads and souls of dragons. Dragonborn are very passionate, and are rarely neutral in alignment.

+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity. Dragonborn are tough and proud, but lacking in grace.

Medium: Dragonborn are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Dragonborn have a base speed of 30 feet.

Darkvision: Dragonborn can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Draconic Heritage: Dragonborn have a varied nature. They may select one of the following racial features at character creation; once it has been selected, it cannot be changed.

Breath Weapon (Su): Once per day, the dragonborn can use a breath weapon that causes energy damage as determined by their elemental nature. Acid and electricity breath weapons are 30 foot long lines. Cold and fire breath weapons are 15 foot long cones. This breath weapon causes 1d6 points of damage per level of the dragonborn. Creatures in the area of effect are allowed to make a Reflex Saving Throw for half damage with a DC of 10 + ½ the dragonborn’s hit dice + the dragonborn’s Constitution modifier. At 5th level, the dragonborn can use his breath weapon twice per day. At 10th level, the dragonborn can use his breath weapon 3 times per day. A dragonborn must wait 1d4 rounds between uses of his breath weapon.

Claws of the Dragon (Ex): The dragonborn has claws that act as 2 primary natural weapons. They cause 1d6 points of damage + the dragonborn’s Strength modifier. At 5th level, they cause 1d8 points of damage. At 10th level, they cause an additional +1d6 points of damage; this additional damage is the same energy type as his elemental nature’s.

Dragon Tail (Ex): The dragonborn has a long powerful tail. This grants him a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Swim skill checks. He also gains a secondary natural attack that does 1d6 + 1 ½ his Strength modifier of bludgeoning damage.

Eye of the Dragon (Ex): The dragonborn has superior lowlight vision, and can see triple the distance of creatures that lack lowlight vision. At 5th level, the dragonborn gains blindsense with a range of 30 feet. At 10th level, the dragonborn’s blindsense increases to 60 feet.

Frightful Presence (Ex): Whenever the dragonborn attacks or charges, all opponents within a radius of 30 feet who have fewer levels or Hit Dice than the dragonborn become shaken for a number of rounds equal to 1d6 + the dragonborn’s Charisma modifier. The effect is negated by a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dragonborn’s level + her Cha modifier). A successful save indicates that the opponent is immune to the dragonborn’s frightful presence for 24 hours. This ability can’t affect creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or lower, nor does it have any effect on dragons.

Scales of the Dragon (Ex): The dragonborn gains DR 1/magic. This increases to DR 2/magic at 5th level, DR 3/magic at 10th level, DR 4/magic at 15th level, and DR 5/magic at 20th level.

Soul of the Dragon (Ex): The dragonborn is immune to paralysis and sleep effects.

Wings of the Dragon (Ex): A dragonborn can use her wings to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent. Dragonborn glide at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). Even if a dragonborn’s maneuverability improves, she can’t hover while gliding. A dragonborn can’t glide while carrying a medium or heavy load. If a dragonborn becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, her wings naturally unfurl and powerful ligaments stiffen the wings. The dragonborn descends in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter what the actual distance of the fall.

When a dragonborn reaches 5 Hit Dice, she becomes able to fly at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). A dragonborn can’t fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. Dragonborns can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but then they’re fatigued at the end of the flight. Dragonborns are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying. Because dragonborns can glide before, after, and between rounds of actual flight, they can remain aloft for extended periods (even if they can only use flight for 1 round at a time without becoming fatigued).

When they reach 10 Hit Dice, dragonborns have enough stamina and prowess to fly for longer periods. They can fly at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability), and flying requires no more exertion than walking or running. A dragonborn with flight can make a dive attack. A dive attack works like a charge, but the dragonborn must move a minimum of 30 feet and descend at least 10 feet. A dragonborn can make a dive attack only when wielding a piercing weapon; if the attack hits, it deals double damage. A dragonborn with flight can use the run action while flying, provided she flies in a straight line.

Draconic Skills: Dragonborn have a +2 racial bonus on Fly and Intimidate skill checks.

Dragon Blood: Dragonborn count as dragons and humanoid (reptilian) for any effect related to race.

