Son of Forums are Way Too Long!!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

Kruelaid wrote:
Capt. Prikhard wrote:
Capt. Kirk Moorluck wrote: vessel.

Glad to see we could come to an compromise, BEE-YOTCH!

Now, kindly remove yourself from my thread, before I sick our bi-sexual Klingon Security Chief on your old school back side.
Is this allowed on the Paizo boards?

I think at this point as long as we keep me sequestered on this thread they've been willing to let it, and worse, go. :P

But really if I ever do offend anyone, just let me know, I'll tone it down a notch.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
taig wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Thought this one might tickle the funny bones of the group:


Why do you have to pick on those poor rules lawyers? They're almost people too. :)

You can shoot em in Texas, if they're in your house.

Same here in South Cacalacky. You just have to bury them in the back yard and cover them with Rid-X so the po-po's don't find out.

But on the up side.... my grass looks GREAT in the summer! ;)

LOL. I am inoffendable.

The Exchange

taig wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Not me. I'll eat a whole loaf of that mess.

+2 more for me.

So between the three of us that's 4 loaves... I better turn the oven back on. :/

Garlic bread!

I'll take a loaf too.

Hey do you guys cut lengthwise of cross section?

The Exchange

Kruelaid wrote:
LOL. I am inoffendable.

I honestly am surprised that some of the stuff that went on in 'The Father Thread' didn't get us shut down/ban hammered. It was like a soft core porn sometimes.... only with out the soft core part.

The Exchange

Kruelaid wrote:

Garlic bread!

I'll take a loaf too.

Hey do you guys cut lengthwise of cross section?

I cut it down the middle running leangth wise at a 15 degree angle before slathering my own garlic butter on it like I'd oil a bikini models butt. Why?

EDIT: Only if I were single my love... please don't hurt me. :/

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Kruelaid wrote:

Garlic bread!

I'll take a loaf too.

Hey do you guys cut lengthwise of cross section?

It depends on weather conditions, phases of the moon, etc.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

Garlic bread!

I'll take a loaf too.

Hey do you guys cut lengthwise of cross section?

I cut it down the middle running leangth wise at a 15 degree angle before slathering my own garlic butter on it like I'd oil a bikini models butt. Why?

EDIT: Only if I were single my love... please don't hurt me. :/

Interesting choice for your oiling up target before the edit, Moorluck.

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:

Garlic bread!

I'll take a loaf too.

Hey do you guys cut lengthwise of cross section?

I don't play. I eat it.

The Exchange

taig wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

Garlic bread!

I'll take a loaf too.

Hey do you guys cut lengthwise of cross section?

It depends on weather conditions, phases of the moon, etc.

And how the bones land in the fresh chicken entrails... don't forget that.

RPG Superstar 2012

Garlic bread post.

Edit: Blind post FTTOTP!

Edit Edit: Weird.

The Exchange

taig wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

Garlic bread!

I'll take a loaf too.

Hey do you guys cut lengthwise of cross section?

I cut it down the middle running leangth wise at a 15 degree angle before slathering my own garlic butter on it like I'd oil a bikini models butt. Why?

EDIT: Only if I were single my love... please don't hurt me. :/

Interesting choice for your oiling up target before the edit, Moorluck.

Yeah well the honey don't like her much, so I figure if expect BttH tonight I better go generic. Safer that way.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:

Nope, we wuz robbed!

But he did bring garlic bread, so I guess it's ok. :P

The Exchange

Yeah you better.

The Exchange

taig wrote:

Garlic bread post.

Blind post FTTOTP!

Aperantly not after you edited it! lol.

It's a cheap victory, but I'll take it.

Damn, all thais talk of garlic bread is making me hungry. Going to go heat up my dinner.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

Garlic bread!

I'll take a loaf too.

Hey do you guys cut lengthwise of cross section?

It depends on weather conditions, phases of the moon, etc.

And how the bones land in the fresh chicken entrails... don't forget that.

How could I ever forget that?

The Exchange

It's like the great Ric Flair once said: Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:

Garlic bread post.

Blind post FTTOTP!

Aperantly not after you edited it! lol.

It's a cheap victory, but I'll take it.

That was cheaper than your mom.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:

Garlic bread post.

Blind post FTTOTP!

Aperantly not after you edited it! lol.

It's a cheap victory, but I'll take it.

That was cheaper than your mom.

Damn, she was buy one get one free so that's pretty cheap.

RPG Superstar 2012

I'm waiting...

The Exchange

taig wrote:

I'm waiting...



