TGZ's Sellswords of Punjar Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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I shall take a look if he lives long enough to level in the cesspits of Punjar.

Male Human Expert 1

As I mentioned awhile ago, I'm taking a page out of Pat's book and allowing you all to remake your characters at level 2. Feel free to change anything except Race, Class, and Class Feature. Items, of course, must also stay the same.

Please e-mail me a character builder file, PDF, or even a text file with the updates when you're finished.


Thanks :) I'll take a long look. Multi-classing cleric probably does make some kind of sense for Dagobert.

Male Human

Level 2 Vandis is now on iplay4e.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Hi gang, I am in honeymoon from tomorrow, and won't be back til 18 Sep.

Male Human Expert 1

Congratulations, you have won the day, defeated the beggar-king, and unmade his dark ritual. You'll now be heroes to the less vile people of Smoke and Dúlin will have a sizeable award waiting for you. You'll also, finally, be making it to level 3.

Now the question is, who wants to continue? We've been at this for over a year and I am very grateful for everyone who stuck through this module. I know it wasn't the heaviest for roleplay but hopefully some of you at least enjoyed the challenging combats. However, I also know that I've slowed down a lot and posts are a lot more infrequent on my part.

I apologize for this as I know I've been a stickler about post frequency in the past. I'll be honest and say that's not likely to change in the near future. I still love play-by-posts, but other than this game my interest has started to wane. I have a live game I DM on Fridays, another game I play in on Sundays, plus work, school, and any other number of distractions.

I put a lot of effort into the maps and wiki at first trying to make it the best game possible but I just sort of burnt out about half way through.

That all being said, I'm still willing to continue as long as everyone is okay with the pace of play remaining the same. Some days will be better than others, some will be a lot worse. I'll still be making the maps as decent as possible but the wiki, other than tracking character changes and hit points, is done with. Being the only one updating it just started to feel too much like work. :)

If everyone is done, then no hard feelings. I was very lucky to have a group this dedicated for my first play-by-post as a DM and even if the module was low-quality, the players and characters were of the highest caliber.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

I'll be leaving I'm afraid, as I'm trying to cut down on my games to avoid burnout. It has been fun and the maps have been awesome!

I'm also going to bow out, I'm afraid -- endorsing everything Fabes said.

Thanks for a good run!


I thoroughly enjoyed playing Dagobert, but I will be putting him down for now. Mind you, I may well rebuild him at some point just to see how he turns out at higher levels.

Many thanks for keeping this going and for giving us such a good time playing it. Also for the maps, background detail and all the other stuff that often goes unsung.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1

Yeah. This game was fun while it lasted, but I say we let it end now.

It's been fun y'all.


Surely was. It's been a pleasure.

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