Son of Forums are Way Too Long!!!

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David Fryer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
There are some really classy people on this board. :(
Why, whats wrong?

I was a bit more subtle, but I have a distaste for any type of evangelist in name who fleece and beg for money from those who really need it more for themselves. There are folks on fixed income who feel it to be their responsibility to tithe a good portion with the mindset that every additional penny given is going to make things much more easier for them when they go to Heaven. I find that practice by certain people who use such tactics on the poor to be predatory.

Sorry, didn't mean to soapbox.

{grumpily} G'morning/afternoon all. Meh, already broke my self-promise not to window-shop in that end of the mall, so far still resisting the urge not to post there.

David Fryer wrote:
That makes at least two of us. (Or three or more!) She also had problems with hormones and thyroids in the past. She had hit puberty, something went awry and she simply stopped aging for 4 years.
I have heard that there is a rare genetic condition that can cause this. Perhaps she should be test for it.

I think she was and it was remedied, but she has to be on birth control and synthroid for the rest of her life. I remember her mom telling that to my father and his woman yesterday while we were waiting for her to come out of recovery.

Then again, what was a remedy back in the '70s and '80s is likely different now. I'll ask again when I see her this afternoon in a couple of hours.

Finally caught up. Bookmarking!






Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
{grumpily} G'morning/afternoon all. Meh, already broke my self-promise not to window-shop in that end of the mall, so far still resisting the urge not to post there.

Uh oh. C'mon sweets, step away from that window. It's much better down this wing anyway.... :)


Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Not yours!

EDIT: Dammit, yours. :)

OK, congrats to Taig, E7, and Urizen. It seems you all have good news about loved ones. I am glad to hear it.
If I missed anyone....I am sorry.

Going to take a break now, work on some school work, eat a lil something. Talk to you guys soon.

Urzien: Glad she's doing well and hope she recovers quickly.

Emperor7: Also glad to hear Tracy is doing better. Hope they can figure out what is provoking her immune response. You all keeping her spirits up has a lot to do with her recovery; hang in there. :)

Devlyn: You better not burst out into a chorus of Mr. Roboto ;p

Edit: Going off in search of prey... maybe food will make me less grumpy.

I'm going to eat schoolwork. I don't have a dog to blame it on.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

lynora wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales wrote:
Strangely enough, I wasn't even thinking about Terminator when I typed that...maybe I'm just a sleeper Cylon instead. Hmmm..... ;D
There are a couple of the Cylon chicks I'd sleep with. ;)

I'd prefer me some Starbuck action personally. :)

Silver Crusade

Phantom post.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

lynora wrote:

Making progress on the lotion and fudge making. (I went with almond flavor for you guys, S and M, in case you were curious.) Not exactly surprising anyone with Christmas gifts this year, but I had to know what type of chocolate to give. :)

Almond fudge lotion? ewww...

Shadow Postin' Across the Looney-Verse.... ;)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Solnes wrote:

Well, its official. Riley threw his first in public fit. My sweet baby is turning into a mean toddler. Broke his heart when I didn't get him that truck. Oh well, he will learn that he doesn't get things when he acts up.

The other two looked at him like he lost his mind, he is usually my angel, I have NEVER seen him act like that. Even I stood there staring at him for a minute or two. :\

Welcome back to the Terrible Two's. Caitlin hit hers early too and Seth can be a cranky little sh!t if he don't get his way.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Solnes wrote:
lynora wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Well, its official. Riley threw his first in public fit. My sweet baby is turning into a mean toddler. Broke his heart when I didn't get him that truck. Oh well, he will learn that he doesn't get things when he acts up.

The other two looked at him like he lost his mind, he is usually my angel, I have NEVER seen him act like that. Even I stood there staring at him for a minute or two. :\
Hrm... so that's what I have to look forward to...
Yep. The toddler phase...not so much fun. Between tantrums and toilet training....but then they learn how to do stuff like talk and all that, and having your kid tell you that they love you is pretty awesome. :)
But he says I love you! I no need toddler years! I hate potty training and fits, I like babies and cuddles! :)

Seth's been able to talk for quite some time now and he is actually toilet training himself so that's all good on that front (after the problems we had starting Caitlin at 2 we were just gonna hold off on Seth until later, but at 18 months he started to ask to go "wee wee toiet" himself so who are we to argue with that?)




