Son of Forums are Way Too Long!!!

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Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:

The Exchange


Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:


The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:


Liberty's Edge


The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:


The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:


The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:


The Exchange

Seems you lost this battle!

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

there, I let you have that one.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
there, I let you have that one.

Sure you did.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:

No it isnt.

Liberty's Edge

Kinda like Kirk Douglas, skewering Tony Curtis in Spartacus so the Romans wouldn't crucify him.

Liberty's Edge

Crimson Jester wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
there, I let you have that one.
Sure you did.

You're getting sacrificed soon to appease the overgods, so...

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

sacrificing....jester to teter.....tomorrow....*yawn*

Liberty's Edge

nitey nite!


The Exchange

Yaeh it is getting kinda late.

Kruelaid wrote:
Nah. He's in Lincoln Nebraska. Still going strong. When I visit he takes me out to the peelers. They all sit with him between acts and chat with me while they restring their boobies and slip their boots back on. He's famous in the Lincoln clubs.

Kruelaid, I think I might have to meet your uncle, he sounds like an interesting guy and I am in centeral Iowa so not that long of a drive (for me anyways)

The Exchange

Very late.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Very late.

not late enough just got back from watching UFC 107

Solnes wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Leeds looking for lap dance researcher. Apply now!.
If I wasn't teaching elementary school, I'd apply.
Wow, teaching before you are 21? Did you graduate early?

I skipped three grades and graduated from high school in 3 years by taking summer school every year. I was 14 when I graduated High School, and immediately went to college and got my B.A. in three years by working my butt off, then got my certification in three months time.

I've been teaching for nearly a year a half years now. This coming summer I'm going back to school to start working on my Master's Degree.

It's nearly 3 am here, so I'm really calling it a night now.

No more Monk? *sigh* I can't believe that there is no more Monk. :(
I cried, I laughed, and then I cried a lil more. I will miss this show. I have to have it on DVD, all 8 seasons. Amazon, here I come. :)

Time for me to go to bed. I have to work in the morning. See you all sometime tomorrow, and I hope you are all sleeping well.

The Exchange

Hey Flash, you know that theory we were discussing tonite? I think it's pretty much been proven. ;)

Woodraven wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Nah. He's in Lincoln Nebraska. Still going strong. When I visit he takes me out to the peelers. They all sit with him between acts and chat with me while they restring their boobies and slip their boots back on. He's famous in the Lincoln clubs.
Kruelaid, I think I might have to meet your uncle, he sounds like an interesting guy and I am in centeral Iowa so not that long of a drive (for me anyways)

He is a retired professor of classics. An expert in Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit as well as being a speaker of German, Latvian, and English. Author of 30-40 books on dead grammar. He's quite the character.

Morning all!


Anyone smell moldy socks around here? ;)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Heathansson wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

I won it in battle.

Gary can make you disappear forever with the wave of his hand.

That may be true.

However, my memory will endureth forever.

there's not enough bleach to wash all of the brains clean.

God... Imagine if Gary took this away from him. We'd all be FB Spammed by Heathy 50 bajillion times a day! ;)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Moorluck wrote:
Hey Flash, you know that theory we were discussing tonite? I think it's pretty much been proven. ;)

I shall speak with you more on the matter tomorrow. :)

The Exchange

it's too damn early. I have to give an old high school friend a ride into work today or he will loose his job. I don't want to even be awake. I will be back in an hour and sleep until at least 11. I might come on and say hi this afternoon. I hope everyone has a nice day.

Crimson Jester wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Happy Holidays
Ha. Very cool. I will have to watch it when I get home.

Just watched this; funny! Appropriate as I'm trapped @ my woman's parents and everyone's still sleeping but me and the dog.

RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
Hey Flash, you know that theory we were discussing tonite? I think it's pretty much been proven. ;)

Is that a theory where you state "I have a theory" without stating what the theory is, someone is going to ask you about it?


RPG Superstar 2012

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Morning all!


Anyone smell moldy socks around here? ;)

Yeah, Heathansson left them on the floor.

Werewooves are notoriously unhygenic.

Must wake her mother to forage me some fresh kill.

<makes racket to provoke the dog to bark>

<cartman> cook me some turkey pot pie woman! </cartman>


taig wrote:

Is that a theory where you state "I have a theory" without stating what the theory is, someone is going to ask you about it?


I have a theory what their theory might be. Pure conjecture, my theory.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Crimson Jester wrote:
it's too damn early. I have to give an old high school friend a ride into work today or he will loose his job. I don't want to even be awake. I will be back in an hour and sleep until at least 11. I might come on and say hi this afternoon. I hope everyone has a nice day.

Good night??

I hope you get some sleep. See you later.

RPG Superstar 2012

Urizen wrote:
taig wrote:

Is that a theory where you state "I have a theory" without stating what the theory is, someone is going to ask you about it?


I have a theory what their theory might be. Pure conjecture, my theory.

Given the context, I think I have a theory what their theory might be too. I have no way to test my hypothesis, though.

Good morning!

taig wrote:

Given the context, I think I have a theory what their theory might be too. I have no way to test my hypothesis, though.

Good morning!

Mornin'! The woman's mother is up now watching CBS Morning when she should be cooking me turkey pot pie! :D

Want to hear my theory? I can do it in two words. Or maybe three.

Dark Archive

Good morning all. The snow is falling hard today, so unless I need to go out I'm not.

Mornin', DF. Gratz on your new gig! Put a bug in Hyrum's ear to crack the whip on Stan! and Owen to make me a PF Modern/Future kit. ;)

RPG Superstar 2012

Urizen wrote:
taig wrote:

Given the context, I think I have a theory what their theory might be too. I have no way to test my hypothesis, though.

Good morning!

Mornin'! The woman's mother is up now watching CBS Morning when she should be cooking me turkey pot pie! :D

Want to hear my theory? I can do it in two words. Or maybe three.

Sure. Put it in a spoiler.

It's too early for turkey pot pies. You should get her to make some waffles, though.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

David Fryer wrote:
Good morning all. The snow is falling hard today, so unless I need to go out I'm not.

Enjoy the snow! Do you have good sledding areas nearby?

taig wrote:

Sure. Put it in a spoiler.

It's too early for turkey pot pies. You should get her to make some waffles, though.

Well, she's busy folding laundry and my dog is trying to help her. LOL


tick tock...

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