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AAAhh Gen Con. . . .
You will be missed.
Favorite moments:
Stuck elevator w/Joe Goodman of Goodman games for 45 minutes only to realize who he was the next day when I ran into him at the Goodman booth and said, "HEY! are you affiliated with Goodman games?" To which he dryly replied, "I own it." egg=onmyface
Now don't I feel like an ass for being obnoxiously optimistic and jokey in the dangling elevator-of-doom (which BTW would make a great adventure, hint hint Mr. Goodman) until the FDIndy came to bust open the top and haul us all out.
P.S. You know you're in a nice hotel when they have refreshments waiting for you after your harrowing ordeal.
Great to meet HedgeKnight. Thanks again for the tickets Gary. You Rock!
I was REALLY proud of the NYC volunteer showing at the Paizo events. Now if we can just get the Paizonians to make their way to us for a con . . .
Saturday's interactive was awesome! Thanks, Tim, Adam, and Boomer and some REALLY awesome Volunteer GM's. (Lora, we gotta get you into a game up here. this s/n at gmail dot com. I'd introduce you around but you've already met almost everybody.)
Lilith, mistress of cookies, you rocked HQ m'dear! Plus I'm convinced that positive attitudes at the Pathfinder HQ were solely responsible for the recovery of my backpack + bazillion dollar laptop.
Daigle was right, BEST GENCON EVER! . . . . until next year . . .
See you all there.

Lilith |

Yes, you can't know the full pleasure of his company until you stand before the man and through ozmosis just suck up da coolness.
You mean Cosmosis?
Lilith, mistress of cookies, you rocked HQ m'dear! Plus I'm convinced that positive attitudes at the Pathfinder HQ were solely responsible for the recovery of my backpack + bazillion dollar laptop.
Oh man am I happy you got that back. *hugs* I would have felt terrible if you hadn't.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

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I was REALLY proud of the NYC volunteer showing at the Paizo events. Now if we can just get the Paizonians to make their way to us for a con . . .
Saturday's interactive was awesome! Thanks, Tim, Adam, and Boomer and some REALLY awesome Volunteer GM's. (Lora, we gotta get you into a game up here. this s/n at gmail dot com. I'd introduce you around but you've already met almost everybody.)
Man, I was totally impressed with the NY crew, you guys were almost as badass as the Canadians! ;) (Clan Shackleton, forever!)
Seriously though, I can't wait for next year. We're gonna tear s!*+ up!

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The 9 hour game of Call of Cthulhu with Lou Agresta, Eric and Greg.
Oh that was you ! : )
I'm the one that brought Lou and Eric the scotch, you the beer and Greg the double sarsaparilla. (the man is a saint) He must have had fun because he never made it back to the room !! And I left well past 6 am. But I did get to see Greg put a youth's face through an overheating carborator. In game of course.
I had no idea you four were playing Cthulhu !! I got stuck at the other end of the room on the table where Nick Logue, Tim Hitchcock and company were literally playing gods and eating suns.
Man, I was totally impressed with the NY crew, you guys were almost as badass as the Canadians! ;) (Clan Shackleton, forever!
I was so happy to grab lunch and drinks with you Daigle! I was so happy for you guys at the interactive, I just wish I got to game with you, but sometime soon !
And we can't compare with the Shackletons, they are a class act, compared to them we are but crazed neophytes of tomfoolery : )
Now if we can just get the Paizonians to make their way to us for a con . . .
Amen !
(Lora, we gotta get you into a game up here.
She's playing this Thursday : )
Lilith, mistress of cookies, you rocked HQ m'dear! Plus I'm convinced that positive attitudes at the Pathfinder HQ were solely responsible for the recovery of my backpack + bazillion dollar laptop.
I knew you would get it back man, your such a good egg I was sure the Karma Fairy would grant your wish.
And since I saw what Lilith's cookies do up close ... they are more crack than cookies, man ... I'm on my second day of withdrawals !!

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I enjoyed myself quite a bit this year, and I'm glad I got to play three Pathfinder games. I also really enjoyed my Shadowrun missions group I think next year it's time to graduate to GMing events at Gen Con instead of just playing though.
The real high point for me was out of the FFG room though. I had a chance to play Cosmic Encounter (my all time favorite board game) with its FFG designer AND the lead artist who did most of the card artwork. Once the fire alarm was pulled the group of us all went out to dinner, and I got a chance to get to know them both a little better.
Tons of fun.

