One more SERIOUS concern about Pathfinder...

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Beckett wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:
Beckett wrote:

Burn Walmart, burn. . . j/k
You may be kidding, but I'm not.
I've got troubles with walmart too, but it has it's uses. But I'm all for buying at local gaming stores.

I really wanna slap you with some social/economic theory right now, explaining how Wal-Mart has no use other then to worsen the lives of anyone it touches that isn't one of the higher ups of the company.....

but I'm not gonna derail the thread like that.

Beckett wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:
Beckett wrote:

Burn Walmart, burn. . . j/k
You may be kidding, but I'm not.
I've got troubles with walmart too, but it has it's uses. But I'm all for buying at local gaming stores.

Totally responded to this, and it ate my post, though it says that it's there, I see nothing!

What I said: I could totally slap you with some social/economic theory explaining why Wal-Mart has no use other then to worsen the lives of everyone it touches that isn't a higher up in the company......

But I'm not gonna rerail the thread like that.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ChrisRevocateur wrote:

Well, I have time, now I just need a date! I mean, I know you said "coincides with Christmas", does that mean you'd be coming through at 7 pm on the 25th, or at Noon on the 26th?

(okay, this is getting to be a bit stalker-y)

Stalker! HA!

So, consulting the days Paizo gets off from work and when I'd maximize my vacation days...

My best guess would be that I'd be leaving after work on the 22nd, which would put me in Eureka on the 23rd at about noon on the drive down, and then again probably in the area on my way back north on Sunday at about 1:00 in the afternoon.

Assuming I don't splurge and take more days off.

And assuming that Ithaqua lets me leave the state. Last year some ill-timed snow more or less made me cancel my trip south altogether, which sucked...

James Jacobs wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:

Well, I have time, now I just need a date! I mean, I know you said "coincides with Christmas", does that mean you'd be coming through at 7 pm on the 25th, or at Noon on the 26th?

(okay, this is getting to be a bit stalker-y)

Stalker! HA!

So, consulting the days Paizo gets off from work and when I'd maximize my vacation days...

My best guess would be that I'd be leaving after work on the 22nd, which would put me in Eureka on the 23rd at about noon on the drive down, and then again probably in the area on my way back north on Sunday at about 1:00 in the afternoon.

Assuming I don't splurge and take more days off.

And assuming that Ithaqua lets me leave the state. Last year some ill-timed snow more or less made me cancel my trip south altogether, which sucked...

It's on my calender!

If you feel so inclined and do stop by that day, I'll be the punk rock kid with the mohawk and the Pathfinder Core Book (probably a few others too, since the Bestiary and stuff will be out by then).

toyrobots wrote:
It's not happening to the game industry, it's happening to the printed word. Been inside a Borders lately? The one near my house has quite a few empty shelves gathering dust.

Everyone on these forums, indeed MOST people who are internet-savvy know that prices are cheapest online for MOST things (including cars -- e.g. eBay auto channel). However, price should rarely be the gating factor in providing patronage to a brick&mortar store. I think most people will pay a premium for honest, knowledgeable service.

I couldn't be happier that Paizo has both hardbound & pdf products. As someone who owns a copy of both for more and more of their products... I feel they both have relevance. It's hard to take my hardbound core rulebook on business trips... but I can cuddle up to my pdf anytime!

Shadow Lodge

ChrisRevocateur wrote:
I could totally slap you with some social/economic theory explaining why Wal-Mart has no use other then to worsen the lives of everyone it touches that isn't a higher up in the company......

While I don't disagree, I moved to Missouri a few years ago, and even the bigger cities like Lee's Summit, Independence, and partally KC really don't have a lot going on at the late hours. And that's when I was usually up and about.

Now that I have a baby, and need something at 2AM for her, the mom and pop shops would not have been open anyway, but at least (and I live in the country) I can go somewhere. So Walmart does serve a purpose, was all I meant.

Even the higher ups in the company are still getting the shaft at times. Have some experience with that.

Beckett wrote:

Even the higher ups in the company are still getting the shaft at times. Have some experience with that.

Yeah. That's the way it goes in a competition based economic system. NO ONE actually ever does get "on top."


My local store was bought out about a year and a half ago by an 'indie toy retailer'

If you want Yu-Gi-Oh, betty boop figurines with goth makeup or T-shirts proclaiming teh awesomeness of Twilight then you can guarentee it's in stock.

