Discussion: The Golarion Cookbook

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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So would there be interest in such a product, either as a pdf or a dead tree product?
What would people like to see in it?
Are there chefs or cooks out there with the time on their hands and inclination to write such a thing, as a patronage project perhaps?

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

So would there be interest in such a product, either as a pdf or a dead tree product?

What would people like to see in it?
Are there chefs or cooks out there with the time on their hands and inclination to write such a thing, as a patronage project perhaps?

Color me interested. It would be fun to give recipes a Golarion spin. I'd be willing to contribute a recipe or three. Of course, reefclaws and aurochs are hard to come by on Earth, so substitutions will have to be made...

I'm pretty sure you already know my stance on this particular subject Charles, but I will reiterate that I am interested. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Lilith wrote:
I'm pretty sure you already know my stance on this particular subject Charles, but I will reiterate that I am interested. :)

And I will again formally submit myself to be a play-taster.

+ 1

Pass the table seasoning lard and the Sphinx butter.

Only if there are instructions on making cabble-weed tea and pesh.

Goblin Witchlord wrote:
Only if there are instructions on making cabble-weed tea and pesh.

I've seen a few recipes out there based on "Koboldes Ate My Baby" Should be a fun start.

Lilith wrote:
I'm pretty sure you already know my stance on this particular subject Charles, but I will reiterate that I am interested. :)

Didn't know if you might have had second thoughts since last night... :)

Hmm. Was there a recipe around somewhere for Oliphant's Ear?

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Oh yeah, I'd buy that.

Scarab Sages

Oooo... Sounds yummy. Can we have recipes for cookies?

Winterthorn wrote:
Oooo... Sounds yummy. Can we have recipes for cookies?

If I have anything to say about it, then yes. I was thinking Taldor could have buttery shortbread cookies with caramel filling. Cheliax would have spicy bittersweet chocolate gingersnap cookies. Qadira would probably have a layered baklava-style pastry bar, though I would go with the traditional pistachio rather than walnuts. Maybe add some fine-chopped dates.

Still working on Andoran and Osirion. :P

Dark Archive

Lilith wrote:
Still working on Andoran and Osirion. :P

If Osirion is significantly like Egypt, perhaps they like mixing fermented products into their baked goods. Why have cookies and beer, when you can have beer-cookies? The higher classes could have variations that basically become like rum-spiced-brownies.

Liberty's Edge

Our group had a lot of fun imbibing the 'typical Varisian meal' from Curse of the Crimson Throne, I'd like something like this.

Coridan wrote:
Our group had a lot of fun imbibing the 'typical Varisian meal' from Curse of the Crimson Throne, I'd like something like this.

Our group too. I made it the first night we played. It's actually something I make on a fairly regular basis now. It's so yummy. :)

I think Cheliax and Taldor might be lands with 'formal dinner party' traditions, where the food is prepared to not just taste but *look* impressive. Swans or dragons carved out of ice on the table, whole boars with apples in mouths for main course, elaborate deserts that rise several tiers off the table. And they may have probably developed a stiff form of icing to assist with grandiose cakes.
Hmm. Maybe I should go do some victorian dinner party research...

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

I think Cheliax and Taldor might be lands with 'formal dinner party' traditions, where the food is prepared to not just taste but *look* impressive. Swans or dragons carved out of ice on the table, whole boars with apples in mouths for main course, elaborate deserts that rise several tiers off the table. And they may have probably developed a stiff form of icing to assist with grandiose cakes.

Hmm. Maybe I should go do some victorian dinner party research...

For the modern palate and formal events, one could use fondant (the fancy shmancy pricey icing stuff heavily used in wedding cakes).

For Andorans, "manacle"-styled wedding cakes might be rather popular, with the cutting of the cake celebrating their shattering the shackles of their pre-married lives.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

While I haven't done a lot of specific recipes, I have done "themed" food for our gaming during Crimson Throne ::chuckle:: When the Party was about to visit All the World's Meat (Edge of Anarchy), we had grilled steaks (didn't think my players would forgive me if we had pork loins <eg>).

Now, in Seven Days to the Grave, we started off playing on Crab Day, so all the meal was crab, shrimp and such goodness. For the second play session, the apothecary wizard (played by my husband) whipped up a delicious crock pot of veggies and chicken soup for our health. And for the next session, I've informed folks we're having party food, hors'd'ouevres and such. And they are all overclocking the thinkers trying to guess why <weg>.

