Rogue - Talent - Bleeding Attack

Rules Questions

"by hitting them with a sneak attack"

As written this means even a non-lethal attack with a sap, one that does no damage due to DR, etc. could still do Bleed. I was looking at it to make sure it worked for blunt weapons; I guess the bleeding is internal sometimes.

Dan Turek wrote:

"by hitting them with a sneak attack"

As written this means even a non-lethal attack with a sap, one that does no damage due to DR, etc. could still do Bleed. I was looking at it to make sure it worked for blunt weapons; I guess the bleeding is internal sometimes.

There's nothing that would say otherwise to this, but as a DM I'd disallow a non-lethal sneak attack from causing lethal bleeding. Only something that would deal lethal damage *should* trigger the bleed, but that's just a personal ruling |: I'd also disallow a sneak attack that deals no damage (zero damage from the entire attack including sneak attack dice) from triggering this as well.

Isn't there a rule that the bleed damage is the same type as the damage that caused it? If so, non-lethal sneak attack damage should cause non-lethal bleed damage.

udalrich wrote:
non-lethal bleed damage

Again, there's nothing to rule this out, but it's kind of ridiculous q: The bleed glossary description mentions ability drain bleed, ability damage bleed, and "damage", but it doesn't specify nonlethal damage or lethal damage.

Maybe it causes a wound that is very painful. Each round the wound's pain deals you non-lethal damage. Eventually it becomes so painful that you pass out. . .

Since there's nothing official either way, I'd side on the "bleed is caused by a lethal wound" approach. But otherwise it's undefined.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Slightly off topic. When does the bleed damage start?

Do you immediately add the damage when you cut them or does the bleeding effect take place starting next round?

Dark Archive

meabolex wrote:
udalrich wrote:
non-lethal bleed damage

Again, there's nothing to rule this out, but it's kind of ridiculous q: The bleed glossary description mentions ability drain bleed, ability damage bleed, and "damage", but it doesn't specify nonlethal damage or lethal damage.

Maybe it causes a wound that is very painful. Each round the wound's pain deals you non-lethal damage. Eventually it becomes so painful that you pass out. . .

Since there's nothing official either way, I'd side on the "bleed is caused by a lethal wound" approach. But otherwise it's undefined.

Yes, I'd also rule that you can only use that ability with lethal damage. Of course, hitting someone on the head with a sap with enough force might make you bleed, but as per RAW, it's only subdual damage, so I wouldn't allow it.

dulsin wrote:

Slightly off topic. When does the bleed damage start?

Do you immediately add the damage when you cut them or does the bleeding effect take place starting next round?

pfsrd wrote:
A creature that is taking bleed damage takes the listed amount of damage at the beginning of its turn.

Here's hoping that the cleric goes just before you.

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