PARANOIA in PZO Sector!!!


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Liam focuses the camera on Sam.


Just a note for future reference, I'll most likely be buying a sword/knife, once I have a chance to look at the prices.

Mandatory Bonus Duties:

Team Leader:
Offers guidance and sound advice to other team members; acts as tactical situation commander in combat

Loyalty Officer:
Discourages treasonous thoughts; looks for early warning signs of Commie sympathy.

Hygiene Officer:
Monitors the personal hygiene level of other team members, preventing poor morale, substandard performance and halitosis. CPU performance tracking statistics show [CLASSIFIED] percent of Troubleshooter missions fail due to poor hygiene.

Communications and Recording Officer:
Chronicles the mission using advanced video technology, extremely sensitive microphones and gripping color commentary. Good lighting and innovative camera angles produce excellent training material and possibly even footage for popular evening vidshows like Bake That Commie!

Happiness Officer: Ensures everyone has fun on the mission; knows jokes, sings, leads citizen-instruction games; authorizes and administers biochemical supplements needed to guarantee a fun time is had by all.

Bots/Weapons/Vehicles/Sundry Equipment Repair and Maintenance
Officer (Equipment Guy):

Controls bots and vehicles assigned to the team; monitors each Troubleshooter’s equipment maintenance level. The Equipment Guy is responsible for assigned mission equipment that gets lost, stolen or damaged.

Weapons and costs have been added to my profile.

Also, if you can think of an item not listed, feel free to look for it on CBay...who knows it might actually be on there...I noticed cans of spraypaint are not on my list...

Make 5 additional CBay rolls while you're browsing, these will be for special goodies you may and/or may not find.


"Hold up, everyone! Before we get our mission underway, let me take a quick look at all of those pocket protectors! I want to make sure everything is in order, nothing in need or repair! Hehehee After all, a protected pocket is a happy pocket. Repeat after me, everyone! 'A protected pocket is a happy pocket! A protected pocket is a happy pocket! A protected pocket is a happy pocket!!!'"

Chuckles' eyes roll deliriously back and forth in his head and he starts snapping his fingers to the rhythm of his senseless chant.

GM only:


When I get the opportunity, I browse C-Bay. I would like to purchase the following:

Xanitrick (Wakey-Wakey) tablet (IR) 1cr
Visomorpain (Little Black Friend) tablet (IR) 1cr
Gelgernine (Inner Happiness) tablet (R) 2cr
Sandallathon (Sleepy-Sleepy) tablet (R) 1cr
Pyroxidine (Wide-Awake) tablet (R) 20cr
FunFun Firecrackers—safe for all ages! (R) 5cr each
Brass knuckles 10cr R

7 d20 rolls

GM only:


5 additional Cbay rolls as per your request:
5 d20 rolls



Attempting to buy a sword and a knife. Explanation: "Somewhere out there, a fellow citizen is being held by dirty commies. I am better at stabbing commies than shooting commies. Need I say more?"

Also, my five C-Bay rolls: 1d20=19, 1d20=19, 1d20=7, 1d20=11, 1d20=10


GM only:


I'm afraid of what's going to happen as a result of my really dangerous rolls. Will my PDC explode in my face? Only time will tell...


You are able to find a lot sale of the pills: 250cr for 1 case of each pill.

The fire crackers you were out bid on

You entered the wrong amount on your brass knuckles, 500cr...most expensive brass knuckles ever.

One of your bonus rolls, you're able to find 2 Red Laser barrels for 50cr. on a buy it now! Would you like to "buy it now"?

Your PDC begins to lag out and restarts itself, strange it's never done that before...

You also find the 101 Fun Songs to Sing in Line for 20cr! BUY IT NOW!

You also find a coded Illuminati message for you, attached to a red (blue) laser barrel. You purchase the barrel for 30cr and await the message that is withing it.

+5 perv points

Liam: Don't add your skill to your d20's not a d20 game...that is all for that....also you needed to roll CBay rolls for the items you were purchasing in addition to the browsing ones. so roll

2 more d20s for the 2 items you wanted to buy...keep in mind, you don't have any laser barrels right now either, only a laser pistol body.

GM of PZO Sector-Alpha Complex wrote:
Liam: Don't add your skill to your d20's not a d20 game...that is all for that....also you needed to roll CBay rolls for the items you were purchasing in addition to the browsing ones. so roll ** spoiler omitted **

Sorry, force of habit.