For Andorans, "manacle"-styled wedding cakes might be rather popular, with the cutting of the cake celebrating their shattering the shackles of their pre-married lives.

The cakes in Galt are even more fun. Gotte love the red food coloring.

Goblin Witchlord wrote:
For Andorans, "manacle"-styled wedding cakes might be rather popular, with the cutting of the cake celebrating their shattering the shackles of their pre-married lives.
The cakes in Galt are even more fun. Gotte love the red food coloring.

^_^ Who says that's food coloring? In Galt that is, not IRL.

Grand Lodge

Lilith wrote:
I will reiterate that I am interested. :)

Gods I LOVE it when a woman says that! >;)

Grand Lodge

Set wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Still working on Andoran and Osirion. :P

If Osirion is significantly like Egypt, perhaps they like mixing fermented products into their baked goods. Why have cookies and beer, when you can have beer-cookies? The higher classes could have variations that basically become like rum-spiced-brownies.


Grand Lodge

Hey Lilith,

I think this would be a great addition to the next issue of Wayfinder! Make it a regular article or something.

*hint hint*

Remember, my Snarklings, that should you need to spice up any of these fine meals, that you should only use the finest of cloves, and that the finest of cloves come from Geb!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

You know, I haven't read any Golarion source material (I'm one of those weirdos into PFRPG for the rules revisions), but something like this just might be the "Gateway Drug" as it were to get me into the setting. :)

And if there's any seriousness to this project, I love to cook (I doubt my cookies compare to Lilith's however), so I'd be happy to test and submit recipes. :)

Gaming AND food. My favorite things, together.

Looking over the recommendations for 18 person dinner parties in a 1888 Mrs. Beeton, I'm seeing (alongside vegetables) big haunches of meat, whole game-birds, large salmon, etc for main courses, and desserts including things such as ices, jellies and nesselrode which can be formed in elaborate moulds then turned out, and cheesecakes and tarts. (Also fruit from exotic locations such as pineapples, occasionally, or whatever may be currently in season in the UK/Europe.) Oh, and souffles. Nothing says 'I am rich, I am successful, I have the best kitchen staff and feed my guests well' like a souffle, arriving from the kitchens cooked to perfection and served at just that moment before it can start to collapse.
So some thoughts there, maybe, for something grand and showy representative of Taldor and/or Cheliax.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Nothing says 'I am rich, I am successful, I have the best kitchen staff and feed my guests well' like a souffle, arriving from the kitchens cooked to perfection and served at just that moment before it can start to collapse.

I don't know if a dish of egg whites, flour and cheese would be enough to impress me from a "Wow this cost a lot of money" standpoint. Skill required, sure. Cheliax and Taldor probably have a lot of farce food, turducken, or a whole roasted pig stuffed with veggies and whole chicken. Something really elaborate, complex and time-consuming. Can totally see the umpteen course dinner.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

So would there be interest in such a product, either as a pdf or a dead tree product?

What would people like to see in it?
Are there chefs or cooks out there with the time on their hands and inclination to write such a thing, as a patronage project perhaps?

Hey, i just happen to be a fairly good cook, so you know, i would be seriously eager to add material.

I have some ideas for dishes from Varisia.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Lilith wrote:

I don't know if a dish of egg whites, flour and cheese would be enough to impress me from a "Wow this cost a lot of money" standpoint. Skill required, sure.

Well that's why it costs a lot--not the ingredients, but hiring the chef talented enough to make it for you.

Plus rich people won't just have a souffle, they'll have something like a black truffle souffle.

Then you get the "hard to cook" AND the "damned expensive ingredients" in one.

Maybe add in a little saffron for color.

Cheliax and Taldor probably have a lot of farce food, turducken, or a whole roasted pig stuffed with veggies and whole chicken. Something really elaborate, complex and time-consuming. Can totally see the umpteen course dinner.

I've got a medieval cookbook (not that Golarion is medieval) that describes random things people used to do with food, like serve a pie with live birds inside ("Sing a song of sixpence" is totally true).