The Exchange

Time to wake up the Baby Doll, then watch La Bamba together.... hopefully we can salvage what's left of the night. :/

RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:

I'm waiting...


The rain.

Whatarethewordsto la Bamba?
Whatarethewordsto la Bamba?
oh, whatarethey, whatarethey?

RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
Time to wake up the Baby Doll, then watch La Bamba together.... hopefully we can salvage what's left of the night. :/

I'm not sure how watching La Bamba can salvage anything, but good luck! :)

He decided to nap before watching La Bamba. We have both been so sleepy lately. We really should just go to bed at like 8 one of these nights.

taig wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Time to wake up the Baby Doll, then watch La Bamba together.... hopefully we can salvage what's left of the night. :/
I'm not sure how watching La Bamba can salvage anything, but good luck! :)

I love the movie. But I love all those movies of the older music singers.

Speaking of going to bed... I am wiped. Take care folks

Liberty's Edge

fantom menace

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Whatarethewordsto la Bamba?

Whatarethewordsto la Bamba?
oh, whatarethey, whatarethey?

I think it depemnds upon the version.


I remember our class was quite surprised back in Spanish IV when we saw the words in one of our books and we noticed that some of the words we had normally seen were replaced by "marijuana que fumar". Basicaslly, it was saying that you needed pot to be able to dance the dance correctly.

Edit Note: This is not a discussion promoting illegal activities, but ratther a history discussion...

Unless I am mistaken the song had its origins with Pancho Villa's gang and that smoking pot was one of their habits. But, I could be mistaken and actually googling it would require too much energy for me right now.

RPG Superstar 2012

Bed post.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Speaking of going to bed... I am wiped. Take care folks



Short crappy day for me.

I started to go out today but stayed in (I spent about 10 minutes with the intention of character creation for the heck of it) and went back to bed at about 1330 because I felt like hell. I didn't get up until nearly 2000.

The whole day disappeared on me. I will have to go back to bed soon because I will need to get up at 0515 to go to work.


ambigously gendered post

I have been chasing two rather large spiders around my apartment this evening (with intent to kill...although I do like spidfers in general, just not in my bathroom...) and haven't caught them yet.

Moorluck wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Thought this one might tickle the funny bones of the group:


Well in my defense I did tell that punk not to quote the DMG to me again. ;)

Where was this? I'm obviously missing out on all kinds of fun.

Bored post...entertain me. ;)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
I have been chasing two rather large spiders around my apartment this evening (with intent to kill...although I do like spidfers in general, just not in my bathroom...) and haven't caught them yet.

I like 'em because I know they kill other things I don't want running around. I still have nightmares about them.

We had a stack of wood in the back yard, and we gave it to a friend who was building a fort for his son. There were 20 black widows that had made a home there, and a couple were a good two inches in diameter.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Thought this one might tickle the funny bones of the group:


Well in my defense I did tell that punk not to quote the DMG to me again. ;)

Where was this? I'm obviously missing out on all kinds of fun.

Oh I randomly saw that on a website. Thought it was amusing ..

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Solnes wrote:
Bored post...entertain me. ;)

<Hits Shar...>

Hey, wait. Where is the dragon?

taig wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bored post...entertain me. ;)

<Hits Shar...>

Hey, wait. Where is the dragon?

Talked with him earlier, he is busy this weekend. Working and plans and stuffs. :)

taig wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
I have been chasing two rather large spiders around my apartment this evening (with intent to kill...although I do like spidfers in general, just not in my bathroom...) and haven't caught them yet.

I like 'em because I know they kill other things I don't want running around. I still have nightmares about them.

We had a stack of wood in the back yard, and we gave it to a friend who was building a fort for his son. There were 20 black widows that had made a home there, and a couple were a good two inches in diameter.

Ewww Ewwww Ewwww!

Can we add spiders to the list of not to talk about subjects?! Please!

Not even hastendeath spiders?

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Not even hastendeath spiders?

Oh God, please stop. :(

Heathansson wrote:
taig wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Thought this one might tickle the funny bones of the group:


Why do you have to pick on those poor rules lawyers? They're almost people too. :)

You can shoot em in Texas, if they're in your house.

Liberty's Edge

Solnes wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Not even hastendeath spiders?
Oh God, please stop. :(

definitely don't watch this youtube link then!

I went back and read from where I bookmarked. Oh Dear Lord. I think my brains are rotting in my skull. Heathy and the Jester took camping to an all new low. At least it enabled speed reading the four pages with almost nothing substantive.

Heathansson wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Not even hastendeath spiders?
Oh God, please stop. :(
definitely don't watch this youtube link then!

You. Suck.

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