Old School adventure - recruiting for pbp

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Shadow Lodge

May I present...
Korlyn Darklight!

PsionicFox wrote:

Quick question.

I've been watching 'Samurai 7' (the anime, not the movie, 'Seven Samurai') lately, and I'd really like a play a Kambei-inspired character.

With that in mind, I'm planning on pursuing the Monk class, but I wanted to know, Dr. Dark, if I would be allowed to pull a feat from the Eberron Campaign Setting.

The feat in question is called: Whirling Steel Strike, and it allows a longsword to be used just like any other Monk special weapon (flurry of blows, etc).

I'd build him either as a straight Monk, or as a Fighter/Monk (probably full Monk).

Would that be permitted?

That sounds great! I dont see this as being a problem.

Dr. Dark! wrote:

That sounds great! I don't see this as being a problem.

Awesome! Well here he is - although he hasn't actually been constructed yet.

I'll get to that when I get home from uni.

Liberty's Edge

I made a few changes to my character, if that is ok, since we are still waiting for all the characters to be drawn up.

1) I exchanged (1) 750g wand for (30) 25g scrolls.

2) I copied two of those scrolls to my spellbook: Read Magic to decipher, DC 16 to copy -> Take 10 + 10 Spellcraft = 20 if that is ok.

3) I changed the feat Quicken Spell to Skill Focus: Spellcraft

Hey all!

I spent all day working on my character and then the boards were down. I'm at work now, so I will try to put it on my profile tonight.


Here is Klor (should be complete but minor tweeks might be required)

BTW anyone know why the boards were down so much? or is it just me.

The Exchange

Db3 here.

I don't think it was just you, the messageboards weren't working for a bit last night either. I think everyone is still buying the PFRPG pdf.

Do rings and bracers count towards ac when it come to touch attacks?

Shadow Lodge

RaFon wrote:
Do rings and bracers count towards ac when it come to touch attacks?

Bracers of Armor wouldn't, but Rings of Protection(a deflection bonus) do.


This is what I have so far. It's a pain to type all that in.

Well guys, everything looks good to me so far. No problems with any of your requests. Looking forward to starting, maybe as soon as weekend.

Shadow Lodge

Friday nights are game nights for me sometimes, and Saturday nights are almost always game nights. RL always seems to get in the way...

Liberty's Edge

I really like your background information, Edward. It gives great insight into Klor's personality. Good read )

Shadow Lodge

Dark Minstrel wrote:
I really like your background information, Edward. It gives great insight into Klor's personality. Good read )

See, now I feel compelled to right a backstory...

Liberty's Edge

Dragonborn3 wrote:

See, now I feel compelled to right a backstory...

Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel compelled to revise mine )

All done except for a background story.

Shadow Lodge

Wow-backstories are contagious!

Liberty's Edge

Dr. Dark! wrote:
Looking forward to starting, maybe as soon as weekend.

Sounds great to me, Dr. Dark. I'm looking forward to this adventure.

Liberty's Edge

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Wow-backstories are contagious!

Indeed. My background is revised, now. It's still no masterpiece of English Literature, but it is slightly better than before )

Scarab Sages

Dr. Dark! wrote:
Well guys, everything looks good to me so far. No problems with any of your requests. Looking forward to starting, maybe as soon as weekend.

I need a backstory too.

Can I exchange the animal companion for a feat?

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Dark Minstrel wrote:
I really like your background information, Edward. It gives great insight into Klor's personality. Good read )
See, now I feel compelled to right a backstory...

actually it's from characters in the past. I have tendency to create characters that end up never being played.

Well, im loving everyones characters. Brilliant. What I would like you to do if you have the time is come up with a bit of a party backstory between you all. It doesnt have to be elaborate; just something that ties you all together.

Here's a bit of area information as well:-

1) You are heading North along the Coast Road from the city of Bards Gate. The Coast Road serves as the primary trade route for commerce along the seacoast. Coastal patrols from nearby cities attempt to keep bandits and other malicious creatures clear of the road by day; by night is a different matter. Certainly the safest of the wilderness areas, this road is still a haven for bandits and other robber creatures, eager to prey on
the daring merchants traveling the road.

2) The Forest of HopeThick and overgrown and situated to the west of the Coast road, the Forest of Hope provides shelter from winter storms that batter the coast. Named
for a local princess by her father, this forest is better known
by its original name: the Forest of Horrors. Thick dens of spiders and other fell creatures are known to dwell within its bowers; only recently, a green dragon was discovered and slain by the hero Corondel. Common folk avoid the trees, though adventurers and bandits often hide here. The patrols avoid the forest unless they are in pursuit
of some villain. Water and game are abundant, and a xenophobic druid is said to live within the woods.