GM of PZO Sector-Alpha Complex wrote:
Chuckles: ** spoiler omitted **

GM only:


Ouch those brass knuckles had better be fine quality or at least personalized. Can I get 'Chuckles' embossed into them? haha

I will absolutely buy the laser barrels. (Good thing because I completely spaced out on buying them on my own.)

I pass on the 101 songs. (Chuckles is more of a chanting kind of guy.)

I'll also just pretend like nothing strange happened on my PDC. What my fellow troubleshooters don't know won't hurt them. Unless it does.


You purchase both the knife and the sword, the sword ended up costing 100cr, and you noticed after you purchased it, that it was being sold in AOK sector, which due to the communications problem won't be available til after the mission, if at all. The knife will be available at any PLC, you just have to pick it up and you got it for 12cr... good deal that.


You can pick up the meds and the normal laser barrels at any PLC. The other one is being delivered to your room.



I didn't have access to IC last night, so I'm doing this organically via the randome number generator at

I will list the rolls for each behind the item and also add in the weapons I want at the end. Roll will be in italics

To cut a dashing figure/maintain hygeine regs
I <3 Funbots T-Shirt 20cr 5
Red Sneakers with Black Stripes 220cr 1
Teela-O Pocket Mirror 5cr 13[/1]
Comb, red 5cr [i]19

Cleanse-O-Spray 50cr 17
Lemonine-Moistened Towelettes, 20 count 50cr 4
Hottorch (he has no idea what this is, but it's rated for Reds, so it must be okay!) 100cr 9
To help with the mission and/or interogation of Commie prisoners
Plasticord, 100m 100cr 2
Cancer-Lite Cigarettes 6cr 17
(2) Metal Pens (one black ink, one red) 20cr 15
(2) Black Ink refills 2cr 6
(2) Red Ink refills 2cr 11
Better living through The Computer's pharacology
Wakey-Wakey, 10 tabs 10cr 14
Sleepy-Sleepy, 10 tabs 10cr 3
Wide Awake, 5 tabs 5cr 20
Inner Happiness, 10 tabs 20cr 18
Truncheon 10cr 1
(4) Red Laser Barrels 25cr each 6
(2) Grenades 50cr each 17

Whatt considers Chuckles words for a second then nods... seemed reasonable. "A protected pocket is a happy pocket!" he says with absolute sincerity then a happy smile lights up his face. "Chuckles-R-DRR-1, maybe later we can combine our official capacities and have a Happy/Hate rally! I can give the guidance on how to hate the Commie-mutant scum, and then you can take over with the team building for the virtuous lovers of The Computer! I have some pamphlets that could help out!"

Sorry Chuckles only the Equipment Guy is qualified to check my pocket protectors. But I can assure you that mine are in perfect working order. They are happy pockets.

Chuckle's service firm is CPU Pocket Protector Refurbishers, so actually he's within rights to inspect them...but you guys can RP it out LoL


You fumble around on CBay for awhile, you're having trouble finding auctions on there that are functional, then you decide to organize it like a data search and then you begin to find what you're looking for. (AKA your CBay skill sucks so we're using data search skill instead.)

You're able to get your I <3 Funbots for cost.
The Red Sneakers with Black Stripes you're able to find on sale for 110cr.
The hottorch is available for 100cr
Lemonine-Moistened Towelettes, 20 count 20cr
Plasticord, 100m 80cr with free 6 pack of B3.
1 Black pen with (2) Black Ink refills cost you 10cr
Sleepy-Sleepy, 10 tabs 10cr

Truncheon 10cr
(4) Red Laser Barrels 25cr each

additional rolls: 1d20=10, 1d20=11, 1d20=14, 1d20=20, 1d20=5

Your PDC lags out and restarts itself while you're looking at a Kill all Commie Mutant Traitors shirt.


all items can be picked up at any PLC.

Whatt-R-BTL wrote:
Whatt considers Chuckles words for a second then nods... seemed reasonable. "A protected pocket is a happy pocket!" he says with absolute sincerity then a happy smile lights up his face.

Chuckles jabs Whatt in the ribs with his elbow in a friendly manner, leans in really close to his face and spurts, "HAHA That's the spirit, chum! Your pockets will thank you for your dedication!"

