erian_7 |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

As there's been some interest in the Excel file I use for a character sheet, I wanted to start a single thread for discussing issues, requests, etc. I'm starting from the baseline version listed below:
Pathfinder RPG Character Sheet v.0.5
I have several goals for this character sheet that drive my development efforts:
- File Size - I don't want a huge file that is a bear to email and/or performs slowly.
- Customization - I use house rules all the time, sometimes changing mid-game if a new concept looks good. I want a Core rules baseline, but also flexibility to change things as needed without too much work.
- Print Friendly - The end result must produce a functional, easy-on-the-eye sheet.
- Electronic Friendly - I want automation that will allow me to apply temporary ability changes, status effects, etc. as I use the sheets live in-game.
- Legal - All material must be covered under the Open Game License as Open Game Content and/or be covered by the Paizo Community Use Policy.
- I'm sure there's more, but it's late and I've got to be at work in less than 8 hours...
This version of the sheet complies with the above fairly well (and the Legal bit perfectly, to the best of my knowledge). It is currently built such that the character generation happens as you fill out the sheet, i.e. when you select a Race, then the Size modifier, save bonuses, etc. appear.
The Class and Feat areas are not very automated--for classes only the BAB, hp, saves, and skill points are covered and there is no Feat automation at this time. These two areas are my primary focus for the next major upgrade (for the curious, Spells and Equipment are my targets after that).
Each tab is Locked, but not password protected. This is so you don't have to worry about accidentally erasing a formula, but can Unlock the tab if you want to change things around. Some fields have formulas but are not locked--these are generally ones where I expect a manual override may be necessary.
The Front and Back tabs are the main sheets, with the Character Info tab thrown in for extra space needs (no automation on it at all). Thanks to GamerGirrl I also have a Spells tab that has some automation.
The Table tab contains the "guts" of the sheet that drive a lot of the automation. You'll see some grey fields on that tab that allow you to add custom races, classes, and skills. You can of course unlock the tab and add all you want, but these fields make it easy to do so without breaking anything.
The Feats tab contains every OGC feat from the Pathfinder RPG and all Pathfinder material. It's got an autofilter that you can use to browse feats, even if you don't want to use the sheet. Note that chunks are missing right now--I need Summary benefits for the non-Core feats and full Benefits for the Core feats, for instance. This tabe will be the source for my Feat automation.
The Traits tab is like Feats...but with traits.
Alternate Class Features is just that--the alternative rules offered up in the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting. No automation as yet, but I'll integrate this into the Class automation.
Community Use Material is the tab for Golarion and Pathfinder IP material that is not actually OGC, but used under the Community Use Policy. Right now, it's just languages. I see future use here for things like nation and deity names, etc. I don't plan on building out a lot beyond that, but wanted a separate section for this type of material. Note that some IP is also found on the Feats and Traits tabs, as they might, for instance, use the name Andoran or refer to the god Irori.
Okay, that's the basics. Questions, comments, and criticism welcome (as is help for anyone interested in data entry, feat summarization, etc.).
Thanks, and most of all, good gaming!

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Just to let you know, so far everything is working fine on my Mac using Open Office. I refuse to spend uptten hundred dollars for Microsoft Office and Excel for my Windows machine, and prefer my Mac. So far it works fine.
I did have an idea. Toss it if you like.
Instead of a big area for a picture or symbol, maybe a place to track situational modifiers.
I know in some games I played a fighter and would get so many buffs running I had a hard time tracking what they were, what they all did, and I never knew when they expired.
This would be a fantastic addition to the sheet.
And thank you.

