I'm going to pass out some autographed pictures.
rampages across thread as if it were a china shop
It's almost time for PAR-TAY!
sharpens his horns in preparation
Zombies! Man, are they weird.
Woooooow, that was quite a party last night. What did I miss?
The Lord Jason rampaged across the entire city, after drinking 7 kegs of grog.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeet! That must have been a sight to see.
I hear they taste like chicken.
Mmmmmm.....chicken nuggets
Just watch out for the chocolate pudding.
Sure is quiet tonight, I hope we don't run into any mermaids. Or zombies. Or zombie mermaids.
I think we may be off course.
Silly me. I vote we get a seagull drunk, follow it, and see where that leads us.
Okay, so where is the nearest island of naked chicks?
I hear that Hugh Hefner's gotta a hidden island retreat somewhere in the South Pacific.
Sounds like a great place to pillage and plunder.
Maybe if we cause enough destruction, the Lord Jason will make an appearance.
Then we would know our venture was truly blessed.
Trust me, he deserves a lot of praise for his...skills.
does the China Shop Dance
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wenches and wine for all!
::Stumbles out of the sick bay::
Whoa...somebody forgot to unstrap me from the table.
Hey, Happy Birthday, Lord Jason!
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: ::Stumbles out of the sick bay::
Whoa...somebody forgot to unstrap me from the table.
Hey, Happy Birthday, Lord Jason!
<Smashes table for Grass-Man.>
Bulmahnaut #1 wrote: ::Stumbles out of the sick bay::
Whoa...somebody forgot to unstrap me from the table.
Naah, the ship was rolling in a storm earlier. I thought it best if you didn't roll off the table and smash through the hull.
pssst.....You should add "belated". His birthday was yesterday.
You gotta be careful, dude. The Lord Jason's wrath is terrible to behold.
Wow, talk about a hangover, I completely slept through Lord Jason's birthday. Happy late birthday big guy.
i tread carefully, and i have a re-roll just in case...
I hope the Lord Jason had a good birthday, and at least got to pillage someone.
i guess he must've have, since no one has seen him since sunday >.>
I can only hope he had lots of ale and wenches.
Oooooooooh...my hips....OH my liver!
I hope Lord Jason feels better than idea, but boy, it was worth it.
It's always worth it. Our lives rock!
Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: It's always worth it. Our lives rock! Sex, booze, and rock and roll?
Gark the Goblin wrote: Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: It's always worth it. Our lives rock! Sex, booze, and rock and roll? Hey...the Corbosy has rats on board? Who was delegated to rat-catching?
Bulmahnaut #1 wrote: Gark the Goblin wrote: Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: It's always worth it. Our lives rock! Sex, booze, and rock and roll? Hey...the Corbosy has rats on board? Who was delegated to rat-catching? Bulmahnaut #666
Bulmahnaut #13 wrote: <Stomps on rats.> Well done, 13.
Maybe the Lord Jason will make an appearance sometime soon. I'd really like him to lead us in some pillaging.