Dorak's New Warlock for Peer Review

Homebrew and House Rules

Scarab Sages

Here's a warlock class I cooked up. This is very Alpha phase, so be critical (and add options if needed)!

Alignment: Any non-good. Must be within one step of planar lineage.
HD: d8
BAB: As cleric
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple
Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int

Class Skills: Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana, religion, planes), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth

Class Features:


1 Battle caster, ritual magic +1, planar bond.
2 Lineage
3 Fiendish servant
4 Spell circle
5 Battle caster
6 Physical manifestation
7 Ritual magic +2
8 Pact
9 Foe of good
10 Inverse ritual
11 Improved lineage
12 Pact
13 Ritual magic +3
15 Improved physical manifestation
16 Pact
17 Foe of good
19 Ritual magic +4
20 Pact, final bond


The warlock gains spells per day as a bard. The warlock can cast spells drawn from the wizard/sorcerer spell list. The warlock knows all spells from the list for each level of spells he can cast. A warlock does not need to prepare spells, but insteads casts spontaneously as a sorcerer does. A warlock must select one prohibited school at 1st level. The warlock does not know and cannot cast spells or use magic items for spells of this school. They may not choose conjuration as a prohibited school.
In all other regards a warlock is treated as a sorcerer.

Battle Caster (Ex)

Starting at 1st level the warlock can cast arcane spells while wearing light armor with no chance of arcane spell failure. Only spells granted from the warlock class can be cast in this manner. At 5th level the warlock can cast his arcane spells while wearing medium armor.

Ritual Magic (Su)

Beginning at first level, the warlock can partake in ritual magic. This grants the warlock and any other arcane spellcaster he chooses within 30ft. a +1 bonus to their caster level and to Spellcraft checks. In addition, 1/day (per bonus granted by ritual magic) while using ritual magic, if the warlock sacrifices a number of hit points equal to 5 times the spell level, the warlock can apply the effect of any metamagic feat he knows without increasing the spells level or casting time. Activating ritual magic is a move action, and lasts until the warlock ceases to use a move action to maintain the effect.
At 7th level the bonus granted by ritual magic increases to +2. 1/day (per bonus granted by ritual magic) the warlock can now choose to inflict 1 point of Con damage to himself to increase the save DC of his spell by bonus granted by his ritual magic.
At 13th level the bonus increases to +3. 1/day (per bonus granted by ritual magic) the warlock can use a single full-round action in place of a move action. Any spells cast before the start of the warlocks next turn, by creatures affected by his ritual magic, do not count against the casters normal daily allotment of spells.
At 19th level the bonus increases to +4. 1/day (per bonus granted by ritual magic) the warlock can sacrifice two spell slots during the casting of a single spell to overcome a single immunity of a single target creature or creature in the area of effect of his spell.

Planar Bond (Su)

At first level the warlock begins his long association with the creatures of the lower planes. A warlock may not willingly associate with creatures of good alignment. In addition, the warlock must make contact with an evil outsider or organization at least once per week. If he fails to do so, the warlock loses all his class abilities except weapon and armor proficiencies and his ability to cast spells. An atonement spell is necessary to restore these abilities.

Fiendish Servant (Su)

At 3rd level, the warlock is granted a familiar by his associates in the lower planes. He may select a creature from the wizard familiar list and apply the fiendish template, or may select an imp or quasit. This ability otherwise functions as the wizard familiar.

Lineage (Su)

At 2nd level the warlock begins to manifest his lineage in physical form. He must select a lineage from those outlined below. At 6th level he gains a physical manifestation. At 10th level his lineage improves. At 14th level his physical manifestation improves. The caster level for all spell-like abilities is the warlock level. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 warlock level + Cha modifier.

Demonic (CE): Warlock gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat The warlock may cast enlarge person 1/day as a spell-like ability.
At 6th level the warlock gains a natural claw attack that deals 1d6 damage (medium).
At 11th level the warlock may use mass enlarge person 1/day and enlarge person 3/day.
At 15th level the warlock gains wings and can fly (good) at his base speed.
Devil (LE): Warlock gains +2 bonus on Will saves. The warlock may cast cause fear 1/day as a spell-like ability.
At 6th level the warlock gains natural armor +1.
At 11th level the warlock may use fear 1/day and cause fear 3/day.
At 15th level the warlock gains DR 5/silver and good.
Rakshasa (LE): Warlock gains Spell Focus as a bonus feat. The warlock may cast disguise self 1/day as a spell-like ability.
At 6th level the warlock gains immunity to one spell of first level or lower.
At 11th level the warlock may use veil 1/day and disguise self 3/day.
At 15th level the warlock gains the ability to detect thoughts at will.