erian_7 |

Just to let you know, so far everything is working fine on my Mac using Open Office. I refuse to spend uptten hundred dollars for Microsoft Office and Excel for my Windows machine, and prefer my Mac. So far it works fine.
I did have an idea. Toss it if you like.
Instead of a big area for a picture or symbol, maybe a place to track situational modifiers.
I know in some games I played a fighter and would get so many buffs running I had a hard time tracking what they were, what they all did, and I never knew when they expired.
This would be a fantastic addition to the sheet.
And thank you.
Good deal on OpenOffice and Mac. I'm going to try an Excel 2007 version at some point and see how compatible it is, since it cuts the file size roughly in half...
For the Status updates, I definitely want that on the sheet. I've been thinking of putting it on the Front, however, as that's the primary "game time" view (with info on the Back tab coming in second--or Spells for casters). If I can't work it in without cramping the space, though, then that big, blank space is definitely an option.

erian_7 |

I've taken my first (admittedly fairly easy) step into class ability automation, tackling the Armor and Weapon Proficiency items. These fields now auto-populate on the Back and the feat data validation recognizes them appropriately.
Note that for this and future increments, I'll be posting the updated file, but the baseline v.0.5 will also remain in place. As such, you can always get it from the link in the first post of this thread if you don't want to mess with testing out the feature changes I roll out. As I had a request for a "no calc" version of the sheet, I've also made available the layout version I use for fiddling with sizes and such.

Basilforth |

very nice ...
I was experimenting with different races, when do the ability mods take effect? I didn't see the specified stats change as I selected different races.
Ah... a little more fiddling I and I get it..... I input the modified base stats and the 'points let' indicator showed the correct amount. So, the idea is to select the race, then manually change the base stats score (which is 10) to either 12 or 8 as required. Then spend your points from there....

erian_7 |

Amazing work. Kudos. Just one question. Why did you decide to sacrifice the first level bloodline power for Hidden Reserve instead of Eschew Materials? I ask, because Eschew Materials would strike me as more comparable to the Scribe Scroll sacrifice that Wizards are required to make.
Thanks! Two things for my thought process here. I thought about that option at first, but really Eschew Materials is not a comparable trade (at least in my experience). Wizards with scrolls are highly versatile, equipped for any event. Sorcerers without Eschew Materials...have to buy a piece of common equipment. Secondly, it matches the loss of the familiar originally noted in the PCCS.
In the end, though, it's just a gut feeling on balance for my part. My hope is that Paizo will be updating the older material as things move along (not via a new PCCS, for instance, but rather when a new book needs the material). In the interim, however, I'd like to get forum feedback on the various updates. There are lots of feats, for instance, that had a Skill 4 ranks requirement. Was the intention to allow a 1st level character access? If so, the PFRPG version must but Skill 1 rank (to allow access given the new max ranks cap). But if it was intended to show dedication to the skill, perhaps Skill Focus should be required (that's a generally a steeper price than skill points) or the skill must be a class skill (probably a more elegant solution, and one I just thought about!). So, keep the feedback coming!
very nice ...
I was experimenting with different races, when do the ability mods take effect? I didn't see the specified stats change as I selected different races.
Ah... a little more fiddling I and I get it..... I input the modified base stats and the 'points let' indicator showed the correct amount. So, the idea is to select the race, then manually change the base stats score (which is 10) to either 12 or 8 as required. Then spend your points from there....
Yep, you got it. I want to keep the ability score fields free text entry, so having them calculate based on race would be prohibitive.

erian_7 |

Very nice work, Erian!
So far, and I have done much with it yet, my only complaint is that the font size you use for the drop-down menus is so small as to be almost illegible.
BTW, I'm using Excel 2007 if that makes any difference.
That's a limitation of Excel, unfortunately. Specifically, I use 22 pixel x 22 pixel cells as the "building blocks" of the sheet. This allows me greater flexibility for creating larger cells of varying sizes through cell merges. However, the data validation feature ties the size of the drop-down font to a single cell, i.e. 22 pixels. I may have to move to a data entry sheet of some sort that populates the character sheet in order to fix this (I'm not a fan of combo boxes, which would be another solution).