If you want an RPG book....They order it from a catalogue.

I've switched to Online ordering exlusively now. The local business can go bankrupt for all I care


Iczer wrote:


My local store was bought out about a year and a half ago by an 'indie toy retailer'

If you want Yu-Gi-Oh, betty boop figurines with goth makeup or T-shirts proclaiming teh awesomeness of Twilight then you can guarentee it's in stock.

If you want an RPG book....They order it from a catalogue.

I've switched to Online ordering exlusively now. The local business can go bankrupt for all I care


Are you sure it wasn't Hot Topic and not an "indie toy retailer?"

I would buy more at my local FLGS, but it's just not the same since Angel Leigh McCoy stopped running the good FLGS. Now, we have a LGS (the F comes and goes) that is less fun when political season rolls around ... and I already own most of the stuff he carries.

I bought my copy at my local store. Sure, I could have gotten it with the PDF, but if we don't patronize local stores, they'll disappear.

For some of us, it's not convenient or cheap. I feel the same way about going to the mom-n-pop stores for beer, etc. It isn't cheaper than the big chain stores, but they know you, and it keeps the lights on. They'll be there next time, and you have the convenience of checking out all kinds of stuff without buying it sight-unseen.

I've also found a great game or two, and made friends with people who were looking to play, just with the bulletin board.

I don't know how much of the price was profit, but I hope it paid someone's wage for an hour, or kept them in the black for another month. Small businesses die quickly these days. It doesn't take much to shut them down.

The book is beautiful, BTW. Money well spent! ;-)

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
Beckett wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:
I could totally slap you with some social/economic theory explaining why Wal-Mart has no use other then to worsen the lives of everyone it touches that isn't a higher up in the company......

While I don't disagree, I moved to Missouri a few years ago, and even the bigger cities like Lee's Summit, Independence, and partally KC really don't have a lot going on at the late hours. And that's when I was usually up and about.

Now that I have a baby, and need something at 2AM for her, the mom and pop shops would not have been open anyway, but at least (and I live in the country) I can go somewhere. So Walmart does serve a purpose, was all I meant.

Even the higher ups in the company are still getting the shaft at times. Have some experience with that.

I work at Publix Supermarkets and do the majority of my shopping there after I get off of work. I also work the midnight shift. On my days off... I still get up around midnight and the Walmart that is withing easy easy walking distance from my appartment is one of the only things open in my area at that time. I find myself picking up stuff at Walmart because of that convenience. (I do try and purchase most of my food and sundries by shopping the sales at Publix and then pick anything I could not normally get at Walmart.)

Because of the hours I keep this is just the way of things.

My FLGS stopped being "Friendly" and soon after that moved to the other side of town. I've had very little reason to support them. The "Friendly" part may have changed as several of my players live near that side of town and shop there. However, because of the driving distance, it would cost me too much to frequent the shop in just gas alone.

Buying the book at my local game store, I got a better price than I would have had online - probably because they can distribute the shipping price on many books.

That being said, I live in Canada, and I guess the customs taxes are cheaper when you buy a box instead of only one book...

I wouldn't be doing any of this were it not for my local gaming store guy and his wife. Now, if they have it on the shelf I'll buy it there, and if it isn't out yet they'll hold it when it gets there. If it's out and they don't have it I'll order it online or get the pdf. Just got the subscription to the APs recently, because it was hit or miss how long it might be on the shelves there. They'd order it, but sometimes I just want it ASAP. Going to keep buying books and companions there, as well as all the other paraphernalia of gaming.

Anyway I picked up the first of the RotRL series there and asked him what it was and the guy gave me a complete rundown on the whole process of how it came into being, who was working on it, etc. I hadn't played since early 2nd edition, though I'd read plenty of gaming material online for years. Anyway, I bought all the 3.5 books I thought I'd need and the issues of the AP that were out at that time.

Took me awhile to scrape up a group I could deal with due to not knowing any gamers where I live now, but I converted my girlfriend, and recruited a couple of friends who gamed, but mostly played Star Wars.

Point being, that guy sells at least one of everything to me, as well as several other things to the rest of my group. He just has a hard time keeping new APs on the shelf.

I've met plenty of the jackass-variety game store owners (same breed as the jackass comic shop owner or music store owner) and I never go back if I can avoid it, as they seem to own a business for the sole purpose of looking like the Book of Knowledge on all things game-related. Then there are actual gamers who love gaming enough to make a business out of it,and are enthusiastic about spreading it around. They'll get as much of my money as I can throw at them.

