Chronicles of the Silver Rose Company

Game Master Patrick Curtin

This campaign is my attempt to play a canonical Planescape campaign using the updated Pathfinder ruleset. The game actually predates the release of Pathfinder, but we have managed to update as we have needed.

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Female Avian Harpy Avian Harpy 4 Bard (Arcane Duelist) 2

Attack Zombie in O14 with Dragonsbreath Arrow from Masterwork Footbow. (1d20+7=27)
Confirm Critical. (1d20+7=19)
Damage. (3d6+1=6) 5 Damage + 1 Fire Damage = 5. The Zombie must make a DC 15 Reflex save (Good Luck) or catch on fire.

Bethany sees the Zombies stir and takes aim the one she can see before they get too close and she'll have to draw her Sabre.

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Seeing that getting a shot off at Toranna is becoming more dangerous to his friends than his foe, (And basically unable to see the Priestess under teh quickly gathering pile of opponents,) Justin wheels around and fires a thin ray of flame at the nearest Zombie, hoping to take it down before it gets a chance to move in and attack him,...

IC is down, old school, vs nearest zombie, ranged touch att roll: 14+5=19, dmg (fire) 1d6+2= 6

female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade
Justin Case wrote:

Att roll: 15 +3=18 (guessing that hit since Toranna's Grappled, with all of Karrin's above info) Dmg roll: 1d6= 5 +3= 8 dmg (including Dmg from Smite Evil)

Toranna isn't grappled, she is pinned, which is far worse. She is currently Flat footed (no dex or dodge bonus) and is suffering a further -4 to her AC

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Initiatives (first full rd):
Mr. Swire: 23 [swing and a miss]
Merle: 19 [magic missile]
Karrin: 18 [pinning Toranna]
Justin: 18 [flame a zombie]
Justin's Wolf friend: 18 [muncha buncha]
Drazek: 18 [wallcrawling-mortalbane shot]
Ishmael: 18 [moving to Toranna & missing]
Naridre: 18 [shooting zombies-west lobe]
Issac: 18 [hitting burning zombie]
Bethany: 18 [dragon arrow zombie]
Ekuur: 15 [Hold Person]
Toranna: 13 [attacking]
Zombies: 10 [attacking]

Bethany fires another flaming arrow into a lurching undead. It moans and its black tunic starts to flame up. Justin hits another with an arcane flame, it smokes and smoulders as well.

Toranna breaks Karrin's hold on her. That is her only allowable action correct? She does have two attacks per rd usually when in full attack mode.

The two singed zombies zero in on Justin. O14, R16.

[url=]1d20+2=18, 1d6+2=5 (1d20+2=4, 1d6+2=3)

One slashes the lean arcanist with its cheap short sword, the other misses completely.

Another zombie N10 shambles up towards Mr. Swire, flanking the cunning cony catcher.

[url=]1d20+4=19, 1d6+2=6(1d20+4=6, 1d6+2=7)

While trying to keep both of the pale undead at bay, Mr. Swire makes a zig when he should have zagged. One of the zombies' shortswords gashes his ribs. Mr. Swire doesn't feel the pain in the heat of battle, but he knows it'll be a rum scratch once the brawling's over.

A zombie L10 moans and lurches towards Nari, as she readies her bow again.

Nari I am adjutating you have partial cover from the doorway, so your AC is improved by 2 pts

1d20+2=4, 1d6+2=5

The zombie's sword clangs against the black marble lintel of the brass doorway as Nari ducks inside


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Hmm, I need some help on this one. According to the rules on grappling:

If you are grappled, you can attempt
to break the grapple as a standard action by making a
combat maneuver check (DC equal to your opponent’s CMD;
this does not provoke an attack of opportunity) or Escape
Artist check (with a DC equal to your opponent’s CMD). If
you succeed, you break the grapple and can act normally.

Toranna can 'act normally'. Does this mena she gets her attacks?

Male Human Rogue 6
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Hmm, I need some help on this one. According to the rules on grappling:

** spoiler omitted **

Toranna can 'act normally'. Does this mean she gets her attacks?

I assume so. Of course, she'd probably only be able to use light weapons.

Swire once again attempts to stab the zombie before getting out from between the two undead.

Full Attack, then a 5ft step out of the flank if possible. (1d20+9=15, 1d4=3), (1d20+9=25, 1d4=4)

Male Human (Athasian) Cleric 10

How many zombies would be within range of another energy channel, if I moved up near Justin?

Sovereign Court

Male hu-man Paladin
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Hmm, I need some help on this one. According to the rules on grappling:

** spoiler omitted **

Toranna can 'act normally'. Does this mena she gets her attacks?

