erian_7's Excel-based Character Sheet

Homebrew and House Rules

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Sovereign Court

Indeed! time to train Perform(stamp) up a few levels

Hey, if any of you downloaded the sheet in say the last hour, download it again. I forgot to clear out some test data. Sorry about that.

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.9.1.0 : Quick Bug Fix before my game this weekend.

thebluecanary wrote:
New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.9.1.0 : Quick Bug Fix before my game this weekend.

Hey; I've been fiddling around with the character sheet just now. Awesome job so far, but the "lore keeper" revelation for Oracles is also supposed to apply CHA modifier to reflex saves instead of DEX. The other DEX => CHA substitutions apply, but reflex saves currently don't

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New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.10.0.0 : Archetypes a plenty. Monks to Gunslingers.

Sovereign Court

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yay! Monks getting love!

And more Monk and Ranger lovin' a comin'.

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.11.0.1 : PFAPG Archetypes complete.

Sovereign Court

the tireless efforts much appreciated! yay!


New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.12.0.4 : Custom Class options and Utility Work.


BltzKrg242 wrote:

Is that good?

Dotted means he is doing a short post so that he can refer to the document later. So yes. It's a good thing.

Anyone know a good place to acquire an Excel-type program to run this that isn't Microsoft based?

OpenOffice is a major player. I can't speak to the current offering, but for my earlier attempts I tried very hard to keep things compatible with OO.

Sovereign Court

Open Office has longer load times and some of the formatting will likely change. However, the core mechanics of the sheet work on either platform.

I like seeing all the tickets up on the site. Although it means more work for Blue, it shows how much more traffic and use the document is getting now.

Appreciate everyone's hard work in using the sheet, and helping fine tune it to a point of becoming a truly invaluable tool for PF players. Spread the word.


Nezthalak wrote:

I like seeing all the tickets up on the site. Although it means more work for Blue, it shows how much more traffic and use the document is getting now.

Appreciate everyone's hard work in using the sheet, and helping fine tune it to a point of becoming a truly invaluable tool for PF players. Spread the word.


Thanks for the support. I need it some days. Just so you know, I Aten't Dead Yet. Just working hard on the Eidolon. Wife has been sick for the past week, so that hasn't helped. Also I got MW3, SO that is taking up my nights as well. Hehe. But I am getting near the end of the Eidolon. And I suspect, like the Animal and Familiar sheets, I missed something important, and I'll be back at it again.

Hope to have something out before the end of the month.

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.13.0.3 : More Custom options from Printing to XP Progression Charts. Full Core and Base Class Support. Eidolons!

Sovereign Court

Blue, I had a question regarding the advance spell sheets. The ability to pick known spells is pretty straightforward, but I don't see how to select a spell to be "prepared" or "known" and get it to show up on the printable spell sheet at the end of the document?

Also, when I try to update the links when prompted by the sheet, it comes back as failing because it can't locate SpellForge_Pathfinder_0.9.3.xls

Is that sheet maintained someplace?

Nezthalak wrote:

Blue, I had a question regarding the advance spell sheets. The ability to pick known spells is pretty straightforward, but I don't see how to select a spell to be "prepared" or "known" and get it to show up on the printable spell sheet at the end of the document?

Also, when I try to update the links when prompted by the sheet, it comes back as failing because it can't locate SpellForge_Pathfinder_0.9.3.xls

Is that sheet maintained someplace?

I don't think there is a to mark it as "prepared". I know what that 'SpellForge_Pathfinder_0.9.3.xls' sheet is, but I do not know why it is asking you about it.

I am currently doing a total re-build of the enter darn sheet. I mean I have almost totally started over. I have a "not totally broke" version right now. If you want to help me out and play with it a bit, it would be very cool.

But I like the idea of marking ones for "prepared". I always print mine sheet out and check them by hand. I'll see what I can do.

And yes, I did get the PFARG today. Working that sucker too.

EDIT: I take some back. If you goto the Spell Sheet itself, there is a column on the far left where you can put a X or whatever you want to mark it as "prep".

Sovereign Court

I saw that, but after putting spells known on that page, it doesn't fill into the Spell Sheet.

I'd be very willing to help work on it. I know a little excel code.

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.14.0.3 : Advanced Race Guide Options. New Alt-Race options for Core races. All race traits updated to fit with PFARG. More Custom Options.

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.14.1.0 : Quick Fix Update. I created a bug that wouldn't remove your old race traits.

Great job with this thing. It's very in-depth. I might suggest a few things:
That you add a place for the optional flaws such as the ones that came out from 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming and there are also the 3.5 flaws that are available if people want to convert them over.
That you add a place for followers. I see spots available for animal companions, Familiars, and Eidolons.

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.15.0.0 : Lots of new items. Added from all over the place. Many Archetypes, some prestige classes, Favored Class options, and Bloodlines. Check the notes for full info.

Sovereign Court

/approved! This thing is going to be bigger than a Tarrasque when its done :)

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.15.1.0 : Happy Anniversary! If I had noticed the date on Friday, I would have waited till today. So for this one, I just did a little fixes, and added several archetypes from the request bin. Enjoy.

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.16.0.0 : Added more Archetypes, missing traits, and more of the Race Traits from PFARG.

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v2.0.0.0 : Added more Archetypes, missing combat feats, and feats from PFARG. Also added the last of the Prestige classes from PFAPG to finish out the book.

With v2.0.0.0 I've gone and created a new thread. So hop on over, and keep an eye out. Thanks again erian_7 for letting me crash here.

Hey all,

I just downloaded the excelerator from and all is good and great except one thing. I am building a level 1 half-orc fighter and cant pick power attack as a feat, even though I meet all the prereqs. Any ideas?


Grand Lodge

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I know it has been a while since you have heard from anyone in the campaign but I am a member of the new ownership and was wondering if you have added any of the recent changes to the LSJ stuff. IF you are not sure what I am referring to please contact me off list at LSJ Coord from our new webby which is

Thank you for your time and interest.

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