Liberty's Edge

Lokie wrote:
Beckett wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:
I could totally slap you with some social/economic theory explaining why Wal-Mart has no use other then to worsen the lives of everyone it touches that isn't a higher up in the company......

While I don't disagree, I moved to Missouri a few years ago, and even the bigger cities like Lee's Summit, Independence, and partally KC really don't have a lot going on at the late hours. And that's when I was usually up and about.

Now that I have a baby, and need something at 2AM for her, the mom and pop shops would not have been open anyway, but at least (and I live in the country) I can go somewhere. So Walmart does serve a purpose, was all I meant.

Even the higher ups in the company are still getting the shaft at times. Have some experience with that.

I work at Publix Supermarkets and do the majority of my shopping there after I get off of work. I also work the midnight shift. On my days off... I still get up around midnight and the Walmart that is withing easy easy walking distance from my appartment is one of the only things open in my area at that time. I find myself picking up stuff at Walmart because of that convenience. (I do try and purchase most of my food and sundries by shopping the sales at Publix and then pick anything I could not normally get at Walmart.)

Because of the hours I keep this is just the way of things.

My FLGS stopped being "Friendly" and soon after that moved to the other side of town. I've had very little reason to support them. The "Friendly" part may have changed as several of my players live near that side of town and shop there. However, because of the driving distance, it would cost me too much to frequent the shop in just gas alone.

You live in or around Orlando by any chance? Was the store that used to be friendly named after a certain star ship once? Were Opus stuffies prominent?

Just curious...


Sovereign Court

I haven't done any serious shopping (aside from dice) from either of my options for LGS. One is a self described comic shop that carries some game stuff (not a great selection, but they do have dice) and the other has a sketchy history (the owner apparently pulled a gun on someone in their store ... not in response to a robbery attempt) and was always more in line with a card game shop than RPGs (though this ma have changed).

We did have a great FLGS here until almost 2 years ago. They carried a bunch of gaming systems, comics, minis and various accessories and oddities. But the owner got tired of the retail business after 10 years or so and closed up. It was a sad, sad day.

Now if I could get the cash together to open up an honest to god FLGS in my area I would be all over it. Ah to dream, to dream.

ChrisRevocateur wrote:
Iczer wrote:


My local store was bought out about a year and a half ago by an 'indie toy retailer'

If you want Yu-Gi-Oh, betty boop figurines with goth makeup or T-shirts proclaiming teh awesomeness of Twilight then you can guarentee it's in stock.

If you want an RPG book....They order it from a catalogue.

I've switched to Online ordering exlusively now. The local business can go bankrupt for all I care


Are you sure it wasn't Hot Topic and not an "indie toy retailer?"

Very sure. The woman is an independant retailer who has run a few other stores into the ground, and has butchered the only game store in the area. The store is clutterd with old merchandise from her previous store(s), and the RPG shelf become a little stack of old books in the corner.

We here mourn the loss of a good place to buy games. Now it's a glorified toy shop.


Dark Archive

Damn, that post has been eaten by the Troll twice now....

Dark Archive

Dazmiuth wrote:

If the gaming stores don't have any incentive to carry the books, a lot of people will NEVER hear about Pathfinder. Pathfinder is a great system that many people will never come to know if it is not readily available in hobby/gaming stores.

I concede that my above conclusion is the result of one anecdotal interaction with a clerk at my local gaming store, but it does make me wonder if availability in gaming stores is an issue and if Pathfinder is missing some customers by not being on the shelves.

This is not quite true. As an 30 year gamer, who had to run from store to store to store (if there have been that many in my vicinity), as well as a person who worked in a Hobby Store ( an finally owning my own)here is my two cents worth:

1: Most games (and that is true especially for new games that are published by a non-major company), are seldomly stocked in Gaming Stores except by constant demand of a few enthusiasts (and then only if they explicitly order or subscribe to that new Game). If one gets lucky there might be one or two copies on stock (for trial), and then there are usually no supporting products except if (again) explicitly demanded. Usually Hobby Stores only order a Game Line if they can be sure that it will sell at least on a mediocre level. (Vampire, and the other White Wolf Products being an exception, but only due to the reason that there was an almost instant demand due to the Ann Rice Novels). Stores tend to be wary of new products, for there is no knowing on how many Customers might be interested in them or are willing to actually buy them. Also, the staff usually does not promote them unless the game or the company is well known (meaning: The Company has been present during Conventions or exhibitions, and then with a big, glorious stand, or is well known and in business for at least 10 years and has published at least mediocre selling products before).

