The Thread Celestial

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Again, Tacos? Badgers? Brain May hair growth formula? Electric Guitars? Power Amps?

Silver Crusade

What about badgers? Are they in the hors d'oeuvres?

Dark Archive

{checks ingredient list on box} Huh. Apparently mock pepperoni is made from badger meat.

<DING!> Pizza rolls are done.

Ever stick aluminum is a microwave? The sparks are divine.

Silver Crusade

Mmmmmm. Badger.

Badgers frighten me. Plus they're mean.

I touched one once and I got to keep my hand.

Doot doot doo doo doot.

Silver Crusade

Is that Morse Code for "my cooking sucks"?

No, sounds like he needs propane for the BBQ grill.

I'll have you know I just got finished with a boot camp put on by Celestial Emeril Bourdain.


Looks at CF, STUNNED!

Silver Crusade

It tastes like this was from a cooking show by Purina.

Huh. Celestial Emeril Bourdain did look suspiciously like a golden retriever.

Air Bam!

Silver Crusade

Best movie ever.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oy vey, don't ever befriend a hound archon, or you'll constantly be off searching for some petitioner lost in the wilderness or another cherub that fell down a well.

Best good deeds ever!

Silver Crusade

Meh, sometimes when I'm bored I push Timmy down the well so I have something to do.

Best good deed ever (Again).

The only hound archon I remember had a "druid" friend. I just remember that they giggled and ate a lot.

Silver Crusade

Not your cooking, I presume?

Must of been mine.

Silver Crusade

Why don't you do more of the cooking around here?

The pay and benefits aren't that great, boss.

Silver Crusade

Pay? I let my staff have all the turnips they want. And the benefits are I don't shove my foot up their &~$&.

A wise Samuel L. Jackson once said: "Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherf@%$ing turnips on this motherf%*!ing plane!"

Silver Crusade

Great movie.

Yeah, I enjoyed it too, probably one of the best documentaries Ken Burns has ever made.

{continues work adapting Oregon Trail for Traveller RPG} ...On a roll of 1: your PC dies of Schroedinger's Dysentery before you can roll the die.

On a roll of a 2: turnips fall; the entire wagon train dies...

Sh-t, that's harsh.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The_Paladin_of_Nevada wrote:

Ahh. I see you have some experience with dysentery.

Oregon Trail ranks second on the list of greatest non-warfare associated fiendish achievements of modern time, only surpassed by the M25.

Celestial Healer wrote:
The_Paladin_of_Nevada wrote:
Ahh. I see you have some experience with dysentery.

Me, never touched the stuff, but when Paladins need to "keep it in" we use Ceftriaxone (Rocephin).

And the M25 will make a significant difference in the next crusade against evil and chaos. Ye have been warned.

Dark Archive

Bring it.

Oh, hi. You left the door open.

We shall hit the bottom no more!

*pokes head in*

My, what a weird and funny place.

Evening, yeeesssss.

Got any food?

Welcome! {mage hands over a chilled mimosa} A fresh batch of pizza rolls just came out of the oven and the fried calimari is excellent!

If you go into the fridge, avoid the vegetable bins. There's a picked peck of putrefied turnips in there transforming into a new avatar of Moander.

Oh boy badger! My favorite. I can still taste the hate in it.

Silver Crusade

I like the new person. Seems nice.

What's an anti-paladin anyway? The paladin we have always rains on our fun. Is an anti-paladin fun-loving?

Well, you know what they say about redheads.

Silver Crusade

Gentleman Nurn wrote:
Well, you know what they say about redheads.

Is this that thing about the carpet and the drapes again? Because I don't see what hair color has to do with interior decorating.

No it's the thing about fire.

All of the above are correct!

I thought an anti-paladin was a paladin with nieces or nephews? Or maybe one of those oh-so-smug Formian goody-six-shoes?

Nope, only got two footsies. I think I have some nieces and nephews though. I forgot, do you need siblings in order to have those?

Depends which reality you're in.

C'mon doughnut universe.

*crosses fingers*

Damn, it's been eons since I've been to the doughnut universe. Who's up for planar roadtrip?

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