erian_7 |

And as always, you're welcome! Thanks to board member veector, we now have a nice new home for the character sheet (along with other PF goodies not of my making):
Note I am only storing the last major, stable release here (so v.0.5 at this time) and it will not have all the little updates released for testing as I work out the class automation.
Thanks again, veector!

erian_7 |

For the folks really interested in testing, I have a request. I've done a bit of research and it looks like OpenOffice should be able to support the Excel 2007 XLSX format. I have also confirmed there is a Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats that should allow Microsoft Office XP and 2003 versions of Excel to use the XLSX format. I'd really like to know how good this support is, as moving to the new format will allow some better tools in my design, more efficient codes, etc.
As a bonus for folks that want to take a look, this one has the beginnings of my true work on classes, with the Barbarian class abilities entered (on the Class Abilities tab) and the beginnings of a system for selecting class options. This is rough yet, and doesn't port over into anything on the actual character sheets, but you can at least see where I'm headed. Right now, for instance, the sheet figures out if you are qualified for a given rage power and won't offer it up unless you are.

veector |

And as always, you're welcome! Thanks to board member veector, we now have a nice new home for the character sheet (along with other PF goodies not of my making):
Note I am only storing the last major, stable release here (so v.0.5 at this time) and it will not have all the little updates released for testing as I work out the class automation.
Thanks again, veector!
No problem. Glad to be of service.

erian_7 |

Does this not have the Ranger's Favored Enemy ability or am I missing something?
Well, yes and no (on missing something, not on it having Favored Enemy). I have not built in any Ranger class ability support as yet. I finished up the Barbarian basics in v.0.5.2 that's posted for testing. I'm about half-way through the Bard now. So, it'll be a bit before I make it to the Ranger, but I do intend to cover the Favored Enemy ability.

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Well, yes and no (on missing something, not on it having Favored Enemy). I have not built in any Ranger class ability support as yet. I finished up the Barbarian basics in v.0.5.2 that's posted for testing. I'm about half-way through the Bard now. So, it'll be a bit before I make it to the Ranger, but I do intend to cover the Favored Enemy ability.
Okay that's cool. Still great work!

erian_7 |

erian_7 wrote:Well, yes and no (on missing something, not on it having Favored Enemy). I have not built in any Ranger class ability support as yet. I finished up the Barbarian basics in v.0.5.2 that's posted for testing. I'm about half-way through the Bard now. So, it'll be a bit before I make it to the Ranger, but I do intend to cover the Favored Enemy ability.Okay that's cool. Still great work!
Thanks! And of course if anyone is feeling froggy and wants to jump in to help in the class ability formatting/automation, I'll get there sooner!

kamimitsu |

Again, awesome work. I'm a tad confused as to how to enter my rolled HP. There is obviously a formula in the appropriate box on the Front page (and later on the Tables page), and the cells are locked (so I'd rather not mess with them and screw up your autocalculating). So, where do I enter the HP that I roll at each level up? Or, should I just erase the formula and enter manually?
Probably a silly question, but one that has stumped me.

Malachi Tarchannen |

Thanks! And of course if anyone is feeling froggy and wants to jump in to help in the class ability formatting/automation, I'll get there sooner!
I must applaud your efforts, and it looks as if you've gotten off to a fine start. As to your goals of making it automated, all-inclusive, email-able, user-friendly, flexible, AND able to serve you coffee and crumpets in bed, well...that is a tall order.I myself have developed an Excel spreadsheet that nearly meets those goals (alas, it's for v3.5, not Pathfinder), and I would gladly send you a copy. (Well, I suppose I'd send anyone a copy who wanted one.) I certainly don't want to steal any of your thunder, Erian, so think of this as a gesture of goodwill; you may find ideas that you like or answers to conundrums you're having.
I'd post it here, but it's over 16 Mb. Yes, that's MEGA-bytes. But, I think you'll like it. :)

