Joshua J. Frost |

Navdi wrote:Could we get an answer on this one, please?Samuli wrote:Certain (magic) items legal for Pathfinder Society give bonuses to skills no longer existing in Pathfinder RPG. For example, Trackless Boots (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide) gives +4 competence bonus to Move Silently checks.
Should Move Silently checks be treated as a subset of Stealth checks? Or should Trackless Boots give +4 to Stealth checks instead?
How about all similar items and traits listed in 3.5 source books?
The beta, and presumably the final game as well, seems to imply that skills are converted as is. That is, items/feats/traits that gave bonuses to, say, Move Silently, would now give bonuses to Stealth.
This is just my take, though. I'd rather wait for an official answer to this one.
+4 competence bonus to Stealth.
The reason I didn't answer this, is that questions like this should be answered on 8/13 with the conversion doc.

hogarth |

hogarth wrote:This may be covered by the final PFRPG rules, but does a wizard (or sorcerer) with an Arcane Bond object need to pay for the object when she begins play (e.g. a masterwork amulet, ring, staff, wand or weapon)? If not, then is there a maximum value for the weapon she chooses (e.g. can she choose a 600 gp masterwork minotaur double crossbow)? If so, what is the cost of a masterwork amulet/wand/ring? Is an arcane masterwork staff masterwork on both ends?This is covered on page 78 of the PRPG Core Rulebook. So I can't tell you yet. :-)
Exactly what I was hoping to hear, thanks!

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The feat "Minotaur's Charge" from p. 43 of Classic Monsters Revisited (which is an allowed feat listed in Chapter 13) has "Powerful Charge" as a prerequisite. That's a creature ability that minotaur's have. Should that be ignored, or should the feat be removed from the "kosher" list?

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For the items, feats, etc. allowed from 3.5 books, will they only be able to be used as written, or will they be allowed with any updates for PRPG? The specific example I'm thinking of is for armor. It's been hinted at/mentioned on the boards that medium and heavy armors have an increase to their AC bonus. If this is the case, will there be a way to use medium and heavy armors from other sources with the same increases? If not, then some of these items will basically be inferior in PFS. I'm looking at you, field plate! (PFCS, p. 211)

hogarth |

This may be a silly question, but what happened to Presence of the Pit Fiend? I thought that was a nifty feat, and was hoping it would be in the Cheliax book when I didn't see it in the Society 2.0 rules. Was it deemed to be too powerful?
It's certainly too powerful for a trait, except maybe as a 1/day thing like (the new version of) Impressive Presence.
I'm slightly disappointed that the faction feat I took (Forgotten Magic) got the boot, although I realise that it's duplicating another trait. Now there's nothing particularly interesting for my Taldan wizard.

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kikai13 wrote:This may be a silly question, but what happened to Presence of the Pit Fiend? I thought that was a nifty feat, and was hoping it would be in the Cheliax book when I didn't see it in the Society 2.0 rules. Was it deemed to be too powerful?It's certainly too powerful for a trait, except maybe as a 1/day thing like (the new version of) Impressive Presence.
I'm slightly disappointed that the faction feat I took (Forgotten Magic) got the boot, although I realise that it's duplicating another trait. Now there's nothing particularly interesting for my Taldan wizard.
Yeah, same with me.
I had chosen an "interesting" feat based on a trade that's always in high demand. I mean, what's wrong with ridding the world of a few undesirable individuals ?
Shame. Now I'll have to do it by dueling them. Dueling, seriously, what's the world getting to :)

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I'm slightly disappointed that the faction feat I took (Forgotten Magic) got the boot, although I realise that it's duplicating another trait. Now there's nothing particularly interesting for my Taldan wizard.
The rules say that you may select one of the faction feats. It doesn't say you have to. Why not see if there's a region feat in Taldor, Echoes of Glory that works for you? Or one of the other available sources?
I am curious about bonus languages. Does a human with an ethnicity different than Taldane or Chelaxian gain the language of their ethnicity, or must it be taken as a bonus language with either a rank in Linguistics or a high INT at character creation?

