Camris Findlespur |
Seeing the addition of the halfling paladin to the group containing the tengu cleric and the goblin ranger, I have a feeling this is going to be one of the most rag-tag groups of adventurers ever. Thankfully, that actually fits really well with the AP. So... awesome! :)
I'm glad I'm 2 APs behind and I haven't even cracked open this module. We've got quite the collection of characters. Even the "boring fighter" will be fun.
Zareth Edemont |
Nameless wrote:Seeing the addition of the halfling paladin to the group containing the tengu cleric and the goblin ranger, I have a feeling this is going to be one of the most rag-tag groups of adventurers ever. Thankfully, that actually fits really well with the AP. So... awesome! :)I'm glad I'm 2 APs behind and I haven't even cracked open this module. We've got quite the collection of characters. Even the "boring fighter" will be fun.
Hey, we've got a tengu cleric, a "gnome" who hates diabolists, a diabolist, a halfling paladin, a monk and a fighter. This'll be interesting to say the least.
Oh, and I took seeker's advice and just made up a name.
Nameless |
Hey Nameless... I'm almost completely finished... Just have one trait left and items...
Um, I had this idea for my character... ** spoiler omitted **
Hey thrikreed.
Dave Young 992 |
Nameless wrote:Seeing the addition of the halfling paladin to the group containing the tengu cleric and the goblin ranger, I have a feeling this is going to be one of the most rag-tag groups of adventurers ever. Thankfully, that actually fits really well with the AP. So... awesome! :)I'm glad I'm 2 APs behind and I haven't even cracked open this module. We've got quite the collection of characters. Even the "boring fighter" will be fun.
A motley crew, to be sure. Should be a good time! I'll try not to be too boring... :)
thrikreed |
Hey thrikreed.** spoiler omitted **
Okay... Done.
I will be playing Iolana Willis who is pretending to be Ionacu Telesz, who in turn is pretending to be Grachius Alazario. I've finished all three and even have different aliases setup for each. =)
By the way, can I take 20 or even take 10 on my disguise checks?
Should I start posting at Grachius Alazario now?
Camris Findlespur |
Almost ready. Cool! That was quick.
In honor of the occasion, I've hired 7 dwarven bards to whistle some cheery tunes to get us started...
As long as they're not worshipers of Droskar.
I don't like songs that start with "Make no sound while you toil".
thrikreed |
Hey, are we going to have an out of character thread and in an in character thread?
I'm so excited. I've been tweaking my character all day. I even created a rumor chart for him. You know... A diplomacy (gather information) check of this DC will tell people this and a note for the DM whether if it's True or False. Lols, it'll probably never be used... but it really helped understand who he is.
Um, so how do we meet? (My favorite part of the story is how the heroes, especially misfit rag tag heroes, meet.)
Nameless |
Hey, are we going to have an out of character thread and in an in character thread?
I'm so excited. I've been tweaking my character all day. I even created a rumor chart for him. You know... A diplomacy (gather information) check of this DC will tell people this and a note for the DM whether if it's True or False. Lols, it'll probably never be used... but it really helped understand who he is.
Um, so how do we meet? (My favorite part of the story is how the heroes, especially misfit rag tag heroes, meet.)
I was going to keep using this thread (and I have it bookmarked regardless), but I think keeping everything in one thread once the game gets started will be easiest. Going back and forth between threads can get frustrating, and if we don't use the OOC thread enough, for example, it'd eventually get moved into the archives. As such, I figure we'll just stick to using OOC text to identify OOC comments.
I'm willing to take a look at that rumour chart! Who knows, it may even come in handy! Feel free to post it here under a spoiler, I'll take a look at it!
As for how we meet, I'm thinking that I'm going to introduce you all separately. Of course, this means I'll need to write out about seven introduction posts, so I might only get to starting it this weekend.
I've been looking over characters and everything is looking good so far. What I'd like from you all now is to know which of the characters might currently know each other, or perhaps even have some sort of history together. At the same time, I'd like you guys to post a 'hangout' for your character. Somewhere that your character spends a lot of time. Since Westcrown is such a huge metropolis, feel free to invent pubs, inns, etc. as you need!
seekerofshadowlight |
well most folks keep 2, as OCC can ge long, it can bump your page count up hugely and folks can get lost from the story. I have seen this happen in games. It really is best to keep both threads, as occ tags are cool, but when ya need 15 lines of topic on how do we level? and the like it's best to have this thread for that. It also allows the GM to keep stuff in one spot and not hunt though 1000 blue lines to find it
Just my thoughts on that
Will get mossis a hang out listed. She is basically hiding from her folks, wanting to be on her own for once in her life, and well shes broke, and living with nothing but the things on her back, so I'll make an inn for her to crash in, a cheap one where the gold will go a bit farther
thrikreed |
I was going to keep using this thread (and I have it bookmarked regardless), but I think keeping everything in one thread once the game gets started will be easiest. Going back and forth between threads can get frustrating, and if we don't use the OOC thread enough, for example, it'd eventually get moved into the archives. As such, I figure we'll just stick to using OOC text to identify OOC comments.