erian_7 |

Again, awesome work. I'm a tad confused as to how to enter my rolled HP. There is obviously a formula in the appropriate box on the Front page (and later on the Tables page), and the cells are locked (so I'd rather not mess with them and screw up your autocalculating). So, where do I enter the HP that I roll at each level up? Or, should I just erase the formula and enter manually?
Probably a silly question, but one that has stumped me.
I've been thinking on different approaches to HP and how I can support them, but nothing is implemented as yet. The HP cell should be unlocked, actually, so you can indeed override/erase the calcs if you want. So, the easiest route to get what you want is to just erase the formula and type in your rolled HP. If you don't want to mess with the formula, then I actually have the HP Mod: cell right above HP that I use to tweak HP when needed (I usually use this for things like Weapon of Legacy HP decreases, magic items that grant HP, etc.). Just as an FYI, the calculation I currently use for HP is:
(Max HP at 1st level) + (1/2+1 HP at every level beyond 1st) + (Current Constitution Modifier* x Character Level) + (Favored Class HP) + (anything in the HP Mod: cell)
*Note that this means if you put a Con score in the Temporary Score field, HP changes to accommodate that new score. Bull's Strength, Con damage/drain, etc. can thus be directly reflected. I've used the same approach for Saving Throws, skill checks, attack rolls, etc.
Now, that said, one thing I've been thinking about is an HP chart that notes the HP per level by various means, so one column for "Max at 1st, half+1 thereafter" another for "Max at all levels" etc. I would then include one blank column where you enter your own data, whether it be rolled HD, racial HP, etc. You could then set one field indicating which column to use and the final HP total displayed on the Front sheet would use the appropriate data (rather than my above formula). This gives a player the ability to subtract HP by level if necessary (say, if they use old school level drain rules), a GM can monitor HP, etc.
erian_7 wrote:Thanks! And of course if anyone is feeling froggy and wants to jump in to help in the class ability formatting/automation, I'll get there sooner!Erian,
I must applaud your efforts, and it looks as if you've gotten off to a fine start. As to your goals of making it automated, all-inclusive, email-able, user-friendly, flexible, AND able to serve you coffee and crumpets in bed, well...that is a tall order.I myself have developed an Excel spreadsheet that nearly meets those goals (alas, it's for v3.5, not Pathfinder), and I would gladly send you a copy. (Well, I suppose I'd send anyone a copy who wanted one.) I certainly don't want to steal any of your thunder, Erian, so think of this as a gesture of goodwill; you may find ideas that you like or answers to conundrums you're having.
I'd post it here, but it's over 16 Mb. Yes, that's MEGA-bytes. But, I think you'll like it. :)
Thanks. I actually started from Heroforge as a base (then ripped the guts out, reformatted all the pages, and basically started from scratch), but I always like to look at other models just to see how folks structured things. I loved Heroforge, but it just got too dang big to use and to dang complicated to customize for my fiddly little house rules. I'm really hoping to get some tests in on the XLSX version of the sheet, as it is roughly half the size. If it works, and I can start using more efficient formula (such as IFERROR) that should keep size down and performance up.

erian_7 |

Okay folks, big and important request for anyone willing to test this sheet out. I have completed the data entry and automation for both the Barbarian and Bard. With two full classes in, I'd like to start thinking about what to do with all this data on the actual character sheet. So, with the focus on Class Abilities, I've moved all the big blocks of functionality for the Back sheet out of the right-hand column except for these. I then started messing around with different multi-class and full class options to see what that space would need to look like if it displays the class ability name and a summary. It's a really big chunk of the sheet, and for much of the character's career at least half might be blank. I've considered other options, such as only displaying the class ability name (less useful to a player needing a quick refresher). If I went that route, I could make a Class Ability sheet that would basically create 3x5 cards for each ability that would work as a reference. Note that some of the logic/formulas in place are just temporary solutions to get a visual of what this might look like.
Note that when working on characters, you need to go to the Character options tab for any class ability selections (like the Bbn rage powers).
Testing on this one will be greatly appreciated, and I',m really needing some feedback on what you'd like to do with this information! I'll likely follow the same approach for the Feats, so I'd like to nail it down...

