Free Character sheet downloadable from Mediakorento

Product Discussion

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Awsome, thank you very much!

Great sheet, but Spellcraft isn't usable untrained.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Any plans to have the sheet do calculations like your BETA sheet did?

Shem wrote:
Any plans to have the sheet do calculations like your BETA sheet did?

Sorry, but no. I didn't make the calculations, it was a guy called Matt Marovich. Of course I could make it calculate everything, but it increases the file size a LOT, and then it wouldn't be very efficient character sheet, but more of a character generator. And for character generator there are better and lighter programs, I think. Of course if there is high demand for auto-calculating sheet, I might reconsider =).

tuffnoogies wrote:
Great sheet, but Spellcraft isn't usable untrained.

Dang, old information =). I'll update it soon!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

This is an area that I have not worked in. How do I access the level of the sheet so I can put the calculations in myself?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

There may be character generators out there but usually the output sheet sucks and there are not generators for Pathfinder and I imagine even the 3.5 generators will eventually shift to 4th edition.

Majuba wrote:
Basilforth wrote:
Majuba wrote:

Front is stats + attacks + saves + hp
Flip and you have skills.
Open and you have spells.
Flip left and you have feats and abilities
Flip right and you have equipment and armor.

Flipping > Shuffling

I like this ....

Could you be more specific about the difference between flipping and flipping right and flipping left?

Sure! - was in a rush.

So this is after printing the sheet, double sided, stapled in the middle, and folded over.

  • I have the front with Str/Dex/Con, AC, saves, and attacks on the front.
  • Flip that over, and I have my skills page.
  • Open the booklet up to the middle, and I have my spells on the right, with DCs/Familiar/# of spells/Schools on the left.
  • Turn "back" one page and (with the new sheet), I see name/race/gender, classes, and possessions on the left, with extra spellbook page on the right (this used to be the photo page, with a notes column).
  • Turn "forward" two pages and I have extra spellbook on the left, with class features, racial traits, and feats on the right.

    I liked the Beta version with the feats on the "turn left" a bit better, but getting to the levels where that spell page is required, so this works well.

    And thank you thank you thank you Salama!

  • Thank you for the detailed explanation. I printed out the sheets, double-sided to try and recreate what you describe. It is probably an artifact of my printer, but the reverse side of each page is upside down. Not sure what the deal is there....

    Also, when you fold page 1/page 2 in half, down the middle, then the book opens left to right rather than right to left. It opens the opposite of a normal book. Were the pages intended to function as a book?

    Shem wrote:
    This is an area that I have not worked in. How do I access the level of the sheet so I can put the calculations in myself?

    Firstly, you'd need Adobe Acrobat -- unfortunately, it's not free.

    neceros wrote:
    Shem wrote:
    This is an area that I have not worked in. How do I access the level of the sheet so I can put the calculations in myself?
    Firstly, you'd need Adobe Acrobat -- unfortunately, it's not free.

    You also need some JavaScript experience. The scripting for user-defined fields uses JavaScript if I'm not mistaken.

    Scarab Sages

    Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

    I have acrobat professional but no Java Experience. How do I access the document on the level to do the work?

    Basilforth wrote:

    Thank you for the detailed explanation. I printed out the sheets, double-sided to try and recreate what you describe. It is probably an artifact of my printer, but the reverse side of each page is upside down. Not sure what the deal is there....

    Also, when you fold page 1/page 2 in half, down the middle, then the book opens left to right rather than right to left. It opens the opposite of a normal book. Were the pages intended to function as a book?

    You can fix this by flipping, *and* rotating.

    What I'd like is on the front page, the base character data to be on the right. Then it sits like a proper booklet.

    Dark Archive

    How are things going with the Folio?

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