Spell Circle (Ex)

At 4th level the warlock can create a summoning circle usable 1/day. Doing so requires 10 minutes of time and normal spell components. The warlock can use this circle to extend the duration of any summoning spell targeted in the circle to 24 hours.

Pact (Su)

At 8th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the warlock gains knowledge of a pact. This is an ability useful to him in his pursuits and dealings with fiends. The warlock may select a pact from the list below:

Absorb Spell: If the warlock is standing in the circle when a spell is targeted on him by another creature, the warlock is unaffected by the spell and instead gains a spell slot of equal value. This spell slot must be used within 24 hours or it disappears.

Bind Fiend: Any planar binding spell cast by the warlock is treated as being affected by an inward magic circle against evil spell. In addition, the DC to escape the binding is increased by 4.

Commune with Fiends: The warlock can use an active summoning circle to communicate with a fiend of his lineage. Not only does this fulfill his Planar Bond, but the warlock may also ask of the fiends a single question with a yes/no answer. This functions as a commune with diety spell.

Fiendish Unity: The warlock may call upon his fiendish allies to fortify him. He gains DR 5/good for 24 hours.

Fortify Spell: The warlock may use the circle to enhance any spell with a target of self. If the warlock casts such a spell while standing within the circle, the duration of the spell is increased to 24 hours.

Sacrifice: The warlock can gain benefits from the death of a good creature within the circle. If the warlock is within 30ft. when this death occurs, he gains temporary hit points equal to his level which last for 24 hours or until lost.

Foe of Good (Su)

At 9th level and 17th level the warlock gains a special ability when combating good foes, selected from the following:

Final Death: Any good outsider slain by warlock must make a Will save (DC 10 + Warlock's level) or be permanently destroyed.

Bane of Good: The warlock gains +2 weapon damage against any creature with the good subtype, including creatures with a good aura.

Corrupt Soul: The warlock gains the ability to detect good at will, and an evil aura. The warlock's alignment becomes evil. This functions as the cleric ability.

Resist Temptation: The warlock gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against the special abilities, spell-like abilities or spells of creatures with the good subtype.

Inverse Ritual (Su)

At 10th level the warlock can choose to inverse his ritual magic. Each round he activates or maintains ritual magic, he can choose to apply his bonus instead as a penalty to the caster level and spellcraft checks of any spellcasters within 30 feet. He cannot use this ability in conjunction with his other ritual magic abilities.

Final Bond (Ex)

The warlocks type changes to outsider and he gains any subtypes of his chosen lineage. He gains the following abilities based on his lineage:

Demonic: The warlock gains immunity to fire and electricity and resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, and is wreathed in flames dealing 6d6 damage on contact.

The warlock gains permanent true seeing.
Devil: The warlock gains immunity to fire and poison and resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, and telepathy up to 100 feet. In addition the warlock can see perfectly in any darkness, even magical darkness.

Rakshasa: The warlock gains SR of 30.

Two quick notes:

First, a warlock cannot associate with creatures of good alignment. That means, as written, that many player characters are now off-limits to him. Is this intentional?

Secondly, the absorb pact, as written, just transformed the warlock into an infinite rod of absorbtion while he's in a circle. That circle takes time to make and could well make this ability worthless (if I understand it right). You should also clarify what happens if he gets hit with spells of higher levels than he can cast, what limits there are on absorbtion (X levels/day. etc). I could otherwise see the warlock paying someone to throw spells at him one day so he could supercharge himself for the day's events, e.g. the party bard or ranger who might not use many spells in the day.

Otherwise, it's got good flavor going for it. You might consider creating a separate spell list for it to reinforce that flavor, rather than relying on the wizard spell list, as I think you'd find some higher level spells that make sense (gate, energy drain, horrid wilting, etc.).

Scarab Sages

Thanks for the look!

1) I was going for a restriction. I could imagine loosening it, as long as the warlock himself is not good. I suppose evil doesn't care as long as you get the job done.

