Renewed Call for Paizo published psionics!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

If there's one thing I've learned about Paizo in the last two years, and that is if the customers want something, Paizo will seriously consider doing it (within reason).

I'd love a psionic system that Paizo would actually support in their own products.

Having said that, I don't think we'll ever see very strong inclusion of psionics throughout Golarion, but there is a difference between having some modest support and having none at all.

I envision a Core Book that is non-campaign related, and then maybe a smaller Chronicles Book that addresses psionics specifically in Golarion. Beyond that, some small sidebars in other future products might be nice.

That way, the topic is covered mostly in two specific books. That way, the most any non-psionic fan would have to look at is an occasional sidebar which they could disregard and keep psionics out of their campaign. A win-win for both sides.

I know Dreamscarred is planning on doing a book of their own.. But I want a system and a product that Paizo will actually use in the Golarion setting. If Dreamscarred Press can get a special license, and Paizo commits to supporting psionics with DPS rules in Golarion- that would be okay too.

Speaking for myself, I'm not a homebrew guy. There's a reason I buy the Adventure Paths and modules. I'm happy to modify adventures for my group, but I don't want to shoehorn psionics in the campaign setting. I want smooth integration. :)

Please post if you feel likewise to show your support for Psionics Rules and Support in the Campaign Setting. My hope is that with enough support Paizo will revaluate their future schedules.

EDIT: Practically speaking, I do realize that the APH was only just announced... and the energy is going to be focused on that. My intent is not to try to get Paizo to write psionics right now.. But rather to get them to seriously consider actually doing them at all. I wouldn't expect anything till APH is done, and probably not till at least 2011.

It would be wonderful if paizo put out a psionics book that was updated for pathfinder. In fact I greatly hope for such a day for that to happen. Unfortunately, due to their seemingly tight schedule and general lack of interest in the psionics system as its known in 3.5e I doubt they'll ever be able to get the system set. It doesn't help that most people view psionics as it was set in 3.5e as outrageously powerful, and that most psionics fans see it as the best rules yet.

For a bit on my views on psionics, I have always been a fan of psionics but 3.5e rules for them seem to be lacking... definition(for lack of a better word) in some areas. While in others they seem a bit off, namely the lack of hard caps on anything in the psionics system.

But that is another discussion. And with what seems to be the majority of psionics fans wanting full backwards compatibility with 3.5e this would lead to a system that again allows a psion or psychic warrior with even a slightly optimal build to be able to outclass the other classes in the high levels and possibly epic levels.

Again I shouldn't go into such a discussion.
Anyways, long story short, as awesome as it would be for paizo to support psionics, it's very doubtful and would likely involve an overhaul of the system. Or at least the addition of rules that those familiar with 3.5e psionics wouldn't be familiar with.

Addendum: If they revised it, with major changes or not I would still appreciate it. If they don't I don't mind reworking them in a way to 'pathfinderize' them and be acceptable with my group.

Last note: Excuse me if I'm mistaken on what I've perceived as a lack of interest in psionics on paizo's part, that is simply a bit of knowledge that I've picked up in my lurking in various places.

Watcher wrote:

If there's one thing I've learned about Paizo in the last two years, and that is if the customers want something, Paizo will seriously consider doing it (within reason).

I'd love a psionic system that Paizo would actually support in their own products.

I know Dreamscarred is planning on doing a book of their own.. But I want a system and a product that Paizo will actually use in the Golarion setting. If Dreamscarred Press can get a special license, and Paizo commits to supporting psionics with DPS rules in Golarion- that would be okay too.

Please post if you feel likewise to show your support for Psionics Rules and Support in the Campaign Setting. My hope is that with enough support Paizo will revaluate their future schedules.


You're fine Wesley Snacks!

Yeah, there will be challenges. But I hear your interest!

I just want to see a system that Paizo would actually support, not just a system that might happen to be compatible.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I actually would rather see a Pathfinder version of Psionics from Paizo sooner rather then later. I have a lot of the books and pdf's put out by Dreamscarred Press, but I'm with the original poster that I want something that will be appearing in the Pathfinder Setting books and AP's. I love what Paizo has done with Pathfinder but it always irritates me that Psionics is always given the short stick. With 3.0 and 3.5 it was a matter of months before we had support. Granted WOTC went to a wait 2 years for published support for 4.0, but I wouldn't have bought Pathfinder if I wanted to play 4.0. I too like what I'm hearing about these new classes. They all sound awesome, but, to me at least, Psionics is considered core and should be out with or near to the core rulesbook.

I'll throw my hat in on this request as well.

One of the largest problems with Psionics in D&D/AD&D Since it's introduction has always been it's overpowering effect on any campaign. I'd LOVE to see a psionics system approved for pathfinder.

You can add my "Signed" to this post.

Absolutly. I'd love to see Paizo's Psionics. However, I get the impression that this is far down their list of priorities, so far down tahat I'm not entirely convinced that they even want to do one. IF this is the case, and since Dreamscarred Press is doing one anyway (and one that sounds like just what I want), I hope Paizo will seriously consider an official license for that product.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Psionics... I've got a mild interest in seeing some new work on it although I don't really think that the SRD material needs any help.

I'd rather not see it shoehorned into Golarion as an afterthought, maybe in some new unexplored area perhaps.

I'd sign on as long as it was 1) Balanced and 2) Sufficiently different from magic, not just take the magic spells and call them "psionic"
(I do miss the old psychic combat system for 2nd edition. Darksun anyone?)

I have to admit I had my foot on the proverbial posting accelerator this morning. Time to step away from the PC and get some fresh air.

I'd sure love to see Paizo support some psionic rules, but maybe they don't have to author them. I'd be willing to leave the door open for Dreamscarred.

The rub is whether Paizo would do anything with them if a 3rd party did write them. :(

All I can say is that there were a lot of guesses of 'psionics' in the original thread about the 4 new base classes. At one point a Developer remarked how fun and interesting it was to see all the various guesses. I wonder what the Developers thought when people guessed psionics repeatedly. Heh. "Wrong."

Don't get me wrong, the new APH classes do sound fun and I'm looking forward to those as well.

Anyway.. time for a break...

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