Okay, I'm all in!

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Silver Crusade

So, I went to Gen Con last week and had a chance to play in a couple of Pathfinder games...I think they were the "Devil We Know" parts I and II. The adventures were a blast, the GM's great and the players were fantastic (and passionate about Pathfinder). After the games I stopped by the Paizo booth, talked to as many senior Paizo people as I could find and bought as much Pathfinder stuff as I could fit into my bags and bring home.

So...I'm all in now and have decided to make Pathfinder my game of choice. Our group is going to start with the Crypt of the Everflame and will move over to the new Pathfinder adventure path in late September. I'm hoping that at least two of the adventures will be written so I can get a better handle on the story line, npc's, etc.

The question I have for you all is this, "Am I on the right track?" Is there something else you all would recommend as a way to get started with the Pathfinder world? I also bought the campaign setting and a few other books and am a bit overwhelmed as of now at how little I know about Golarion. Any advice or suggestions are welcomed.


The Pathfinder Campaign Setting is a great place to start. I'd make sure you're familiar with that before getting more setting material.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Rhone1 wrote:

The question I have for you all is this, "Am I on the right track?" Is there something else you all would recommend as a way to get started with the Pathfinder world? I also bought the campaign setting and a few other books and am a bit overwhelmed as of now at how little I know about Golarion. Any advice or suggestions are welcomed.


The books you have are a great starting place! you don't really need to go any further, but if you wish more player friendly detail about certain areas or races keep an eye on the Companion Books.

Or if your GM wants to run a story in a certain area and wants more info on it he can look at the Chronicle books.

A good free resource is the Pathfinder Wiki.

The Gazetteer might ease you into things before you tackle the PfCS.

Welcome to the fold!

Scarab Sages

Eric Tillemans wrote:
The Pathfinder Campaign Setting is a great place to start. I'd make sure you're familiar with that before getting more setting material.

Definitely, although you can squeak by with the Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer, which is sort of like the Cliffs Notes for the Campaign Setting.

Rhone1 wrote:

The question I have for you all is this, "Am I on the right track?" Is there something else you all would recommend as a way to get started with the Pathfinder world? I also bought the campaign setting and a few other books and am a bit overwhelmed as of now at how little I know about Golarion. Any advice or suggestions are welcomed.


First and foremost welcome to the party! I think you'll find the community and the game as welcoming as D&D has ever been. Paizo is run by gamers for gamers -- and it shows in the quality of their publications, artwork, and community correspondance. Others may be able to give a better inside into Golarion (my group uses Eberron with the new Pathfinder rule structure), but I love the tweaked mechanics and the freshness that Paizo has brought back to "D&D" with Pathfinder.

Get familiar with the updated race stats, class stats, skill point system, and combat maneuver mechanics... the rest will fit like a glove if you're used to D&D 3.x .


Liberty's Edge

Uh oh. A newly confirmed Pathfinder. Okay, first thing's first.

1. Don't Panic!

I remember being exactly where you are now. I downloaded as many free pdfs I could from the website, and still didn't have enough. So the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting was the next big thing for me! (God I love that book. There's something interesting, intriguing, or inspiring on every page.)

You might feel free to explore the Pathfinder Wiki, but after finishing the Pathfinder Chronicles book, I'd go to Gods and Magic, which details the major deities and their religions a little better, as well as a number of minor deities. Then The Great Beyond, which explains the planar cosmology of the Pathfinder Chronicles setting.

Other than that, feel free to explore where you will. Although at some point you may want to pick up a Harrow Deck.

You may also like to find a pdf of the 2009 Wayfinder, which I think is available somewhere here on Paizo. It's all fan submitted material and fiction for the Pathfinder Chronicles setting, and very entertaining to read.

stardust wrote:
You may also like to find a pdf of the 2009 Wayfinder, which I think is available somewhere here on Paizo. It's all fan submitted material and fiction for the Pathfinder Chronicles setting, and very entertaining to read.

It's available right here. :D

Lilith wrote:
stardust wrote:
You may also like to find a pdf of the 2009 Wayfinder, which I think is available somewhere here on Paizo. It's all fan submitted material and fiction for the Pathfinder Chronicles setting, and very entertaining to read.
It's available right here. :D

Aieee! Blessed art thou, Rhone1, for the mighty cookiemistress hath honoured your thread with her presence!