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A few favorites I can think of.
All of the family groups at the PS games. Nice to see the game being passed down to the next generations.
The line for people picking up Pathfinder RPG on Thursday. WOW!
The amount of good natured players that showed up for play this year. Double WOW!! There were a few mixups in the Thursday afternoon muster but the DMs worked quickly to correct them and we got everything underway happily. I got a handshake from evey player and all of them said that they would look for me next year.
All the DMs were good to look for answers and advice.
Joshua, Lilith, and the others (sorry I didn't get there names.)handling the GM headquarters handled the musters very well and were very helpful. Big kudos to them.
Evil stevie's Pirate game was held just outside of the Pathfinder Society rooms and everytime I see it it makes me smile. I love the idea of lego naval warfare.
The finally carpeted the dealer hall. That brought down the ambient sound level down a little. i was thankful for that.
That's just some of the things I can think of to start.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:The Lady of PainLilith wrote:Seeing the group of people dressed up as characters was Blazing Saddles was damn awesome, but not to be outdone, seeing Avianna dressed up as the Lady of Pain was great too.Pics for us poor deployed soldiers or it didn't happen! XDI'd have to say my favorite moments were getting 2nd Place in my Category at the Costume contest.
Playing TerrorWerks with a number of different awesome Paizonians.
The 9 hour game of Call of Cthulhu with Lou Agresta, Eric and Greg.
And, of course, my Cthulhu Larp where I played a vampire. Man, was that a fun game.
Avianna, you rock! Next year for the win!
Eric and Greg: we should have just let the two of them argue until they shot each other, then you could have solved the mystery on your own.
By the way, the "King" says hi!

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Avianna wrote:The 9 hour game of Call of Cthulhu with Lou Agresta, Eric and Greg.Oh that was you ! : )
I'm the one that brought Lou and Eric the scotch, you the beer and Greg the double sarsaparilla. (the man is a saint) He must have had fun because he never made it back to the room !! And I left well past 6 am. But I did get to see Greg put a youth's face through an overheating carborator. In game of course.
I had no idea you four were playing Cthulhu !! I got stuck at the other end of the room on the table where Nick Logue, Tim Hitchcock and company were literally playing gods and eating suns.
NOEL!! My man, you rocked. Thanks again for the Scotch. We were hours into the game at that point, and I was a bit fried. One of my regrets this con was not having a chance to run for you.
You were a great time travel cop.
Maybe next con? Or maybe sooner if I'm down in NY with Stavrapolous, Nick and company.
- Lou

drunken_nomad |

Avianna wrote:The 9 hour game of Call of Cthulhu with Lou Agresta, Eric and Greg.I had no idea you four were playing Cthulhu !! I got stuck at the other end of the room on the table where Nick Logue, Tim Hitchcock and company were literally playing gods and eating suns.
You shoulda got into the Cthulhu game set during the Civil War game on Saturday! That whole game just was NOT RIGHT (I mean that in the best way possible) ;)
And we can't compare with the Shackletons, they are a class act, compared to them we are but crazed neophytes of tomfoolery : )
"the Shackletons" is correct. Those guys add a cirque de soliel...mille bournes...como se dice...uhhhh. They add a bunch! :D
Hey Noel, it was very cool to hang out with you at Bucca and Alcatraz and I will be up there around Thanksgiving to hang out with the NYC crew if everything works out.
Lilith, mistress of cookies, you rocked HQ m'dear!
You have to watch for villager bits in those cookies! Shes a team werewolf who took the silver bullet for the others to totally wipe out the village! Thank you sister wolf. (all together now) FOR SCIENCE!
Plus I'm convinced that positive attitudes at the Pathfinder HQ were solely responsible for...
EVERYTHING! The Paizo group are amazing! Thank you for just being who you are!

Pholtus |

Highlights - in no kind of order
Pathfinder RPG hardback!!!
Lilith Cookies!
Geist Core Book!
Running one of the first slots for PFS Season 1 at the Gen CON!
The Table that I ran through #32: Drow of the Darklands Pyramid
The drunken Dwarfs (and Gnome) that I ran through #24 Decline of Glory
Meeting AJ from White Wolf
The WW Succubus Club party and B.S.ing with AJ out front as it ended
Getting to Thank Sean K Reynolds and John Wick in person for thier support against Prop 8
Getting to meet others from the Forums in person, hang out and run some cool games with them.
"OH so you are Pholtus!" (heard that a couple times- still not sure if I should be worried about that :P )
"Jones, Steve Jones MI6"
about a billion other things I'm forgetting at the moment
And against COOKIES! plus I'm pretty sure that Lilith used "+25 teh Awesome on me for the last table I ran at the Con without telling me :P