3) The Dragonmarsh LowlandsThis area, dotted with copses of trees, serves as a perfect hiding place for the bandits and outlaws that prey on the unwary. The drier portion of the lowlands contains
numerous limestone caves and box canyons. Bandits frequently use these natural terrain features to set traps for the unwary. Several marsh areas exist in the lowlands.
One of these (known as the “Troll Fens”) is well known and avoided by those not seeking death. It is said that the quicksand and poison snakes make this area unsafe even without the monsters. Thick clouds of mosquitoes make any travel here unpleasant at best.

4) The Foothills
In these hills, which lie east of the Coast Road, can be found
the dungeon of Rappan Athuk. The hills provide a buffer zone
between the Beach and the Forest of Hope. The hills themselves
are sparsely forested and rather idyllic in appearance. Berries
grow in abundance and cool, clear streams flow to the sea. Some
of the most beautiful sunsets can be seen from their tops. Their
beauty, of course, is but a mask hiding the foul corruption that
lies beneath their verdant slopes, as the Foothills also house
some of the nastiest denizens in any portion of the world. Only
the very foolish or very brave reside here longer than absolutely
necessary. Many small, natural caves and caverns can be found
riddling the foothills, and quite a few of these have been used
in the past or presently by outlaws, brigands, animals, and other
fell creatures as lairs.

And here are some rumours that you may have picked up.

Zelkor, the good wizard of old is now an evil lich, and he lives in the upper levels, protecting the evil temple, and descent into it.

The entrance to Hell lies deep in a maze complex. It can be found only by swimming through a pool of water.

There is a monster immune to everything on the first level. It is amorphous, and smells terrible. The wise man flees from it.

Some of the tunnels dug by the giant rats of the complex lead to interesting places. Some lead nowhere.

As the Great mage Speigle said, “Beware of purple worms.” The wise man heeds his advice.

Solid mithral gates bar the way into a great treasure horde guarded by a lich in the great cavern. If one can access them, they could be richer than an emperor.

A great city of Goblins lies deep in the complex, and they are followers of Orcus

The tomb of a fallen paladin — corrupted by the witch, Deserach — was hidden near the goblin city.

A powerful adventuring group called the Dancing Blades were slain in the dungeon, and now their restless spirits wander its halls, attacking anyone they come across with their phantom weapons.

There is an insane blackguard named Ian the All-Seeing who collects the eyes of all he meets; he is said to have thousands of eyeballs in his collection now. He can control them and make them move about and see things for him.

A great red dragon has been seen flying about the region. It is said to lair somewhere to the south.

Three old crones are said to live along the coast, and for a price of gold and blood, they can let you see into the past and future.

A jet black temple is said to be hidden somewhere in the hills; those who enter its dark confines never return.

When the craven armies of Orcus fled from Zelkor and his army long ago, a great lieutenant was instrumental in holding off the pursuers, buying time for the priests to enter the dungeon and lick their wounds.
For his valor, the dark champion was entombed, and now the halls around his burial chamber are filled with terrible creatures, red mist, and visions of ancient sins, long forgotten.

A group of adventurers calling themselves the Fire Hawks recently left on an expedition to Rappan Athuk, and have not returned. It is said their leader carried with him an artifact of great power.

What is true is for you to decide!

Liberty's Edge

Dr. Dark! wrote:
Well, im loving everyones characters. Brilliant.

Thanks )

Dr. Dark! wrote:

What I would like you to do if you have the time is come up with a bit of a party backstory between you all. It doesnt have to be elaborate; just something that ties you all together.

Hmm. Some ideas:

1. Perhaps all or some of us served in a war together?

2. Some of us could be related?

3. One of us posted a recruitment sign?

4. A mentor (who is no longer with us) brought us together?

Just off the top of my head, I'll try to think of some others too.

Shadow Lodge

OOO, I got two!

5) We all met in a tavern!

6) A mysterious stranger told us to go and defeat the followers of Orcus!

Liberty's Edge

Dragonborn3 wrote:

OOO, I got two!

5) We all met in a tavern!

A classic favorite. I'll add - We all met in a tavern brawl!

The Exchange

Dark Minstrel wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

OOO, I got two!

5) We all met in a tavern!