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Testing on this one will be greatly appreciated, and I',m really needing some feedback on what you'd like to do with this information! I'll likely follow the same approach for the Feats, so I'd like to nail it down...
Well first off there were error messages saying "the formula contains unrecognized text." However I will contiue testing it!

erian_7 |

erian_7 wrote:Well first off there were error messages saying "the formula contains unrecognized text." However I will continue testing it!Testing on this one will be greatly appreciated, and I',m really needing some feedback on what you'd like to do with this information! I'll likely follow the same approach for the Feats, so I'd like to nail it down...
That's definitely an item of note, as the errors your getting may be due to an incompatibility with the Excel 2007 XLSX format. Are you using OpenOffice, and if so is it up-to-date? Are you using Microsoft Excel, and if so is it from the XP or 2003 Office suite? If yes to either XP or 2003, do you have the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats?

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Are you using OpenOffice, and if so is it up-to-date? Are you using Microsoft Excel, and if so is it from the XP or 2003 Office suite? If yes to either XP or 2003, do you have the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats?
Open office doesn;t seem to like me and I downloaded that Compatibility pack and I STILL get the "?NAME" errors. I guess that doen't like me either! :(

delslow |

erian_7 wrote:Are you using OpenOffice, and if so is it up-to-date? Are you using Microsoft Excel, and if so is it from the XP or 2003 Office suite? If yes to either XP or 2003, do you have the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats?Open office doesn;t seem to like me and I downloaded that Compatibility pack and I STILL get the "?NAME" errors. I guess that doen't like me either! :(
Running Excel 2003 with comparability package... many ?NAME errors.

Alan Sinclair |
Just to let you know
I am running Excel 2003 with the compatability package and get the following message when I open the very latest version of sheet
- One or more functions in this workbook are not available in this version of excel. When recalculated, these funtions will return a #NAME? error instead of returning calculated results.
This did not happen when I opened the previous version of the sheet (the first xlsx version you posted). That seemed to work fine.

erian_7 |

Just to let you know
I am running Excel 2003 with the compatability package and get the following message when I open the very latest version of sheet
- One or more functions in this workbook are not available in this version of excel. When recalculated, these funtions will return a #NAME? error instead of returning calculated results.
This did not happen when I opened the previous version of the sheet (the first xlsx version you posted). That seemed to work fine.
Hmm, now that's odd. For the previous two folks, does the v.0.5.2 sheet work without errors? I used IFERROR in v.0.5.3 but not in .2, so that is likely the culprit. If that is the case, I can still get the size reduction from 2007, I just can't use the IFERROR function.
And in anticipation that this is the problem, this version removes all instances of IFERROR but leaves everything else intact:

erian_7 |

Just thought I should let you know that PFRPG_CS_V_0_3_1 has no error messages now and seems to be working fine for me.
I can't thank you enough for the fine work you are doing.
Good deal--so it is the IFERROR function. I hate that, since it makes many formulas a heck of a lot easier to work out correctly and also be "display friendly" but I can live with it. There's a T function that I might be able to use in some places, but only in relation to text displays.
And as always, you're welcome! I appreciate you all trying this out and letting me know how things are working...