2) The circle (this could obviously be clarified) can only be used once per day, so the warlock must choose carefully. In other words, once a warlock makes a circle they can use it for one thing only. This may even be too restrictive, I might change it to a progression. Definitely needs to clarify higher level spells (I would think they are not absorbed).

I like the intent and flavor.

And now the constructive part of the post constructive part of the post...

The spellcasting: I'd change the spellcasting to casting like a sorcerer, with the slots of a wizard. Then go through the spells list, and build a limited repetoir of spells that highlight where his power comes from and its intent. by keeping the knows all spells on the list ability, you develop a powerful, but limited spellcaster, which thematically, to me fits.

For the armored Spellcasting: Might want to see if a bump up to heavy armor in the teens is viable. I don't think it would be to overpowered myself, but them thats at first glance as well.

The capstone ability: Demons seem to be a little butch. 6d6 fire damage Definately a little more than the other two. And why Rakshasa instead of Yugoloth's (the nuetral evil fiend type)?

And I agree about the absorb thing...needs a tad bit of clarity on that one.

Just some thoughts...I like it though, alot.

Scarab Sages

Here's a proposed Warlock spell list using sorcerer spell progression (-2 spells per day per level) but still knowing all spells per level (given this, I may remove the prohibited school restriction):

0th - acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, detect magic, detect poison, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, message, read magic, open/close, prestidigitation, resistance, touch of fatigue

1st - animate rope, burning hands, cause fear, charm person, comprehend languages, disguise self, endure elements, feather fall, grease, hypnotism, identify, jump, obscuring mist, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, summon monster I, unseen servant, ventriloquism

2nd - alter self, arcane lock, blindness/deafness, continual flame, darkness, darkvision, fog cloud, gust of wind, hideous laughter, invisibility, levitate, magic mouth, misdirection, pyrotechnics, resist energy, scare, shatter, shocking grasp, spectral hand, spider climb, summon monster II, summon swarm, touch of idiocy, web, whispering wind

3rd - dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fly, gaseous form, invisibility sphere, magic circle against good, nondetection, protection from energy, rage, ray of exhaustion, scorching ray, sleet storm, stinking cloud, suggestion, summon monster III, tongues, wind wall

4th - bestow curse, black tentacles, charm monster, confusion, contagion, crushing despair, dimension door, dismissal, fear, fireball, fire shield, lesser geas, greater invisibility, remove curse, shout, solid fog, summon monster IV, wall of fire

5th - baleful polymorph, break enchantment, cloudkill, contact other plane, dominate person, dream, feeblemind, mind fog, nightmare, overland flight, passwall, lesser planar binding, seeming, sending, summon monster V, telekinesis

6th - banishment, contingency, disintegrate, greater dispel magic, geas/quest, guards and wards, mislead, planar binding, repulsion, mass suggestion, summon monster VI, teleport, veil

7th - binding, delayed blast fireball, dimensional lock, ethereal jaunt, finger of death, insanity, instant summons, mass invisibility, phase door, plane shift, power word blind, reverse gravity, sequester, summon monster VII

8th - antipathy, mass charm monster, demand, gate, greater scrying, incendiary cloud, mind blank, greater planar binding, power word stun, screen, greater shout, greater teleport, summon monster VIII, sympathy

9th - astral projection, dominate monster, etherealness, imprisonment, meteor swarm, power word kill, soul bind, summon monster IX, teleportation circle, time stop

Jal Dorak wrote:

Here's a proposed Warlock spell list using sorcerer spell progression (-2 spells per day per level) but still knowing all spells per level (given this, I may remove the prohibited school restriction):

0th - acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, detect magic, detect poison, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, message, read magic, open/close, prestidigitation, resistance, touch of fatigue

1st - animate rope, burning hands, cause fear, charm person, comprehend languages, disguise self, endure elements, feather fall, grease, hypnotism, identify, jump, obscuring mist, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, summon monster I, unseen servant, ventriloquism

2nd - alter self, arcane lock, blindness/deafness, continual flame, darkness, darkvision, fog cloud, gust of wind, hideous laughter, invisibility, levitate, magic mouth, misdirection, pyrotechnics, resist energy, scare, shatter, shocking grasp, spectral hand, spider climb, summon monster II, summon swarm, touch of idiocy, web, whispering wind