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One of my regrets this con was not having a chance to run for you. Maybe next con? Or maybe sooner if I'm down in NY.
- Lou
Likewise Lou, you running a game would have been the perfect cherry on top of the Gencon sundae for me. And if that game was Cthulhu followed the battle tech pods then I think a full 1/10th of my bucket list could have been checked off all in one night : )
Lou, I'm sure you get this a lot but you are indeed quite the gentleman and scholar.
I hope you make it to NY much sooner rather than later. The New York coterie will count ourselves lucky when that day comes.
it was very cool to hang out with you at Bucca and Alcatraz and I will be up there around Thanksgiving to hang out with the NYC crew.
BUCCA ! I was trying to remember that place for some people asking about where to go for pasta - It was a blast to get to chat with you and Daigle there. You two are some of the most laid back old school folks I've got to chill with in some time, thanks for bringing back great memories of 1st ed and Gygax mods ! Hope to see you around the Holidays.
Also in case anyone needs it my email (and xbox tag) is imperial.advisor@gmail.com

Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
Avianna wrote:The 9 hour game of Call of Cthulhu with Lou Agresta, Eric and Greg.Oh that was you ! : )
I'm the one that brought Lou and Eric the scotch, you the beer and Greg the double sarsaparilla. (the man is a saint) He must have had fun because he never made it back to the room !! And I left well past 6 am. But I did get to see Greg put a youth's face through an overheating carborator. In game of course.
Hi Noel. I got in about 7 am--must've just missed you--but I got to sleep until at least 8 am. Woohoo!
And in my defense, it was an overheated radiator, and the punk had it coming.
As for the all-night game Lou ran, all I can say is that the King Lives, and that I actually DID shoot Eric. I just replaced him with a mi-go and nobody noticed.
The whole Con was a blast, though. I enjoyed getting to hang out with all the folks, play the games, and it was great to room with Noel (well, the part with the gimp mask was a little uncomfortable).
I hope to see you all again next year!

Avianna |

Avianna wrote:The 9 hour game of Call of Cthulhu with Lou Agresta, Eric and Greg.Oh that was you ! : )
It was nice to meet you! Thanks for the beer! You should sit down with us next time. I love Cthulhu/Mystery Horror and I'm guessing since this is the 2nd con in a row Lou has run a game for me, he enjoys running them. SOOOO! Sit down an play with us next time. Lou runs horror like no one I've ever met.
Avianna, you rock! Next year for the win!
Eric and Greg: we should have just let the two of them argue until they shot each other, then you could have solved the mystery on your own.
By the way, the "King" says hi!
Hell ya next year. I'm already thinking of stuff I wanna do and how I wanna do it.
And tell the 'King,' Thank ya, Thank ya very much!
As for the all-night game Lou ran, all I can say is that the King Lives, and that I actually DID shoot Eric. I just replaced him with a mi-go and nobody noticed.
My Occult die said you were both crazy snake demons.

Orange Dragon |
I finally got some of Lilith's (non-virtual) cookies! :)
I got some of Lilith's yummy super-chocolate brownies. Sadly, it turned out she was just trying to fatten me up because she was a werewolf.
Lots of fun was had! It was nice to see everyone again and looking forward to it again next year.
-Koldoon's non-cabbage husband

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bugleyman wrote:I finally got some of Lilith's (non-virtual) cookies! :)I got some of Lilith's yummy super-chocolate brownies. Sadly, it turned out she was just trying to fatten me up because she was a werewolf.
Lots of fun was had! It was nice to see everyone again and looking forward to it again next year.
-Koldoon's non-cabbage husband
I never got Cookies..:-(

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The Jade wrote:Yes, you can't know the full pleasure of his company until you stand before the man and through ozmosis just suck up da coolness.You mean Cosmosis?
McCaul wrote:Lilith, mistress of cookies, you rocked HQ m'dear! Plus I'm convinced that positive attitudes at the Pathfinder HQ were solely responsible for the recovery of my backpack + bazillion dollar laptop.Oh man am I happy you got that back. *hugs* I would have felt terrible if you hadn't.
It just dawned on me that was Lilith at the front table for HQ.....
Man....I so wanted the cookies but alas I rolled Nat 1 on that percepion check.

Todd Stewart Contributor |

Cool moments:
1) While waiting in line with my friend Sarah / Clueless for her to snag a copy of the PFRPG I didn't have a book in my hands for SKR to sign, so he signed my arm. Or rather he unleashed his inner graffiti artist on my arm by doodling a protean using every color of pen he had on hand. I was sporting that sharpie tattoo the entire convention. Apparently proteans have "resist washing off in soap and water" as a new trait, because it was there till Tuesday of the next week. :D
2) Snagging one of 25 copies of Catalyst's Eclipse Phase on two consecutive days - one or me, one for my friend Sarah / Clueless.
3) Getting to meet various people for the first time at the Paizo party on Wednesday, including Daigle, Neil, Yoda8myhead, and others. You guys are very cool.
4) Meeting Steven Schend briefly at the Paizo party and managing to avoid going fanboy on him.
5) Watching Paizo cash out at the Ennies multiple times. Well deserved.
6) Wayne Reynolds cutting me a deal I couldn't refuse on the original artwork for The Great Beyond. I'll be eating raman noodles for the next few months, but so very much worth it.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