Berselius |

Heya Erian,
You wanted people to test the sheet right? I've noticed the following things that seem to be missing from it:
There is no automation in giving a character Ability Points (at least for the half-elf as it keeps saying when I select epic that I have 25 points to spend).
There is no way to select ability scores to increase from leveling up.
There is no automation in the sheet to determine how many feats or bonus feats you get based on your level or classes.
The feats are BARELY VISIBLE in the scroll down slots and I for one cannot make them out at all without having to select one of them at a time.
There appears to be no way to select equipment or weapons that the character is currently using.

erian_7 |

Heya Erian,
You wanted people to test the sheet right? I've noticed the following things that seem to be missing from it:
First off, thanks for testing! This is definitely what I need. Note that for some of these, I may seem to be giving a "non-response" but that is not my intention. I'll explain how the sheet works now, then (if I've got something in my head) explain future direction. Definitely don't take any of it as not caring about your responses, as even the issues that are not "problems" right now help me understand how people use the sheet differently than I do.
So again, thanks for the feedback, and let me know if there's a better way--just ask Gamer Girrl as the Spells tab is thanks to her!
There is no automation in giving a character Ability Points (at least for the half-elf as it keeps saying when I select epic that I have 25 points to spend).
This is built in for most races directly into the calculation--your ability scores stays at a starting amount of 10 across the board but the point cost changes. For humans, half-elves, and half-orcs, you must specify what ability you are boosting in the section on the right-hand side of the sheet (outside the Print Area). So, if you select Dexterity there, then your starting dexterity score of 10 then shows as adding back in two points to your ability points, so you end up with 17 to spend. I'm considering moving this and the other items on that right-hand column to the Character Options page so folks don't miss them.
There is no way to select ability scores to increase from leveling up.
This is currently the use of the Other Mods: box directly below each ability score name. You can add in level bumps, points from magic items, etc. (as well as negatives). I see these as both permanent and semi-permanent changes to abilities versus the temporary changes you might record in Temporary Score (I put things like Rage bonuses here).
There is no automation in the sheet to determine how many feats or bonus feats you get based on your level or classes.
This is definitely correct--I don't have any real class or feat automation in as yet. The latest development version ( has the Barbarian and Bard class abilities in place, but not thoroughly integrated into the sheet. I'm focusing on classes now, and that will include automating the number of feats you gain per level. I want to finish that up, then I'll turn to fuller feat automation.
The feats are BARELY VISIBLE in the scroll down slots and I for one cannot make them out at all without having to select one of them at a time.
Yes, this is a noted limitation with the Data Validation feature in Excel when you change the cell size. There is no fix using the current format of the sheet, except for changing the Zoom Level of the page. I will likely move feat selection over to the Character Options page where the drop-downs will be visible.
There appears to be no way to select equipment or weapons that the character is currently using.
There is no equipment automation at all, except for a bit on the Front tab to help with attack and damage calculations (and I total up the weight for encumbrance use). Any fuller automation of equipment will come after classes, feats, and spells, as there is simply too much variety in equipment selection (I include magic items here) for me to handle right now.

Darkwolf |

Yes, the size of the drop downs is bad. I gave myself a headache last night while helping a friend make up a new PFS character. Glad you have a fix in mind.
I know you don't have the feat automation in yet, so I won't mention those bits specifically. One thing we did notice, however, is that it does not calculate 1.5x Str bonus to damage for Two Handed Fighting.
It's a great sheet though. Appreciate your work on it.

erian_7 |

Yes, the size of the drop downs is bad. I gave myself a headache last night while helping a friend make up a new PFS character. Glad you have a fix in mind.
I know you don't have the feat automation in yet, so I won't mention those bits specifically. One thing we did notice, however, is that it does not calculate 1.5x Str bonus to damage for Two Handed Fighting.
It's a great sheet though. Appreciate your work on it.
Do you mean it doesn't work, or that you don't see a place for it? There is automation for this, built in above each weapon entry. If you change the Str Multiplier field it should change the damage accordingly. If that's broken, let me know and I'll look into it.