3rd - dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fly, gaseous form, invisibility sphere, magic circle against good, nondetection, protection from energy, rage, ray of exhaustion, scorching ray, sleet storm, stinking cloud, suggestion, summon monster III, tongues, wind wall

4th - bestow curse, black tentacles, charm monster, confusion, contagion, crushing despair, dimension door, dismissal, fear, fireball, fire shield, lesser geas, greater invisibility, remove curse, shout, solid fog, summon monster IV, wall of fire

5th - baleful polymorph, break enchantment, cloudkill, contact other plane, dominate person, dream, feeblemind, mind fog, nightmare, overland flight, passwall, lesser planar binding, seeming, sending, summon monster V, telekinesis

6th - banishment, contingency, disintegrate, greater dispel magic, geas/quest, guards and wards, mislead, planar binding, repulsion, mass suggestion, summon monster VI, teleport, veil

7th - binding,...

I liek that. Might want to swap time stop for gate, fits a little more imo (or just add gate), and possibly add some of the cleric spells dealing with the planes (or alignment). Not real sure (tossing it out cause its a thought, kinda of mixed opinions.)

Still would love to know your reasoning on the capstone ability.

Scarab Sages

Gate is on the spell list, only bumped down to 8th level. That may be too much, though. I pretty much bumped down every planar summoning spell.

The capstone. Yeah, 6d6 is a bit much. It's based of the balor flames, so I should be more explicit and say it damages only on a grapple check.

As for the yugoloths, as I understand they are not open content and so can't be directly used. However, I am aware that there should be a NE component. Rakshasa's seemed to make sense from a "let's get a mortal to do our magic for us" angle.

Here's a proposed NE lineage:

Level 2 - Can use ray of enfeeblement 1/day as a spell-like ability.
Level 6 - Base speed improves by +10ft.
Level 10 - Can use ray of exhaustion 1/day and ray of enfeeblement 3/day.
Level 14 - Gain an extra arm from back or chest. The warlock may use this arm to wield a weapon, but not to cast spells.
Level 20 - Immunity to acid and poison. Resistance to cold 10, fire 10, and electricity 10. Telepathy within 100ft. Any creature affected by the warlock's spells is also shaken for the duration (warlock's discretion).

Jal Dorak wrote:

Gate is on the spell list, only bumped down to 8th level. That may be too much, though. I pretty much bumped down every planar summoning spell.

The capstone. Yeah, 6d6 is a bit much. It's based of the balor flames, so I should be more explicit and say it damages only on a grapple check.

As for the yugoloths, as I understand they are not open content and so can't be directly used. However, I am aware that there should be a NE component. Rakshasa's seemed to make sense from a "let's get a mortal to do our magic for us" angle.

Here's a proposed NE lineage:

Level 2 - Can use ray of enfeeblement 1/day as a spell-like ability.
Level 6 - Base speed improves by +10ft.
Level 10 - Can use ray of exhaustion 1/day and ray of enfeeblement 3/day.
Level 14 - Gain an extra arm from back or chest. The warlock may use this arm to wield a weapon, but not to cast spells.
Level 20 - Immunity to acid and poison. Resistance to cold 10, fire 10, and electricity 10. Telepathy within 100ft. Any creature affected by the warlock's spells is also shaken for the duration (warlock's discretion).

Ah...I see it *sheepish grin* Its what I get for speed reading I suppose lol. I can understand the logic on bumping the planar binding spells down, makes sense.

And yes, and that point, the capstone for demons seems much more reasonable.

Yeah, I know...Yugoloths aren't open game content. that being said...I like the NE lineage you have their. Its thematically different from the other two, while keeping the capstone in line with the others. And...I think that would be cool, having a 3 armed demon loving spellcaster =)

I like it...might see if any of the players in my group are interested in trying one for Council of Thieves, since I'm getting ready to start running it.