Not exactly, she needed to use a standard action to break free, but she still has a move. In this case "act normally" means unhindered by the grapple. Also I should add that Karrin doesn't have unarmed strike and seeing as the spiked gauntlet now uses unarmed strike instead of being a weapon Karrin is not actually threatening her.

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

Justin grins like a little nervously as the zombies shuffle in and swing at him. His grin fades to a slightly panicked look as the first slow-moving zombies cheap shortsword penetrates his mystic shield, even as the second bounces off of it, drawing a shower of blue sparks for the effort. There is a second, dimmer flash from the small crystal on his coat lapel, and the sword slows for a brief moment before sliding past his last defense and into his side.

Hissing in pain, Justin's mind whirls as he goes through his small remaining magical repertoire.

"I got one firecracker left, I'll be darned if I'm gonna waste it on you you mouldy piece a,..." He mutters.

So, next round already? :)

My thought would be that she (Toranna) can still 'act normal'in teh remainder of her round. BUT, she used her 'standard action' to break free, she cannot make an attack unless she can do it as a free action. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but a full attack is another standard action, just as a single attack is, right??) BUT she still has a move (or equivalent) left she can do.

EDIT-Scooped by Guy! ;P

Justin takes a swift step back from his new, mouldy, friends, and raises his hand. It is covered in blood from the gash in his side. It is also holding something. Never taking his eyes off of the zombies, he sprinkles a powder, possibly metal from its shinyness, over and onto his black cold-iron sword while murmuring words of power. His mystic passes draw a sigil of flame in the air over the blade. With a final hissing syllable, the blade bursts into flames.

"Now." Justin murmurs, calmly taking the sword in a two handed grip.

"Let's try this again,..."

OK, zombies don't (or at least didn;t used to) get AoO because they are so slow. But 'Just. In. Case.' Justin will back up a 5' step, then cast Burning Sword on his blade. That should be his action, unless he gets an AoO on someone this round!

The summoned wolf, seeing his target suddenly easier to get to, growls happily and leaps in to attack again,...

Puppy power on Toranna!

Bite: 1d20+3=22, Dmg:1d6+1=6, Trip: 1d20+3=6

And the gleaming golden wolf snarls and tears into the the dark priestess, but backs off after the initial attack, unable to get a grip on her armored form and bring her down,...

Female catfolk sorceror 11

Merle seeing mr Swire getting ganged up on releaases another two blue bolt blasts at the zombies (both on the same one)

Magic missile damage

1 d 4 + 1=5, 1 d 4 + 1=4

M Human Witchblade 6{Hexblade 1/Warlock 5(favored)

how high is the ceiling? can a 6ft person using a reach weapon hit someone standing on the ground?

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Drazek Darkholme wrote:
how high is the ceiling? can a 6ft person using a reach weapon hit someone standing on the ground?

The ceiling is a curved dome structure, about 20' tall at its highest point. the dome curves down as you head to the sides.

Female Avian Harpy Avian Harpy 4 Bard (Arcane Duelist) 2
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Drazek Darkholme wrote:
how high is the ceiling? can a 6ft person using a reach weapon hit someone standing on the ground?
The ceiling is a curved dome structure, about 20' tall at its highest point. the dome curves down as you head to the sides.

Climb up there and just EB them to "Death from Above"! Just make sure they don't have a ranged attack... :/

I played a Warlock once who clung to the ceiling to Blast some giant beetle that had just annihilated the party. Turns out it was an Ankheg and could spit Acid. So hitting her down to below Zero made her lose her Spider Grip on the ceiling, which in turn made her take falling damage, which in turn killed her... :(

Bethany sees her arrow find it's mark and smiles as another Zombie bursts into flames. She turns her attention to another one, content that the fire will complete the job for her. Pulling another Dragonsbreath Arrow from her Quiver, she takes aim at the closest non-damaged Zombie she can see and lets fly.
Attack nearest Zombie with Dragonsbreath Arrow from Masterwork Foorbow. (1d20+7=19) 1 Damage + 1 Fire Damage = 5. The Zombie must make a DC 15 Reflex save (Good Luck) or catch on fire.
Damage. (1d6+1=2)
She notes that the arrow does little damage, but takes heart in the fact that the slow moving Zombie probably doesn't have the presence of mind to put out the fire and will burn as a consequence.
She also realizes that this may possibly be her ast round firing and prepares herself to drop the Footbow and grab her Sabre at a moment's notice.

Oh yeah and grats Pat on the Top Ten Spot! ;)
Gotta do our part ot take this PbP higher up the chart!