I myself have collected over 260 RPG Core Rules over the last 20 years (last official count has been 10 years ago) and while there are a lot more than that on the market now (or have been), only about 10 can be named "sellers", including (A)D&D, Vampire (including off-spins like Werewolf and co), Shadowrun, Battletech (the Table Top, not the RPG), Gurps, Warhammer FRP, Rolemaster, Merp, (and in Germany DSA (Das schwarze Auge = "The black Eye) and Midgard) (Not in that sequence). Other good Games, who did not have a chance to attract much attention, if only for the reason that they have been published by smaller, less known companies, or for the reason that most stores did not stock, or promote them, (stores seldomly promote games of smaller companies due to the time and work (as well as risk) involved. Keep in mind that promoting an RPG by hosting Gaming Nights is not as rewarding as promoting TableTop Games such as Warhammer Fantasy Battle (or 40K) as well as Battletech, due to the reason that a Group of Gamers who play an RPG do not attrack as much attention as any Table Top Wargame (as, for example, Warhammer Battle) does. Observers will have a hard time to judge a RPG by "listening" to others play, whereas TableTop Games offer a visual input by way of painted miniatures, especially if there are lots of them).

Anyway, anyone who is not a subscriber will pay more than the price one might pay in a Hobby Store due to shipping cost. So he could buy his books with a local Hobby Store if the product is in stock. Why dont they? `cause they are not willing to wait weeks untill the Hobby Store places its next order with their supplier, and then having to hope that this supplier has that specific game in stock. Any (Direct) Subscriber does get a discount (in this case from PAIZO; I dont know if others offer similar conditions), but this should be seen as a reward for being a loyal customer who in addition helps figuring on how many books might be an good idea to print or not to print. What keeps those Hobby Stores to offer a similar discount to their loyal customers who subscribe to a product or product line? And here again, How long do I have to wait, because that store again will add my subscription to his order when he is going to do his main order himself.

And then there are those "FLGS" who are not contend with the regular cover price, who find or invent means or reasons to add a little bit more to the final price (shipping as example). If asked why, the explain that their ordering of your specifically wished for product involved additional shipping costs due to the reason that their regular Retailer does not stock your product. Thus he had to order it separately with someone else.......

Keep one more thing in mind, as pro-argument for Paizo's Online Store:

Without that option and the fans and the data that Paizo coul collect from their site, the print run of the PFRPG would probably be much smaller than it was. Also, I doubt any subscribing customer of Paizo would welcome any reduction of the rebate offered only to accommodate Hobby Stores which are not in their vicinity anyway. Also keep in mind that Amazon is selling PAIZO Products at a price that is incredibly low. (The PFRPG costs way less with Amazon Germany/UK than any Hobby Shop located in Germany would be able or willing to offer (difference of 5 - 15 Euro, depnding on local price ranges). If Paizo is no more willing to sell to them (due to their prices in comparison to the prices regular stores (have) to offer), then they would loose a big customer. If they cut the discount that they offer to their subscribers (who probably would not subscribe if a LFGS was in their vicinity who stock their Game (enough to meet most demands), than they might be hard pressed to explain why, with the result that these people most likely turn to amazon. So no matter how you put it, your FLGS will loose that bidding game. Only way arround, they have to offer perfect service by explaining the specialties of any game that they sell, and offer a faster and better ordering service than most do. After all, there is always a reason why customers turn away from them and toward online shops.

Any one of you people who have read this post till here, thanks for bearing with me and my rumbling thoughts.


Devlin 'Dusk' Valerian wrote:

And then there are those "FLGS" who are not contend with the regular cover price, who find or invent means or reasons to add a little bit more to the final price (shipping as example). If asked why, the explain that their ordering of your specifically wished for product involved additional shipping costs due to the reason that their regular Retailer does not stock your product. Thus he had to order it separately with someone else.......

Funny. My FLGS gives a discount if he has to order it for you and you pay up front. If you order it then pay once it gets there, it's still normal price though.