Scarab Sages

Trimming down the spell list a bit, I'm still toying with a prohibited school as the ability to know all these spells spontaneously is huge:

0th - acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, detect magic, detect poison, flare, ghost sound, light, message, read magic, open/close

1st - burning hands, cause fear, charm person, comprehend languages, disguise self, endure elements, feather fall, grease, hypnotism, identify, jump, obscuring mist, protection from good, summon monster I, unseen servant, ventriloquism[/i]

2nd - alter self, arcane lock, blindness/deafness, continual flame, darkness, darkvision, fog cloud, hideous laughter, invisibility, levitate, magic mouth, misdirection, pyrotechnics, resist energy, scare, shatter, shocking grasp, spider climb, summon monster II, summon swarm, touch of idiocy, web, whispering wind

3rd - dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fly, gaseous form, invisibility sphere, magic circle against good, nondetection, protection from energy, rage, scorching ray, sleet storm, stinking cloud, suggestion, summon monster III, tongues, wind wall

4th - bestow curse, black tentacles, charm monster, confusion, contagion, crushing despair, dimension door, dismissal, fear, fireball, fire shield, lesser geas, greater invisibility, remove curse, shout, solid fog, summon monster IV

5th - baleful polymorph, break enchantment, cloudkill, contact other plane, dominate person, dream, feeblemind, mind fog, nightmare, overland flight, lesser planar binding, seeming, sending, summon monster V, wall of fire

6th - banishment, disintegrate, greater dispel magic, geas/quest, guards and wards, mislead, planar binding, repulsion, mass suggestion, summon monster VI, teleport, veil

7th - binding, delayed blast fireball, dimensional lock, ethereal jaunt, insanity, instant summons, mass invisibility, phase door, plane shift, power word blind, reverse gravity, sequester, summon monster VII

8th - antipathy, mass charm monster, demand, gate, greater scrying, incendiary cloud, mind blank, greater planar binding, power word stun, screen, greater shout, greater teleport, summon monster VIII, sympathy

9th - astral projection, dominate monster, etherealness, meteor swarm, power word kill, soul bind, summon monster IX, teleportation circle, time stop

Scarab Sages

I'm thinking of toning down or eliminating the lineage aspects - it steps on the sorcerers toes.

It's good but far too limiting. Warlocks are supposed to be beings who make pacts with a primal force of the Multiverse and thus channel that being's energy into themselves. I'd let the Warlock choose whether his Pact Bond be between the Seelie Court (aka the Fey [Titania etc etc}) or the Fiendish Powers (aka Arch Devils, Archdaemons, or Demon Lords). Try and focus on giving the Warlock abilities that aren't totally evil but aren't entirely good as well.

Scarab Sages

Berselius wrote:
It's good but far too limiting. Warlocks are supposed to be beings who make pacts with a primal force of the Multiverse and thus channel that being's energy into themselves. I'd let the Warlock choose whether his Pact Bond be between the Seelie Court (aka the Fey [Titania etc etc}) or the Fiendish Powers (aka Arch Devils, Archdaemons, or Demon Lords). Try and focus on giving the Warlock abilities that aren't totally evil but aren't entirely good as well.

That may be the tweak I was looking for. It would certainly distinguish them from sorcerers. I'll work something up. Thanks!

Jal, I'm a class minimalist (my preferred systems are classless), so understand that this feedback comes from that bias.

My first thought was "Ooooh! An SRD battle sorcerer with a PF bloodline!" which seems like a means to the same end -- simply create a "warlock" sorcerer bloodline. That unfortunately cuts down on some of the delightful options you've provided (although some could be made into bloodline bonus feats), but it eliminates the need for an additional base class where an existing one can be pressed into service and stretched to fit, as it were.

  • Ritual Magic becomes the Bloodline Arcana.
  • The Pact options become bonus feats and get added to the bloodline feat list. If Physical Manifestation is the 1st level bloodline power (see below), then also add Arcane Armor Training and Mastery to replace Battle Caster.
  • Physical Manifestation (claws, etc.) nicely mimics many existing 1st level bloodline powers.
  • Fiendish Servant becomes the 3rd level bloodline power.
  • Foe of Good becomes the 9th level bloodline power.
  • Improved Physical Manifestation at 15th is just right.
  • Capstone ability stays as well.

  • Liberty's Edge

    This is the second warlock rebuild I've seen with 4 skill points per level. I was just curious what the reasoning was for it.

    Heathansson wrote:
    This is the second warlock rebuild I've seen with 4 skill points per level. I was just curious what the reasoning was for it.

    Almost everyone seems to be giving everyone 4 skill points. Kids these days...

    Liberty's Edge

    I'm trying to figure out why the druid has 4 skill points.

    Heathansson wrote:


    I'm trying to figure out why the druid has 4 skill points.

