Core Physical Quality Problems

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So I got my copy Saturday, and they are hard to come by around here (this was the only one available within a half-hour drive). And mine has some problems.

1) Binding. The first 'signature' doesn't seem to be stitched in correctly. It is already loose, and I suspect I'll lose my first 32 pages before the end of September if I actually use the book. The final signature is also somewhat loose, but it at least is obviously attached to the stitching that holds the spine together.

2) Cover corners. The top corners weren't glued down correctly and the rear one is already starting to peel up (only the interior brown sheet is holding it down it seems).

3) Crinkled Page Corners. This is mostly on the top corners, near the front of the book. This is likely due to poor packing for shipping.

It's a hard thing to look forward to a book so long and then be disappointed in it (especially when I agree with about 98% of what's inside).

Anyone else having these sorts of problems?

Not me, mine's great...

You probably should send an email to customer service with your issues...
Since it sounds like you have quite a few, I wouldn't be surprised if they found some solution, like a replacement,
though from the sounds of things that unavoidably might not come until November or so.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Or post in the "Customer Service" forum.

Shadow Lodge

Mines not so bad. I preordered at local comic shop. However, the binding does not look to sturdy. It makes me think that after 1/2 a year of normal gaming use, it might not hold. But that may just be appearance.

Shadow Lodge

I got mine direct from Paizo and the build quality of the book was the most startling initial feature on first impression. It is a shame if a batch was produced that was not up to scratch.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

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