Dark Archive

ChrisRevocateur wrote:
Devlin 'Dusk' Valerian wrote:

And then there are those "FLGS" who are not contend with the regular cover price, who find or invent means or reasons to add a little bit more to the final price (shipping as example). If asked why, the explain that their ordering of your specifically wished for product involved additional shipping costs due to the reason that their regular Retailer does not stock your product. Thus he had to order it separately with someone else.......

Funny. My FLGS gives a discount if he has to order it for you and you pay up front. If you order it then pay once it gets there, it's still normal price though.

Sorry if there is a misunderstanding. I ain't saying that all FLGS (or a majority) that charge more than the cover price. I am saying though that out of my personal experience, there are a few who do. (Especially Stores outside of the USA (in my case Germany), I have stumbled across 3 Stores who charge between 3.5 $ up to 50 $ above the over price. YES, there is one store that really is charging 112 US $ (one hundred and twelve )for the PFRPG. (I assume they held their copies back, ever since it was known that the first print run has been sold out way before the official release date).

Dark Archive

Devlin 'Dusk' Valerian wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:
Devlin 'Dusk' Valerian wrote:

And then there are those "FLGS" who are not contend with the regular cover price, who find or invent means or reasons to add a little bit more to the final price (shipping as example). If asked why, the explain that their ordering of your specifically wished for product involved additional shipping costs due to the reason that their regular Retailer does not stock your product. Thus he had to order it separately with someone else.......

Funny. My FLGS gives a discount if he has to order it for you and you pay up front. If you order it then pay once it gets there, it's still normal price though.
Sorry if there is a misunderstanding. I ain't saying that all FLGS (or a majority) that charge more than the cover price. I am saying though that out of my personal experience, there are a few who do. (Especially Stores outside of the USA (in my case Germany), I have stumbled across 3 Stores who charge between 3.5 $ up to 50 $ above the over price. YES, there is one store that really is charging 112 US $ (one hundred and twelve )for the PFRPG. (I assume they held their copies back, ever since it was known that the first print run has been sold out way before the official release date).

See here: nder-rpg.html

(OK, seems like that 112 US dollar (or 80 Euro) is not their regular price. In the Text they inform us that the November print run will "only cost 50 Euro (or 70 US Dollar). THAT is still 20 US Dollar above the regular price. Most stores offer the book at the regular price of 40 Euro (or 56 US Dollar).

CunningMongoose wrote:
Buying the book at my local game store, I got a better price than I would have had online - probably because they can distribute the shipping price on many books.

Wow...the price from was less than $35 CDN. That`s a cheap local game store you go to!

Scarab Sages

Devlin 'Dusk' Valerian wrote:
Devlin 'Dusk' Valerian wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:
Devlin 'Dusk' Valerian wrote:

And then there are those "FLGS" who are not contend with the regular cover price, who find or invent means or reasons to add a little bit more to the final price (shipping as example). If asked why, the explain that their ordering of your specifically wished for product involved additional shipping costs due to the reason that their regular Retailer does not stock your product. Thus he had to order it separately with someone else.......

Funny. My FLGS gives a discount if he has to order it for you and you pay up front. If you order it then pay once it gets there, it's still normal price though.
Sorry if there is a misunderstanding. I ain't saying that all FLGS (or a majority) that charge more than the cover price. I am saying though that out of my personal experience, there are a few who do. (Especially Stores outside of the USA (in my case Germany), I have stumbled across 3 Stores who charge between 3.5 $ up to 50 $ above the over price. YES, there is one store that really is charging 112 US $ (one hundred and twelve )for the PFRPG. (I assume they held their copies back, ever since it was known that the first print run has been sold out way before the official release date).

See here: nder-rpg.html

(OK, seems like that 112 US dollar (or 80 Euro) is not their regular price. In the Text they inform us that the November print run will "only cost 50 Euro (or 70 US Dollar). THAT is still 20 US Dollar above the regular price. Most stores offer the book at the regular price of 40 Euro (or 56 US Dollar).

And, as I was the one who bought that book, the owner eplained to me that he bought the copy at cover price on GenCon and brought it back to germany in his han luggage - and since I'm a regular custome he will refund me once the second print is available - he is sometimes a bit strange but generally friendly ;)

Here's an idea...

What about a shift of terminology from Game Store to Game Club? Or some similar rebranding. Lodge?

If the value they offer is primarily social, why not make it evident in the title?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well for me I am a bit lucky in this regard. The local stores are all a chain run by a guy that understands the business. The shop closest to me has a bit of everything. Card games, rpg's. board games, a few anime videos, comics, some war gaming stuff etc.