    Well, let's see.


  • Handle Animal, because, um, well Wild Empathy doesn't get a free +3 for being a class skill.
  • Survival, because you get a +2 bonus on it that you don't want to waste.
  • Knowledge (nature), because it didn't get rolled into Survival, for reasons I can't begin to understand.
  • Ride, because in 3.5 your companion was often big enough to ride (before PF introduced the Small T-rex mini-dino companion).

  • And there you have it!

    Liberty's Edge

    I guess the point I was trying to make was: why do they need all those skill points and like a fighter gets gimped. Sometimes those fighter guys rode around on horseys, and didn't know how to swim and climb a tree or even stairs for that matter as a result.
    Plus, it's kinda intimidating to have a musclebound guy with a sword shoving it in your face, except fighters don't know how to do that worth a s@*% because they might want to do something useful like jump across stuff.
    That's what I meant; a lot of what I'm saying makes as much sense as Ellie Mae Clampett being able to talk to and/or ride her critters.

    Heathansson wrote:
    That's what I meant; a lot of what I'm saying makes as much sense as Ellie Mae Clampett being able to talk to and/or ride her critters.

    Yeah, I agree. That's why I houseruled the hell out of skills -- recombined, added, and reconsolidated like mad -- and now they're all roughly equal in use, and everyone has enough skill points. But it's too late to see halfway intelligent skills consolidation in the Pathfinder hardback.

    Liberty's Edge

    Right on.

    Scarab Sages

    Heathansson wrote:
    This is the second warlock rebuild I've seen with 4 skill points per level. I was just curious what the reasoning was for it.

    I'll be completely honest, Heathy: that was a typo. I typed up the class, watched The Wrestler, and then forgot to change it when I went back.

    Liberty's Edge

    Right on; I was just curious. (roflmao)

    Scarab Sages

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Jal, I'm a class minimalist (my preferred systems are classless), so understand that this feedback comes from that bias. >>SNIP<<

    I understand, really. I appreciate the feedback, too. I'm going to work on a Beta version incorporating the changes that have been suggested where possible.

    I'm not sure about placing the class into the Sorcerer framework. I think there is room in the game for a cleric-equivalent arcane caster. Perhaps the rewrite will alleviate this, as I do feel the class as-is shares much with the sorcerer and I intend to fix that.

    However, your changes do fit elegantly into the sorcerer, so I may incorporate the chassis of your suggestions.

    Thanks to everyone for feedback.

    Scarab Sages

    Heathansson wrote:
    Right on; I was just curious. (roflmao)

    Wow. Easy crowd tonight. ;)

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    No, that's just Heathy. He applauds the mic checks.

    Liberty's Edge

    Naah, it's just "I was gonna go edit, but then....meh...I went and watched the Wrassler. F@&* editing, man."

    Scarab Sages

    Heathansson wrote:
    Naah, it's just "I was gonna go edit, but then....meh...I went and watched the Wrassler. f&!@ editing, man."

    No way! That movie was so good it, like, changed my perceptions and stuff. Editing is the grubby little middle man between creativity and functionality.

    Liberty's Edge

    Good Nyborg, duod.

    Scarab Sages

    Warlock (Beta)

    Alignment: Any non-good.
    HD: d8
    BAB: As cleric
    Weapon Proficiencies: Simple
    Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium
    Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int

    Class Skills: Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana, religion, planes), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth

    Class Features:

    1 Battle caster, spellfire, spellfire shape
    2 Ritual magic +1
    3 Planar servant
    4 Spell circle
    5 Battle caster
    6 Spellfire shape
    7 Ritual magic +2
    8 Pact
    9 Foe of good
    10 Inverse ritual
    11 Spellfire shape
    12 Pact
    13 Ritual magic +3
    14 Battle caster
    15 Spellfire shape
    16 Pact
    17 Foe of good
    19 Ritual magic +4
    20 Pact, final bond


    The warlock casts spells drawn from the warlock spell list (see below). The warlock knows all the spells on his list for each spell level he can cast. A warlock casts spells spontaneously as a sorcerer. The warlock can cast a number of spells per day based on the sorcerers spell progression, subtracting 2 off of all per-day numbers. A warlock may not cast a spell without having a Charisma score equal to or greater than 10 + the spell level. The save DC and bonus spells per day are determined using the warlocks Charisma score.