Silver Crusade


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

OK I'm caught up and once again 10 minutes (at this stage) late for work. At least I got to post a couple of responses this time though, which is a nice change.

I do feel bloddy crappy though. Solnes I hope you didn't give me your damn stomach bug... :/

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Celestial Healer wrote:

That's like asking the Sun not to shine...

flash_cxxi wrote:

OK I'm caught up and once again 10 minutes (at this stage) late for work. At least I got to post a couple of responses this time though, which is a nice change.

I do feel bloddy crappy though. Solnes I hope you didn't give me your damn stomach bug... :/

I sorry. :\

Decided to skip lunch and have coffee. :)

Liberty's Edge

I think my wife's got it.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Solnes wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:

OK I'm caught up and once again 10 minutes (at this stage) late for work. At least I got to post a couple of responses this time though, which is a nice change.

I do feel bloddy crappy though. Solnes I hope you didn't give me your damn stomach bug... :/

I sorry. :\

heh heh... I's just jokin'

(and now you see what I meant by "at this stage"... add another 5 minutes to that lateness now)

I think the tree makes Paizo kitty go a lil nuts. She has been tearing around the house, bouncing off the walls and up the sides of teh furniture. :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Heathansson wrote:
I think my wife's got it.

She's got the "I decided to skip lunch and have coffee" bug?

flash_cxxi wrote:
Solnes wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:

OK I'm caught up and once again 10 minutes (at this stage) late for work. At least I got to post a couple of responses this time though, which is a nice change.

I do feel bloddy crappy though. Solnes I hope you didn't give me your damn stomach bug... :/

I sorry. :\

heh heh... I's just jokin'

(and now you see what I meant by "at this stage"... add another 5 minutes to that lateness now)

If you have somethin similar to what I did, expect it to last a couple days. :(

Liberty's Edge

Yes. Yes she does.

Silver Crusade

flash_cxxi wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
That's like asking the Sun not to shine...

True enough :)

Sleepy, really need to get to bed at a more normal hour.

Liberty's Edge


Heathansson wrote:
Yes. Yes she does.

Its a good bug to bugs go. :)

Liberty's Edge

sleep is for the weak.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Nobody asked me how good Twilight: New Moon was. Why does everybody ignore me... ask me damn it people. Pay attention to me!!!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Solnes wrote:
Sleepy, really need to get to bed at a more normal hour.

+ 50 bajillion

Bed at 1am, up at 5am...

Liberty's Edge

I wonder when Carrion Hill will be out at the FLGS?

flash_cxxi wrote:
Nobody asked me how good Twilight: New Moon was. Why does everybody ignore me... ask me damn it people. Pay attention to me!!!

For the sake of my sweety and our roommate (who still want to see it) - how was the movie?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Heathansson wrote:
I wonder when Carrion Hill will be out at the FLGS?

For me my bet is the New Year. :(

My stuff is always very late now that I get it from my FLGS. Anything but actual PFRPG products (which come out for me at the release date) can take up to 2-3 weeks longer because the supplier doesn't keep them in stock as a regular product (apart from the AP, which they still get in late)... what kind of importer does that?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
Nobody asked me how good Twilight: New Moon was. Why does everybody ignore me... ask me damn it people. Pay attention to me!!!
For the sake of my sweety and our roommate (who still want to see it) - how was the movie?

meh... another 2 hrs and 11 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

I feel so wanted now...

flash_cxxi wrote:
Nobody asked me how good Twilight: New Moon was. Why does everybody ignore me... ask me damn it people. Pay attention to me!!!


I suppose none of us cared enough about the film to ask. I mean, it would be a few minutes worth of reading that we couldn't get back. ;)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

And now I really have to go... I am meant to start in 2 minutes and it's a 20 minute drive. :/

Heathansson wrote:
sleep is for the weak.

Getting no sleep is making me weak.

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