Celestial Follower wrote: ¡HURRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
Oh, hey, are they finally going to resolve that storyline where Donna is actually sleeping with The Black Goat of the Wood's good identical twin?
Oh, that's my favorite episode!
She's trying to hide those tentacles, but you know they are going to pop out sometime!
And then it's calamari time!
MissingNo wrote: *TV begins radiating colour out of space* {mixes up a pitcher of colortinis, sits back, relaxes, and watches the pictures as they fly through the air}
Celestial Healer wrote: Will this letter work?
*holds up symbol of pain*
This would be an interesting take on Wheel of Fortune. :)
Celestial Thaumoctopus wrote: MissingNo wrote: *TV begins radiating colour out of space* {mixes up a pitcher of colortinis, sits back, relaxes, and watches the pictures as they fly through the air} *suddenly the entire screen turns octarine*
Woah. It's like High Def!
It's really more like Mos Def.
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I think my face is melting. But not in a bad way.
These colors smell funny.
*Dons a gas guy costume* Sorry, Jeff, but FAWTL is over THERE. Three pages, as the crow flies.
I made turducken in celebration of the new cable!
*peers out of the duck's mouth*
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Celestial Follower wrote: I made turducken in celebration of the new cable! Did you use actual turds?
Well, yeah, of course! What do you take me for?
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I was hoping the answer would have been "a ride in my beautiful automobile."
Hopes are nothing. Dreams are nothing. Friendship is MAGIC!!!
Celestial Follower wrote: I was hoping the answer would have been "a ride in my beautiful automobile." No automobiles, but I have a favorite horse. ...And you know what they say about paladins and their horses...
Don't feed Rusty the horse a huge can of Beef-A-Reeno?
Celestial Thaumoctopus wrote: Don't feed Rusty the horse a huge can of Beef-A-Reeno? *gurgle*
Welcome to Hell, bub. mwahahaf$&+ingha!
Rusty the Rust Monster wrote: Eat can? <3
lucky7 wrote: What am I doing here? You're going to use the Porcelain Throne after My horse and I use it or course. Well,noit together...., you know what I mean...
*kicks down the door*
A'ight. Whodunnit this time? *brandishes mop at the gathered crowd, glaring through his beard*
*checks* The english muffin from the cable box...
Leaps out the window while the horse sneaks out the back door
Darn it! You didn't open the window, and now I've got to clean it up!
<Looks over at Shanky>
How would you like to be a celestial minion?
*whacks CF with his mop then shoves it in his hands* Git workin' shorty. We gotta git this place SPOTLESS by tommorrah.
*selects a broom from his cart and starts on the glass*
*spills his turnip soup*
Oops. Can you get that, too?
{watches turnip soup dissolve a hole in the floor} Mamma mia, that's a spicy meatball!
The sulfuric acid gives it that extra kick!
Lazy bum! Ain't you s'posed t' be WORKIN'?!
*whacks CF again and pushes him towards the hole* Git that patched!
Will do!
<Finds celestial hammock and rests in it>
<overturns Celestial hammock>
{uses wand of the spell binder to change "celestial hammock" into "celestial ham hock"} Quick, throw it into the turnip soup!
Such love in this thread.
from the floor
You should expect nothing else from the Celestial realms.
I thought he said it was a Celestial Haddock. How am I supposed to eat a hammock?
Cast Enlarge Person and take Feral Mutagen.
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I've been frightened of the Ferrell Mutagen ever since I saw it used in Old School.