Elemental Nature: Dragonborn choose one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire; once it has been selected, it cannot be changed. They gain energy resistance 5 against the selected energy type, but gain vulnerability to the energy type that opposes it. Acid and electricity oppose each other, and cold and fire oppose each other. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the dragonborn’s energy resistance increases by 5.

Keen Senses: +2 to Perception skill checks.

Natural Armor: Dragonborn have a natural armor bonus of +1.

Languages: Dragonborn begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Dragonborn with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Auran, Giant, Ignan, Terran, Undercommon..


Alchemist: +1 per level to bomb damage when the bombs cause energy damage that is the same as the dragonborn’s elemental nature.

Barbarian: +1 to the energy damage and energy resistance of the following rage powers: Elemental Rage, Greater Elemental Rage, Lesser Elemental Rage, Energy Absorption, Energy Eruption, Energy Resistance, and Greater Energy Resistance, but only when the energy damage is the same kind as the dragonborn’s elemental nature’s energy type.

Bard: +½ to the damage caused by the bard’s Inspire Courage ability. This additional damage is the same kind as the dragonborn’s elemental nature’s energy type.

Cavalier: +1 point of damage when using his Challenge. This additional damage is the same kind as the dragonborn’s elemental nature’s energy type.

Cleric: +1 point of damage when using Channel energy to harm opponents. This additional damage is the same kind as the dragonborn’s elemental nature’s energy type.

Oracle: +¼ to the Difficulty Class of spells that have the same energy type as the dragonborn’s elemental nature energy type.

Paladin: +1 point of damage when using Smite Evil. This additional damage is the same kind as the dragonborn’s elemental nature’s energy type.

Rogue: +1 point of damage when using sneak attack. This additional damage is the same kind as the dragonborn’s elemental nature’s energy type.

Sorcerer: +¼ to the Difficulty Class of spells that have the same energy type as the dragonborn’s elemental nature energy type.

Summoner: The dragonborn’s eidolon gains energy resistance 2 per level of the summoner. This energy resistance is the same kind as the dragonborn’s elemental nature’s energy type.


Draconic Bite: The dragonborn gains a secondary bite attack that causes 1d4 points of damage + his ½ Strength modifier.

Draconic Focus: The Save DC of the dragonborn’s bonus sorcerer spells known from his draconic bloodline increases by +1.

Draconic Flight: The dragonborn’s flight maneuverability improves by one step. The dragonborn gains a +1 trait bonus to Fly skill checks, and Fly is always a class skill for the dragonborn.

Draconic Invulnerability: The dragonborn gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against the energy type it is vulnerable to due to his elemental nature.

Draconic Mien: The Save DC of the dragonborn’s frightful presence increases by +1. The dragonborn gains a +1 trait bonus to Intimidate skill checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for the dragonborn.

Draconic Potency: The Save DC of the dragonborn’s breath weapon increases by +1.

Draconic Resolve: The dragonborn gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against sleep and paralysis effects.

Draconic Reverence: The dragonborn sorcerer selects one 0 or 1st level spell from the cleric or druid spell list. He adds this spell to the list of sorcerer/wizard spells he may choose to know. He does not know this spell until he chooses to add it to the list of spells he knows.

Draconic Will: The dragonborn gains a +2 to bonus to Saving Throws against compulsion effects.


Extra Breath Weapon
You can use your breath weapon more often.
Requirements: Dragonborn, Constitution +15, Breath Weapon racial feature.
Benefit: You can use your breath weapon 2 additional times per day.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Its effects stacks.

Extra Draconic Heritage
Your draconic heritage is strong
Requirements: Dragonborn, Constitution 13+, Charisma 13+
Benefit: You gain 1 additional Draconic Heritage racial feature.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you do, the minimum Constitution and Charisma scores increase by 2. Each time you select this feat, you may select a different Draconic Heritage racial feature.

Extra Draconic Traits
You gain 2 additional draconic traits.
Requirements: Dragonborn, Charisma 11+
Benefit: You gain 2 additional draconic traits.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you may select 2 additional draconic traits.

Greater Claws of the Dragon
Your claws cause more energy damage.
Requirements: Dragonborn, BAB +11, Strength 15+, Claws of the Dragon racial feature, Improved Claws of the Dragon.
Benefit: The energy damage of your claws increases to 2d6.

