I am looking at running a new loong term (atleast a year and preferably going from 1st to atleast 20th) campaign for my friends. Since I don't have alot of free time, I am looking for something that is basically ready to go right out of the box with handouts and maps.
I was originally looking for a dungeon crawl as they are pretty basic and don't usually require alot of preplanning on the DMs part, but I really would prefer something that hase more opportunity for roleplaying.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Vaellen |

I am looking at running a new loong term (atleast a year and preferably going from 1st to atleast 20th) campaign for my friends. Since I don't have alot of free time, I am looking for something that is basically ready to go right out of the box with handouts and maps.
I was originally looking for a dungeon crawl as they are pretty basic and don't usually require alot of preplanning on the DMs part, but I really would prefer something that hase more opportunity for roleplaying.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Age of Worms was great but was ridiculously hard. It might be a bit tricky to find all of the pieces now.
Savage Tide looks even better but we didn't run it since the 20+ APs are really, really long and we started to get anxious to just get AoW over with as we got close to the end.

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Legacy of Fire is looking to be a pretty nice path.
For roleplaying potential, Curse of the Crimson throne is pretty good.
Savage Tide is great (not collected together though)...but these APs are stunningly long (especially if you can only average 1-2 times a month w about 3 encounters a session). I think you're better off with something shorter (I still vote for The Lost City of Barakus. Or jump on one of the Pathfinder APs - Curse of the Crimson Throne is the best of the v3.5 era paths in my opinion, too

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I ran through the entirety of Rise of the Runelords with the family and they enjoyed it (and wanted to keep using the characters).
Curse of the Crimson Throne proved to be the wrong sort of adventure for my children. They had an almost total party kill at the butcher shop (one survivor). Then with the Spider King they had another TPK. They tried to be directly confrontational in both places and ended up in over their heads without a plan. One of my sons complained that he hadn't been prepared for monsters that looked like people (which is sort of a theme of the AP). I decided to shelf it till they were more mature.
Legacy of Fire is working out much better so far.

Steve Geddes |

One option I considered when looking to do something similar was Shattered Gates of Slaughterguarde followed by Red Hand of Doom.
I can't comment on how it worked since I then discovered Paizo and switched to the various adventure paths.
EDIT: Not sure how far you were looking to go, but I had planned to move on to Expedition to the Demonweb Pits and Return to the Tomb of Horrors after those.

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Any Paizo AP is a good fit for running a long campaign. However, if you are looking for a Dungeon Crawl, I recommend the World's Largest Dungeon from AEG. We started that campaign a few years ago and took our characters to level 15. We still talk fondly about that campaign. Pretty solid for a basic dungeon crawl...
There's also a boxed set of Dungeon Crawl Classics by Goodman Games that could suit your purposes as well.