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Goth Guru wrote:
Zen? Really. I would have gone with ORAC ![]()
I was excited to order some stuff I'd been holding out on because of the end of summer sale. The order indicated the code had been applied, but then discounted only about $5 off a $200 order. I'm a bit confused as it appears to have only discounted items that Pathfinder Advantage didn't cover (some of the already discounted map packs, etc.) Also: my latest AP shipment (Order 3636680) came in rather mangled in a plastic bag from the post office. That was two AP volumes and both are badly gouged and bent. Scratches and a bit of a bend at the corners I can deal with, I mean, they're getting mailed, but gouges on the cover and bends that have the entire books kinked, those bug me. (I did take pictures, if you need them) I feel like I'm being an issue for a lot of stuff at once, but I have a pristine collection of AP volumes from issue 1, and I'd like the whole collection to be as pristine as possible. hope you can help me out! Thanks. ![]()
bugleyman wrote: I finally got some of Lilith's (non-virtual) cookies! :) I got some of Lilith's yummy super-chocolate brownies. Sadly, it turned out she was just trying to fatten me up because she was a werewolf. Lots of fun was had! It was nice to see everyone again and looking forward to it again next year. -Koldoon's non-cabbage husband ![]()
Rockheimr wrote:
I'm usually a lurker, but I had to poke my head into the thread to comment on this. I find this comment amusing because the exact opposite was said by 2e fans when 3e was released. "What you can't just role-play that out with the DM you actually have to have the skill and roll for it. 3e takes the role-playing completely out of the game!"![]()
Koldoon is starting the Shackled City campaign this Sunday and I am running a Half-Dragon (Copper/Halfling) Rogue from the Races of the Dragon book. My problem is that I am having trouble finding a reference on how Half-Dragons age. It is clear from reading the RoD that they age extremely slowly, but no definite age categories are listed there that I can find. Does anyone know if there is a rule for this either in Dragon or in one of the rule books? ![]()
I wholeheartedly agree!! I’ve been a gamer for many years, but was never into Magic the Gathering. As an avid collector of many things I avoided it like the plague, figuring that I couldn’t afford to get sucked into anything new. Until now. When I saw the source material for Ravnica, I had to check it out. I’ve been incredibly impressed. I would love to see Wizards of the Coast use this as a launching point for a crossover game setting. I think that they should seriously consider the possibilities of getting Magic players who don’t role-play into Dungeons and Dragons and vice versa. It makes perfect sense from a marketing perspective. ![]()
I'm really disappointed that an Eberron conversion is not going to be covered in the Shackled City hardcover. I do hope that a web enhancement covering Eberron (and Forgotten Realms) is seriously considered. I really love the fact that the Age of Worms is getting an Eberron conversion, and I might add, it is quite excellent. Thank you Mr. Baker. ![]()
I think the direction of the magazine and the recent relaunch have been outstanding. I actually stopped buying both Dungeon and Dragon in late 2003/early 2004 because I was so disappointed with the way the magazines were being handled, and I haven't been a subscriber to either since the 1990's. The new changes have gotten me to subscribe to Dragon after a long absense and I will soon be subscribing to Dungeon as well. As far as the current price per issue, I think that the subscription rate is incredible. I'm a very satisfied customer! ![]()
I would love to see some of the old classics updated for 3.5. Yes, you can still buy the old adventures and update them yourself, but this can be very time consuming. The appeal of having an adventure, ready to play, without having to spend hours upon hours of changing everything to fit the new rules is a very exciting idea.