Greater Dragon Tail
You can sweep your tail and strike multiple adjacent opponents.
Requirements: Dragonborn, BAB +7, Strength 15+, Dragon Tail racial feature, Improved Dragon Tail.
Benefit: As a swift action, you may make a number of tail attacks equal to your Strength bonus. Each target of your tail attack must be adjacent to you and at least one other target of your tail attack.

Greater Eye of the Dragon
You can see the truth in all things
Requirements: dragonborn, Wisdom 19+, Eye of the Dragon racial feature, 19 ranks in Perception, Improved Eye of the Dragon.
Benefit: You can use true seeing at will.

Greater Soul of the Dragon
You are extremely resistant to magic
Requirements: Dragonborn, Base Fortitude Save +4, Base Reflex Save +4, Base Will Save +4, Soul of the Dragon racial feature, Improved Soul of the Dragon.
Benefit: You gain spell resistance 11 + your Hit Dice.

Improved Breath Weapon
Your breath weapon is bigger than normal.
Requirements: Dragonborn, Constitution 15+, Breath Weapon racial feature.
Benefit: The size of your breath weapon doubles.

Improved Claws of the Dragon
Your claws cause more damage.
Requirements: Dragonborn, BAB +5, Strength 13+, Claws of the Dragon racial feature.
Benefit: Your base claw damage increases to 2d6.

Improved Draconic Bite
Your bite is more vicious.
Requirements: Dragonborn, BAB +1, Strength 11+, Draconic Bite trait.
Benefits: Your bite attack is a primary natural weapon attack that does 1d6 points of damage + your Strength modifier.

Improved Draconic Reverence
You can cast clerical spells as sorcerer spells.
Requirements: Dragonborn, Sorcerer caster level 3, Charisma 13+, Draconic Reverence trait.
Benefit: Choose a number of spells equal to your Charisma bonus from the cleric list of spells. You must have a Charisma score of 10 + spell level selected. You add the chosen spells to the list of sorcerer spells you may choose to learn. You must still add the selected spells as normal to your list of known spells.

Improved Dragon Tail
You can grapple opponents with your tail.
Requirements: Dragonborn, BAB +3, Strength 13+, Dragon Tail racial feature.
Benefit: When you hit an opponent with your tail attack, you may make a grapple check as a free action. If you succeed, your opponent is grappled. You do not gain the grappled condition when grappling an opponent with your tail. Against an opponent grappled by your tail, once per round as a swift action, you can make a grapple check to constrict your opponent for 1d8 points of damage + 1 ½ your Strength bonus.

Improved Eye of the Dragon
Your draconic senses allow you to see the unseen.
Requirements: dragonborn, Wisdom 13+, Eye of the Dragon racial feature, 15 ranks in Perception.
Benefit: You gain blindsight with a range of 60 feet.

Improved Scales of the Dragon.
You are more durable than the toughest dragonborn.
Requirements: Dragonborn, Constitution 15+, Scales of the Dragon racial feature.
Benefit: Your Scales of the Dragon damage reduction improves. It changes from DR/magic to DR/-.

Improved Soul of the Dragon
You are resistant to magic
Requirements: Dragonborn, Base Fortitude Save +2, Base Reflex Save +2, Base Will Save +2, Soul of the Dragon racial feature.
Benefit: You gain spell resistance 5 + your Hit Dice.

Improved Wings of the Dragon
You fly faster.
Requirements: Dragonborn, Dexterity 11+, Wings of the Dragon racial feature, Fly 11 ranks.
Benefit: Your fly speed increases to 60 feet with good maneuverability.

Cool list of abilities, however you might want to consider combining some of them as some are much more powerful than others.

Liberty's Edge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Here is what I am using in my campaign:

Overview: A race of dragon men descended from an ancient union between dragon and men. They are scaly humanoids with no tail and are often mistaken for lizard men. They are relatively tall at 6’+ and very stout, weighing in at 300 pounds. A dragonborn‘s scales often take on the color of their dragon ancestry, but as they are able to cross breed with each other, this is not an absolute. This race is extremely rare, and is generally viewed with reservation by most of society, especially when they resemble evil dragon kind.