Whatt-R-BTL wrote:
"Chuckles-R-DRR-1, maybe later we can combine our official capacities and have a Happy/Hate rally! I can give the guidance on how to hate the Commie-mutant scum, and then you can take over with the team building for the virtuous lovers of The Computer! I have some pamphlets that could help out!"

His eyes narrow and shift back and forth. "Happy hate, you say? Sounds like a pretty potent combination, my friend!" ::nervous laughter::


GM only:

what kind of happiness pills do I currently have in my possession from the kit?


You inspect the kit, there appear to be several different pills, the labels are all missing though. There are some black pills with a red dot, some black pills with red stripes and red pills with a black stripes.

Sam-R-SPD wrote:
Sorry Chuckles only the Equipment Guy is qualified to check my pocket protectors. But I can assure you that mine are in perfect working order. They are happy pockets.

Chuckles gets all hyper and jumpy at Sam's pocket inspection refusal.

"There, there, pal. I didn't mean any harm. It's in my nautre to uh...heh heh...bring a little love into the pocket dimension. Bahaha! That's a joke, see? Pocket dimension? Get it?"

Unfortunately for Watt-R-BTL, he's still standing right next to Chuckles. Again he finds himself at the business end of Chuckles' pointy elbow as Chuckles appreciates his own lame excuse for a joke.

"I don't think you got the joke, Sam! But not to worry. You're our ::chortle:: glorious team leader, and I'm here to keep that frown upside down! I've got just the thing!"

Chuckles' spindly fingers rummage through his medical happiness dispenser. He fishes out several black pills with random red markings on them from unlabeled bottles and casually slips them into Sam-R-SPD's pocket.

"There ya are, champ. A protected pocket is a happy pocket. ::wink:: Eh, team leader? I uh heh heh t-trust you'll take these at the appropriate juncture, buddy. No need to let those pockets hog ALL the happiness. Plenty to go around!"

Chuckles whirls around in a clumsy, blissful circle, arms outstretched, almost scattering the entire contents of his medical happiness kit across the floor.

"WhooOOOoOPs! Easy does it! HA HA HA HA!"


"Heh, nice...why'd you just put the pills in his pocket protector instead of shoving them down his mouth! LoL

GM of PZO Sector-Alpha Complex wrote:
Chuckles: ** spoiler omitted **

GM only:

Two reasons:

1. I wanted to make his pocket happy.
2. I want the team leader to believe I trust his judgment.
(3. I don't, of course.)


This might be illegal information, but does my Loyalty Officer position come with the voice recorder or just the write entries on a slip of paper variety?

Whatt winces at the bony elbowing but nods appreciatively as he sees another servant of The Computer striving to live up to his assigned duties. The man's sense of humor was peculiar, but then again, if it wasn't one of The Computer's vidgrams that let him know when it was appropriate to laugh, he generally had a hard time telling.

"Oh, I almost forgot,once you've acquired your gear on CBay, I'll need to you head to Research & Design, I was told there's some experimental items that need a competent team to test them...I volunteered your Team. So report to R&D-1675-INCEN.TESTING"

A tall unhappy looking Blue citizen walks into the briefing room...

steps up to James-u and whispers not so quietly:

"James-U, I recevied an urgent communique from Vlad-I-MIR that the Ackage-Pay is Ying-Tray to ScapeEay"

NOTE: I suspect Paizo to be hammered tomorrow with the PFRPG PDF downloads, so make sure if you ARE trying to post, that you copy clip Before you hit you don't lose your posts.

F Clone High-Class
Boris-x-LOF wrote:

NOTE: I suspect Paizo to be hammered tomorrow with the PFRPG PDF downloads, so make sure if you ARE trying to post, that you copy clip Before you hit you don't lose your posts.

Speaking of which - that brings me to my apology for my absence the past two days; I received the special book in the mail Monday - and I've been spending most of my waking moment in an attempt to keep the drool from falling on it.....

Thanks for the reminder and heads up, Boris.

I received mine two days ago as well, but unfortunately my side work has not allowed me much time to spend on that, been trying to keep up with the boards too...I suspected that you might have been reading your book when I saw that you had received it in a post...LoL

F Clone High-Class

I use my PDC to buy the following:



Grenades x4
Energy Pistol
Sonic Rifle

I'll use 3 Perversity points for checking on each of these three items - total 9 spent.

After dealing with Giggles Hygiene inspection - I take care to treat the other 'abitrary volunteer' that was mandated by James-U. I believe that I was Whatt-R.