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Well, since I don't own any of the books listed in Chapter 13, I guess I'm missing out on a lot. :(
All of that content was released under the Open Gaming License, so I'm sure it's just a matter of time before someone compiles it for PFS use. Though that sort of goes against the idea of the Society being a marketing tool for Paizo. But it is legal and I know of quite a few PFS-based websites out there that this type of thing will probably appear on in some form or another.

hogarth |

The rules say that you may select one of the faction feats. It doesn't say you have to. Why not see if there's a region feat in Taldor, Echoes of Glory that works for you? Or one of the other available sources?
I'm not sure I'm following you. Here's what it says:
"On character creation, you may select one trait from your PC's faction trait list below. You may select one additional trait from any other legal resource (see Chapter 13)."To me, that means that I may have zero or one faction traits, and zero or one miscellaneous traits. Are you suggesting that I can take two miscellaneous traits?

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For Prestige Award, I am a little confused about how exactly the new system will work. I know that you can now spend your PA and this does not affect your "Maximum" but I'm a little unsure what happens after this Prestige Award is spent. I think it is easiest to question this using an example:
A character has 21 PA, which would be recorded as 21/21. The player decides to spend 1 PA to get a free 150 gp purchase. This results in the character having a Prestige of 20/21. On the following adventure the player receives 2 more PA.
Here is where the question is, I know the current PA would be 22, but what is the current value of the maximum Prestige Award? does the maximum go up by an equal amount as the current? or does the maximum equal the highest value that the current has ever reached?
Does the player now have 22/22, or 22/23?

Joshua J. Frost |

When you rebuild a character can you purchase items from any of your chronicle sheets or do you just purchase things up to the max amount allowable by your level and then purchase items from your last 3 chronicle sheets?
You rebuild from what's available to you via the rebuild rules in the Guide book and not from your chronicle sheets.

Joshua J. Frost |

This may be a silly question, but what happened to Presence of the Pit Fiend? I thought that was a nifty feat, and was hoping it would be in the Cheliax book when I didn't see it in the Society 2.0 rules. Was it deemed to be too powerful?
We switched from feats to traits so most of the feats went away. Feats were just part of the playtest.

Joshua J. Frost |

Twowlves wrote:All of that content was released under the Open Gaming License, so I'm sure it's just a matter of time before someone compiles it for PFS use. Though that sort of goes against the idea of the Society being a marketing tool for Paizo. But it is legal and I know of quite a few PFS-based websites out there that this type of thing will probably appear on in some form or another.
Well, since I don't own any of the books listed in Chapter 13, I guess I'm missing out on a lot. :(
Please note the rule that you need to bring the book with you (meaning you can't use the stuff in Chapter 13 unless you have the book) since we can't expect every GM to have all of those books and we can't expect re-printed versions of the legally allowed stuff to be correctly typed, edited, etc. We spell this out pretty clearly in the guide book.

Joshua J. Frost |

yoda8myhead wrote:The rules say that you may select one of the faction feats. It doesn't say you have to. Why not see if there's a region feat in Taldor, Echoes of Glory that works for you? Or one of the other available sources?I'm not sure I'm following you. Here's what it says:
"On character creation, you may select one trait from your PC's faction trait list below. You may select one additional trait from any other legal resource (see Chapter 13)."To me, that means that I may have zero or one faction traits, and zero or one miscellaneous traits. Are you suggesting that I can take two miscellaneous traits?
The intent is that you can select 2 traits using the trait rules and that one of those traits may be a faction trait (considered a campaign trait for PFS).

hogarth |

The intent is that you can select 2 traits using the trait rules and that one of those traits may be a faction trait (considered a campaign trait for PFS).
Huh. I didn't read it that way at all; it read more like "one choice from column A, one choice from column B" than "two choices, with at most one from column A".

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yoda8myhead wrote:Please note the rule that you need to bring the book with you (meaning you can't use the stuff in Chapter 13 unless you have the book) since we can't expect every GM to have all of those books and we can't expect re-printed versions of the legally allowed stuff to be correctly typed, edited, etc. We spell this out pretty clearly in the guide book.Twowlves wrote:All of that content was released under the Open Gaming License, so I'm sure it's just a matter of time before someone compiles it for PFS use. Though that sort of goes against the idea of the Society being a marketing tool for Paizo. But it is legal and I know of quite a few PFS-based websites out there that this type of thing will probably appear on in some form or another.
Well, since I don't own any of the books listed in Chapter 13, I guess I'm missing out on a lot. :(
I understand this rule, and that's fine, except unless I own or can borrow copies of every single one of these books, I don't know what's available with which to build my character. Only one store within about 100 miles of me even carrys ANY Pathfinder stuff, and even then it's just one or two of a new release, so if it sells, it's not on the shelf for me to peruse.
I guess I'd either prefer none of these traits be available or all of them be put into an official document online, with a complete description and referrence, even if that meant in order to USE it I'd still have to go get a hardcopy of the source.