Description: Medium humanoid with dragonblood subtype
Bonus racial abilities: Str +2, Conn +2, Dex -2
Racial Hp Bonus : +8 Hp
Base speed: 30’ (6 squares)
Low-level vision: As per elves
Keen senses +2 touch & smell (through tongue) based perception, +2 on identify checks
Skill notes +2 racial checks on Intimidate & survival checks
Stout: +2 racial bonus on CMD
Dragon blood: Dragonblood subtype due to draconic heritage
Sorcerer limitations: Sorcerer dragonborns must choose the Draconic bloodline
Dragon resistance: +2 vs dragon (and dragonkin) breathweapon
Special racial feats: Available at 1st level - Breath weapon, Bite, Claw
Languages: Common, Draconic
Age effects: Use dwarven age charts

Mr Baron wrote:
Here is what I am using in my campaign:

Ooooo! Liking this!

Dark Archive

Yet another version, the Scaleborn of Thassilon.

This one plays off of the 3.5 notion (or that of the Spellscale or Mojh) that another race is transformed into this state, not generally 'born' a Dragonborn.

Love the Scaleborn!
I have a player wanting to play a Dragonborn character in my new campaign, but I'm going to gently "push" him to the Scaleborn - definitely fits into the theme and flavor of the game. The players are playing "monster" PC's and the setting is Kaer Maga, City of Strangers. Thanks for this link and information.

Dark Archive

Here is a conversion from 4ed that I did awhile back.

Dragonborn Racial Traits
+2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity: Dragonborn are powerful and regal, but somewhat clumsy.
Medium: Dragonborn are medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties from size.
Normal Speed: Base speed for a Dragonborn is 30 feet.
Breath Weapon: Dragonborn can use a breath weapon three times per day. The breath weapon is a line with a range of 10 feet plus 5 feet per Hit Die after the first, to a maximum of 100 feet. It inflicts 1d6 damage plus 1d6 per 3 HD the Dragonborn possesses. This damage may be acid, cold, electricity, or fire; the specific type is chosen at creation and cannot be changed afterward.
Draconic Heritage: Dragonborn count as Dragons for the purposes of effects that target Type.
Educated: Dragonborn get a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (History) checks.
Frightful Presence: Dragonborn get a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks.
Languages: Dragonborn begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Dragonborn with high Intelliegence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Orc.

Has anyone tried to make the Dragonborn using the Advanced Races rules ?

Fus Ro DAH!!

Hahaha, obligatory Skyrim reference.

Carry on chaps, good stuff here.

Hmmm... the breath weapon seems to be the biggest issue here. How about these options ?

1) breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity or fire), 5-ft/level line (max. 100ft), 1d8 + 1d8/3 HD, use once per 1d4/rounds, DC 10 + Character Level + Con mod... basically what the 3.5 Dragonborn had... and that didn't cause it to have a LA/ECL.

2) breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity or fire), 5-ft/level line (max. 100ft), 1d8/HD, use once per day, DC 10 + Character Level + Con mod... basically what the Pathfinder half-dragon has. The "once per day" might be jarring, but there would be a feat for that.

3) breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity or fire), 5-ft/level line (max. 100ft), 1d8/2 HD, use once per day, DC 10 + Character Level + Con mod, new option.

Dragon Breath
You can use your breath weapon as often as a normal dragon.
Prerequisites: Dragonborn, 8 HD, breath weapon.
Benefit: You can use your breath weapon every 1d4 rounds.
Normal: A dragonborn’s breath weapon can only be used once per day.

(based on the feat with the same name in Races of the Dragon)

Dark Archive

Well this is my humble attempt at it, but the race is stronger than your normal, but you can make it's breath weapon a racial feat like JiCi suggests