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OK. So Toranna has a move action left, she is going to try to reach the portal where the flames had been when Justin talked to her disguised as Clawboy. I believe that gives Issac and wolfie an AoO. She has Acrobatics, but she is also wearing medium armor, so according to the rules I am looking at that doesn't help her any.

Toranna jinks and dives past Isaac, hand scrabbling for something in one of her beltpouches

Post the AoOs!

Male Half-elf (Planar) Ranger 5/Rogue 2/Plane Walker 1

Attack of Opportunity Longspear: 1d20+5=22, 1d8+3=11

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)


Bite:1d20+3=17, Dmg: 1d6+1=2, Trip: 1d20+3=20

As Toranna turns and leaps for the portal, the gleaming golden wolf leaps at her once more!

Oh! Do I see a TRIPped Toranna in our future?!? :)

Top Ten? Cool! Where do I find that list at?!?

M Human Witchblade 6{Hexblade 1/Warlock 5(favored)

Drazek unleashes another vile shout focused in the item Toranna drew from her pouch.[ooc] Object will shatter and she needs to make a DC16 will save again or be stunned)

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Justin Case wrote:


Bite:1d20+3=17, Dmg: 1d6+1=2, Trip: 1d20+3=20

As Toranna turns and leaps for the portal, the gleaming golden wolf leaps at her once more!

Oh! Do I see a TRIPped Toranna in our future?!? :)

Top Ten? Cool! Where do I find that list at?!?

Now, is the Trip on rd two? Or is that part of the AoO?

The list was posted by our mighty PostMonster General on the 'Threads are way too long' OTD thread. I believe several games you play in Rags made the list as well. Isle of Dread is there, in fact it IS the longest thread if you count the first and second threads as one.

Issac's spear finds a open spot in Toranna's mail under her left armpit. Blood gouts from the deep puncture.

Male Human (Athasian) Cleric 10

OK, Ekuur will try and position himself to affect as many of the zombies as possible, with yet another energy channel ...

2d6 = 10

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

The Trip is part of the AoO, Anytime the wolf hits with it's attack, it gets a 'free' trip attempt with no return trip attempt by the victim.

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Justin Case wrote:
The Trip is part of the AoO, Anytime the wolf hits with it's attack, it gets a 'free' trip attempt with no return trip attempt by the victim.

The attack didn't hit Toranna so ..

Toranna manages to eel past the celestial wolf and head for the portal, bleeding from the spear wound Issac gave her. blood stains her chainmail as she raises a red glass bead. The portal flares to life and she stumbles through.

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Initiatives (Rd two):
Mr. Swire: 23
Merle: 19
Karrin: 18
Justin: 18
Justin's Wolf friend: 18
Drazek: 18 [Vile Shout]
Ishmael: 18
Naridre: 18
Issac: 18
Bethany: 18
Ekuur: 15 [Godbombing]
Toranna: 13 [Going in portal]
Zombies: 10 [attacking]

You all can still attack Toranna this round. After this round she will be totally through the portal.

female elan Psion (Kineticist) 10

Do I have line of sight to Toranna from where I am?

Human Wiz 12 (Evocation)

"No. NononononoNO!" Justin shouts.

"Stop her! Git'er Wags!" He cries, his eyes flicking back and forth between the fleeing Toranna and the two moaning zombies facing him.

In response to his cries, the Golden-furred wolf turns and leaps after the dark-robed priestess.

Bite:1d20+3=22, Dmg:1d6+1=5, Trip: 1d20+3=12

The golden wolf's teeth flash and bury themselves into an unarmored part of the woman's leg, but once more the noble creature simply cannot get a good enough grip to bring it's prey down.

Justin spits a curse in an unfamiliar tongue. Stepping back a gain to try to get a clear shot, and holding his burning blade before him like a talisman to ward off the zombies, he flicks his other hand towards the portal, and a thin ray of flame leaps from his fingers to chase after Toranna.

Energy Ray:1d20+5=7, 1d6+2=5

But trying to watch both the zombies AND Toranna at the same time, his aim is just,... off,...

Oooo! That's gonna leave a mark! At least I have as much chance of hitting a Zombie as I do a friend! ;P

Female catfolk sorceror 11

Seeing Toanna trying to make her escape Merle grabs another one of the scrolls and activates it

Use magic device Scorching ray scroll

1 d20 + 9=22

Roll to hit touch armour

1 d20 + 6=22


4 d6=16

female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

What square is Toranna currently in?

Male Human Rogue 6
Mr Swire wrote:

Swire once again attempts to stab the zombie before getting out from between the two undead.