Other than Paizo stuff I typically buy my game stuff there. In the RPG section they have one self of new stuff, one of other games and then most of one shelf for World of Darkness, most of another shelf for 4e and most of another shelf for Pathfinder. The rest of each self has other gaming books. Those for them are their big three sellers locally. They even have a couple of the RotRL left in the store, number 2, 5 and 6.

TR, you're parents must have been like, part computer or something...

Lodge! That's a piece of classic Americana that would fit perfectly with a revamped model. We could have fezzes and everything!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

TR, you're parents must have been like, part computer or something...

Lodge! That's a piece of classic Americana that would fit perfectly with a revamped model. We could have fezzes and everything!

A lodge!!! With fezzes, and pinky rings, and secret handshakes, and go-carts!! YES!!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

TR, you're parents must have been like, part computer or something...


Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Lodge! That's a piece of classic Americana that would fit perfectly with a revamped model. We could have fezzes and everything!

Alright, I'm down with it.

Time for a grassroots movement people. It's no longer the FLGS, it's the FLGL. (which is a little close to FLCL, which could be an additional selling point.)

Expect an official Pathfinder Fez in the paizo store shortly.

Made by these guys!

toyrobots wrote:

Here's an idea...

What about a shift of terminology from Game Store to Game Club? Or some similar rebranding. Lodge?

If the value they offer is primarily social, why not make it evident in the title?

This is one of the greatest ideas to come from this forum that I've seen so far.

I'm down for Game Club. Lodge doesn't sound right to me personally, probably cause my step-dad is a Mason......

League could work as well, with it's sportsmanlike connotation. Or guild. That's just classic.

But I'm going right back to Lodge as soon as the Paizo Fez comes out.

ChrisRevocateur wrote:

I'm down for Game Club. Lodge doesn't sound right to me personally, probably cause my step-dad is a Mason......

I have a family full of Masons on one side. This is what's great about it. Our lodge will be more fun, and we'll have fezzes. 'I'm going to the lodge, too'. Never tell them what you do there.

Besides, have you ever read thru their core rulebook? Ours is better.

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Then he should just close his store, because EVERYTHING he sells can be found cheaper online. The trick is to add value that you can only get in a LGS. People to demonstrate the game. Networking with other gamers. Browsing the book. If you see your store JUST as a venue to move physical product, you're already losing.
Word! The game stores here all seem very anxious to host weekend games, so they can demonstrate products, provide recommendations, satisfy the customers' "I need that NOW!" urge for something cool they've just been shown, that they don't want to wait to ship. It's as much a service industry as it is a mercantile one, if not more so.

Yep. The owner of Midnight Comics is completely awesome, and carries a nice collection of out of print old school stuff cheap that goes for megabucks on Noble Knight or the Hit Pointe. I bought a bunch of 1e hardbacks from him at less than cover price (four books for $25), all from good to excellent condition.

Asgard Games doesn't even sell RPG products (just board games and wargaming stuff) and they bend over backwards to accommodate our PFS group.

Nan's and Third Planet don't have gaming space, but they carry a ton of stuff (Third Planet has some awesome old school stuff as well, still cheaper than on line sources).

There are other stores here I'm not personally familiar with but that have excellent reputations with gamers. I guess we're just blessed in our corner of the Gulf Coast...

Sothmektri wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:

I'm down for Game Club. Lodge doesn't sound right to me personally, probably cause my step-dad is a Mason......

I have a family full of Masons on one side. This is what's great about it. Our lodge will be more fun, and we'll have fezzes. 'I'm going to the lodge, too'. Never tell them what you do there.

Besides, have you ever read thru their core rulebook? Ours is better.

Actually, I like toyrobots idea of guild. Gamer's Guilds. I mean, it'd be perfect, D&D is the flagship RPG, whether individual gamers like D&D or not, so I like the idea of going with a D&D flavored naming convention.

Besides, that's what it would turn into anyway, a guild, a place where gamers go to ply their "trade" and get the tools and materials for such.

Lodges just meet and do weird ceremonies. (At least, in my direct experience. I know they do more, but I haven't cared enough to pay attention really).

ChrisRevocateur wrote:

Lodges just meet and do weird ceremonies.

Yes... how very unlike gamers.