Average Height: 6´2˝–7´1˝
Average Weight: 220 – 320 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Consitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity. Dragonborn are physically hearty and strong-willed, but are not as nimble as other races.
Medium Size: Dragonborn are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Dragonborn have a base land speed of 30 feet.
Draconic Heritage: Dragonborn receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (History) and Intimidate.
Dragon Blood: Dragonborn count as dragons for any effect related to race.
Dragon Fury: A Dragonborn remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The creature is still staggered and looses 1 hit point each round. A Dragonborn still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.
Keen Senses: Dragonborn receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Dragon Breath: Dragonborn have retained the dragon breath of their draconic heritage, manifesting itself in the form of a 30-foot cone length and a 5-foot high. The type of energy breath weapon is determined by choosing one of the following: Acid, Lightning, Fire, Poison or Cold. A Dragonborn breath weapon deals 1d6 points of damage for every three character levels. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ Dragonborn’s Hit Die + Dragonborn Constitution modifier) reduces damage in half. Dragonborn can use their breath weapon once per day.
Languages: Dragonborn begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Dragonborn with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

JiCi wrote:

Hmmm... the breath weapon seems to be the biggest issue here. How about these options ?

1) breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity or fire), 5-ft/level line (max. 100ft), 1d8 + 1d8/3 HD, use once per 1d4/rounds, DC 10 + Character Level + Con mod... basically what the 3.5 Dragonborn had... and that didn't cause it to have a LA/ECL.

2) breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity or fire), 5-ft/level line (max. 100ft), 1d8/HD, use once per day, DC 10 + Character Level + Con mod... basically what the Pathfinder half-dragon has. The "once per day" might be jarring, but there would be a feat for that.

3) breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity or fire), 5-ft/level line (max. 100ft), 1d8/2 HD, use once per day, DC 10 + Character Level + Con mod, new option.

Dragon Breath
You can use your breath weapon as often as a normal dragon.
Prerequisites: Dragonborn, 8 HD, breath weapon.
Benefit: You can use your breath weapon every 1d4 rounds.
Normal: A dragonborn’s breath weapon can only be used once per day.

(based on the feat with the same name in Races of the Dragon)

The breathweapon has been the biggest stumbling block that I've seen with conversions. It has that flavor that everyone wants, but balancing that with the oomph it (can) provide is tricky.

This version just added it as a delayed racial ability, which is the route some people seem to be taking.

Another route might be along the lines of the dragonwrought kobold, who built up a series of racial feats and rituals as they uncovered their heritage and progressed in the game.

Ruggs wrote:
JiCi wrote:

Hmmm... the breath weapon seems to be the biggest issue here. How about these options ?

1) breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity or fire), 5-ft/level line (max. 100ft), 1d8 + 1d8/3 HD, use once per 1d4/rounds, DC 10 + Character Level + Con mod... basically what the 3.5 Dragonborn had... and that didn't cause it to have a LA/ECL.

2) breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity or fire), 5-ft/level line (max. 100ft), 1d8/HD, use once per day, DC 10 + Character Level + Con mod... basically what the Pathfinder half-dragon has. The "once per day" might be jarring, but there would be a feat for that.

3) breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity or fire), 5-ft/level line (max. 100ft), 1d8/2 HD, use once per day, DC 10 + Character Level + Con mod, new option.

Dragon Breath
You can use your breath weapon as often as a normal dragon.
Prerequisites: Dragonborn, 8 HD, breath weapon.
Benefit: You can use your breath weapon every 1d4 rounds.
Normal: A dragonborn’s breath weapon can only be used once per day.

(based on the feat with the same name in Races of the Dragon)

The breathweapon has been the biggest stumbling block that I've seen with conversions. It has that flavor that everyone wants, but balancing that with the oomph it (can) provide is tricky.

This version just added it as a delayed racial ability, which is the route some people seem to be taking.

Another route might be along the lines of the dragonwrought kobold, who built up a series of racial feats and rituals as they uncovered their heritage and progressed in the game.

That race has a breath weapon that looks like my option 3)... guess the feat would help it a bit.

Grand Lodge

Ruggs wrote:

The breathweapon has been the biggest stumbling block that I've seen with conversions. It has that flavor that everyone wants, but balancing that with the oomph it (can) provide is tricky.

This version just added it as a delayed racial ability, which is the route some people seem to be taking.

Another route might be along the lines of the dragonwrought kobold, who built up a series of racial feats and rituals as they uncovered their heritage and progressed in the game.

I'm not a fan of that dragonborn. You don't get a breath weapon for nine levels. That's too far away. Especially if you're in a slower paced campaign. I'd much rather have my breath weapon be 1d8/3 HD and have it now than possibly a year from now.

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