Full Attack, then a 5ft step out of the flank if possible. (1d20+9=15, 1d4=3), (1d20+9=25, 1d4=4)

Just reposting my action, nothing to see here...

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Mr Swire wrote:
Just reposting my action, nothing to see here...

Sorry there Swire, I missed that post. Mea Culpa

Mr. Swire dances back towards the others, slashing at the zombie that had eluded him before. This time he scores telling blows. The zombie is lurching, a nerve cluster leading to its left leg severed by Swire's keen dirk

I presume you'd like to head towards the main party?

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Karrin Kind wrote:
What square is Toranna currently in?

Have to get off comp, but will update asap w/ new map tommorrow morn.

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Naridre Ro'Arisahshe wrote:
Do I have line of sight to Toranna from where I am?

You are actually in the stairwell and have a zombie after you.

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Merle Barer wrote:

Seeing Toanna trying to make her escape Merle grabs another one of the scrolls and activates it

Use magic device Scorching ray scroll

1 d20 + 9=22

Roll to hit touch armour

1 d20 + 6=22


4 d6=16

Since Merle has a high initaitive, I will run with this. I tried to upload a new map, but Photobucket has a malware problem at the moment. Toranna is at the square with the red dot in the last map I posted.

Merle holds up a scroll and chants. A beam of flame crackles from her outstretched fingers, striking Toranna's back as she attempts to step through the portal. The fleeing cleric screeches as she is wrapped in a caul of flame. She topples through the open gate, disappearing from view. The portal shows a glowing red face to the party.

Everyone with an action behind Merle can redirect, as Toranna is no longer in view

Female catfolk sorceror 11
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Since Merle has a high initaitive, I will run with this. I tried to upload a new map, but Photobucket has a malware problem at the moment. Toranna is at the square with the red dot in the last map I posted.

Merle holds up a scroll and chants. A beam of flame crackles from her outstretched fingers, striking Toranna's back as she attempts to step through the portal. The fleeing cleric screeches as she is wrapped in a caul of flame. She topples through the open gate, disappearing from view. The portal shows a glowing red face to the party.

Everyone with an action behind Merle can redirect, as Toranna is no longer in view

If Merle still has a move action left (cant remember if what she did was full round or not) she will move up towards the portal

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Merle Barer wrote:
If Merle still has a move action left (cant remember if what she did was full round or not) she will move up towards the portal

According to the rules, reading a scroll is a standard action. Go ahead and take a move action. You are close enough to reach the portal if you wish.

Photobucket back up!


Female catfolk sorceror 11
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Merle Barer wrote:
If Merle still has a move action left (cant remember if what she did was full round or not) she will move up towards the portal
According to the rules, reading a scroll is a standard action. Go ahead and take a move action. You are close enough to reach the portal if you wish.

Okay then heading over to the portal.

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Merle Barer wrote:
Okay then heading over to the portal.

After flaming the chain-clad cleric, Merle sprints with swiftness to the red portal that Toranna toppled into. She looks into the brass hoop. Merle can see through the portal, the view looks as if she was staring through a few feet of calm water: Kind of wavery but clear. All she sees is a wall of flame. A faint distorted roar reaches her ears, a sound of a massive conflagration at some distance. Toranna is not in sight.


Male Half-elf (Planar) Ranger 5/Rogue 2/Plane Walker 1

"Blood and ashes!"
Isaac chews his lip.
"If I ain't back in ten minutes, avenge my death!", he shouts as he runs into the portal after Toranna.

This is where Isaac gains the "constantly on fire" template.

Male Human (Athasian) Cleric 10

What were the results of my energy channel? Any zombies fall? And is it a new round?

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Ekuur wrote:
What were the results of my energy channel? Any zombies fall? And is it a new round?

Sorry Ekuur, I was kinda leaving things open to see if actions changed. Your Godbombing did indeed smack the two squaring off against Justin at J-K 17.

Ekuur chants, holding his obsidian holy symbol high. The two zombies that Justin faces suddenly wrinkle and rot, one's eye exploding in a mist of fluid. The one that Bethany's arrow set on fire collapses in a smouldering heap, the other soldiers on, eye fluid leaking down its stitched-mouthed face.

Justin, you can hold you spell or shoot it at your last zombie. Or you can run after Issac:

Issac runs past Merle's startled whiskers, leaping into the wavering hoop of fire. Justin's wolf growls and stares at the flames. Ishmael shrugs and says:

"Well, come on! Jump in the fire!"

Ish sprints past Merle and dives in the portal.

OK, round analysis as I can see. If I miss a post, my apologies, just point it out to me again.