Umm, welcome to the Paizo boards by the way... :D

On a more serious note, the Gazetteer is a lighter read (in both the figurative and literal sense) than the Campaign Setting if you want a fast introduction to Golarion. Some of the information in the Gazetteer has been superceded/updated in the Campaign Setting, although the map in the Gazetteer is more accurate than that in the 1st edition of the dead tree version of the Campaign Setting.

Dark Archive

Welcome, Rhone1!

First of all, you absolutely need to joing the Cheliax faction and order the magnificent tome that reveals some of the secrets of the mightiest empire on Golarion: 'Cheliax - Empire of Devils'! ;)

Okay, seriously, I'm echoing the words that others have already posted, but I'll also add 'Into the Darklands' to the list. And, I'll also second 'Gods and Magic' as a "must-buy". These two books are not only written well -- you can also drag'n'drop the fluff from them practically into any setting (for example, I've used some of the tidbits and rituals mentioned in Gorum's entry for the clergy of Tempus in my FR campaign).

Scarab Sages

We're glad to have you join in the party, Rhone1! Welcome to the boards.

The great thing is that you are joining while we are still really in the infancy of this setting. New territory gives you buffer room. And, as long as you and your players are having fun, you are playing the game right.

If you are planning to run the current Adventure Path, remember that there is an outline of the whole path at the end of the adventure. That can give you valuable insight into what is to come. Also, there is awesome fan contribution stuff in the messageboards for all of the APs. Read 'em, digest 'em, figure out what you want to tweak or steal outright; people wouldn't post 'em if they didn't want them used.

And, yes, 'Gods and Magic' does indeed kick ass!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi and welcome. Here are a few links to free Paizo pdf products:

Free Monsters for Pathfinder!

Bestiary Preview for PFRPG

Pathfinder Bonus Bestiary containing monsters not in upcoming Bestiary

Pathfinder Wiki (for the fans by the fans)

Pathfinder Wiki

Free Modules (for 3.5 but set in Golarion)

Module D0 Hollow's Last Hope

Module D1.5 Rvenge of the Kobold King

Free Player's Guides (for 3.5 but set in Golarion with nice overviews of a couple parts of Varisia in Golarion.)

Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide

Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide

Handy free Conversion Guide

Conversion Guide

While not particularly setting specific, I'd recommend going and grabbing the Classic Monsters Revisited, which is now available again in a limited amount. Sweet book of monster flava...

Shadow Lodge

Looks like your getting a lot of good advice ...

I'll reenforce one point ...

First read through the campaign setting ... I read a couple of pages every night for a couple of weeks and it helped a lot. Once you have this frame work everything else fits into places fairly easily.

NOTE: I highly recommend finding a small map of the inner sea region and looking at it a lot while your read. Unfortunately its hard to find them in a small size and readable.

Also memorize the name of the main two contents (Avistan in the north, Garund in the south)... they aren't on the map anywhere and you will spend hours wondering where they are :)

Silver Crusade

Wow, thanks for all the advice and feedback! I knew I was on the right track when I met so many cool Pathfinder's at Gen Con!

Thanks again all!

Liberty's Edge

Gully13 wrote:

Looks like your getting a lot of good advice ...

I'll reenforce one point ...

First read through the campaign setting ... I read a couple of pages every night for a couple of weeks and it helped a lot. Once you have this frame work everything else fits into places fairly easily.

NOTE: I highly recommend finding a small map of the inner sea region and looking at it a lot while your read. Unfortunately its hard to find them in a small size and readable.

Also memorize the name of the main two contents (Avistan in the north, Garund in the south)... they aren't on the map anywhere and you will spend hours wondering where they are :)

I found it helpful to follow the nations geographically rather than alphabetically, so the map is a good idea. Find a country you want to look at, read about it in the campaign setting, then go to a neighboring country.

Running through one of the adventure paths gave me a clear picture of just how well done Pathfinder products really are.

Great suggestions so far. I can't add much except: Start gaming!

The Exchange

Keep it simple, focus on running each session for now, and worry about the larger world as you progress.


Welcome, Rhone, and be sure to have fun. :)

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