Going through the same motions exactly as was done w/ Giggles with extreme care and a lack of affection......



I will hold on to the samples of both persons for trying to see is Psion can use said samples to determine if they are mutants

"Giggles, nothing would bring me greater joy than to have you check out my pockets; I woulnd't want anything to happen to my pocket - and thus I think I should always use some protection for when something is shoved in my...uh...pocket."

Smiling, I offer access to my giggles to feel inside. "GAZANGAS!"

"Team leader - I would like to state that I think you've done a commendable job assigning the MBDs. There's no way we could possibly fail in saving our Com....panion, and killing those Commie bastards with the choices you've made under your leadership and direction!"

"By the way - does anyone have any Experimental Weapons with them? As a representative of Weapon Effectiveness Assessors, I would love the opportunity to know about it - so that I may record any vital information to report in service of The Computer - so that our great and Omnisicient capitalistic master would be able to benefit from any horrible accidents that your weapons cause you to blow up into itty bitty tiny fragments."

Oh great and powerful GM, would you be so kind as to do as many of the die rolls you need from for this C-Bay thing - since I can't view the dice roller here at work.

Also GM:


You never mentioned if I got any sort of indication if Giggles recognized me wriggling my fingers as a symbol -- or just obliviously seemed to think it was part of my hair-grooming.


Are you sure you want to attempt to buy that clearance of items? These purchases are tied to the mission number and your personal PDC, plus your ME card. Though you could attempt to Hack CBay and the Financial sytems to cover your tracks...but of course that's treasonous...

F Clone High-Class
GM of PZO Sector-Alpha Complex wrote:
Tataz: ** spoiler omitted **



Of course they're treasonous actions!! But so is owning the weapons in the first place.

But this game is no fun unless you really go for broke. SO - as a combo of Hacking (using 4 Perversity Points) to try to route the equivalent of an I.P. address to somewhere else when making the purchases. Then, if Financial Systems helps me in using another's ME card ID stamp, I'll attempt to make it seem like another identity bought the items (using 4 Perversity points for that too).

If both of these skills can be used in this way and this is possible - then go ahead and make the rolls using the 8 Perversity Points - but reduce the amount of PVs I use on the C-Bay checks to only 1 for each of the two guns - using a total of 10 on this big-time taking-a-chance going-for-broke gamble here!! This will probably backfire at some point - as I fully expect everything to at some point - and will probably wind up getting killed for it.....but at least I'll have fun doing it.



OK here's the rolls: 1d20=12, 1d20=6, 1d20=12, 1d20=13, 1d20=17, 1d20=20, 1d20=18, 1d20=1, 1d20=18, 1d20=9 (including the extra 5 rolls I was talking about.)

You are not able to find any Rifles with the proper level of delivery discretion, however you are able to find a coded message in an energy pistol auction, in which you will receive the weapon at a drop point. Cost 600cr, you're able to route your own credits through another ME card and purchase the weapon, well you hope it was succesful, but you can't find any tracks you left. You end up spending 250cr on a lot of 6 grenades, which can be picked up at any PLC. You also find a coded item from your secret society, 101 loyalty songs to sing in line. cost 20cr. In addition you find a wonderful deal on a double six pack, a six pack of red laser barrels, and a six pack of B3. 60cr.


Sam would like to try to get another 2 laser barrels and a truncheon via C-Bay, 1d20=14

Alright team. Let's head for R&D. Nothing makes me happier than testing experimental equipment. Nothing except killing commies of course.

Sam starts heading for the door.

Sam-R-SPD wrote:

GM ** spoiler omitted **

Alright team. Let's head for R&D. Nothing makes me happier than testing experimental equipment. Nothing except killing commies of course.

Sam starts heading for the door.

Your PDC seizes up while browsing for the extra laser barrels, when it restarts, there is a message on it, same as before, "

There is an Church of Christ Computer society member on your team, eliminate them and make it look as though a Free Enterpriser did it...Guaranteed promotion if you complete this mission successfully. -5LiPP3ry J1M

..again the message disappears almost as fast as you can read it. And is gone by the time your PDC finishes restarting.

"You're dismissed Troubleshooter Team PZO-224. Oh and the clock is ticking..."

Annnnd, we're back...

James-U-SSR wrote:
"You're dismissed Troubleshooter Team PZO-224. Oh and the clock is ticking..."