Excellent. I will begin making use of it immediately. =)
I'm willing to take a look at that rumour chart! Who knows, it may even come in handy! Feel free to post it here under a spoiler, I'll take a look at it!
I've been looking over characters and everything is looking good so far. What I'd like from you all now is to know which of the characters might currently know each other, or perhaps even have some sort of history together. At the same time, I'd like you guys to post a 'hangout' for your character. Somewhere that your character spends a lot of time. Since Westcrown is such a huge metropolis, feel free to invent pubs, inns, etc. as you need!
thrikreed |
well most folks keep 2, as OCC can ge long, it can bump your page count up hugely and folks can get lost from the story. I have seen this happen in games. It really is best to keep both threads, as occ tags are cool, but when ya need 15 lines of topic on how do we level? and the like it's best to have this thread for that. It also allows the GM to keep stuff in one spot and not hunt though 1000 blue lines to find it
Just my thoughts on that
I sorta agree as we're already on page 3 with 116 posts and we haven't even started the game yet... But it'll work the other way too.
seekerofshadowlight |
Think I'll place an Inn called the Barbed devil near one of the waterfront If it's ok. A cheap, rough and tumble place that ask few questions, and gives cheap, meals and weak ale, just don't ask to many questions about the meals.
It is an old Inn of mostly wood, with a large hearth and main room, low ceiling and many mismatched tables. The staff is mostly just a one eyed dwarf named "Sangway", and who ever they can rope into the job. The wait stuff, what there is of one, also double as housekeepers {again what little there is } who often as not are more then willing to make a few coppers on their backsides in one of the empty rooms out back.
The back of the Inn has a stable and six "copper" rooms that are often rented more by whores, and shaddy folks then anyone wanting a room for the night, The upper floor of the Inn has 12 rooms of which 8 are small double room, 3 being single rooms and the last room is Sangway's with the staff often crashing about the stables or in one of the "copper" rooms
Prices at the Barbed devil are
*Ale[weak and watered down}
Gallon 2 sp
Mug 4 cp
*Meals 1 sp poor fair but filling
*Small 2 bed rooms 2sp(4sp) FOR THE WHOLE ROOM
*Single rooms 6 sp (door has a bar on the inside}
*"copper" rooms 3 cp per use
Sorry Gm hat much info?
Tenzekila Brushketel |
Tenze has been staying at The Sacred Goose, a goody two-shoes inn which has only avoided being closed down because the actual owner of the tavern is an extremely wealthy--and influential--diplomat who lives elsewhere. The Chelaxians can't risk having it closed down in case he takes offense. Fortunately, it is not very popular and were it not for the extreme persistence of the owner, it is certain that it would have had to close down by now.
It is a Good inn, so that's 1 gp. per day.
thrikreed |
As your walking down the street... You come across a freshly painted sign swinging gently in the wind. On the sign, in red common text it says 'Dead Bear Tavern'. Below the words is the picture of a bearskin rug with red Xs over it's eyes and a sign pointing to stairs leading to a basement.
Opening the outer door, you enter a small brick cloakroom. The pegs have all long since been broken or removed. On the wall underneith them in bright red paint is the following:
1. No fighting or my dawgs will ett yer face.
2. No drawing steel or my dawgs will ett yer face.
3. No spelz or my dawgs will ett yer face.
4. No touching, hurting, or feeding my dawgs or I will eat face. Treehuggers, this mean you!
5. If yer face get eet, I strip your remains and toss yer body of da docks.
6. Tip yer wench.
7. No refunds.'
Inside is an extremely well kept establishment.
Immediately of note are the dogs spread out around the room which number over half a dozen but not more than a score. Though many are mutts of various sizes, at least half of them look to be large feral wolves. The three largest wolves must easily outweigh full-grown elves.
Of next to note is the large heavily scarred half orc stands behind the bar glaring at you. As he catches your eyes, he growls 'Don't just stand there! Sit down somewhere and take a load off.'
On the far side of the room is a roaring fire inside an even larger brick fireplace complete with the largest bearskin rug you've ever seen.
And then the rest of the establishment comes into focus. Several very attractive women, all human with the exception of the one or two half-elves, dance among the twelve tables which oddly have exactly four chairs at each.