Where's my fez, Paizo? It's been hours.


When I talked to my local game store about stocking Pathfinder, they expressed concern over the fact that customers can get it online at a discount, but they also stocked what they thought would be enough to last until the end of the year. A week later, they were sold out and have a bunch more on order.

I guess the trick for the retailer is to make intelligent decisions about which products are worth carrying and which ones do better as direct-sells. This same retailer tried doing the APs early on, but found that they too slowly, so they no longer stock them. I suspect that the majority of the people who buy the APs are set up with the monthly subscription.

toyrobots wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:

Lodges just meet and do weird ceremonies.

Yes... how very unlike gamers.

Where's my fez, Paizo? It's been hours.


If Paizo got Fezzorama to make Pathfinder fezzes (Pf Soc symbol, faction symbols) I would be in so much trouble with my wife. Those sweet fezzes are not cheap. On the upside, you'd probably be wearing them for the rest of your life.

I'm glad to see the lodge idea lodging itself in everyone's hearts and minds!

Scarab Sages

veector wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Thanks to the Core Rulebook, I have now seen a Paizo product in a Borders store (DFW). Before, I only saw Paizo products at Barnes & Noble.
WTF? I called a Borders store about this and they said it was an online-only product!

BS! I just bought the Pathfinder Campaign Setting from a Border's last weekend....

Too bad this thread isn't titled, "One more SILLY concern about Pathfinder." Cause I can think of a million of those and not be jackin'.

Liberty's Edge

I just want little Paizo cars we can drive at parades, dammit!

houstonderek wrote:
I just want little Paizo cars we can drive at parades, dammit!

I'm partially in it for the titles and ranks. I want to be 'Grand Loquacious Cyclops of the 27th Gate' or something...

Dazmiuth wrote:

My local gaming store has been in business for over 20 years. It is located in a university town and gets lots of business. I was in today looking to pick up some new dice, and I asked the employee on duty if the store stocked any Pathfinder stuff. He told me that he thinks Pathfinder is a great system but it is really hard for them to stock it in the store because people can buy the books online cheaper than the gaming store can get them from the distributor.

At first I thought that this isn't really a problem for me as I can just order the books online, but then I got to thinking. If the gaming stores don't have any incentive to carry the books, a lot of people will NEVER hear about Pathfinder. Pathfinder is a great system that many people will never come to know if it is not readily available in hobby/gaming stores.

I concede that my above conclusion is the result of one anecdotal interaction with a clerk at my local gaming store, but it does make me wonder if availability in gaming stores is an issue and if Pathfinder is missing some customers by not being on the shelves.

Most local gaming stores are both stupid and suicidal. I've heard this line to. I'm not sure if a distributor has been feeding it to smaller stores (when it became clear that the first printing would sell out) or if its something that smaller stores have rushed lemming like into. What I do know is that my local store gave pathfinder a skip and has seen it's 4e sales crash since Pathfinder was released. It's a shame really, Pathfinder Companion and Chronicles would be great impulse buy items.

hogarth wrote:
CunningMongoose wrote:
Buying the book at my local game store, I got a better price than I would have had online - probably because they can distribute the shipping price on many books.
Wow...the price from was less than $35 CDN. That`s a cheap local game store you go to!

Granted, 5$ more than Amazon, but I actually got the book ;-)

GameMastery items are also powerful impulse buys. My local stores seem to have figured this out...I swear they start shining them up when they see my getting out of my car....wait, how does the one in the mall see me...?

Krome wrote:

I think too many stores are closing because they are run by gamers and not business people. The two are not mutual. Honestly, those stores probably should close down eventually, and make room for better stores that will grow the industry, not hurt it with bad reputations and snobbish attitudes.

Actually they're closing because magic game store sauce (i.e. CCG's) don't sell well in a recession/depression. Comic's aren't doing so well either, nor for that matter is 4e (my local store just put older nWoD books in prime display space that use to be reserved for 4e). RPG sales, outside of 4e, seem to be up but the drop in CCG sales is putting stores under.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think it depends a lot on the area and how the stores are run. The local chain form what the guys have said that work their that is. That their 4e sales, Paizo and nWoD are all pretty close to each other right now. 4E had a huge spike when it first came out but then tappered down a bit. But Paizo is having a big spike now so that might go down too. hard to say.

Dark Archive

Ok, I want to see a mock up of the fez asap. We need these in place by PaizoCon next year.

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