    Battle Caster (Ex)
    Starting at 1st level the warlock can cast arcane spells while wearing light armor with no chance of arcane spell failure. Only spells granted from the warlock class can be cast in this manner. At 5th level the warlock can cast his arcane spells while wearing medium armor. At 14th level the warlock can cast his arcane spells while wearing heavy armor. This ability does not grant the warlock proficiency with heavy armor.

    Ritual Magic (Su)
    Beginning at first level, the warlock can partake in ritual magic. This grants the warlock and any other arcane spellcaster he chooses within 30ft. a +1 bonus to their caster level and to Spellcraft checks. In addition, 1/day (per bonus granted by ritual magic) while using ritual magic, if the warlock sacrifices a number of hit points equal to 5 times the spell level, the warlock can apply the effect of any metamagic feat he knows without increasing the spells level or casting time. Activating ritual magic is a move action, and lasts until the warlock ceases to use a move action to maintain the effect.
    At 7th level the bonus granted by ritual magic increases to +2. 1/day (per bonus granted by ritual magic) the warlock can now choose to inflict 1 point of Con damage to himself to increase the save DC of his spell by the bonus granted by his ritual magic.
    At 13th level the bonus increases to +3. 1/day (per bonus granted by ritual magic) the warlock can use a single full-round action in place of the move action ro maintain ritual magic. Any spells cast before the start of the warlocks next turn, by creatures affected by his ritual magic, do not count against the casters normal daily allotment of spells.
    At 19th level the bonus increases to +4. 1/day (per bonus granted by ritual magic) the warlock can sacrifice two spell slots during the casting of a single spell to overcome a single immunity of a single target creature or creature in the area of effect of his spell.

    Spellfire (Su)
    The warlock can sacrifice his spells to channel raw magical energy. The damage, duration, and target of this energy depends on his caster level and the level of the spell channeled. Activating spellfire channeling is a free action, though using the spellfire is a standard action. The spellfire channel lasts for 24 hours or until the warlock channels another spell as spellfire or has no more uses remaining. The warlock gains 1 use of spellfire plus 1 per spell level channeled, and each use of spellfire deals 1d6 damage plus the warlocks Charisma modifier. The warlock may apply multiple dice per use at the cost of his other uses per day. For example, the warlock uses a free action to channel a 1st level spell. He gains 2 uses of spellfire over the next day, which can deal 1d6+Cha damage each, or he may use both at once to deal 2d6+Cha damage. The warlock may not use 0th level spells to channel spellfire.

    The warlock must choose at 1st level what form his spellfire will take, chosen one from the following list of spellfire shapes. At 6th, 11th, and 15th level he may choose another shape available to his level or lower. If a warlock knows multiple shapes, he must choose which shape to apply when he activates his spellfire channel.
    1st Level Shapes: Touch, Ray, 10ft. Burst (save for half)
    6th Level Shapes: 10ftx30ft Cylinder, 60ft. Line, 20ft. Radius (all save for half)
    11th Level Shapes: 30ft. Cone, Weapon, 10ftx30ft Wall (lasts for 1 round per use of spellfire applied)

    Planar Servant (Su)
    At 3rd level, the warlock is granted a familiar by his associates in the planes. He may select a creature from the wizard familiar list and apply the fiendish template, or may select an imp, mephit or quasit. This ability otherwise functions as the wizard familiar.

    Spell Circle (Ex)
    At 4th level the warlock can create a summoning circle usable 1/day. Doing so requires 10 minutes of time and normal spell components. The warlock can use this circle to extend the duration of any summoning spell targeted in the circle to 24 hours.

    Pact (Su)
    At 8th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the warlock gains knowledge of a pact. This is an ability useful to him in his pursuits and dealings with fiends or fey. Each ability uses up the summoning circle for the day unless otherwise indicated. The warlock may select a pact from the list below:

    Absorb Spell: If the warlock is standing in the circle when a spell is targeted on him by another creature, the warlock is unaffected by the spell and instead gains a spell slot of equal value. This spell slot must be used within 24 hours or it disappears.

    Bind: Any planar binding spell cast by the warlock is treated as being affected by an inward magic circle against evil spell. In addition, the DC to escape the binding is increased by 4.