An attractive half-orc woman is at a wait station at one end of the bar, collecting drinks for a table. Twelve barstools, at least half of which are full, and another wait station (on the opposite end as the first) take up the rest of the bar.
One of the waitresses, stops in front of you and whispers, 'Don't let him intimidate you for a second, he's an ol' softie as long as you keep the peace.' With a smile, a flirtatious wink, and a wave to an empty table she dances back into action.
GM notes:
1. The dogs have all been trained to react to the smell of oils commonly used with whetstones or to prevent rusting of weapons.
2. The half-orc keeps a quarterstaff and several saps behind the bar.
3. Rumor has it that this place is one of the safest taverns around.
4. Rumor also has it that the kitchen has one of the best cooks around.
Rakless |
Tenze has been staying at The Sacred Goose, a goody two-shoes inn which has only avoided being closed down because the actual owner of the tavern is an extremely wealthy--and influential--diplomat who lives elsewhere. The Chelaxians can't risk having it closed down in case he takes offense. Fortunately, it is not very popular and were it not for the extreme persistence of the owner, it is certain that it would have had to close down by now.
It is a Good inn, so that's 1 gp. per day.
If they're willing to cut that down to 5sp for Rakless to roost in a pile of hay on the roof, that sounds like his kind of place.
Kobold Catgirl |
Tenzekila Brushketel wrote:If they're willing to cut that down to 5sp for Rakless to roost in a pile of hay on the roof, that sounds like his kind of place.Tenze has been staying at The Sacred Goose, a goody two-shoes inn which has only avoided being closed down because the actual owner of the tavern is an extremely wealthy--and influential--diplomat who lives elsewhere. The Chelaxians can't risk having it closed down in case he takes offense. Fortunately, it is not very popular and were it not for the extreme persistence of the owner, it is certain that it would have had to close down by now.
It is a Good inn, so that's 1 gp. per day.
Well, they're kind of starved for business, they need all the customers they can get. A pile of hay instead of a bed and the attic instead of a room would probably cut down the price.
Camris Findlespur |
Tenze has been staying at The Sacred Goose, a goody two-shoes inn which has only avoided being closed down because the actual owner of the tavern is an extremely wealthy--and influential--diplomat who lives elsewhere. The Chelaxians can't risk having it closed down in case he takes offense. Fortunately, it is not very popular and were it not for the extreme persistence of the owner, it is certain that it would have had to close down by now.
It is a Good inn, so that's 1 gp. per day.
After "the incident", Camris was taken in by the tavern's owner, and he now lives there, doing odd jobs around the tavern and sleeping in the nearby stables. Camris can usually be seen talking to the horses and feeding them apples. His attempts at conversing with the odd gnome have met with some frustration.
Tenzekila Brushketel |
Tenzekila Brushketel wrote:Tenze has been staying at The Sacred Goose, a goody two-shoes inn which has only avoided being closed down because the actual owner of the tavern is an extremely wealthy--and influential--diplomat who lives elsewhere. The Chelaxians can't risk having it closed down in case he takes offense. Fortunately, it is not very popular and were it not for the extreme persistence of the owner, it is certain that it would have had to close down by now.
It is a Good inn, so that's 1 gp. per day.After "the incident", Camris was taken in by the tavern's owner, and he now lives there, doing odd jobs around the tavern and sleeping in the nearby stables. Camris can usually be seen talking to the horses and feeding them apples. His attempts at conversing with the odd gnome have met with some frustration.
Actually, Tenze is very friendly, though a bit shy.
Camris Findlespur |
Camris Findlespur wrote:Actually, Tenze is very friendly, though a bit shy.Tenzekila Brushketel wrote:Tenze has been staying at The Sacred Goose, a goody two-shoes inn which has only avoided being closed down because the actual owner of the tavern is an extremely wealthy--and influential--diplomat who lives elsewhere. The Chelaxians can't risk having it closed down in case he takes offense. Fortunately, it is not very popular and were it not for the extreme persistence of the owner, it is certain that it would have had to close down by now.
It is a Good inn, so that's 1 gp. per day.After "the incident", Camris was taken in by the tavern's owner, and he now lives there, doing odd jobs around the tavern and sleeping in the nearby stables. Camris can usually be seen talking to the horses and feeding them apples. His attempts at conversing with the odd gnome have met with some frustration.
Oops. How about, "His conversations with the odd, but friendly, gnome have provided a welcome distraction from his woes."