A classic favorite. I'll add - We all met in a tavern brawl!

Said the guy playing a wizard...

I'm a Cleric of Life, drinking is apart of Life, wat's your excuse book-mage?

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Dark Minstrel wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

OOO, I got two!

5) We all met in a tavern!

A classic favorite. I'll add - We all met in a tavern brawl!

Said the guy playing a wizard...

I'm a Cleric of Life, drinking is apart of Life, wat's your excuse book-mage?

I like to drink until I'm cross-eyed, then try reading a scroll and see what happens. Everybody parties in a different way )

It's also fun to wait until the brawl breaks out, then cast bull's strength on the halflings and cat's grace on the half-ogres.

I like the idea of meeting during a tavern brawl. It puts a new spin on a classic idea. Perhaps a follower of Orcus was involved in the brawl and during it someone accidently relieved him of some possesions, such as a map!

Dr. Dark! wrote:
I like the idea of meeting during a tavern brawl. It puts a new spin on a classic idea. Perhaps a follower of Orcus was involved in the brawl and during it someone accidently relieved him of some possesions, such as a map!

I would be, no doubt, chatting up one of the serving girls.

The Exchange

Perhaps I was trying to get people to convert when the follower attacked me because I was 'spouting heresy?'

Shadow Lodge

Also wondering if it is too late to go Cleric2/Necromancer2.
It would work with his 'Life and Death' caster theme, but I'm fine with cleric.

Liberty's Edge

Marcus 'the Mouse' Dana wrote:
Dr. Dark! wrote:
I like the idea of meeting during a tavern brawl. It puts a new spin on a classic idea. Perhaps a follower of Orcus was involved in the brawl and during it someone accidently relieved him of some possesions, such as a map!
I would be, no doubt, chatting up one of the serving girls.

And I have a suspicion that you are the one who 'accidentally' relieved him of his map while he was busy accusing Koryn of heresy.

Amazing how you can have one hand on a barmaid's skirt and the other in a cleric of Orcus' map pouch. ;-)

And I have a suspicion that you are the one who 'accidentally' relieved him of his map while he was busy accusing Koryn of heresy.

Amazing how you can have one hand on a barmaid's skirt and the other in a cleric of Orcus' map pouch. ;-)

::bows:: I see my reputation precedes me.

Liberty's Edge

Dr. Dark

One last change I would like to make to finalize my character sheet before the game begins is to switch (4) 25g scrolls for (2) 50g potions of cure light wounds. If you don't mind.

Shadow Lodge

Meh, I'll stay a cleric. I'll try going for MST in another game.

Dark Minstrel wrote:

Dr. Dark

One last change I would like to make to finalize my character sheet before the game begins is to switch (4) 25g scrolls for (2) 50g potions of cure light wounds. If you don't mind.

Thats fine.

Hopefully we should start later today. The name of the pbp thread will be "Rappin in Rappan".

Hopefully we should start later today. The name of the pbp thread will be "Rappin in Rappan".

Can someone let me know when we switch to the new thread.


Finally got the background done. . .kinda.

OK. New thread is up on the play by post site. Titled "Rappin' in Rappan".

By the way, when it comes to combat, I will post basic details of opponents, i.e AC, HP etc.

I will also, in most circumstances identify magic items, when found.

See you over there...

Shadow Lodge

Here is the link.

Liberty's Edge

Dr. Dark! wrote:

OK. New thread is up on the play by post site. Titled "Rappin' in Rappan".

By the way, when it comes to combat, I will post basic details of opponents, i.e AC, HP etc.

I will also, in most circumstances identify magic items, when found.

See you over there...

Are you going to add a discussion thread, also? If so, I will change my links to those two threads.

Liberty's Edge

Just to let everyone know, my general posting schedule on normals days is:

During the days I have access to a computer on and off.

Thursday and Saturday evenings until around 9-10pm central time U.S. I do not have any computer access until after that time.

Fridays and Sundays I have access after 8-9pm.

I have added a thread for discussion called "...Tell me again why this was a good idea?"

need to let everyone know that I normally am not on line on weekends.
will catch up shortly (tonight or Monday)

Hey, this looks to be a full game already, but would love to get in on this adventure. Please let me know if you need an alternate.

EMAIL: spikesgalore at yahoo dot com

dathom wrote:

Hey, this looks to be a full game already, but would love to get in on this adventure. Please let me know if you need an alternate.

EMAIL: spikesgalore at yahoo dot com

Will keep you posted

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