    Commune: The warlock can use an active summoning circle to communicate with a fiend of his lineage. Not only does this fulfill his Planar Bond, but the warlock may also ask of the fiends a single question with a yes/no answer. This functions as a commune with diety spell.

    Fortify Spell: The warlock may use the circle to enhance any spell with a target of self. If the warlock casts such a spell while standing within the circle, the duration of the spell is increased to 24 hours.

    Planar Unity: The warlock may call upon his planar allies to fortify him. He gains DR 5/good for 24 hours.

    Sacrifice: The warlock can gain benefits from the death of a good creature within the circle. If the warlock is within 30ft. when this death occurs, he gains temporary hit points equal to his level which last for 24 hours or until lost.

    Foe of Good (Su)

    At 9th level and 17th level the warlock gains a special ability when combating good foes, selected from the following:

    Final Death: Any good outsider slain by warlock must make a Will save (DC 10 + Warlock's level) or be permanently destroyed.

    Bane of Good: The warlock gains +2 weapon damage against any creature with the good subtype, including creatures with a good aura.

    Corrupted Soul: The warlock gains the ability to detect good at will, and an evil aura. The warlock's alignment becomes evil. This functions as the cleric ability.

    Resist Temptation: The warlock gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against the special abilities, spell-like abilities or spells of creatures with the good subtype.

    Inverse Ritual (Su)
    At 10th level the warlock can choose to inverse his ritual magic. Each round he activates or maintains ritual magic, he can choose to apply his bonus instead as a penalty to the caster level and spellcraft checks of any spellcasters within 30 feet. He cannot use this ability in conjunction with his other ritual magic abilities.

    Final Bond (Ex)
    The warlock becomes suffused with raw magical energy. He gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and stunning. The warlock no longer requires sleep (although still requires rest to refresh his spells) or to eat or breath. His body survives purely on the magical energy it produces. He may use his spellfire channel without sacrificing his spells. Each such use deals 2d6+Cha damage.


    At first level the warlock begins his long association with the creatures of the lower planes. A warlock may not willingly commit a good act, though he may associate with good creatures and even help them do good, so long as it also serves the warlock's ends. In addition, the warlock must make contact with a neutral or evil outsider or organization at least once per week. If he fails to do so, the warlock loses all his class abilities except weapon and armor proficiencies and his ability to cast spells. An atonement spell is necessary to restore these abilities.

    Warlock Spell List:


    0th - acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, detect magic, detect poison, flare, ghost sound, light, message, read magic, open/close

    1st - burning hands, cause fear, charm person, comprehend languages, disguise self, endure elements, feather fall, grease, hypnotism, identify, jump, obscuring mist, protection from good, summon monster I, unseen servant, ventriloquism

    2nd - alter self, arcane lock, blindness/deafness, continual flame, darkness, darkvision, fog cloud, hideous laughter, invisibility, levitate, magic mouth, misdirection, pyrotechnics, resist energy, scare, shatter, shocking grasp, spider climb, summon monster II, summon swarm, touch of idiocy, web, whispering wind

    3rd - dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fly, gaseous form, invisibility sphere, magic circle against good, nondetection, protection from energy, rage, scorching ray, sleet storm, stinking cloud, suggestion, summon monster III, tongues, wind wall

    4th - bestow curse, black tentacles, charm monster, confusion, contagion, crushing despair, dimension door, dismissal, fear, fireball, fire shield, lesser geas, greater invisibility, remove curse, shout, solid fog, summon monster IV

    5th - baleful polymorph, break enchantment, cloudkill, contact other plane, dominate person, dream, feeblemind, mind fog, nightmare, overland flight, lesser planar binding, seeming, sending, summon monster V, wall of fire

    6th - banishment, disintegrate, greater dispel magic, geas/quest, guards and wards, mislead, planar binding, repulsion, mass suggestion, summon monster VI, teleport, veil

    7th - binding, delayed blast fireball, dimensional lock, ethereal jaunt, insanity, instant summons, mass invisibility, phase door, plane shift, power word blind, reverse gravity, sequester, summon monster VII

    8th - antipathy, mass charm monster, demand, gate, greater scrying, incendiary cloud, mind blank, greater planar binding, power word stun, screen, greater shout, greater teleport, summon monster VIII, sympathy

    9th - astral projection, dominate monster, etherealness, meteor swarm, power word kill, soul bind, summon monster IX, teleportation circle, time stop

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