Tenzekila Brushketel |
Tenzekila Brushketel wrote:Camris Findlespur wrote:Actually, Tenze is very friendly, though a bit shy.Tenzekila Brushketel wrote:Tenze has been staying at The Sacred Goose, a goody two-shoes inn which has only avoided being closed down because the actual owner of the tavern is an extremely wealthy--and influential--diplomat who lives elsewhere. The Chelaxians can't risk having it closed down in case he takes offense. Fortunately, it is not very popular and were it not for the extreme persistence of the owner, it is certain that it would have had to close down by now.
It is a Good inn, so that's 1 gp. per day.After "the incident", Camris was taken in by the tavern's owner, and he now lives there, doing odd jobs around the tavern and sleeping in the nearby stables. Camris can usually be seen talking to the horses and feeding them apples. His attempts at conversing with the odd gnome have met with some frustration.
Oops. How about, "His conversations with the odd, but friendly, gnome have provided a welcome distraction from his woes."
Sure, that sounds about right. By the way, she says that she wears her hood low because she had 'an accident' at a young age.
Camris Findlespur |
By the way, she says that she wears her hood low because she had 'an accident' at a young age.
OK. I read the personality spoiler, but I got stuck on the hood as meaning something else. Naturally, Camris will be curious about the "accident" but will try to gently coax the details out of Tenze. He'll also "practice" his Gnomish with her.
thrikreed |
Is there a particular time that's good for everyone to get started? I'm in California, so late for you might be early for me. I'm still recovering from a broken leg, so I can play just about any time for the next month or 2.
I try to check the thread and hang out on the boards for an hour or so a night. I randomly check the thread 1-3 times daily too.
Mike Welham Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012 |
Kobold Catgirl |
Warforged Gardener wrote:As am I. Just waiting for the actual thread to start.Kobold Cleaver wrote:Looking forward to starting.Definitely.
This is both the OOC and IC thread, remember? We gotta talk like this, but I'm not going to until the game starts for purposes of practicalness.
Nameless |
seekerofshadowlight wrote:I thought he was gonna start a new thread? If I recall he seemed like he was just gonna do most ooc stuff in the new thread?Hmmm... Looking back over the posts... His last post was Thursday at 11:46 PM. I'm starting to become concerned. I do hope he's all right.
Yes! Sorry for the lateness of my reply! I just had a weekend filled with Beatles: Rock Band as well as friends and family! I've been working on the PbP for the past hour or so though, and I should be posting the starting thread by the end of the night!
Dave Young 992 |
Yes! Sorry for the lateness of my reply! I just had a weekend filled with Beatles: Rock Band as well as friends and family! I've been working on the PbP for the past hour or so though, and I should be posting the starting thread by the end of the night!
*giggles with glee*
Wait, is a fighter supposed to do that?
Rakless |
Nameless wrote:
Yes! Sorry for the lateness of my reply! I just had a weekend filled with Beatles: Rock Band as well as friends and family! I've been working on the PbP for the past hour or so though, and I should be posting the starting thread by the end of the night!*giggles with glee*
Wait, is a fighter supposed to do that?
"I use my holy symbol to fluff my feathers," Rakless says, shrugging.
thrikreed |
thrikreed wrote:Yes! Sorry for the lateness of my reply! I just had a weekend filled with Beatles: Rock Band as well as friends and family! I've been working on the PbP for the past hour or so though, and I should be posting the starting thread by the end of the night!seekerofshadowlight wrote:I thought he was gonna start a new thread? If I recall he seemed like he was just gonna do most ooc stuff in the new thread?Hmmm... Looking back over the posts... His last post was Thursday at 11:46 PM. I'm starting to become concerned. I do hope he's all right.
Nameless |
Alright everyone, it's time! The Play-by-Post thread has been officially opened!
I ask that you all wait for your individual posts before you post any in-character replies. You'll all be starting off individually until the group convenes.
From now on, this thread will be the Out of Character Thread, meaning if there's ever anything long you'd like to say OoC, post it here. If it's just a simple thing such as 'Do I get an AoO?', it's probably best to post it in the game thread with OoC coloured tags.
I will post everyone's first post tonight, but I'll be going in alphabetical order to start.
Good gaming!
And are there any questions before we begin in earnest?
Nameless |
Nameless wrote:I will post everyone's first post tonight, but I'll be going in alphabetical order to start.Oh. I assume you're not using the "Last Name, First Name" method of name alphabetization?
I'm going by username you signed up with in the original thread. The same as the Dramatis Personae in the game thread. :)
Kobold Catgirl |
Davi The Eccentric wrote:I'm going by username you signed up with in the original thread. The same as the Dramatis Personae in the game thread. :)Woohoo!
Nameless wrote:I will post everyone's first post tonight, but I'll be going in alphabetical order to start.Oh. I assume you're not using the "Last Name, First Name" method of name alphabetization?
...did I mention I'm changing my name to 'aaaaaaaaaa'?