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The intent is that you can select 2 traits using the trait rules and that one of those traits may be a faction trait (considered a campaign trait for PFS).
I think the confusion comes from where the traits PDF says on page 3 (considering faction traits = campaign traits):
"For Pathfinder Adventure Paths, there are two categories of traits to choose from. One of your traits must be a campaign trait chosen from the list given in that Adventure Path’s Player’s Guide—this trait ties your character into the campaign’s storyline and gives you a built-in reason to begin the first adventure. Your other trait can be chosen from one of the other types of traits: basic traits, region traits, race traits, or religion traits."
I'm assuming this is ONLY for Pathfinder Adventure Paths?

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I'm assuming this is ONLY for Pathfinder Adventure Paths?
My understanding is that it was designed with Adventure Paths in mind, is written with suggestions for using traits in a homebrew campaign, and was adopted as a better alternative than faction feats for PFS.
The overriding principle of traits seems to be that your two traits must come from different trait categories (religion, region, campaign, race, etc). So you can take one faction trait, but not two (just like you could take one Legacy of Fire campaign trait, but not two). You could also take one religion trait and one race trait instead.

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For the items, feats, etc. allowed from 3.5 books, will they only be able to be used as written, or will they be allowed with any updates for PRPG? The specific example I'm thinking of is for armor. It's been hinted at/mentioned on the boards that medium and heavy armors have an increase to their AC bonus. If this is the case, will there be a way to use medium and heavy armors from other sources with the same increases? If not, then some of these items will basically be inferior in PFS. I'm looking at you, field plate! (PFCS, p. 211)
Josh, any answer on this question? Looks like you might have missed it.

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JoelF847 wrote:For the items, feats, etc. allowed from 3.5 books, will they only be able to be used as written, or will they be allowed with any updates for PRPG? The specific example I'm thinking of is for armor. It's been hinted at/mentioned on the boards that medium and heavy armors have an increase to their AC bonus. If this is the case, will there be a way to use medium and heavy armors from other sources with the same increases? If not, then some of these items will basically be inferior in PFS. I'm looking at you, field plate! (PFCS, p. 211)Josh, any answer on this question? Looks like you might have missed it.
I'd be willing to bet all the armors you may be worried about (most definitely Field Plate) will be in the core book that we're all eagerly awaiting on the 13th. That's probably why the question hadn't been addressed yet specifically.

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You rebuild from what's available to you via the rebuild rules in the Guide book and not from your chronicle sheets.
Were you guys going to clarify if Season 0 PC's could purchase the mithril chain shirts if we had access/purchased them before? :)
Damm us greedy gamers :)
Thanks for you hard work Josh.

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Were you guys going to clarify if Season 0 PC's could purchase the mithril chain shirts if we had access/purchased them before?
Special materials except for dragonhide are permitted. You can buy a mithril chain shirt if the cost of that is below your GP cap. Your prior chronicles have no effect during the conversion process.

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Gotrek22 wrote:You rebuild from what's available to you via the rebuild rules in the Guide book and not from your chronicle sheets.When you rebuild a character can you purchase items from any of your chronicle sheets or do you just purchase things up to the max amount allowable by your level and then purchase items from your last 3 chronicle sheets?
ok I am confused by this answer... Nothing in the Rebuild rules states anything about if you can or cannot buy items avaible on chronicles sheet in Season 0, Here you inticate that we can't buy items from items found setion of the chronicle sheet from scenerios we played in season 0, but here..
Thraak wrote:2. Yes, so long as you're following the rules for purchasing off chronicle sheets.
2.Will still be allowed to purchase items that dropped during my first two episodes? (There was a nice pair of bracers that i had my eye on)
You indicate we can... So which is it... we can?... or we can't?..

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JoelF847 wrote:I'd be willing to bet all the armors you may be worried about (most definitely Field Plate) will be in the core book that we're all eagerly awaiting on the 13th. That's probably why the question hadn't been addressed yet specifically.JoelF847 wrote:For the items, feats, etc. allowed from 3.5 books, will they only be able to be used as written, or will they be allowed with any updates for PRPG? The specific example I'm thinking of is for armor. It's been hinted at/mentioned on the boards that medium and heavy armors have an increase to their AC bonus. If this is the case, will there be a way to use medium and heavy armors from other sources with the same increases? If not, then some of these items will basically be inferior in PFS. I'm looking at you, field plate! (PFCS, p. 211)Josh, any answer on this question? Looks like you might have missed it.
I should have taken your bet.
Still hoping that pre PRPG medium and heavy armors from legal sources will have an upgrade for PFS to mesh with the PRPG armors.