Clarification on the sugar situation (which I was slightly worried about):

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
So: Does refined sugar exist in Golarion, either made from beat or cane, and if so who trades in it/sources it?
James Jacobs wrote:

My take: If the Golarion Cookbook is intended to present recipes that people in the real world are expected to make and enjoy, then you should use refined sugar. And since that's a fair assumption to make, it's fair to assume that refined sugar exists in Golarion. It's certainly no more anachronistic a concept than printing presses, pianos, and firearms, all of which are in Golarion.

Put another way, the Inner Sea region's had a lot longer to figure out how to refine sugar than Earth did, so I'm sure that it exists.

Also, since it appears molasses is a by-product of sugar refining, and molasses is something that I'm pretty sure has been mentioned in a Pathfinder product somewhere (and if it hasn't it will be some day!), I'd say sugar refining is a part of Golarion.

Here is a recipe for Cockentrice (A marvelous beast)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Krome wrote:

I think this would be a great addition to the next issue of Wayfinder! Make it a regular article or something.

*hint hint*

The idea of submitting a Golarion recipe to Wayfinder is clearly the brainchild of a true genius.

Not that I have any reason to be biased in that opinion. *cough*page 18*cough* :P

Souls: they're what's for dinner.

Trelmarixian the Black wrote:
Souls: they're what's for dinner.

Ugh ... the idea of consuming something with the fru-fru texture of that poufy stuff on the cooking shows is quite unappetizing. Brains now ...

Lantern Lodge

I thought I posted here, but I don't see it now.

Anyhow, I'm mark me down as very interested.

Sovereign Court

I'm also quite interested in this concept.

I'll see if I can dig up the recipe I came up with for one of the "common dishes" from Legacy of Fire.

I have a recipe for a rather tasty gypsy stew that would work as a Varisian dish.


Would love to host an event for "playtesting" recipes. I would also happily contribute. (Plus I take pictures of, as my friends say, "pretty food", so I would be happy to do something along those lines too.)

Krome wrote:

Hey Lilith,

I think this would be a great addition to the next issue of Wayfinder! Make it a regular article or something.

*hint hint*

I agree and support 100%

Dark Archive

Oh hey, there's Hugo. Time to break out that recipe for buttered frog legs...

Liberty's Edge Contributor

As a foodie and RPG lover, I'm all in on this one...especially after the recipe for that Varisian dish. I love chickpeas! (Of course, I usually end up turning them into hummus...it's the magic of garlic and olive oil...I can't help myself.)

varianor wrote:


Would love to host an event for "playtesting" recipes. I would also happily contribute. (Plus I take pictures of, as my friends say, "pretty food", so I would be happy to do something along those lines too.)

Awesometastic my fellow gamer foodie! You too, Paris. Just don't believe that guy that said that searing seals in juices - it doesn't. ;)

Fingers and eyeballs on sticks á la the dark ice faeries is a must, of course. =)

There could be some food-related spell variants and some new ones:

create food & wine

wall of icing

cooking spray

animate knives

Dark Archive

Stop making me hungry!! j/k

Dark Archive

varianor wrote:
There could be some food-related spell variants and some new ones:

Along those lines;

Stone Soup

Stone Soup.
Turns a stone into a source of nourishment.

Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Touch
Target, Effect or Area: One fist-sized stone
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

In a city at war, the dwarves of Burok Torn don’t always have edible provisions at hand, and an unlikely collaboration between rune-wizards and geomantic sorcerers devised this enchantment to assist the clergy in keeping famine at bay.

Spell Effect
The caster incants over a fist-sized stone and draws runes of power on it, before tossing it into a pot of boiling water, whereupon it dissolves, transforming the water into a nourishing broth that serves as one meal / caster level. The broth only remains edible for 1 hour’s time, after which any broth that has not been consumed reverts into muddy water. Stone soup is only nourishing to omnivorous creatures, and it cannot be used as fodder for most steeds or pack animals.

Material Components: A fist-sized stone weighing at least 2 lbs and at least a gallon of boiling water / eight servings of soup to be created.

Chelaxian Devilborscht?

Set wrote:
varianor wrote:
There could be some food-related spell variants and some new ones:

Along those lines;

Stone Soup
** spoiler omitted **

Leave it to a spellslinger to take a parable of Erastil on the needs of a community to work together for the benefit of all and interpret it literally... *sigh*

Cure Serious Hangover.

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