Chuckles perks up (amazing that he can perk up any more than he already is...)

"The clock is ticking, you say? ::anxious giggle:: Hey, team! I've got a sporting idea to boost morale and put a smile on those serious faces! Let's have a race to see who can reach R&D first! Winner gets an extra dose of happiness pills!!!


Chuckles bolts out of sight before anyone has a chance to object (or participate.)

You hear Chuckles' screeching voice trail behind him, "Last one there's a stale bag of CruncheeTym Algae Chiiiiips....!"

Sam follows Chuckles at a run.

That's a great idea! We need to get there fast.

He does his best to keep up with Chuckles


"And thus our intrepid band of troubleshooters continue onwards, to their mission."

Sfter recording a quick bit of team members leaving the room with narration, Liam runs out with the rest of the team.


GM only:


Before his team mates catch up with him, Chuckles comes to a cartoonish screeching hault at an intersecting corridor and promptly digs out a can of Bouncing Bubble Beverage Extra Classic with a sinister Cheshire Catlike grin. He cracks the can open, careful not to spill any on himself, and lets the entire contents cascade across the floor, while guffawing maniacally and breathlessly. 'Oh NO, I bet all that running will make them thirsty!!' He says guilefully to himself with a look of feigned concern written across his face. He then tosses the can into the nearest receptacle and starts to run at a determined pace, making an abrupt detour towards his quarters to retrieve a secret, coded message unbeknownst to his goody-two-shoes team mates. "Man are they ever a pack of morons" he thinks to himself, completely confident no one will ever catch on to his surreptitiousness.

I would like to spend seven (7) perversity points to prevent anyone from discovering it was, in fact, MY bubbly beverage spilled all over the corridor! For all they know, some clumsy Infrared hooligan spilled his contraband can of Bouncing Bubble Beverage and ran off before anyone caught him red (clearance) handed!!


With every action there is an equal and opposite reaction in the form of a d20 roll... ;)

Gen Con's over, where are my trouble shooters???

OOC: Everyone who's racing to R&D please make a pair of d20 rolls for me.

F Clone High-Class
GM of PZO Sector-Alpha Complex wrote:

Chuckles: ** spoiler omitted **

Gen Con's over, where are my trouble shooters???

OOC: Everyone who's racing to R&D please make a pair of d20 rolls for me.

The board was down some of Friday and so far ALL of today until just now.

A RACE??? Oh boy! I love racing. I wish I was as fast as Flash himself! He was known for being super-fast......and for wearing a trenchcoat with nothing underneath!

Takes off running after giggles, giving myself bigger black eyes from my bouncing.....assets (cue 'C-BayWatch' music). Heading off to PLC.

At least that's where I assume Giggles is headed - As we've already seen, The Computer only knows what's inside his head......actually it probably doesn't.....which is why he's on clone 1 still I'm sure! :-)



so about the 'drop point you mentioned for my laser pistol - do I know where this drop point is? Or is someone meant to contact me once it's there? And the 101 loyalty songs from my secret society.....which SS did it come; my believed SS, or my secret-secret society? And is that along w/ the 6-pack something I pick up at PLC also along w/ the grenades???

Mr. GM - would you so kindly roll a couple d20s for me in response to your own request. Thank you so very much.


The coded message was from the Anti-Mutants. The drop-site will be sent to your PDC on're still waiting. 101 loyalty song will be delivered, and the rest will be available through any PLC dispensary.

Tataz: As you begin the race to R&D, a pair of yellow citizens stop you. "Tataz-R-BIG-1, we have a delivery for you."

They both flash the antenna wiggle signal....

GM of PZO Sector-Alpha Complex wrote:

Chuckles: ** spoiler omitted **

Gen Con's over, where are my trouble shooters???

OOC: Everyone who's racing to R&D please make a pair of d20 rolls for me.

GM only:





Chuckles takes off like a warbot out of the days of Old Reckoning. He rounds a corner and disappears from view, Liam takes off, bumping Sam into the wall as he tears down the hall. Liam gets to the corner and slips on a puddle of something on the floor...crashing into a heap, soaked in what appears to be Bouncy Bubble Beverage - Extra Classic, from the liquid all over Liam's face...Sam rounds the corner and trips over Liam. Meanwhile, back in the hallway, Tataz is held up for her delivery.

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