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In Chapter 13 pg 28 it says you can buy from Elves of Golarion, Equipment: clustershot, healer’s sorrow, and sparkfly crystal arrow weapon qualities, but there is no listed price for them. Where can I find the prices for them?

Joshua J. Frost |

Joshua J. Frost wrote:Gotrek22 wrote:You rebuild from what's available to you via the rebuild rules in the Guide book and not from your chronicle sheets.When you rebuild a character can you purchase items from any of your chronicle sheets or do you just purchase things up to the max amount allowable by your level and then purchase items from your last 3 chronicle sheets?
kellyok I am confused by this answer... Nothing in the Rebuild rules states anything about if you can or cannot buy items avaible on chronicles sheet in Season 0, Here you inticate that we can't buy items from items found setion of the chronicle sheet from scenerios we played in season 0, but here..
Joshua J. Frost wrote:You indicate we can... So which is it... we can?... or we can't?..Thraak wrote:2. Yes, so long as you're following the rules for purchasing off chronicle sheets.
2.Will still be allowed to purchase items that dropped during my first two episodes? (There was a nice pair of bracers that i had my eye on)
Argh, you can. But keep in mind that many items found on your chronicle sheets may have changed. Yes, you can purchase from your character's last few chronicle sheets. No, you cannot purchase from all of your character's chronicle sheets.

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Argh, you can. But keep in mind that many items found on your chronicle sheets may have changed. Yes, you can purchase from your character's last few chronicle sheets. No, you cannot purchase from all of your character's chronicle sheets.
Thanks Josh, I think I can figure out the problem items, But I don't think I have any on the first few. I will also Adjust the Prices as needed.

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Good evening, Mr. Frost.
I would like to say kudos to you on the magnificent document that is Pathfinder Society 2.0. I am eagerly anticipating running and playing in Year One. Thank you for all of your hard work.
If you have a moment, I was hoping you could answer a couple of questions for me.
First, how will the GMs report which character will be receiving the experience point, money, and prestige point from the session? Will the reporting software change on Thursday, or are we just to add our character in on the bottom?
Second, after running a session or two, which session sheets will we be able to purchase special items from? Will we only have the last three that we played available, or will we be able to choose items from the last three that we played or ran?
Thank you in advance for your answers, and I hope you have a good time at GenCon (wish I could be there to help run a few games!)

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Confirm for me please that the bonuses granted by masterwork tools or instruments and racial traits skill bonuses (such as the gnome's) do not apply to rolls to earn money for a character's Day Job, since they are neither Skill Ranks, Ability Score modifiers, nor applicable feat bonuses.
It might be a typo. cause they are part of the total skill modifier.

Piety Godfury |

evilvolus wrote:
Special materials except for dragonhide are permitted.Mithril was only avaiable on the chronicle sheets. And adamantine AFAIK was NEVER available. Although I haven't played all of the Season 0 mods.
Josh said up-thread that "some" special materials were open. Though not specific, it does imply more than one.

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Qstor wrote:Josh said up-thread that "some" special materials were open. Though not specific, it does imply more than one.evilvolus wrote:
Special materials except for dragonhide are permitted.Mithril was only avaiable on the chronicle sheets. And adamantine AFAIK was NEVER available. Although I haven't played all of the Season 0 mods.
One of the folks commenting on the Pathfinder book said that mithril is now in the regular equipment section of the book, rather than in the magic items section, meaning that it may not be a "special" material anymore, just limited by cost.

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Okay, some questions for/about a low mileage character.
I have played two scenarios with my PC, and acquired the 2 Prestige points possible for season 0.
He is, obviously, still 1st level.
Now, with the conversion rules, he is going to lose gold (150base + 565 + 453 for the two successful missions), but he will wind up with 3 Prestige points 3/3.
He will have a spending limit of 375 gp, which is actually less than the original charcater had already spent on one piece of equipment (a masterwork +1 Str composite shortbow).
Now, my actual question is: Since I have 3 Prestige Award (awkward way to phrase it...), can I spend two of them during character recreation to get my new PC something in the 750 gp range? Assuming that the "free purchase X gp" is for items that you can keep, not just a temporary loaner for the one session...