1) While waiting in line with my friend Sarah / Clueless for her to snag a copy of the PFRPG I didn't have a book in my hands for SKR to sign, so he signed my arm. Or rather he unleashed his inner graffiti artist on my arm by doodling a protean using every color of pen he had on hand. I was sporting that sharpie tattoo the entire convention. Apparently proteans have "resist washing off in soap and water" as a new trait, because it was there till Tuesday of the next week. :D
Ha! I shoulda taken a picture. :)

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It was my first Gen Con, and now I'm already planning for next year. Some of my personal highlights:
1)Having JollyDoc wait in the massive Thursday morning Paizo line and pick up my Core Rulebook for me whilst I played in the Axis & Allies 50th anniversary tournament.
2)Meeting all of the wonderful Paizo staff and having a chance to hang out for a bit.
3)Alas, I just got to watch some of Lilith's cookies get eaten in front of me. Next year I'll run a PF Society game and get some for myself!
4)Falling in the second round of the A&A tournament in a tiebreak to the eventual winners - we took them to the wire and then we were free to play some other games and roam the dealer hall.
5)Meeting the super cool guys from Hero games as well as the original City of Heroes Statesman, Jack Emmert.
6)Playing the Delve with SKR DMing. Love that Dwarven Forge setup, but the dice were not kind.
7)Witnessing a truly epic JollyDoc's Battle Royal, and waiting for it to be 100% PFRPG next year.
8)Overhearing a couple of guys in the hotel lobby: "It's like Gen Con 09, the Rise of Paizo." Damn straight.
9)And maybe the coolest thing of all: watching my DM buy one of those super cool custom gaming tables. I'm thinking, cupholders, man. I'm gonna have my own cupholder!

Todd Stewart Contributor |

Todd Stewart wrote:Ha! I shoulda taken a picture. :)1) While waiting in line with my friend Sarah / Clueless for her to snag a copy of the PFRPG I didn't have a book in my hands for SKR to sign, so he signed my arm. Or rather he unleashed his inner graffiti artist on my arm by doodling a protean using every color of pen he had on hand. I was sporting that sharpie tattoo the entire convention. Apparently proteans have "resist washing off in soap and water" as a new trait, because it was there till Tuesday of the next week. :D
I've got a picture, don't worry. :)

Todd Stewart Contributor |

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:Gentlemen Behold!Todd Stewart wrote:I've got a picture, don't worry. :)Oooh, ya gotta post it. :)
Nice! Ok, now I want Paizo to do a for fun module where the staff does all the artwork. Sean has to do the cover! I want to see it come April 1st!! ;-)

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The talent pool at Paizo for *writing* is simply beyond my limited wordsmithing skills to describe; if the editorial pit ever also chose to do the art for a special product it would easily become an instant collectors' item.
But I doubt the artwork for that module will be up for an ENnie.
And it may give Wayne Reynolds and other artisits a good laugh.
; )

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Asgetrion wrote:The Jade wrote:I attained my lifelong dream of meeting Cosmo and he did not disappoint.Er... meeting Cosmo? A lifelong dream? Now, Vic or the infamous SKR... those two I can understand, but Cosmo?!? ;PDear Sir,
Cosmo is very cool-GRU
COSMO is the quintessential cool.
UBER-COOL.Its all in the detail and the fine print man.
Hail Cosmo!!!!!

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This has nothing to do with Paizo, but one of my favorite Gen Con moments was seeing a T-shirt that read:
"...and then Buffy staked Edward. The End."
Awesome! I sooo want that t-shirt!
I saw a t-shirt that said, "More people have read this t-shirt than your blog..." I want that one too.

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My favorite T-shirt was spotted while Lou and I panhandled for change and harrassed the participants outside the entrance of the Interactive. All it said was, "Your Retarded."
That is like my Tshirt... I see dumb people...The Mariott Hotel Staff loved that one and they all wanted pictures of it.. that was odd.

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Greg A. Vaughan wrote:My favorite T-shirt was spotted while Lou and I panhandled for change and harrassed the participants outside the entrance of the Interactive. All it said was, "Your Retarded."That is like my Tshirt... I see dumb people...The Mariott Hotel Staff loved that one and they all wanted pictures of it.. that was odd.
Awesome! No, my friend, its not strange. Imagine working in a service position at a hotel. Just imagine how many, many dumb people you HAVE to be nice to. OF COURSE they loved it!