Darkwolf |

Wolfthulhu wrote:Yes, the size of the drop downs is bad. I gave myself a headache last night while helping a friend make up a new PFS character. Glad you have a fix in mind.
I know you don't have the feat automation in yet, so I won't mention those bits specifically. One thing we did notice, however, is that it does not calculate 1.5x Str bonus to damage for Two Handed Fighting.
It's a great sheet though. Appreciate your work on it.
Do you mean it doesn't work, or that you don't see a place for it? There is automation for this, built in above each weapon entry. If you change the Str Multiplier field it should change the damage accordingly. If that's broken, let me know and I'll look into it.
Ah, so there is. I missed that. I had assumed that just changing from 'One-handed' to 'Two-handed' recalculate automatically.

erian_7 |

erian_7 wrote:Wolfthulhu wrote:Yes, the size of the drop downs is bad. I gave myself a headache last night while helping a friend make up a new PFS character. Glad you have a fix in mind.
I know you don't have the feat automation in yet, so I won't mention those bits specifically. One thing we did notice, however, is that it does not calculate 1.5x Str bonus to damage for Two Handed Fighting.
It's a great sheet though. Appreciate your work on it.
Do you mean it doesn't work, or that you don't see a place for it? There is automation for this, built in above each weapon entry. If you change the Str Multiplier field it should change the damage accordingly. If that's broken, let me know and I'll look into it.
Ah, so there is. I missed that. I had assumed that just changing from 'One-handed' to 'Two-handed' recalculate automatically.
I haven't gone that route as you can also wield 1-handed weapons 2-handed and get the Str bump. As such, that field really just indicates the weapon type right now. I'm thinking on adding various qualifiers into the weapon section--2-handed, 2-weapon, finesse, etc.--that would automate these sorts of things.

erian_7 |

Alan Sinclair wrote:
I can't thank you enough for the fine work you are doing.Couldn't agree more!
It works great so far. Thanks for all the hard work!
I never get tired of saying it...you're welcome!
I do have a request for anyone out there with a bit of free time...I've started working on the caster classes, and they present a whole level of complexity beyond the other classes due to spells plus domains/schools/bloodlines. I've got the spell mechanics hammered out fairly well between working on the bard and cleric, but the data entry for the domains/schools/bloodlines is going to take a while to even get in a usable format. Anyone with spare time want to move some text around (no formatting/formula creation required) in a spreadsheet? If so, that'll speed my work up tremendously. I've got the Domains cut out of the PDF and have started formatting them as an example, in case anyone is interested. If not, I'll hammer these out as I can.

Full Bleed |

I do have a request for anyone out there with a bit of free time...I've started working on the caster classes, and they present a whole level of complexity beyond the other classes due to spells plus domains/schools/bloodlines. I've got the spell mechanics hammered out fairly well between working on the bard and cleric, but the data entry for the domains/schools/bloodlines is going to take a while to even get in a usable format. Anyone with spare time want to move some text around (no formatting/formula creation required) in a spreadsheet? If so, that'll speed my work up tremendously. I've got the Domains cut out of the PDF and have started formatting them as an example, in case anyone is interested. If not, I'll hammer these out as I can
Cleric Domains are done and emailed to you.
Thanks for working on this.

erian_7 |

Cleric Domains are done and emailed to you.
Thanks for working on this.
Thanks! I'll work on integrating these into v.0.5.4, which I should now have out some time today. If anybody wants to take a stab at the schools and bloodlines, that'll be great as well (I'll supply a template/format if needed).

Full Bleed |

Thanks! I'll work on integrating these into v.0.5.4, which I should now have out some time today. If anybody wants to take a stab at the schools and bloodlines, that'll be great as well (I'll supply a template/format if needed).
Put up a template and I might be able to hit one or the other.

Mentsguard |
erian_7 wrote:Thanks! I'll work on integrating these into v.0.5.4, which I should now have out some time today. If anybody wants to take a stab at the schools and bloodlines, that'll be great as well (I'll supply a template/format if needed).Put up a template and I might be able to hit one or the other.
Heck, put up both and I'll see what I can help with. Always happy to speed up good resources :)

erian_7 |