Darl Quethos

LSJEricV's page

RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Grand Lodge

Well that helps some. I will adjust those to match the levels and you can't swim in soil but I can see how that would work in quicksand. Thanks

Grand Lodge

I am writing a trap that drowns people in soil and sucks them down to a depth of 100'

I am curious on damage this would do. Should it be Con Drain? HP per round? Would this crush them if the soil is loose pack like quicksand?
How would armor impact the crushing?

Since this trap is for levels 1 to 17 I will have to vary the amount of Damage but I feel this is very deadly. Input would be appreciated.

Grand Lodge

I am writing a trap that drowns people in soil and sucks them down to a depth of 100'

I am curious on damage this would do. Should it be Con Drain? HP per round? Would this crush them if the soil is loose pack like quicksand?
How would armor impact the crushing?

Since this trap is for levels 1 to 17 I will have to vary the amount of Damage but I feel this is very deadly. Input would be appreciated.

Grand Lodge

Did the Sea Cat make it into this book. I miss this beast from the old days. Nice middle of the road sea encounter.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know it has been a while since you have heard from anyone in the campaign but I am a member of the new ownership and was wondering if you have added any of the recent changes to the LSJ stuff. IF you are not sure what I am referring to please contact me off list at LSJ Coord from our new webby which is theshiningjewel.com

Thank you for your time and interest.