He sprints and leaps after Issac
Initiatives (Rd two):
Mr. Swire: 23 [attack-hit/ 5' step]
Merle: 19 [scroll fire ray-at portal now]
Karrin: 18 [pending]
Justin: 18 [fire ray-can be retconned]
Justin's Wolf friend: 18 [at portal-action pending]
Drazek: 18 [Vile Shout-can be retconned]
Ishmael: 18 [jumped in the fire]
Naridre: 18 [in stairwell w/zombie-action pending]
Issac: 18 [through portal]
Bethany: 18 [death from above]
Ekuur: 15 [Godbombing]
Toranna: 13 [Going in portal-burning...]
Zombies: 10 [attacking]

So I need Karrin's actions, whether Justin and Drazek want to change their action,and Nari's action.

Female Avian Harpy Avian Harpy 4 Bard (Arcane Duelist) 2

Bethany sees the skirmish with Toranna out of the corner of her eye as she is watching the Zombies. Seeing both Isaac and Ishmael disappear into the Portal and noticing Merle on her way, Bethany takes to the air and flies swiftly towards the Portal herself following Isaac.

female Tiefling 12th level Duskblade

"Damn it!" Karrin roars, then "Double damn it!" As Isac, Ishmael, and Bethany jump through the portal.

"Fine," she growls, "guess the one with fire resistance stays on this side smooshing Zombies! Guard the portal team. That's the rout our team is going to use to get back!"

Karrin pulls out her axe and swings at the first zombie she spies.

attack, Damage, cold (1d20+10=17, 3d6+9=21, 1d6=6)

Sadly Karrin can't use the extra attack from the hast as Karrin needed to draw her weapon. Also that 17 to hit is actually an 18 as I forgot the bonus to hit from the haste.

female elan Psion (Kineticist) 10

Ah. New map definitely makes it clear I did not have line of sight. Got it.

Nari will attempt to throw the zombie away from her using energy push (electricity).

So that's 2d6=6 damage from the electricity, Ref DC 18 for half, plus a Strength check, also DC 18, which if it fails it gets pushed back 10ft. If it hits a solid object that prevents that movement, it takes another 2d6 from the impact. Obviously I would try to push it into something if I could.

Female catfolk sorceror 11

"Have you people all gone Insane" Merle yells a second to late as some of the group dive through a portal. "Dammit so much for me smashing the portal and stranding her there."

M Human Witchblade 6{Hexblade 1/Warlock 5(favored)


"Oh hells yeah!" Drazek quips at the sight of Isaac leaping through the portal.

Charging forward, his run along the ceiling launches into what initially begins as a forward flip. Immediately gravity takes hold and his body twists, corkscrewing down and inverting as he plunges, ending in a feet-first dive through the portal, right on the heels of the others.

Acrobatics1d20+2=20 Damn I'm good ;p

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Karrin Kind wrote:

Karrin pulls out her axe and swings at the first zombie she spies.

The enlarged blue crystal head of Ferissirion cleaves into the final zombie that menaces Justin. The lurching undead freezes, quite literally, its skin turning a pale shade of blue. It topples backwards and shatters into several frozen meat chunks, which skitter along the smooth black marble floor.

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Naridre Ro'Arisahshe wrote:

Nari will attempt to throw the zombie away from her using energy push (electricity).

I will adjutate you can use the stairwell door frame to splat the zombo ...

Nari concentrates, her little crystalline friend gripped tightly to her shoulder. A pulse of crackling electricity jumps from her and strikes the softly-moaning walking corpse, galvanizing it. It explodes backwards in a puff of ozone and burning flesh, its back slamming into the lintel it was entering into before flying back into the western lobe. The animate corpse twitches and jerks like a pesh addict coming off a binge. An odd yellowish fluid begins to seep from its nose and sewn-shut mouth.

I am also adjutating that the zombie is losing its attack this round, as electricity would most likely disorient its movements for a bit. You still have a move option and can exit either door if you wish.

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Drazek Darkholme wrote:
Damn I'm good ;p

Yes ... Yes you are.

Drazek launches himself from his high perch, executing a graceful mid-air corkscrew, heading feet first after Issac and Ishmael. The warlock's sardonic smile is the last thing the party sees as he vanishes into the portal.

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Merle Barer wrote:
"Have you people all gone Insane" Merle yells a second to late as some of the group dive through a portal. "Dammit so much for me smashing the portal and stranding her there."

Merle if you wish to join the insanity you can still leap into the portal this round ..

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'kay. Once I get Justin's weigh in, we move to the Mystery of the Citadel of Fire! MUAHAHAHA!


Just saw ..Post 5K! YAY!

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